What did we think of TEEN MOM 2?

My husband is a physician and so often goes days without seeing our kids before bedtime because he is stuck in a surgery, on call, etc. we have 4 kids ranging in age from 3 months to 10 years, and with 2 school dropoff/pickups, multiple sports, Girl Scouts, church, etc, I am constantly in my own with all of them, driving all over town for this activity or that one. Still, I have never resorted to pulling my kids pants down and beating them nor remotely considered it.

I also do not consider myself a single mom and I would be insulting real single moms to do so. My friend lost her husband 2 weeks ago and she is now a single mom, a job I don't envy nor equate to my own. My friend has to go to work everyday, pick up her kids, grocery shop, cook, bathe, feed, so homework with, sports, etc all on her own, every single day of her life, with never a moment's break. And to say my life compares, when I am only on my own here and there but do have a husband who eventually comes home and even if he didn't parent at all that day, can still be there for me to vent to, well, just no comparison.

See that's the beauty of living in the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: we all can choose to parent our children the way we choose. I have spanked my children yes; I've never beaten them! If you choose not spank your children that is you and your husband's choice and frankly none of my business!

As far as feeling like a single mom again: you can feel how you want and I will do the same. I am nurse and have many single mom's in my life daily; I have the upmost respect for them. My SIL is my BFF and she has been a single mom for the last 11 years. I have been right their by her side supporting her, doing every thing in my power to help her.

With that being said when I was: a mom of four, ages 17-5, working full time owning a daycare center, going to nursing school part time, and my husband was working 84 hour work weeks, 12 hour shifts, I DID FEEL LIKE A SINGLE MOM! My husband worked from 7pm- 7am, came home went to bed, got up , took a shower, eat dinner and went to work. He barely even saw his children let alone me! I am glad you never felt this away because it is not a good feeling and it is very isolating!
I'm sure Leah is stressed~ she is young to take on so much. Many people do it though.
However, just in my opinion, there is a difference in venting and directing your frustration at someone. Instead of just venting to Jeremy, she directs her frustration AT him. So instead of him turning around and trying to be supportive of Leah, he feels attacked (unwarranted because he is just trying to provide for his family) and in turn withdraws from communicating with her. That in turn makes her feel more alone~ I truly pray she grows in her relationships as she matures.
! As far as feeling like a single mom again: you can feel how you want and I will do the same. I am nurse and have many single mom's in my life daily; I have the upmost respect for them. My SIL is my BFF and she has been a single mom for the last 11 years. I have been right their by her side supporting her, doing every thing in my power to help her. With that being said when I was: a mom of four, ages 17-5, working full time owning a daycare center, going to nursing school part time, and my husband was working 84 hour work weeks, 12 hour shifts, I DID FEEL LIKE A SINGLE MOM! My husband worked from 7pm- 7am, came home went to bed, got up , took a shower, eat dinner and went to work. He barely even saw his children let alone me! I am glad you never felt this away because it is not a good feeling and it is very isolating!

I think what that PP was conveying, and something that I agree with, is even though there are times you FEEL like a single mom, you aren't. You still get financial assistance from your spouse. You still have someone else involved in your life and with your children even if it's not frequent. So while it may feel challenging and lonely, it isn't the same as being a single mom and it's insulting (to me at least) to say that. I really am bothered by Leah's comments along those lines. We are a military family and some of my closest friends are now widows. THEY are single moms. I'm sorry your husband and you worked long hours and it was stressful but it is absolutely not the same as really being single.

When my husband is deployed for months at a time, I feel lonely, but I'd never say that I'm going at it alone. That's incredibly selfish and I see that selfishness in Leah. It's not like her husband is off tanning and sipping frozen drinks in Hawaii. He's working and away from his family too.
I think what that PP was conveying, and something that I agree with, is even though there are times you FEEL like a single mom, you aren't. You still get financial assistance from your spouse. You still have someone else involved in your life and with your children even if it's not frequent. So while it may feel challenging and lonely, it isn't the same as being a single mom and it's insulting (to me at least) to say that. I really am bothered by Leah's comments along those lines. We are a military family and some of my closest friends are now widows. THEY are single moms. I'm sorry your husband and you worked long hours and it was stressful but it is absolutely not the same as really being single.

When my husband is deployed for months at a time, I feel lonely, but I'd never say that I'm going at it alone. That's incredibly selfish and I see that selfishness in Leah. It's not like her husband is off tanning and sipping frozen drinks in Hawaii. He's working and away from his family too.

Ita! We're also military and most times I am 95-100 percent the one taking care of/dealing with home stuff/daycare (really everything but my DH's job). It's nowhere near ideal, and there are many times that I do feel like a single mom...but I'm NOT and there is a big difference. My mom was a true single mom and I can certainly see how saying you're a single parent when you're not truly one can be insulting.
See that's the beauty of living in the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: we all can choose to parent our children the way we choose. I have spanked my children yes; I've never beaten them! If you choose not spank your children that is you and your husband's choice and frankly none of my business! As far as feeling like a single mom again: you can feel how you want and I will do the same. I am nurse and have many single mom's in my life daily; I have the upmost respect for them. My SIL is my BFF and she has been a single mom for the last 11 years. I have been right their by her side supporting her, doing every thing in my power to help her. With that being said when I was: a mom of four, ages 17-5, working full time owning a daycare center, going to nursing school part time, and my husband was working 84 hour work weeks, 12 hour shifts, I DID FEEL LIKE A SINGLE MOM! My husband worked from 7pm- 7am, came home went to bed, got up , took a shower, eat dinner and went to work. He barely even saw his children let alone me! I am glad you never felt this away because it is not a good feeling and it is very isolating!

You're mistaken. I do feel like I do most parenting and household tasks on my own. But reality is I am not a single parent. Reality is that even during residency when my husband was gone practically all the time, and yes he did night float for months at a time also, I still had a husband and we still had time together, albeit few and far between. I knew that if anything serious arose with our kids, even if he couldn't be there physically, we could discuss it and make a decision we both felt comfortable with. A true single parent doesn't have that luxury at all. They don't have a weekend day (or weekday) to be all as a family or pass the kids to their dad or any of that. It is all on them.

And for Leah to make that comparison of herself, when 2 of her kids go to Corey's half the time, her inlaws often take 1 or all 3 kids, Corey's family takes them, etc. She often has time alone or to spend with Jeremy when he is home. And she is a sahm mom so he HAS to work cause someone had to provide and income.

Also, I didn't mention spanking at all. Leah said "wear her butt out". That doesn't sound like a spank to me at all. It sounds like repeated hitting.
I think what that PP was conveying, and something that I agree with, is even though there are times you FEEL like a single mom, you aren't. You still get financial assistance from your spouse. You still have someone else involved in your life and with your children even if it's not frequent. So while it may feel challenging and lonely, it isn't the same as being a single mom and it's insulting (to me at least) to say that. I really am bothered by Leah's comments along those lines. We are a military family and some of my closest friends are now widows. THEY are single moms. I'm sorry your husband and you worked long hours and it was stressful but it is absolutely not the same as really being single. When my husband is deployed for months at a time, I feel lonely, but I'd never say that I'm going at it alone. That's incredibly selfish and I see that selfishness in Leah. It's not like her husband is off tanning and sipping frozen drinks in Hawaii. He's working and away from his family too.

My phone wouldn't let me quote more than once, but yes, this exactly. My dad was in the Air Force and passed away when I was 17 (of cancer, not line of duty). Sure, he missed many of my events on deployments, but he'd always ask about them, want to see pictures, videos, etc. It wasn't till he died that my mom truly became a single mom and that I felt it, as a kid, having just 1 parent.

And Jeremy seems like a good dad and stepdad. I am sure he isn't loving being out of state. He is doing it to provide for his family in the best way he can.
I guess I have a different definition of single mothers then you do. I assume that all dads are not deadbeat dads: pay their child support, make descisions with their children's mother regardless of their living situation, and co parent. I guess I'm delusional becasue my husband was like this with my step kids. He was their father reguardless of the fact he wasn't married to their mother anymore.My SIL, ex doesn't pay a dime for them but he takes them every weekend and it their " dad" for the most part so it's not as if I am delusional.We will just have to agree to disagree.
I guess I have a different definition of single mothers then you do. I assume that all dads are not deadbeat dads: pay their child support, make descisions with their children's mother regardless of their living situation, and co parent. I guess I'm delusional becasue my husband was like this with my step kids. He was their father reguardless of the fact he wasn't married to their mother anymore.My SIL, ex doesn't pay a dime for them but he takes them every weekend and it their " dad" for the most part so it's not as if I am delusional.We will just have to agree to disagree.

Who mentioned deadbeat dads? Everyone who said anything was talking about widows, not dads who took off. Though honestly, there are plenty of deadbeats too, my friend was married to one of them. When he divorced her, he had little to do with his kids and now at 6 and 9 he signed away his rights and gave them away!

I think my point is that true "single moms" don't have the luxury of being a sahm, don't have a spouse or co-parent to make every decision with, discuss funny stories about their kids with, etc. She may be lonely when he is working, but Leah has he benefit of being able to stay home with her kids and talk not only with her own husband about life, but also her ex-husband.
Just got caught up ...

Leah had Jeremy home and they still didn't get a long. I understand that she has to keep in touch with Cory about the girls but it sounds like she talks to him more then she has too. Then to bring up to Cory about if we tried harder etc again...run Jeremy .

Javi was so cute as a new dad. Lincoln is so cute. Isaac is going to make a good big brother.

Janelle, your mother probably has a point she just needs to say things better. Wonder what will happen when the show really does stop and she doesn't have the money coming in, she sure doesn't work.

Next week they show Adam's accident. I didn't know they were not that far behind. Last time it was like a years difference.
Who mentioned deadbeat dads? Everyone who said anything was talking about widows, not dads who took off. Though honestly, there are plenty of deadbeats too, my friend was married to one of them. When he divorced her, he had little to do with his kids and now at 6 and 9 he signed away his rights and gave them away!

I think my point is that true "single moms" don't have the luxury of being a sahm, don't have a spouse or co-parent to make every decision with, discuss funny stories about their kids with, etc. She may be lonely when he is working, but Leah has he benefit of being able to stay home with her kids and talk not only with her own husband about life, but also her ex-husband.

When you imply that I had my husband's emotional and monitory support, therefore denying my right to feel much like a single mom, it seems to reason that if someone isn't providing financial and emotional support they are dead beat dad, no?

I really don't want to argue with you; I just have a strong reaction to someone telling anyone else how to feel! I respect your opinion and the right to feel however you choose; just as I respect your decision not to spank your children!
What I take issue with is you telling me, Leah or any other stranger how to feel!

In closing: I have the upmost respect for those spouses of soldiers; they are also the heroes my opinion. I ultimetly know their sacrifice, as my son passed away on 9/5/12 while active duty in the US Navy.
When you imply that I had my husband's emotional and monitory support, therefore denying my right to feel much like a single mom, it seems to reason that if someone isn't providing financial and emotional support they are dead beat dad, no?

No. There could be many reasons why there is no financial or emotional support. The partner could be deceased or ill, there could be a breakdown in communication/support between ex-partners, etc. There are many possibilities.
In closing: I have the upmost respect for those spouses of soldiers; they are also the heroes my opinion. I ultimetly know their sacrifice, as my son passed away on 9/5/12 while active duty in the US Navy.

All I'm saying is that, again, even if you feel lonely and overwhelmed, when you were married but not seeing your husband often, you weren't a single parent. I'm very sorry for your loss regarding your son. For that reason I can only imagine that if someone found out your son had passed and said, "I know how you feel! My son is in college out of state and we never see him anymore!" You would be offended, as the situations are clearly NOT the same.
All I'm saying is that, again, even if you feel lonely and overwhelmed, when you were married but not seeing your husband often, you weren't a single parent. I'm very sorry for your loss regarding your son. For that reason I can only imagine that if someone found out your son had passed and said, "I know how you feel! My son is in college out of state and we never see him anymore!" You would be offended, as the situations are clearly NOT the same.

Actually, I wouldn't be offended ;I truly believe everyone is entitled to feel how they feel; loss is loss no matter how profound or small.

I never claimed to be a single mom; I have been married for almost 20 years. I haven't been a single anything since I was 17. I simply stated I FELT like a single mom; which I believe I had the right to feel. That is all, nothing complex; just a simple feeling!
Just got caught up ...

Leah had Jeremy home and they still didn't get a long. I understand that she has to keep in touch with Cory about the girls but it sounds like she talks to him more then she has too. Then to bring up to Cory about if we tried harder etc again...run Jeremy .

Javi was so cute as a new dad. Lincoln is so cute. Isaac is going to make a good big brother.

Janelle, your mother probably has a point she just needs to say things better. Wonder what will happen when the show really does stop and she doesn't have the money coming in, she sure doesn't work.

Next week they show Adam's accident. I didn't know they were not that far behind. Last time it was like a years difference.

Yeah,run is right! Leah and Cory aren't done.
Actually, I wouldn't be offended ;I truly believe everyone is entitled to feel how they feel; loss is loss no matter how profound or small. I never claimed to be a single mom; I have been married for almost 20 years. I haven't been a single anything since I was 17. I simply stated I FELT like a single mom; which I believe I had the right to feel. That is all, nothing complex; just a simple feeling![/QUOTE

Very sorry on the loss of your son. Losing a loved one is the worst part of life.

Yes, we will clearly never agree as of someone told me they understood the loss of my dad because their dad spends summers in Florida, I would be offended. They can call their dad or visit, I can't. I don't see that as the same. They may miss their dad, but that "miss" has a fix, mine does not, it is permanent.

That is why I don't like hearing Leah equate herself to a widow (or otherwise single parent). She has a fix for her single parenting, it is that Jeremy comes home and Corey takes the older 2 half the time. Does she feel lonely and overworked when she is alone? Sure! Who doesn't from time to time. And if she said that I'd be right in her corner. "I am really lonely when you're gone for work, Jeremy, and it is do hard to be the on call parent for those weeks, but I understand you have to make money for our family" and I'd be cheering her on.
When Isaac took Lincoln's hat off, and said "mommy his hair is so disgusting", I had to replay that part, it was so cute. No Kailyn isn't perfect and it's obvious she has a lot of issues, but still seems to be the most stable out of all the teen moms.

I'm glad Chelsea is starting to really get her life together. I really hope it lasts. I thought it was strange that Chelsea's mom was smiling at Adam, telling him he looks good. If I were Chelsea's mom, it would take all my willpower not to kill Adam when I saw him.

Leah, oh boy. I just don't see it lasting too much longer. I don't catch up on these girls online, so I'm not ahead of the news like most of you are. I hope it works out for them but Leah makes herself so hard to be with. Jeremy looked pretty bad in last nights episode, like he aged 10 years.

Janelle, just when I think it can't get worse it does.
Love love love Isaac - he was so sweet with Lincoln. I wish good things for Kailyn. It appears she only wants what is best for her family and is trying so hard without having any positive family experience to guide her.

Jenelle- love the dashcam video and it was his 3rd DUI :rolleyes2 I feel bad for her mom, having to watch her trainwreck of a daughter be involved with another loser. Whatever happened to Jace's dad??? And Jace was so adorable at Tae Kwon Do.

Leah - ugh - but that baby is adorable

Chelsea - why does she wear so much make-up???? Oy. I know Adam is a scum and she regrets things with him BUT they did make a very adorable girl and it appears he is trying.

Sorry to see this season end...their stories are just beginning...
Chelsea - why does she wear so much make-up???? Oy. I know Adam is a scum and she regrets things with him BUT they did make a very adorable girl and it appears he is trying.

The only thing it appears to me that he is trying is to make Chelsea nuts by flaunting Paisley in her face and making it look like he cares so much more about her than Aubree :confused3. He is still a tool as far as I can tell :scratchin. JMHO :upsidedow.
Kellydelly said:
The only thing it appears to me that he is trying is to make Chelsea nuts by flaunting Paisley in her face and making it look like he cares so much more about her than Aubree :confused3. He is still a tool as far as I can tell :scratchin. JMHO :upsidedow.

ITA...I also think I read somewhere lately that he and the latest baby mom are not together anymore...surprise surprise. He's a selfish idiot and I don't see him ever changing.


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