Three Things...Gratitude Thread

My House
My car
My Dog
My coffee
My phone
My space heater because it’s only 17° outside and I feel like it’s 17° inside🤣🤣
I will not be grateful for all the snow we have outside that’s not going anywhere because it’s too cold 🥶
I am very grateful for ice melt that works at temps below freezing - I can see that as my path to take the dog out is not a sheet of ice !!!🧊
Happy HUMP Day 🐫

#1 - Our 7 Month Old Puppy Otis - I would have been just fine living the rest of my life without a dog, and then we decided to have Otis join our family. He is so special and has filled a void in our house with us being empty nesters now.

#2 - My Tablet - I don’t have a laptop and our computer is ancient, so I’m very grateful for my laptop - I use it for everything.

#3 - My Coffee Pot - I’m very grateful to have a pot of coffee ready to go when I wake up.
you think chef until you live with one 🤣🤣🤣🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄 omg The story I could tell you Trust me we’re not eating Michelin star meals They experiment on you it’s not fun 🤣🤣🤣😳😳😳

OMG...I dated a chef for a few months back in my early 20s. I was the tester...the guinea pig. Some of it was great, there were some fights over what he wanted to serve me (friend gifted him with some spoils from an exotic game hunt in Africa), and sometimes I just wanted "average" food. I'm reminded of the ending of The Menu where Anya Taylor-Joy's character just wants a really good cheeseburger. Nothing elevated or elegant...just a cheeseburger. He once took me to a trendy "chef's picnic" for chefs to test things on other chefs. I was suddenly everyone's guinea pig!
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New Desk - For Christmas, Santa got me a new desk. It's one of those mechanized ones that can be raised and lowered. It helps get me on my feet on and off throughout the day. Once I determine my preferred heights and get past some tummy issues, I will start trying it out with my walking pad. That's also in view, but I feel like it's taunting me right now, screaming "why aren't you using me?!?!?" So, I'll skip the gratitude for it right now.

New Chair - I can't see all of it, since I'm sitting in it right now but I can see the arm rests, so it counts. Santa also brought me a new office chair. I'm still adjusting to it, but it's definitely an improvement over my old one, which was creating all kinds of pain.

Desk Flair - I built it back in yesterday now that I'm getting settled. It's everything from little Disney trip memories, national parks mementos, and small toys from childhood to things from the kids, my mom, and little fun things from our "in-office" times that I collected and retained over the years.

Honorable mentions- Bright orange Stanley for hydration, one of my Disney pin boards, a few sets of mouse ears, some costume accessories/masks, some of my workout gear, some of my personal office gear, my Disney race medals and bibs, three computer screens (not sure how we ever got by with just one), a pic of the girls from their first trip to CRT, and my small tower of drawers to store a lot of random junk 🤣
A late friend sent me a small stuffed animal yellow canary. Grateful God by my faith bief had me get to know Linda.

A yellow smiley touch light is by my bed.

Dad daily uses an orange saucepan to heat the chicken broth we share.

God wiilling one day dad and I will be able to go out together. Should a trip be over lunchtime, one or both of us, might bring food inside an insulated lunch bag that are partly yellow.
The orange / yellow color of my bedroom walls so soothing !!!

I consider yellow a very happy color!! I try to work it into different things in my house because it makes me smile the yellow happy face is one of my most favorite things ever😊😊😊

In orange is not one of my favorite colors but it looks great on me so I have several orange shirts I’m very grateful that I found something that looks good on me and it’s so easy to find in stores!!
My office- My office is bright yellow. It's a shock to some if I turn on my camera during meetings, but to me, it's cheery. I'm looking to add another lamp closer to my desk space so I can experience more of the yellow pop right in front of me.

New shoes- I got not one, but two pairs of orange sneakers as gifts for the holidays. As a Syracuse alum, it's nice to have some big orange pop in my options.

Orange luggage - It has seen better days, but I have a set of burnt orange Samsonite suitcases that really stand out when we fly. We've always had bright colored luggage (teal, cobalt blue, emerald green, silver, etc) , and nearly all of the other bags we check are standouts, but the orange pops more than any of them when spinning around on the baggage carousel.
Most of the flowers 🌼 🌼 🌼 when growing on massive bushes here in Yuma

#95 from Disney Cars on my blanket that I have to keep me warm outside on my recliner is mostly 🧡 🧡 🧡

Carrots are 99 cents pound bulk... supplements to my Princess dog food...I don't call her princess.. she just thinks she is with the gourmet food
Happy Friday Friends! :wave:

From yesterday……

#1 - Sunshine - I’m always grateful for sunshine, especially in the winter.

#2 - My Kitchen - I love a yellow kitchen.

#3 - Mandarin Oranges - So yummy!

#4 - Orange Jello - With mandarin oranges in it. I have both here now so I can make this yummy treat.
I'm grateful my grandma set an example of reusing things for new purposes.

I'm grateful for advice (when I was young and later for DS) to look for the "little" scholarships not everyone knows about.

I'm grateful to know that the more days you add to your WDW ticket, the cheaper each day is! :laughing: :earsgirl:
The DIS - I can’t even begin to explain how much money I have saved by finding this website I originally found it from a book when I was planning my first trip to Walt Disney World I have saved hundreds and hundreds of dollars on tickets passes all kinds of things that I never would’ve known about had I not gotten on this site which led me to DVC …… and that saved me a ton of money because that was back when resale was considered the same as buying direct I didn’t join until after I bought my DVC but I was all over this site for years before that which led me to DCL and I’ve saved a ton of money by all the tips I have found on that… made lifelong Friends too it’s an awesome community 😊❤️❤️❤️

Having grown up with a parent who grew up during the depression frugal doesn’t even begin to explain my father he makes Scrooge McDuck look like he’s extra extravagant🤣🤣🤣🤣 and if I thought my father was frugal then you need to meet my father-in-law because he took frugal to almost a Gold Medal 🥇 level 😳🙄🙄
Buying bread from the old store / buying from resale shops refurbishing things fixing things not buying something new never buying something new ever I could go on and on -

Setting goals - if you want to do something say take a trip then you set a goal of how much you need to set aside and then you work towards making that happen

my other one - waiting for the really good sales and hopefully having a coupon stores and notoriously run the same sales over and over once you know what sales they’re gonna run and when it’s just a matter of waiting for them to run that sale and then being prepared for the instant that sale starts to either be online or be at the store to get what you want! Whether that’s a day after a holiday or black Friday or whenever it is but if you watch a store you love you will see that they run the same sales over and over again! You may run the risk of not being able to get the item you want because it’s sold out but if you do you will get it deeply discounted!!

This does not apply to shopping at Disney because if you see something you want at Disney you better grab it otherwise it’ll be gone in nine times out of 10 they won’t restock it!! Upon occasion you do get a sale at DISNEY and those are always nice!!! 😊❤️
Searching the web for coupon/discount codes - I have a few extensions enabled to do the searching for me, but they haven't been working as well of late. So, I've been hunting manually. I saved $32 the other day on the dog's flea/tick/heartworm refill. It's not even just meds. The last time the kids wanted pizza with their friends, those extensions found some Papa Johns discount codes that saved me about $45.

Good RX - DD18 has severe food allergies and requires life saving meds on hand at all times. The cost of these meds (even with my insurance) is astronomical. I did a happy dance when generics were introduced, just to have my insurance company deny generic coverage. Some years (like this year) her doctor has been able to procure a good coupon that will work for us, but many years, I have had to rely on Good RX. It's still not cheap, but it's about 75% cheaper than buying name brand through my insurance.

Thrifting, Garage Sales, Season End Sales, Outlets and Bargain Stores - This all sort of mortified me when I was growing up. I loved the spoils of a good bargain hunting adventure, but the kids at school questioned every bit of it. The snobbery with the girls where I grew up was just so out of hand. Still, it was big with my mom and I not only learned that you could find some amazing things, it was a good budget saver. In fact, I still own and use some of her better finds. Thankfully, all of this seems to be really popular with a lot of kids these, no more shame in finding low priced treasures.

Honorable mentions...Jumping on discounts for Disney lodging/packages when they come out, ValPak coupons for some of our favorite local restaurants, DHs Buc-ee's card that saves us both inside and at the pump, scholarships of all sorts, cooking for ourselves vs. going out to eat all of the time, Kroger fuel points to save at the pump, Costco gas (because paying $3.80/gallon during a CA visit was a real score), Costco gift card deals (I know the Disney one is popular but we've been using it for Southwest), Undercover Tourist for tickets, cashback rewards/perks on credit and debit cards, store brands, and the discount bakery and meat sections in Kroger.
Southwest rewards ❤️❤️❤️❤️ I have not paid for an airline ticket in years thank you Southwest!!! I keep praying they fly more places like you know across the pond!! That’s the only time I’ve had to pay for an airline ticket in the last decade! And I flew to Orlando just to make it cheaper and I did that on Southwest!! Because my choices for my home state were ridiculously expensive and I had to fly to a bigger city to fly across the pond anyway so I flew to Orlando on Southwest just popped in a quick visit to DISNEY before I went and use my DVC to do it🤣🤣🤣 but yes I agree the reward points are very much worth it you’re gonna be buying the stuff anyway you may as well use a card that you get rewards for purchasing it ymmv
Sorry for the late post today! - Just an out-of-routine weekend.


Today's Topic (Sat, 1/11) - 3 things you're grateful for that have milk in them

(If you're allergic or just don't like milk, substitute a favorite ingredient of your own.)

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