What did we think of TEEN MOM 2?

Kailyn is a dental assistant (or hygienist?) I believe prior to her having her second child she was working full time. Can't remember if she said that on the show or online somewhere. The others I don't believe do anything. Chelsea has her Dad buy her everything, Leah relies on Jeremy.. And jenelle who knows but I'd be willing to bet she can't hold down a job
Kailyn is a dental assistant (or hygienist?) I believe prior to her having her second child she was working full time. Can't remember if she said that on the show or online somewhere. The others I don't believe do anything. Chelsea has her Dad buy her everything, Leah relies on Jeremy.. And jenelle who knows but I'd be willing to bet she can't hold down a job

Yes Kailyn said on the show that she used to be a dental hygienist but that she had to quit because of the custody stuff and the impending move.
I never post here because I keep telling myself I'm not watching anymore...:rolleyes1 I dvr it and fast forward through most of it.

Just a couple of comments I just can't keep to myself, because when I yell at the tv, it doesn't hear me :upsidedow

1. Dare I say, I really see Kailyn maturing. Chelsea even a little too. (gasp!) Maybe it's the editing, but I really think in another 5-10 year with maturity we will be proud to see how far they've come. Maybe. :)

2. Dear Leah: you know how you strengthen your marriage? STOP yelling at your husband, nagging at him, and get over being a single mom while your husband is away at his job. It's called making a living and fyi, many spouses travel and are away providing for their families. Many of them with young children and even disabilities.
That marriage is doomed with her attitude. Grow up chicka!

I can't. Even comment on Janelle.

That's my share...:mic:
Anyone else find it strange that after 2 years together, 1 married, a baby on the way and the night before their "wedding" Kailyn still can't say she loves Javi? The bridesmaids asked why she was marrying him and I heard "he puts up with me" and "he's good with Isaac". A year ago it was about the stability and benefits. Is she just shy with her emotions or does she not love this guy?
I was thinking that about Kailyn too but still remember how she acted on the final show last year with Dr. Drew. She is really good with Isaac. He is such a good kid. So cute how he loved her wedding dress.

Leah did not have to have a baby right away with Jeremy , especially since she know he would be out of town with his job and Allie was disabled. These were not all new things to her like he said last night. We don't see her parents much this time did she move away from them? Cory is still in the picture so she couldn't have moved too far.

Janelle and Barbara what can I say. Jace does need some discipline now not when he is 10 for hitting or talking back like it does. But not sure it is the discipline Janelle's boyfriend wants to give him. He looks like he could be the violent type if he doesn't get his way.
omg..I watched an episode last night...apparently I watched a lot of shows last night...lol

But Janelle??? Where does that girl get her money?? I know she doesnt have a job, she couldnt pass the drug test. But she drives a nice car, has fake nails, colors her hair and tans, buys his bday cake, cell phone? And lives in a pretty nice house. Does MTV pay these girls???

Kailyn, her little boy seems very sweet. She seems like she has little patience with him. I loved hearing him tell her how pretty the dress was but then a few mins later (I know editing) she was getting angry at him in the car for being whiny all day...and SHE drives a nice vehicle!!

The girl with the traveling husband, she will be divorced quick if she keeps it up. And where will she be with 3 kids? At least she doesnt have a deadbeat husband, he has a job. And BTW, does her EX and her currently LOOK oddly similar??? lol
Why is Jace still wearing diapers and drinking out of bottles? Wasn't this his 4 bday? What age do kids typically potty train? That kid has zero shot at being normal. Zero.
Why is Jace still wearing diapers and drinking out of bottles? Wasn't this his 4 bday? What age do kids typically potty train? That kid has zero shot at being normal. Zero.

He is definitely the kid I worry about most on that show. Leah, Kailyn and Chelsea all have their issues but they do at least work at being good moms and very clearly love their kids a lot. Janelle loves only herself, her boyfriend of the week and drugs. I think Barbara is trying but the situation is awful. Between the bottle, the diapers and the hitting and throwing things, he needs some help and quick.
Why is Jace still wearing diapers and drinking out of bottles? Wasn't this his 4 bday? What age do kids typically potty train? That kid has zero shot at being normal. Zero.

I didn't think it was Jace she was changing , doesn't Janelle have a sister have a child or maybe I am thinking of Chelsea? The child she was changing had a frilly shirt on and the next shot was of Jace with no shirt. Even when he was hitting he had a white shirt on. Mind you they still have a high chair for or another child?
I didn't think it was Jace she was changing , doesn't Janelle have a sister have a child or maybe I am thinking of Chelsea? The child she was changing had a frilly shirt on and the next shot was of Jace with no shirt. Even when he was hitting he had a white shirt on. Mind you they still have a high chair for or another child?

Towards the end of the show there was a shot of Jace standing in what looked to be a Pull-up or some sort of diaper. I said to my DH "what the h is a 4 yo doing in a diaper?".

I'm with the poster that predicted that Leah is going to end up cheating on this husband as well. She is so emotionally needy and it is all about herself. She needs to grow up and realize she has 3 little girls to raise and stop with the pity party all the time. She should appreciate that she has a husband that wants to provide for his family.
omg..I watched an episode last night...apparently I watched a lot of shows last night...lol But Janelle??? Where does that girl get her money?? I know she doesnt have a job, she couldnt pass the drug test. But she drives a nice car, has fake nails, colors her hair and tans, buys his bday cake, cell phone? And lives in a pretty nice house. Does MTV pay these girls??? Kailyn, her little boy seems very sweet. She seems like she has little patience with him. I loved hearing him tell her how pretty the dress was but then a few mins later (I know editing) she was getting angry at him in the car for being whiny all day...and SHE drives a nice vehicle!! The girl with the traveling husband, she will be divorced quick if she keeps it up. And where will she be with 3 kids? At least she doesnt have a deadbeat husband, he has a job. And BTW, does her EX and her currently LOOK oddly similar??? lol
I think they make quite a bit from doing the show.
I think there was a preview of the whole season and there was a flash of Jeremy packing a suit case and saying they were divorcing or something.

I did think it was nice seeing Janelle and Jace hanging out alone, being completely normal, with no yelling. Hopefully she can keep up with the times like that. Of course, then it was just a screaming match back at Barbara's. Her boyfriend seems like the type that would be physically abusive. Looks like they go at it pretty hard next week.

Adam annoys the absolute hell out of me. 'The only thing she can bring up bad about me is that I have a few DUIs.' Like it's no big deal at all!

I think Kaylin (sp) grew up without people saying 'I love you' and she just isn't really that type. They seem to really love each other, but who knows. I don't think whether you feel like cheating or not should be the indicator of whether or not he's the one lol.

Chealsea... same stuff different day.

Leah is going to end up alone again. No question. It's unfortunate that she can't seem to grow up emotionally.
Does MTV pay these girls???

I think they make quite a bit from doing the show.

Back in 2010 Amber had to tell the court her MTV earnings - and who knows how much it has gone up for the other girls by now ;)

When she appeared before Madison County magistrate Steven Clase Tuesday, the Teen Mom star was forced to reveal her income -- a whopping $140,000 for a six-month contract with MTV.


Just wait until they all get cancelled, and the MTV money stops. I bet Leah will be kicking Jeremy out of the house to get to work! :rotfl:
Leah, just wanted to slap her! Poor Jeremy is trying to talk to her and all she does is tell him to listen to HER and HER feelings. I found it ironic that he quit his job that was sort of close to home to go to New Mexico for 5 weeks. Karma Leah. Now he'll be FAR away. WV isn't known as the hot seat of the country for jobs. She should be grateful he has a job to pay for her hair color and nails. I had to FF through her scenes.

Jace definitely was wearing diapers or a pull up. At 4, he shouldn't be. I'm sure once Jenelle's new baby comes, she'll ignore Jace even more.
All I can say is if my husband can make 40,000 in 5 weeks in New Mexico...Bye! :rotfl2:
OMG, Leah is soooooo annoying! Men and women are raising their children alone because their spouse has been deployed overseas. They can go weeks without a phone call and months without seeing them face to face. They don't complain. They suck it up and take care of business, because life GOES ON! I want to slap her silly when she calls herself a "single mom." Jeremy is WORKING, sending money to HER, so she can sit on her butt all day, so she can put cheap hair extensions on her widdle head. A single mom works, takes care of the house AND takes care of her children. Leah is so selfish! I mean, look at ChelC! She doesn't have much, but she's doing the best she can. She's not my favorite (she's so annoying) but she's trying. If my husband told me he could make $40,000 in 5 weeks, I would PACK his bags and tell him not to let the door hit in where the good Lord split him! Poor Jeremy couldn't get away from her faster. Leah should have spent that time making sure her husband KNEW where home was, instead she gave him more of a reason to get the heck out! Its ALWAYS about her. Then, she wanted Corey (of all people) to feel sorry for her. I got a kick out of his reaction. I LOVE when karma stops by to say "hello" don't you?

Janelle. What can I say about this girl. Listening to her talk about spending 2 days in jail. It was so miserable, not because she was without her son, but because she couldn't be with Nathan. That delusional twit is in for a rude awakening. I feel sorry for her children. She's unbelievable. Looks like Nate was starting to realize that when he was talking to Barbara. Looks like he took that time without Janelle to reach out to another girl. He denied it to Janelle, but his chat with Barbara all but confirmed it.

I didn't watch last season, but wasn't Kail and Javi already married?

ChelC. 10 weeks of "college". Congrats. That's all I got.
Leah needs to check herself fast (if it's not already too late!). She needs to let Jeremy be a provider and suck it up. She isn't all alone, she splits parenting time with Corey for goodness sake! Her mom needs to set her straight.

Chelsea. Really? 600 hours of instruction. Whoop di doo! Now will there be drama over whether or not she can pass the licensure exams? Randy will be paying her bills for the long haul.

Kail, why did the officiant keep calling Javi Jose? Is that his real first name? Sounded weird coming from her. Issac was too too sweet during the ceremony :lovestruc. I guess she can't have two Joes in her life ;).

Janelle is a train wreck. Why on earth can she fail a drug test and then not be given supervised probation? She obviously deserves it and needs it. Is her boyfriend doing drugs too? She sure goes off the handle when she sees him communicate with other females. If he isn't gone already, I see him skipping out soon. Unless he is enjoying the Mtv fame too much.
Kailyn- I was happy for her! And I didn't know Javis real name was Jose either. Javi must be a nickname. His family probably wanted his real name for the ceremony.

Chelsea- I was happy for her as well. She is making steps in the right direction. And you know what, she can now get a job and start supporting herself. I say good for her! And she already got a job! Being smart is not always about school.You can't measure success in degrees. So it was 600 hours, she completed it and now her real learning will start on the job. Don't knock it, I think she can do well.

Jenell- I wish they put her in jail. She failed a drug test, they should immediately violate her probation, right? She obviously has not and will not learn her lesson. Jace is already a behavior problem. With the swearing, hitting, pinching and everything else, he is going to be just like Janelle. Her boyfriend is such a turd.

Leah- She is a selfish brat. She is just setting herself up for excuses to cheat. I think it was very telling that she ran right to Cory to complain and look for some sympathy. Corey is a smart man, he did not take the bait. Who in their right mind would take a job that pays 40K a year when you can make that much in 5 weeks? Is she that selfish that she thinks she needs to be fawned over constantly? Its a pattern with her behavior. All the same things she complain about with Corey she is complaining about again. He isn't giving her enough attention. Honey, you are not the center of the universe. Remember now, that is why she CHEATED on Corey. She needs to grow up. I bet some military wives, widows, and actual single moms would like to slap her. She is not at all grateful for what she has it is always about her. Always.
Leah really angered me last night. Jeremy is trying his best to support his family and all she can do is complain. Sure, he will be gone for 5 weeks and that's not fun. However, after those 5 weeks, he will have $40,000 which is nothing to thumb your nose at. He will likely be able to take more time off to spend with the family - certainly more than he would be spending if he wasn't gone for those 5 total weeks - and will have money to help out with the family. I was interested in her comments about divorce on the trailer for the upcoming episode. I went online and found this quote:
"When that came on in the trailer I laughed, we laughed, because we're like, 'Really?! We're not divorcing,'" Leah said. "Jeremy and I were talking about each other, but it wasn't real. He really said that, but he says that all the time. And I thought it was serious this time."
He says that all the time? There's a giant warning sign. Maybe, instead of laughing about it or trying to decide when he is and isn't serious, you should figure out why he is saying it in the first place. Just an idea.

Loathe Jenelle. Barely tolerate Kailyn. Like what Chelsea is doing with her life.
Kailyn- I feel bad for her. She knows she is better off without her mom in her life, but she keeps giving her chance after chance in hopes she will not disappoint her this time. We all know she will. Her mom never put her first, and she won't change now. At Keats she taught Kailyn what not to do.

Chelsea- I think she's doing well. I'm glad she seems to be moving away for Adam and starting to see what a loser he is.

Janell- ugh. This poor child has a snowballs chance in hades of being normal. She was smoking pot in last weeks episode. Do they too screen you when you are preggers if you have a history of drug use? They should. And look next week her Prince Charming is getting. Arrested.

Leah- it's you. Not him.

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