Topper'n'Tags Swap Requirements

I am always missing Disney so it's appropriate anyway.

Cute story - this is what happens when you are married to a techie (for fifteen years today!) My husband has the nickname of misternascar. So for Christmas a few years ago he bought me a domain as a stocking stuffer - missesdisney (my personal email has this extension). The intention was mrs spelled out like mr in misternascar. Of course it never occurred to either of us (and probably still doesn't to him) that mrs spelled out is missus - and it doesn't look as cute anyway so it works either way for me!

Happy Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Nascar-Disney
and BAMB's Dh works w/ computer stuff too... software, computers and whatever else he does.. he is a jack-of-all trades w/ that computer stuff.. he and DH should get along well when they meet..

ok, back to the template work on my LO

Information Security software to be exact. Being on the West Coast, Rita you might know the name of the company he works for. All with no degree too, he's a high school drop out. DH is one of the most sought after "techies" in his line of work.

Other jobs he's had. Mechanic, tree feller (cut's down trees for a living), sailor, ummm I think that's it.

Sorry bragging here, I'll stop now.
Sorry I couldn't be exact.. it had to do w/ computers and you know me.. it's way over my head (where is that ducking smilie?)
Information Security software to be exact. Being on the West Coast, Rita you might know the name of the company he works for. All with no degree too, he's a high school drop out. DH is one of the most sought after "techies" in his line of work.

Other jobs he's had. Mechanic, tree feller (cut's down trees for a living), sailor, ummm I think that's it.

Sorry bragging here, I'll stop now.

i say brag away!
My DH is completely untechie - but he's finally got used to being addressed as DH:lmao: DS(14) picked up the phone the other day and said "Dad says to tell you there's someone called BH on the phone" - I think I need a proper secretary or DH needs elocution lessons:rotfl: DS(8) totally gets our names and is always asking after Mickeyteacher and AWM etc. He can't wait to find out who he will be getting swaps from and when I (grudgingly!) let him have a swap piece for his books he always checks who made it and asks me how they did it.::yes::

Oh, and for first pieces, my photomats were MASSIVE - it was for a resort swap (Coronado Springs) and I'd specially bought CM photo mats in a colour range I thought would go, stuck them onto great big bits of "toning" CM paper and embellished in true CM style by cutting contrasting wavy strips and weaving them together down one side. Add a tiny photo of the resort and voila!:scared1:
My DH is a nerd of different sorts. He is a wine nerd. Big time. He can remember what wines we had where, even if it was 10 years ago. I am just trying to remember what I did this morning. :lmao:
If I can get my tush out of bed, I'll be posting between 6-6:30. If not, 6:30 to 7:00.
Oh, and I am adding a group of Anything Goes Disney for Kiddos. Mazda's Kicky and my WyFy are in it already. Any more interested kids?
Emma's interested...oops I mean Coolcat. Is it the same requirements, topper +1 from the list?
I've created a monster! She has gotten out of bed twice to tell me her design plans!
My oldest daughter is in...she's trying to figure out what she's going to do now...oh, the decisions!
First, Happy Anniversary Misses Disney and Mr Nascar! Gods bllessings to you!:love:

Hope, is your friend in El Mirage the one with the kidney problems or the one who was in a motorcycle/car accident? If your friend would like she can contact me and we can talk or scrap if she likes.
I dont know if it would have been a good thing or bad thing knowing of this group any earlier!!:rolleyes1 I would have been in trouble earlier!

See this guy?:worship: Me for you and Buffey and others!

And this is driving me crazy! Its like waiting for an ebay auction to end!
Will I get what I want? Did I win it?! 6:00 am your time is what time here?

I will ask Lauren if she would like to participate in the Kidswap. Is that like Kidscot?:)
Oh yes, and if I do get what I would like to do, can anyone suggest the best place for unusual brads? Wine bottles, etc? Online is fine because Im not finding anything at M or J!
Oh yes, and if I do get what I would like to do, can anyone suggest the best place for unusual brads? Wine bottles, etc? Online is fine because Im not finding anything at M or J!
TA! has them. and they are on sale! It was recommend to me by someone here...I don't remember. I ordered from them once and all went well.
AWM, more info on the kids swap please? I asked Lauren and she wants in!:)
That makes 3 for us so I think I better stop now before I get in over my head!
Buffy, thank you for your help! I understand you will be on vaca and I will not expect to hear from you for awhile, but could you pm me and tell me where to send prtotype to?
What do you do with cars?
Hope, is your friend in El Mirage the one with the kidney problems or the one who was in a motorcycle/car accident? If your friend would like she can contact me and we can talk or scrap if she likes.

Car accident...her screen name is KatDisney if you want to PM her. It's been a rough year for AZ DIS scrappers. Unfortunately, I didn't get to meet Disney_rider before I moved away. But I know Kat is lonely for scrap buddies.


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