Verizon FiOS TV On Demand--Something's Not Right


DIS Veteran
Aug 31, 1999
Hmmmm...not sure how to word this but for the last few months, my Verizon On Demand service (for network TV shows) seems to be lacking.

When I first got Verizon, all of their featured TV shows would contain the whole season as it progressed, so by the end of season, you could sit there and watch the whole season if you wanted. Also, I did not DVR shows that were On Demand, such as The Office. It comes on Thursday nights and I would watch it on Friday night.

Now, On Demand does not seem to be holding the whole season. For instance, only one Two and a Half Men is listed and it's a rebroadcast. None of the other shows are there. I tried to watch this past weeks The Office episode because I knew there was a new one and it's still not up yet. Other shows, like Grimm, seem to have all the episodes listed (total of 4), and as far as I can tell, my premium channels are listing all the episodes.

Am I the only once who has noticed this? I keep thinking maybe my setup is wrong. The formatting for On Demand and DVR menus changed in appearance a little bit and I keep wondering if there is some setting that is filtering out, say, October's shows for me (yet that doesn't explain why I don't have The Office:confused3).

I thought I'd ask here first before I got on a long-term hold with Verizon.

Also, my neighbor has Comcast and she had tons of On Demand programs. For instance, right now, she has all previous seasons' episodes of Dexter (1-5) and the current running season. I just have Season 6.


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