I looked into Madam Leota’s crystal ball and it said that ironically, what will likely happen is Aunt and Uncle will wait so long to get their road trip started that they won’t have any choice but to skip our locale entirely because of the Hot Weather Certain Death could strike them. And then the entire problem is solved.
Ironically, this weekend it’s going to be 79. Yesterday it got up to 96. Next weekend would be perfect weather for them to come.
OR what will happen is they WILL come but it will be when it’s 105 out. 105 here is no big deal. Mornings are lovely and balmy and you do all your stuff in the am and hibernate in the afternoon. Then right after the sun goes down, the temp drops 10-15 degrees and it’s lovely once again. And Aunt or Uncle will have some sort of health issue and will have to go to the hospital, in which case I’ll direct them to call 911 and tell them good luck, call my husband if you need help.
My husband is willing to move mountains for these 2 people and I’ve never understood why. Like, a few years ago when we were on a family trip to
Disneyland, we stayed an extra day and drove to their house (they’ve since sold it) to help them sort through their 35+ yr worth of stuff in their attic. Got through a mountain of stuff. Bunch of stuff got put in an open trailer bed for Uncle to take to a donation center. Uncle was to take it the next day to the donation center.
Days later, I got lip from Aunt about that because Uncle forgot to do it. And 2 days after we were there, it rained and “all of the clothing and everything got ruined and we had to take it to the dump instead.”
Well, sorry about that, but that was not my fault nor was it my problem. Go get mad at your husband, not me.
As a result of that, I don’t help them with stuff like that anymore. Because they bit the hand that feeds them.
I shouldn’t have been surprised because these are the same 2 people who shouted at each other in the grocery store about TP and Metamucil. It’s like watching a Seinfeld episode in real life.