Uhm....Bahamas is now requiring vaccinations for all passengers over 12..

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I'd add a couple other options:

5 - Their lawyers are on the phone cussing out the Bahamanian officials that originally agreed to the negotiated deals which allowed DCL to announce a restart with cruises only going to CC.

6 - All the DCL higher ups have given up trying to navigate this mess and they are huddled in a dark bar somewhere, drinking heavily.
Or #7 (let's hope not) Cruises become a US Staycation at Sea. No Castaway - which would totally suck...:oops:
Just reading some of the speculation here and the only thing I can think of is I would be shocked if DCL didn’t know this was coming. With how much investment they’ve put into the Bahamas, and how much money cruises in general bring in for the Bahamas, I can’t imagine that DCL and others don’t have government liaisons as actions from one another are so impactful. With such close partnerships I can’t bring myself to believe that the Bahamian government didn’t give a heads up to cruise lines at least a day or two (at a minimum) of this pending emergency order. We all also know how government works - rarely anything happens on a whim and hardly anyone can move in silence. Those plugged in have likely known where the winds were blowing.
Just reading some of the speculation here and the only thing I can think of is I would be shocked if DCL didn’t know this was coming. With how much investment they’ve put into the Bahamas, and how much money cruises in general bring in for the Bahamas, I can’t imagine that DCL and others don’t have government liaisons as actions from one another are so impactful. With such close partnerships I can’t bring myself to believe that the Bahamian government didn’t give a heads up to cruise lines at least a day or two (at a minimum) of this pending emergency order. We all also know how government works - rarely anything happens on a whim and hardly anyone can move in silence. Those plugged in have likely known where the winds were blowing.
That makes their silence even worse. If they knew ahead of time, then they should have been prepared to update policies as soon as it was announced.
Sadly, there are a lot of reasons

2- They have decided to sail, but are not sure what compensation to give the unvaccinated families that have to cancel
Why does Disney have to give MORE compensation to unvaccinated families? Honestly, I think they have been more than fair. Everyone is aware of the various risks of cruising right now. If you have unvaxxed children and adults in your party, you know cruising now is a hit-or-miss experience and why would you put your family and pockets in this position? This maybe an unpopular opinion, but if you are unvaccinated for any reason or have young children who cannot get vaccinated, show a little patience and selflessness and opt out of cruising until it is safer for all, especially children and less complicated for all involved so the best experience on ships can be provided. Lastly, I appreciate reading your opinions--food for thought!
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That makes their silence even worse. If they knew ahead of time, then they should have been prepared to update policies as soon as it was announced.
That’s what I’m saying. Chapek aside, this is one of the most competently run organizations ever. I refuse to believe they were caught off guard by this.
I just saw an email from DCL in my inbox. I eagerly opened it in the hopes there was an announcement about the new Bahamian restrictions. Nope, just another sales pitch for HOTHS or Very Merrytime cruises. Boooo 🤣
They can't do that without an exemption from Congress like what was approved for the Alaskan cruises this year. It is far more likely DCL will require all passengers 12and up to be vaccinated.
Not sure that Congress can easily override the employment visa issue. A cruise to nowhere isn't a PVSA issue so much as it's an employment visa issue under current law and legal precedent.
Not to mention those school districts that have gone year-round.
Interesting comment. The trend is the other way here. The district I live in built a new year round high school in 1978, and it operated that way for over 20 years but is now on a traditional calendar. And communities that experienced booming growth in the early 2000's were forced to year round schedules because they couldn't build new schools fast enough to handle the increase in students and year round allowed them to squeeze more students in. But after the 2008 recession, they started returning to traditional schedules, but still have year round as an option.
Typically, how many kids are on a cruise during peak hurricane season in the first two months of school?
Lots. Many parents don't hesitate taking their kids out of school for a vacation.
Last chance for this thread.

If you want to discuss the Bahamian policy as it relates to DCL cruises - GREAT!!

If you'd rather speculate and provide opinions and anecdotes from other situations, please find another site for those discussions.

Thanks in advance for your cooperation.
I think we can all agree that common sense needs to be applied here( I know common sense and politics never line up). The Govern of Flordia did not want American Companies to create their own vaccine mandates. In this case they are not creating a mandate, the Bahamian Govern is creating the mandate and the cruise ship going there should be able to pass the mandate on to their passengers. I feel bad for any passengers that this negatively affects, but DCL has no other choice but to full the Laws of the ports they dock at or stop cruising.

This is really not that hard of an issue there is a clear common-sense solution, but with all things politics, it is always harder than it needs to be.
Trying to be glass half full: If DCL does implement the requirement for anyone over 12 in order to continue sailing to CC, they'll have to do less testing at the port and that might streamline things a bit.
I actually wondered if this is why they bumped up PAT's for the next couple of Dream cruises. Possibly they saw that all or almost all of the cruisers were vaccinated, and that they would not need as much testing time in port Canaveral.
I actually wondered if this is why they bumped up PAT's for the next couple of Dream cruises. Possibly they saw that all or almost all of the cruisers were vaccinated, and that they would not need as much testing time in port Canaveral.

Nah I think it was more being cautious about how long it would take to keep people socially distanced through security to boarding to the atrium greeting. Additionally it was based on how long it took to get the ship flipped in general possibly.

Someone needing to test or not really has little to do with when people would get somewhere for PAT. If anything if you need more time for testing you would want people to get to the ship earlier.
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