To Hogwarts We Go!

I just realized that I forgot to mention lunch this day. We ended up grabbing something at Louie's since that was where we were at when we got hungry. It was okay. Nothing great but perfectly fine. B doesn't do pizza so he and I made a run for a hotdog. ( I know he had that for lunch and supper but he didn't mind at all.) By the time we got back my food was cold but that was totally my fault. G and I shared an order of fettucine alfredo with chicken. G ate the bread stick before I got back. It was good for quick service. C and Gran got the pizza and said it was good and tasted fresh but could stand to be a little warmer.
Sorry about the omission, since I had no pics, I had no reminder!
Obviously all the TMs in that section had the last name of "Malfoy"! Geez, what rotten luck!
We stopped in Honeyduke's to grab some treats and some gifts. We had a great Tm interaction with the witch that checked us out. We bought 3 chocolate frogs, one for each of us, a box of fudge flies for Sam, and I got a Honeyduke's jar with peppermint candy. We also bought a small bag of gummies for Uncle J. The Tm and G chatted for a while and she told G to be careful not to open the flies and the frogs at the same time. It took G a minute to get the joke and then she cracked up and she has told it to everyone else since she got back.

A quick review of our candy. We haven't tried the frogs yet but they are massive. B loved the fudge flies and ate most of them after Sam opened them. The rest of us just thought that they were okay. (Mr. Picky wouldn't try anything new while we were gone but happily ate something called flies. Go figure, kids are weird!) The real winner was the peppermint sticks which had chocolate in the center. These are so good.


After our snack stop we headed back to the room to open our frogs and see what cards we got. Above is a picture of B with one of his favorite purchases of our trip. He bought a stuffed toy chocolate frog. G had bought a pygmy puff earlier in the day and he fell in love with the frog as we shopped around Hogsmead. It is super cute and still smells like chocolate 2 months later. In case you were wondering he named it Cocoa, which he very cutely pronounces as Toetoe.

Back at the hotel G had all of us open our frogs to see the cards up close.

C went first since she had bought two for her and Uncle J. She got two Rowena Ravenclaw cards.
I went next and also got a Ravenclaw.
Next was B's turn and he got a Gryffindor and finally it was a super excited G's turn. She had two since Gran had bought her one the night before.
We were quite surprised when she got another Ravenclaw.

She was so excited when she opened the last frog and found a Dumbledore.
We thought that it was quite funny that out of 6 frogs we managed to get 4 of the same cards. G really loved this and next time we will have to get more so she can have a full set.
We made an early night of it again after our fun and some quick showers.
Thursday we started bright and early but we didn't rush. We had breakfast reservations at Cafe La Bamba at 10am to meet some characters.
The kids are early risers so we got to the park with plenty of time to play before we ate.

We ran into Betty Boop who posed for us when she saw us taking a picture. G wasn't familiar with her but loved her voice and sassy attitude.

I really wanted G to ride E.T. We watched the movie before our trip so the kids would know the character and she really liked it. B only really likes cartoons so he wasn't as interested. He cannot remember the little aliens name and always calls him A.T.E. for reasons known only to him.

As we waited to go through the doors the Tm laughed at B saying, "A.T.E. phone home."
The kids saw a squirrel get into our parked stroller right as we were going in and thought it was hilarious. A nice Tm ran him out of there for us.
The kids really liked the ride, especially the baby aliens.

We all had on our minion attire that day in anticipation of meeting some at breakfast.

We still had some time before breakfast so we went to check out Spongebob Storepants which has to be the best name for a store I have ever heard. This store was so well themed. G said it felt just like she was actually in Bikini Bottom.

First we visited Squidward's house and then we went to the pineapple under the sea.

Where we met Gary the snail.

Spongebob is not our favorite show by any means but we had a great time checking out that cool store. Up next, breakfast with some cool characters.
Really loving your TR, thanks so much! You seem like us--the park is fun but it's really all about the Wizarding World. :) Enjoying the food reviews too. The story about the witch in KA--my dd is reading over my shoulder but I didn't let her see that part so if we are lucky enough to have a similar experience, it'll be a surprise. I know everyone raves about Disney CMs but I think we had even better experiences at IoA: we met some fabulous folks in Hogsmeade who really "got it". I'm sorry you had a mean one at JP, but I too cheered when you said you explained to him the error of his ways.

Cannot wait to get to DA. Thanks so much for all the wonderful detail. I will be sorry to see this end!!
Really loving your TR, thanks so much! You seem like us--the park is fun but it's really all about the Wizarding World. :) Enjoying the food reviews too. The story about the witch in KA--my dd is reading over my shoulder but I didn't let her see that part so if we are lucky enough to have a similar experience, it'll be a surprise. I know everyone raves about Disney CMs but I think we had even better experiences at IoA: we met some fabulous folks in Hogsmeade who really "got it". I'm sorry you had a mean one at JP, but I too cheered when you said you explained to him the error of his ways.

Cannot wait to get to DA. Thanks so much for all the wonderful detail. I will be sorry to see this end!!

Thank you for you kind words. We had a blast and we were definitely focused on all things HP. You will have a great time it is fantastic.
This review will consist of our experience at the All Star Character Breakfast at Cafe La Bamba.
I am going to be totally honest so anyone interested will have good information since I found details on this hard to find as I researched our trip.

Here was the line at outside check in when we first got to the park at around 8:30. I chose to do a later breakfast at 10 and use it as more of a brunch.
When I went to check in I was told we could not until right on time. The hostess was not a people person to put it nicely.
Right at 10am I checked in and was told to wait outside until our name was called. I thought that this was strange as we had been sitting there for about 15 minuted and every person who had checked in had gone from the podium straight into the restaurant. After sitting outside and watching about 5 more families go straight in I decided that it was our turn.

Nobody questioned us so we just got in line. I think that it was a good thing that I took the initiative because if not I am pretty sure we would still be sitting in the courtyard waiting for the imaginary hostess.

There are two lines inside and you just choose one and tell the servers behind the buffet which breakfast plate that you want. I think that there were 5 choices. There were two small groups in front of us.

As we drew near the server we noticed that there seemed to be a huge problem with the breakfast that was a biscuit sandwich. Apparently they were behind in the kitchen and if you ordered this they would bring it out to you. The problem was they didn't take a name or make note of who needed one so many annoyed diners were coming back up to ask. The people that led you to the tables were being yelled at and they in turn were yelling at the cooks/servers. It was pretty bad. We quickly decided that none of us wanted the biscuit. I even overheard the table runner people saying things like, "the fat guy in yellow needs two more and the ugly girl at the back still needs her food." The staff was awful.

When it was our turn G, B, and I were first. Since B was 2 he didn't need a ticket so we chose 2 meals to split between us. G went first and the server dished up her food and then proceeded to get into an honest to God screaming match with the kitchen. It went on for about 5 minutes before I finally asked her to either serve us some food or get the manager and get our money back. She angrily dished out my food and shoved it at us as she yelled over her shoulder into the kitchen. C and Gran got theirs and we were seated. A waiter was supposed to come bring drinks. Needless to say that didn't happen.
We were super thirsty since we had been out in the park before breakfast so I finally went to find someone to get drinks. A bored looking girl came and took our order (by then our food was stone cold) and didn't write anything down. I figured that would be okay since we ordered 1 water, 1 cranberry juice, and 3 apple juices. After about 15 more minutes she came back with a cranberry juice and 4 orange juices. We took them as we were now dying of thirst but I did mention that she should write it down if that was the best she could do. I am no seething and would have called it a day except I had two little guys who were looking forward to seeing characters. I didn't want to pitch a fit and spoil their fun so I just grinned and beared it.

The food was fine and might have been netter had it been even sort of warm. The croissants were pretty dry and the pancakes were spongy but everything was edible. The kids were happy with it and that was the point.

I know this sounds horrible but I will say that the characters were wonderful and the kids loved it. B and G love the minions and B was in Heaven with Diego.


First we met E.B. Bunny from the movie HOP. He was super cute and he had his drumsticks out and was playing the drums on the tables.

Next came Minion Tim. His handler was friendly and good at her job and Tim stayed with us a long time when he saw how much fun the kids were having. We were also in an area with a lot of empty tables that hadn't been cleared so we had a lot of room.

C's shirt said "Don't Touch my Minion" and Tim loved it and kept looking at it and laughing.

This was taken about 10 minutes after the first set. Tim snuck up behind Gran and was making crazy gestures and being super silly. The kids ate it up, it was so cute.

Next came Gru and he was really good too. I was afraid that the characters would be as bad as the service but they were awesome.

As you can see in the picture Dora was next and B was in love. G is too big for Dora but she was excited for her brother. B was pleased to see that she had Backpack with her.

Right after we saw Dora, Gru ran by and tapped G on the shoulder and pointed at himself and then out the big window we were sitting next to. Then he ran out the side door waving at her. We had no idea what he was doing. Then out the window we saw the Gru mobile rolling out with him and some minions aboard. He saw the kids at the window and waved and pointed at himself and G again. She was so excited.


By now we were completely done with breakfast but we hung around waiting for more characters.

Squidward was next and he stayed with us for probably at least 7 or 8 minutes. He played with the kids and was a riot. He gave me a new appreciation for Spongebob, lol.

He did such a good job. You could tell he was teasingly being grumpy.

Next came the man that B had been waiting all day to see, Diego. DA was to G as meeting Diego was to B. He was the happiest little boy in the world for a while.

B was happy to see Rescue pack on Diego's back.

The only character we hadn't seen at this point was Spongebob. There was a lady that announced the characters and she came around then to ask about our experience. I was 100% honest so I hope that someone handles the staff problem because they were about as bad as I have ever seen. I did make sure and tell her how good the characters were though. She was super sweet and she went to make sure that Spongebob came to see us before he and we left.

G thought that it was funny that the lady hollered at Spongebob as he was leaving, "Hey Squarepants, you didn't meet these guys yet." He rushed over and we had a nice visit.

Would we do this again? Maybe if the kids wanted to. Them being so happy and having such a nice time almost made up for the horrible service and pretty mediocre food. I will treasure these pictures forever. How often do you get a picture with a 2 year old who is too happy to look up at the camera?

If anyone has any questions about this that I haven't addressed I would be happy to try and help out.
Thank you for posting the pictures and the review about the character breakfast! I know my kids would love Gru and the minions and maybe Dora & Diego (the girls used to love them!) but they haven't seen Hop and we don't watch SpongeBob! :)
Just found your report. Waiting to hear more. I especially want to hear about RPR as that is where we are staying in January.
AS we left the restaurant we saw where Spongebob was going. It was his turn to ride out on his parade float like Gru and the minions had done earlier. We watched as they had a bit of a dance party. It was a cute way to meet the characters if you are interested.

Patrick was there as well as a bunch of fish people on roller skates.

As this was going on we walked over and saw the Box Trolls. They were super fun, banging on their chests/boxes.

B liked them but would not turn his back to them so I don't have a picture with his face. He was fascinated with the noisy creatures.
After we watched the show for a bit we headed over to ride Transformers. Gran, G, and I rode while C and B explored the gift shop for cool boy souvenirs for the guys who didn't come with us. We liked the ride, the effects were cool. AS we were leaving we saw Optimus Prime was out to meet and greet so we all hopped in line. I only have a photo connect picture of this so I will add that at the end.

Gran bought an icee which the kids love and then we decided that it was time for some Fievels play area time.

Gran and C found a shady seat while the kids and I ran around in there. They had a great time. The play areas for the little guys were lots of fun.

B really loved the little water slide but I don't have pictures as I was riding with him.
After a nice long play time we moved on. G wanted to ride the Woody Woodpecker coaster so she and I headed to it and the others kept exploring the kiddy areas. That had to be the shortest coaster in the world history. It was fine but seriously lasted like 20 seconds.
When G and I were done there we caught up to the others in the Curious George splash area. B was having a blast getting completely soaked.

We stayed in a little area on the left and had it completely to ourselves.

A nice lady from Scotland and her little girl joined us and then it got a bit exciting. The adults were all sitting along a retaining wall that had a lot of bushes behind it. I saw a lizard right behind my new friend and didn't think much of it. Right when I looked up again I saw a black snake dart out of the bushes and eat the lizard. I grabbed my bag and hopped up and warned to woman that there was a snake right behind her. The poor thing about came unglued. She said that she had never seen a snake before and she quickly gathered up her daughter and they went to play elsewhere. It was really kind of funny.
We stayed a little bit longer and then I took the kids to change clothes.

This was the funnest way for them to cool off as it was super hot that afternoon.
After a head to toe wardrobe change for the kids we decided to take G to see the animal actors show. She loves this kind of thing and we had seen a few of the animals out meeting people earlier in the day and it had peaked her interest.

If I am remembering correctly this was the dog named Gracie which thrilled G to no end. It was a cute show and had several different animals. C really loved the otter and the birds flew too close to comfort for my taste as I really don't like birds. B is nervous around most animals and he enjoyed this as well.


After the show we walked right by the Simpson's area. I had really wanted to buy B one of the huge pink donuts. He loves donuts and I thought that the photo op would be so cute with him and a treat the size of his head. We just weren't hungry any time we were close and it was too hot to buy then and save it for later.
We took some of the photo connect Simpson's couch pictures here and they were hilarious. I will add them at the end.

Next we fought some aliens on the MIB ride. I didn't realize exactly how much spinning went on in this ride so I didn't warn Gran. It must not have bothered her too much though, she had the highest score.
While we rode C and B had a popcorn snack in the shade. C said that the pigeons were very aggressive there and she laughed as B dropped popcorn and they flew at him and he had mini heart attacks every few minutes. He didn't realize that his messiness was causing the birds to fly right at them.
He was also fascinated by the bird that only had one foot.

Since we were this close we just had to run in DA for a minute. G wanted to get a drink form Eternelle's Elixirs so we did.

G really enjoyed the kind Tms explanations of the different flavors.

She chose the green one which was the Elixir to Induce Euphoria and was green. It tasted like pineapple with a hint of mint.

Before and after shots of our ridiculously expensive drink.

B and C got plain Gilly Water and Gran went with the pink mixture which was fire protection. Which was watermelon with hints of peach and strawberry.
(Earlier in the week we tried the blue, Draught of Peace which tasted like berries.)
Our review of the elixirs are as follows. I preferred the green. We also didn't taste the mint at all. G and C liked the blue the best and Gran liked the red. Nobody really disliked any flavor so they are at least worth a shot if you don't mind the cost for the experience.

For research purposes I got a regular Butterbeer since I felt like I couldn't leave without trying them both. To be honest this was not anywhere near as good as the frozen and as it got melty and warm it was downright icky. Everyone was in agreement that from now on all Butterbeer will be purchased frozen or in ice cream form.
With refreshments in tow we decided to ride the train to Hogsmead and then right back to DA so we could compare scenes as we had only been one way. We got all the way in line with our drinks as I felt that drinking a Butterbeer on the train was a trip necessity. Then, B needed to go potty so we had to go all the back through the line.
After a bathroom break we got back in line for the HE and I took a few pictures.

It was pretty busy and it took us about 25 minutes to get on.


After a funny ride with a group of grown men wearing full on Slytherin robes and gear we got in line at the Hogsmead station.


This station was really pretty but it was as hot as could be in there. Luckily the wait was shorter, about 10 minute.

Here is a cool picture taken from inside the station where you can just see the crooked chimneys of the village.

I'll end it with one more shot of the inside of the railway station.
I am enjoying my lazy Saturday morning catching up on my DIS reading and love the recent updates you've done. Trying butterbeer is on my list of things to do in January as is riding Hogwarts in both directions. Can't wait to hear more.
After our round trip ride on the HE the kids were hungry. We decided to try Finnigan's.
The kids were pretty wiped out by then and anyone who has ever traveled with a hungry kid knows that the grouchies were encroaching quickly.
Then we met the best waiter ever. I wish that I could remember his name. The restaurant was not busy at all but it was loud in there with a man playing some music. The waiter really spent a lot of time making my kids laugh, he was fabulous.
As soon as we were seated he came around to get drink orders and he had little cocktail napkins. Instead of handing then to us or putting them on the table he began flinging them. G caught on immediately and cracked up. B just started picking them up. The waiter then tossed about 10 at him until B realized that he was being played with. It set a nice tone.
To fend off the starving beasts Gran ordered the onion and potato web appetizer.

Here is a crummy blurry picture that does not do this yummy thing justice. If hash browns and onion rings (the thin kind) had a baby this would be it. Deliciously fried and tasty. G, Gran, and I loved it. C didn't try it as she win't eat anything with onions.

B and I decided to split one of the salads on the menu. (i am sorry but I have totally forgotten the names of the food and am too lazy to look it up.)
Let me just tell you that this thing was massive, the bowl was the size of a bathroom sink. Ours had bacon and cheese and tomatoes with a big chunk of onion web on top. It was so fresh and delicious. The bacon was real, not the processed bacon bit stuff. B and I didn't even put a dent into this thing. I think that all 5 of us could have split this thing and everyone would have been full.

Gran got s different salad. Hers had a scotch egg on top and blue cheese. She said hers was great too. It was also ridiculously humongous.

C got a plate that had sausage and cabbage and other root veggies. It also had garlic mashed potatoes that she said were awesome. She enjoyed her meal as well.

G got the kids hamburger with applesauce. Poor girl must have been starving she ate it so fast. When our waiter came back too ask us if we needed anything he asked her if she dropped it and looked under the table. He was so good with the kids.
He was a great waiter. Refills were quick and he really made the kids feel special.
After our meal I took B to the bathroom and when I came back he had pulled up another chair and he and G were discussing the pros and cons of certain rides, especially the HP rides. He thought that it was hilarious that G was mad that she couldn't ride Hulk and Dragon Challenge. He said that he had tried them both once and was too scared to do it again. I bet they visited for 15 minutes. He told her a story of his first ride on Gringott's when the ride got stuck right before the first big drop. He said that they were pointed downwards at the giant black hole for 20 minutes. His retelling was so funny.
He made what might have been a grumpy meal a great one.
Your meal looks amazing. The salads looked really good except for the ham and bacon(actually they looked good but not good for this girl that is anaphalytic allergic to pork)

It is amazing how much difference a team member makes. Sounds like your waiter was great with everyone not only the children!!
After our nice meal everyone was feeling refreshed and ready to explore some more. I had every intention of making sure that the kids saw the parade that day and had completely forgotten about it until right as we exited the restaurant, we saw it. It was just about to go by. We walked up and got a front row, completely uncrowded spot curbside. It was perfect.
It was short and sweet and the kids especially loved it.


First came the Despicable Me people. Since we were the only people in our area with kids B and G got a lot of attention from the cast members.

G appreciated seeing Gru's 3 girls on the float.

Gru's car was so cute, exactly like the movies.

Vector was right behind.

Next came the characters from Spongebob.


As you can see here the roller skating fish were a big hit with us. They are so colorful and fun.

The main sponge.

The kids were happy to see their new friend Squidward again.

Next up was a carload of Pink Beret Bunnies fro the movie Hop. They weren't at the breakfast that morning so it was nice to see them.

G loved the fancy candy themed costumes that the people who accompanied the Hop characters wore.

The elder Easter Bunny and the Chicken whose name I am completely blanking on right now. The dancing chick was hilarious.

E.B. still playing his drums.

Next came Dora and B was excited to see her again and he thought that the swinging monkey people were so cool.

He quickly lost interest in her however when he saw his favorite character ever. Diego was there too. He was so excited that he began yelling, "Hi, Diego, it's me Brant." We didn't even notice that Boots was on the other side until I was looking at the pictures later.

Then B's favorite trip memory happened. Following Diego's float was a rescue jeep with none other than Baby Jaguar inside. B loves Baby J.He has a stuffed jaguar that he sleeps with and he like to pretend he is a tiny baby jaguar at home sometimes. This made his day. I was so happy that we didn't miss it!

Overall this was a super fun, high energy parade that I would recommend for families with kids who know the characters. It has super fun music and the characters interact well with the audience.
I've taken part of the last two days to read your TR. You've mentioned a lot of things I didn't know about and I'm going to have to read again to take notes before our trip in December. Thank you so much for taking the time to share with us what you did and what you learned. Looking forward to more!
I've taken part of the last two days to read your TR. You've mentioned a lot of things I didn't know about and I'm going to have to read again to take notes before our trip in December. Thank you so much for taking the time to share with us what you did and what you learned. Looking forward to more!

Thank you, I am glad you are enjoying it.
After the parade we headed back to DA. We only had one more day left so we had some shopping to do.

I spent some time in the Quidditch store which is fantastic. G also wanted to get her teacher a gift and after much deliberation she decided on a Hogwarts notepad from Scribbulus.
We shopped around for a while and then we headed out.
I will add that we since we used our photo connect card the day before, this day, and our last day I checked out the pictures every day before we left. The day before in IOA took forever and the guy that helped me was not awesome. He was condescending and not very good at his job. This day I checked them out in US and it was fast, efficient and well done. For continuity I will say that the last day I did it in IOA again and it was a slow as Christmas. I waited forever! That time I did have a super sweet woman help me and she fixed the mess that the guy from 2 days ago had made. He apparently didn't give a care and didn't do any of what he said he was going to do. I am super glad that I double checked.
Here are some pictures I took as I played tourist on the way out of the park.

Cool Pumpkin Juice sign.

The Knight Bus

The Monster Cafe


More minions, you can never have too many minions!


Gru's House
We also stopped in a bakery on the way out. We decided that we were going to be hungry later due to our early dinner so we all got a treat for the evening. Gran got a toffee caramel apple, C got a caramel apple with nuts, and G chose a smores caramel apple. I wanted a vanilla cupcake and it was buy one get one so I got a chocolate one to share as well. There was a whole beautiful bakery case and silly B insisted on a tube of M&M minis. He is so boring! I also picked up a bag on minion shaped taffy to take home that was adorable and tasted like banana. I will post pics later on in the report because they were so cute and tasted great if you like banana. In addition I grabbed some all spark, Transformers, chocolates for the boys at home.

I finally took the time to take a few pictures of the hotel as well in case anyone is interested.

The beautiful bridge to the entrance.

View from the bridge.

In the lobby

This fountain was really beautiful, especially at night.

In the quidditch store I picked the kids each a house banner for their room and I grabbed a Ravenclaw hat as my pale self was beginning to sunburn.

They both are really proud of these. I surprised them with them when we got back to the room.

Here is a picture of the minion taffy. It was so good!

Here is a picture of G's apple. This thing was huge and it was hilarious watching her try to eat it with no front teeth. She ate less than half so I finished it and we saved the cupcakes for the next day. This tasted really good as well. Everyone liked their apples.

Here is a pic of C with her apple to help you see how big these things are. We took showers and laughed at B being silly and stalling his bed time for as long as possible. We had one more day to enjoy the parks and we wanted to be fresh.

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