~~ They're leaving the nest, sew it's time for a trip - or two - or three...~~ D~'s bag ~9/22 ~~

I'm interested to hear if you felt sick again this morning. If it is the eggs, definitely exchange them! Alyssa got sick yesterday but her sweet boyfriend took very good care of her, which we appreciated very much.

I love your porch décor -- so cute! It looks really wonderful. And I love the bags you've laid out for your trip!

I was so sad about Jacob Wetterling...so very sad. His family and the community are in my prayers.

I'm surprised that you're eating so few calories on W30-- I would have expected all of the meat and avocado/guacamole to have a lot of calories....?
I'm not sure what would be best. Track everything you're eating or not track it.

Hi Lillian! Welcome home! :lovestruc

Thank you so much :hug:

Thank you... Yes - it's very sad about Lottie, but no, she isn't planning to get another hedgehog... Since she graduates this year, and not sure of her moving plans - it's best to not have a pet to take with her. She can always get another one later in life if she chooses. :lovestruc

It's a good idea not to get a new animal when V doesn't know what she is doing next year. It's so difficult moving with animals because not everyone thinks it's OK to have animals in the house.

I am glad to hear that your flight went OK in the end - and you received your luggage too... I am not sure that would happen here. We are lucky to get our luggage when we travel WITH it.... We'd never leave it behind and even dream of getting it later. LOL

In Norway it's very common to leave your baggage behind to catch the plane. It's cheaper for the airline to send your luggage on the next plane than having to check you in to a hotel for the night and get you on a new plane the next day. So they often prefer you to leave your luggage behind and get you on the plane you're booked in.

Enjoy your gathering... You made me chuckle out loud when I read that NAV probably dreads you going to this every year. LOL Maybe they do? :scratchin LOL I love that you know what your needs are and what will help you - you are very resourceful! :lovestruc

Thank you so much :hug: You really need to be very resourceful to get the things you are entitled to by law in Norway. Sadly they very often try to deny you stuff that the law says you are entitled to under certain circumstances. And then you have to do a lot of paper work and argue with them to get what the law say you can get. It's now been 2 1\2 years since I first applied for my new car and I still doesn't have it in my driveway.

I was at my first choir rehearsal yesterday. It was fun and I was surprised that I felt like I never had stopped singing in a choir. It was so easy to sing along even if almost everyone else (we were 3 new choir members yesterday) knew the songs we were singing really well. They were rehearsing for a concert they are having on Friday. I can't be on that concert since I'm traveling to the gathering. Next Monday the choir will start to learn some new songs so then it will be more like a normal choir rehearsal.
Last edited:
:thanks:I started W30 yesterday, September 5. So I'm pretty early in the game. Not sure how I feel about it quite yet. I'm not one for rigid structure, part of the reason I love WW, but then again I feel like I seriously need this reset. Like I do great on WW but then I start slipping into old habits and I know I can get back on track without W30 but why not give it a shot?! To be honest, my intention is to make it through 30 days but I'm not sure it will work with my personality.

We are not FB friends (just Serendipi D...did I spell that right?! In any case, I would love to be FB friends so I will search you out. I'll send you a message letting you know it's me (Starr) so you don't think it's some creep. :rolleyes1

Yep, hoping my love of decorating will return! At least I have the candles going!

I'm sitting in the doctors office at the moment waiting to go over my ultra sound results from my neck a couple of weeks ago. Informed I have an under-active thyroid in June so this has been quite the learning experience. Fingers crossed the news is ok. :flower3:

Sounds like you definitely need a nap! That was me yesterday, worked then came home and made dinner and in bed by 7:30pm. It was so nice. Our bodies let us know when we need to rest, I firmly believe this.

Are you getting so excited for your trip with V or what?! I am for you!! And A returning home?! Lovely time of year for you.

Enjoy your 'learning how to make floss' class tonight. :P
Growing up, I remember hearing so much about Jacob, living next door in WI. There's always that one story that hits home, and this one was mine: http://www.waupacanow.com/2014/08/28/cora-jones-20-years-later/#_
She was my age, doing something I did all the time, and was found in my town, just north of town on the way to our cabin. My dad was a police officer, and I remember him working non-stop, combing the ditches, following leads, tips, etc. It was heartbreaking when they found her body, and I totally understood my dad's protectiveness over me from then on.

My son will be 9 in November and we're just letting him ride his bike more than 1 block away from our house, and he had his first "meet up with neighborkids and play" play date this weekend. I was a wreck the whole time because this is such a different world than when we grew up....I'm sad that Jacob's family didn't have a positive outcome, but glad that they finally know what happened to their boy...
Love your bag collection for your trip; then again I love all your bags.
Love the porch décor.
So sad to hear of Jacob. My thoughts and prayers go out this family and the community.
We have been busy here. Our little munchkins spent most of the weekend here, and I am puppy sitting. IMG_3888.JPG Not sure if you can see from the image, but the little brown spot on the right (he only weighs about 4 pounds) is the little monster terrorizing my house. Actually, he has been very good considering; he is only about 6 months. My poor dog cannot wait for him to leave.

Have a wonderful day!
Well, my friend, it's over here. Sheesh. This is what I posted after my WW meeting last night. And I know it's the right decision for me because I woke up with a renewed sense of strength and positivity so there's that!

Week 75 WI: The mystery continues. Last known WI on 8.23 I was down 81 pounds. This is week 2 where I WI but don't look at the number, not looking until my 18 month WW anniversary in 4 weeks. It's harder than I thought it would be be but its worth it.

UPDATE TO WHOLE30: This should be simple. I started it yesterday and it ended today. What the hell was I thinking?! I don't like to be restricted, I don't like eliminating foods and drinks, I don't like the structure so why did I think this was for me?! Clearly I was super
hungry at the time I made this decision and all clarity and sense escaped me. The lesson here is its not for ME, it works for plenty of people but I'm not one of them. WW is my thing, it works for me. Moving forward. Always. ⭐

Happy Wednesday!
It is not fun when you don't feel great. I'm pretty sure my daughter and I ate bad eggs for breakfast on sunday. The eggs were expired, but looked fine when we cracked them open. Both of us about 12 hours after eating them, felt our stomach cramping and were very very cold.

If the only reason you are eating more is because you can see the calories in MFP, then i would stop tracking. Listen to your body.

I do think, now, that it was me and not the eggs. As, I did eat the eggs again yesterday and I was fine. It's possible that I was just having an off day.

I hope you are doing better now, that is terrible!

Pretty much... That - and I am hungry. LOL I don't feel so bad adding an almost 4th meal to my day, when my calories are so low.

I'm interested to hear if you felt sick again this morning. If it is the eggs, definitely exchange them! Alyssa got sick yesterday but her sweet boyfriend took very good care of her, which we appreciated very much.

I love your porch décor -- so cute! It looks really wonderful. And I love the bags you've laid out for your trip!

I was so sad about Jacob Wetterling...so very sad. His family and the community are in my prayers.

I'm surprised that you're eating so few calories on W30-- I would have expected all of the meat and avocado/guacamole to have a lot of calories....?

Nope - I didn't feel sick at all... I felt a little sick, because I was a little eeked out the day before - but I didn't get sick from the eggs. So, I am sure the eggs are fine and it was just me. ::yes::

Awwwwh.... I hope Alyssa is feeling better now. It's a relief, I am sure, that someone is taking good care of her.

Thank you - I am very happy with both my porch and my bags. ::yes::

Yes... It is just terrible. I made the mistake of reading one of the newspaper's articles after the court hearing yesterday - and it was a detailed description of his full confession. I will never "unsee" it... My heart is just sick for him and his family. :(

You would think so - I would think so - I guess I was just curious... I am quite shocked that it's so few calories too... maybe that is why I am making huge progress in such a short time? Now I am worried that I will gain it all back after my W30 is over. :eek:

I'm not sure what would be best. Track everything you're eating or not track it.

Thank you so much :hug:

It's a good idea not to get a new animal when V doesn't know what she is doing next year. It's so difficult moving with animals because not everyone thinks it's OK to have animals in the house.

In Norway it's very common to leave your baggage behind to catch the plane. It's cheaper for the airline to send your luggage on the next plane than having to check you in to a hotel for the night and get you on a new plane the next day. So they often prefer you to leave your luggage behind and get you on the plane you're booked in.

Thank you so much :hug: You really need to be very resourceful to get the things you are entitled to by law in Norway. Sadly they very often try to deny you stuff that the law says you are entitled to under certain circumstances. And then you have to do a lot of paper work and argue with them to get what the law say you can get. It's now been 2 1\2 years since I first applied for my new car and I still doesn't have it in my driveway.

I was at my first choir rehearsal yesterday. It was fun and I was surprised that I felt like I never had stopped singing in a choir. It was so easy to sing along even if almost everyone else (we were 3 new choir members yesterday) knew the songs we were singing really well. They were rehearsing for a concert they are having on Friday. I can't be on that concert since I'm traveling to the gathering. Next Monday the choir will start to learn some new songs so then it will be more like a normal choir rehearsal.

I know - I am not sure either. I guess I'll just keep tracking for the time being, with the option of quitting when I am bored with it. I almost wonder if they don't want you to track, because they know that eating this way is so low calorie?

Exactly... If she wants to get another hedgie later in life, she certainly can. :lovestruc

That is interesting!

That is such a disappointment that you have to fight so hard for your needs... but it seems like - even though it takes a lot of time - you are an excellent advocate for yourself. :lovestruc I am proud of you for that!

And a huge congratulations for starting choir!!! This is just so awesome! I am glad to hear that you are doing something that you love again! :lovestruc

:thanks:I started W30 yesterday, September 5. So I'm pretty early in the game. Not sure how I feel about it quite yet. I'm not one for rigid structure, part of the reason I love WW, but then again I feel like I seriously need this reset. Like I do great on WW but then I start slipping into old habits and I know I can get back on track without W30 but why not give it a shot?! To be honest, my intention is to make it through 30 days but I'm not sure it will work with my personality.

We are not FB friends in any case, I would love to be FB friends so I will search you out. I'll send you a message letting you know it's me (Starr) so you don't think it's some cree

Yep, hoping my love of decorating will return! At least I have the candles going!

I'm sitting in the doctors office at the moment waiting to go over my ultra sound results from my neck a couple of weeks ago. Informed I have an under-active thyroid in June so this has been quite the learning experience. Fingers crossed the news is ok. :flower3:

Sounds like you definitely need a nap! That was me yesterday, worked then came home and made dinner and in bed by 7:30pm. It was so nice. Our bodies let us know when we need to rest, I firmly believe this.

Are you getting so excited for your trip with V or what?! I am for you!! And A returning home?! Lovely time of year for you.

Enjoy your 'learning how to make floss' class tonight. :P

I am glad to see that you started (and below finished).

You can still feel free to FB friend me, if you'd like. :)

I hope your Dr. visit went OK and you were able to get some answers.

Yes - I could use a nap today, for sure... I didn't sleep well at all last night.

Super excited for our trip... It's getting so close!!!

Hahaha... Thanks! :lovestruc

Growing up, I remember hearing so much about Jacob, living next door in WI. There's always that one story that hits home, and this one was mine: http://www.waupacanow.com/2014/08/28/cora-jones-20-years-later/#_
She was my age, doing something I did all the time, and was found in my town, just north of town on the way to our cabin. My dad was a police officer, and I remember him working non-stop, combing the ditches, following leads, tips, etc. It was heartbreaking when they found her body, and I totally understood my dad's protectiveness over me from then on.

My son will be 9 in November and we're just letting him ride his bike more than 1 block away from our house, and he had his first "meet up with neighborkids and play" play date this weekend. I was a wreck the whole time because this is such a different world than when we grew up....I'm sad that Jacob's family didn't have a positive outcome, but glad that they finally know what happened to their boy...

It is all so terrible - the world we live in. :( How terrible that you were so close to it, and your family was so involved in the efforts to find her... It just makes it all so much more difficult.

Things like this, change our lives... It changes how we parent our kids and it just changes how we feel about the world. It's just terrible and sad. There are no other words.

Thanks for stopping by - it's been a while and it's good to see you. :)

Love your bag collection for your trip; then again I love all your bags.
Love the porch décor.
So sad to hear of Jacob. My thoughts and prayers go out this family and the community.
We have been busy here. Our little munchkins spent most of the weekend here, and I am puppy sitting. View attachment 192856 Not sure if you can see from the image, but the little brown spot on the right (he only weighs about 4 pounds) is the little monster terrorizing my house. Actually, he has been very good considering; he is only about 6 months. My poor dog cannot wait for him to leave.

Have a wonderful day!

Thanks! LOL I am excited to wear them all!

Thank you - I am happy with how it turned out too... It's fun to drive up and see it looking so fall like. ::yes::

I made the mistake yesterday of reading the news paper, and in it, they wrote a detailed description of his confession... I will never unsee the things he said - and I am certain it's why I slept so terribly last night. :(

Awwwh... The puppy is so cute! It sounds like you had a lot of fun puppy sitting though. LOL - you puppy will be happy to have his house back, I am sure. I know MM is kind of wishing that would happen here. LOL

Well, my friend, it's over here. Sheesh. This is what I posted after my WW meeting last night. And I know it's the right decision for me because I woke up with a renewed sense of strength and positivity so there's that!

Week 75 WI: The mystery continues. Last known WI on 8.23 I was down 81 pounds. This is week 2 where I WI but don't look at the number, not looking until my 18 month WW anniversary in 4 weeks. It's harder than I thought it would be be but its worth it.

UPDATE TO WHOLE30: This should be simple. I started it yesterday and it ended today. What the hell was I thinking?! I don't like to be restricted, I don't like eliminating foods and drinks, I don't like the structure so why did I think this was for me?! Clearly I was super
hungry at the time I made this decision and all clarity and sense escaped me. The lesson here is its not for ME, it works for plenty of people but I'm not one of them. WW is my thing, it works for me. Moving forward. Always. ⭐

Happy Wednesday!

What a bummer that the W30 didn't work out for you. Maybe another time you can try it - or even try it for a shorter time? It's an option. I am glad you gave it a whirl though. ::yes::

Congrats on your WW success though and wishing you the best moving forward. :lovestruc


I had a pretty nice day yesterday... I did my heavy lifting right away, and I was able to bump up my weights by a substantial amount. It felt great! My day 8 of W30 went well too... Knowing that my calories are a bit low - I added a bit more to my meals, which seemed to help over all, where I didn't need the 4th meal I've been having every day since the beginning. I am also looking in the mirror and seeing progress - which is also very helpful to my overall outlook and mood. Sad to admit, but true.

I was able to Skype Allison yesterday... Her luggage is out of the attic in NL and she has started to pack to come home. I was also, recently, able to do my Single Digit Dance for her homecoming. It's getting close and this momma is getting nervous for her flight home, but excited to have her here. She Snapchatted me later with a picture of a note she found in her luggage... I snuck it in there right before she left...


I worked all day upstairs, and I was able to make a good amount of progress.

When I left to take V to work... Josh had MPR tuned in on the car and they had just broken into their programming with a live update of the Jacob Wetterling case... I listened to that for almost 30 minutes while driving. And then I made the mistake a little later, of reading the newspaper update about it... Unbeknownst to me, in the newspaper update, they detailed the killer's entire confession, including Jacob's last hours. It was unspeakable, and my mind will never unsee what that poor child had to endure. My heart breaks... as I am sure his family is trying to make sense of it all - our community and our state is grieving for a boy who has become "Minnesota's child". I know, many of my neighbors from back home feel the same way I do - even though I was only 14 at the time, I still feel terrible that he was so close to home for so long, and no one knew. This really adds another element to my grief, almost a responsibility of sorts... And it really makes me sick to death. I am just praying hard for peace and healing for all. Hug your children a little tighter - as I know you all do already - and enjoy your time with them. :lovestruc

I still went to my class, and I am glad I did - it was a good distraction from the above.

I didn't sleep well last night either. I wish I never would have read that article. Why do they have to put such things in print? It wasn't necessary.

Today... It's Day 9 of my W30... If I am seeing this much progress after only 8 completed days, I am really looking forward to the next 22 days... With any luck - it will bring me back to my smallest size in recent years and that would really be wonderful. On my work out schedule is Level 3 of my 30DS (too many 30's in my life these days, it's hard to keep track...). Currently, it's raining - maybe by tonight it won't be, and I'll be able to get out for a run? We'll see. :scratchin

Today is also V's last first day of school... :woohoo: And :sad: She rode the bus this morning, and I think I am picking her up this afternoon? I'll probably treat her to Starbucks... Hopefully she has a good day.


Today is "applique day" - so I'll be in my sewing room all day... It's strange having the house to myself. ::yes::

That's about all... Pretty boring. ::yes::

I hope you all have a wonderful day... Sending Pixie Dust out to all! :lovestruc

I agree -- it's completely not necessary to print things like that in the newspaper. So horrible and so tragic. I'm sorry. Hugs....

I put notes like that in my girls' backpacks, luggage, and lunchboxes from time to time. I love doing it, and they love receiving them. I know you're so excited to have Allison home!!! :-)

I'm glad you were ok after eating the eggs yesterday. Maybe you just had a touch of a bug or something?

V looks so great for her first day of school!

I work from home a couple of days per week and it really is so strange to have the house to myself during the day (with the dogs, of course). It's so quiet...I usually turn on the TV in the sunroom (where my office space is) so I at least have some background noise. I don't love a silent house. I grew up with four siblings and it was never quiet! I need some background noise.
How great that you got to Skype with Allison last night and that she is on her way home soon.

I haven't read about the Jacob Wetterling case. But from the little I've heard about it, it's horrible.

I'm glad to hear your W30 is going so well. It's so much easier to follow a program when you see progress.

I hope you have a great day in your sewing room

Today I had my first therapy riding class after the summer. The horse I use had eaten very well this summer and is now thicker around it's belly. So it was painful to sit on the horse because my legs got really streched. Normally the class goes really fast, but today the class felt so much longer than usual. Hopefully it will get better after a few weeks when I get used to sitting on a horse again.
I agree it's not necessary to put those details in the paper. It's such a sad story.
It's hard to believe that V's a senior already. Where do the years go? I'm glad that Allison will be coming home soon. It seems like she's been gone a long time.
Sorry you weren't feeling well. There must be something going around a bunch of us didn't feel too good on Saturday.
Remodel is coming along at work. It's just hard to find anything in the backroom. The customers aren't too happy about it but they never are. It happens every time we move something.
I really have to start packing for Disney. We leave at the end of the week. It's been so hot all summer that we should be ready for Florida.
Have a great day.
I have to agree about too much information in some news stories. It is hard to forget things like that. ::yes::
I agree -- it's completely not necessary to print things like that in the newspaper. So horrible and so tragic. I'm sorry. Hugs....

I put notes like that in my girls' backpacks, luggage, and lunchboxes from time to time. I love doing it, and they love receiving them. I know you're so excited to have Allison home!!! :-)

I'm glad you were ok after eating the eggs yesterday. Maybe you just had a touch of a bug or something?

V looks so great for her first day of school!

I work from home a couple of days per week and it really is so strange to have the house to myself during the day (with the dogs, of course). It's so quiet...I usually turn on the TV in the sunroom (where my office space is) so I at least have some background noise. I don't love a silent house. I grew up with four siblings and it was never quiet! I need some background noise.

I know... :( It's just terrible.

I stuck that note in at the very last minute - when I really started to panic that she was leaving... I really wanted to stuff myself in there, but that wasn't going to work. LOL

I am not sure what it was? So far, so good though - no more issues.

I agree, I always have my pandora going.

How great that you got to Skype with Allison last night and that she is on her way home soon.

I haven't read about the Jacob Wetterling case. But from the little I've heard about it, it's horrible.

I'm glad to hear your W30 is going so well. It's so much easier to follow a program when you see progress.

I hope you have a great day in your sewing room

Today I had my first therapy riding class after the summer. The horse I use had eaten very well this summer and is now thicker around it's belly. So it was painful to sit on the horse because my legs got really streched. Normally the class goes really fast, but today the class felt so much longer than usual. Hopefully it will get better after a few weeks when I get used to sitting on a horse again.

Yes - I am very excited to have her home! I cannot wait!

It is just terrible... It's a relief to know that the case is solved - but the outcome was not what anyone wanted. It's so sad.

Yes - I am quite impressed with how well it's going. Finally. LOL

Totally understandable - and I am happy to hear that you are back to your riding - I know it scares you sometimes, and I also think you enjoy it a little bit. :lovestruc

I agree it's not necessary to put those details in the paper. It's such a sad story.
It's hard to believe that V's a senior already. Where do the years go? I'm glad that Allison will be coming home soon. It seems like she's been gone a long time.
Sorry you weren't feeling well. There must be something going around a bunch of us didn't feel too good on Saturday.
Remodel is coming along at work. It's just hard to find anything in the backroom. The customers aren't too happy about it but they never are. It happens every time we move something.
I really have to start packing for Disney. We leave at the end of the week. It's been so hot all summer that we should be ready for Florida.
Have a great day.

Yes - they could have left many of the details out.

I know - right. She had a great first day though. And yes - Allison will be home soon too - I cannot wait!

Yes - it was strange. I am feeling much better now, and I haven't had any other issues. It could have been so many things.

Glad to hear that the remodel is going well and moving forward... People will get used to it eventually.

Yay!!! :woohoo: Yes - you do need to start packing! I need to decide if I am bringing 1 or 2 pieces of luggage to check... I usually squish it into one, but I am thinking since I get a 2nd one free this time, I might as well use it? :scratchin

Have a wonderful day - and an amazing trip if I don't see you again before! :lovestruc

I have to agree about too much information in some news stories. It is hard to forget things like that. ::yes::

Yes - it is. It's just a terrible story - I didn't expect the outcome to affect me as much as it has... and there seems to be many in the area who feel as I do.


Yesterday was a good day for me.

I started off with Level 3 of my 30 day shred... That is one killer work out at all levels (to me, Level 1 is the hardest though)... I feel like I am getting stronger again though. It was also Day 9 of my Whole30, which is also going well. I am super proud of myself for this! ::yes:: My trip is looming on the horizon - and I am debating on how much reintro I want to do with food before I go - seeing as I don't want any issues while I am there. :scratchin

I did Skype Allison over breakfast for a little while. She is doing good. She was binge-watching something on Netflix, and I had to beg her to talk to her mother... LOL... A sure sign she knows that I will be in her life again soon. Although - she didn't want to get off of Skype with me either, once we were talking. ::yes::

Then I worked upstairs all day... I had a great day and I made a lot of progress- I am hoping to finish up this week's order early, so I can get a small start on next week's order.

Yesterday was V's very first day of school as a senior - she had a great day... She is loving all of the classes she got. I am praying that her Senior year is a good one. She also filled out all of the necessary paper work for our trip - which is signed off by the principal... We are ready and approved there. :woohoo:

I made home made beef fajitas for dinner last night - they were very yummy!

That's about all for yesterday.

Today... It's a heavy lifting day for me.

Then I will work upstairs all day again.

I have to pick V up from school today and bring her to work.

That's about all.

I hope you all have a wonderful day!!! Sending Pixie Dust out to all of you!

I'm glad to hear Allison is doing good.

How great that first day as a senior at school went great for V.
Your trip with V is getting closer and closer. I can't wait to hear all about it when you come home.

I hope you have a great day :hug:

I do enjoy the therapy riding even if it scares me.

Today I have to pack for my trip tomorrow. I'm so glad I didn't choose to take the first flight from Tromsø because then I have to get up at 4.30AM and that is not fun. My flight is at 10.30AM tomorrow. That's a OK time to travel since I don't have to travel super early from home. We are very lucky in Tromsø to have the airport so near. It only takes 15 minutes to drive from home to the airport.
So glad to hear that Allison is doing well and that V had a great first day of school!!

And YEA for the principal approving the paperwork for your trip! :-)

The beef fajitas you made -- would you be willing to share the recipe?

Have a great day!
The Jacob Wetterling story is so sad. The thing I remember is I had just decided my youngest son, who was 9, could go to the store by himself. It was only 2 blocks away, but that put a stop to that. I finally had to avoid the news after hearing what happened to him over and over. I told my dh that I didn't need to hear the details. He said how do you think his mother feels and that kind of put it in perspective.

It sounds like you've figured out the W30 for you. It looked like a lot of food for you to still feel hungry. Just wondering if 4 smaller meals wouldn't be better, because you said you are supposed to add a 4th meal rather than a snack. I've always heard that's better when you're trying to lose weight. I've never tried it and usually just try to eat less and exercise more. Oh and give up candy, my downfall, lol.

I'm so excited because I finally got new furniture for my family room. I was a little inspired by how beautiful your house looks. My problem was I had a sectional that worked perfectly, but I couldn't really find one I liked as well. We ended up with a sofa and love seat. I've only rearranged 5-6 times and I'm leaving it like this for a while to see if I like it. We still need a new chair as we took an older recliner to the lake.

Have a great day!
Catching up! I have been out of the loop due to the death of one of my BFF's from cancer (her 4th bout) she is now in a much better place: Heaven

So sad about Jason, I can't imagine coping as a family or friend. A similar case happened in our home town and she has never been found...

I will be so relieved for you when Allison gets home :cheer2::banana:party:! I seen a picture of a thrill ride in Amsterdam this morning on Facebook labeled something like "The Scariest Thrill Ride in the World". I thought to myself: Allison please do NOT go on that thing!

I love Victoria's last first day of school photo, was it still dark out? Thank goodness they okay'd her leave for your trip!

Loving the picture of your bags for your trip, can't wait to see the outfit photos :woohoo: I just ordered a new
pair of Toms to go with a new bag I have on order :cool2:.

Take care and See Ya Real Soon!:earboy2:

Well thank you! I do appreciate all of the info you shared about W30. I will tell you something...even though I made it just 2 days, it was the exact 'super mini' reset I needed because I have had a great week. I'm still eating very clean but I make room for the things I love all while really limiting sugar so fingers crossed this was the boost I needed.

I love, love, love the relationship you have with your girls. So special!

I hope your week is going well!
Just popping in for a minute before I get too behind. I am so thrilled to hear about your success with W30 this time! It is encouraging. I like V's first day of school pic too. She looks happy. I hope she has a wonderful memorable senior year. My only nephew is a senior this year too, and I can't believe it. He was born my sophomore year in college and I used to bring him to the dorm room on Saturday sometimes & the girls would just oooh and cooo over him. Happy Senior Year, Victoria!

It sounds like you had a nice chat with A on facetime as well. Technology is so great. You can basically "hang out" like you are in the same room together! But I know it is not exactly the same & you'll be glad to have her home.

I've been a little absent this week because babygirl has not been sleeping well. We noticed that she was not eating very much at dinner and then would be up at about midnight. I was getting about 4 hours sleep between her being up and then getting up at 545 to get Emma ready for school. Anyway, we figured out that she was drinking milk and not wanting to eat her food. So, yesterday we only gave her water during the day & sure enough, she got her appetite back. And she slept all night.

I really hope you have a great weekend!
I'm glad to hear Allison is doing good.

How great that first day as a senior at school went great for V.
Your trip with V is getting closer and closer. I can't wait to hear all about it when you come home.

I hope you have a great day :hug:

I do enjoy the therapy riding even if it scares me.

Today I have to pack for my trip tomorrow. I'm so glad I didn't choose to take the first flight from Tromsø because then I have to get up at 4.30AM and that is not fun. My flight is at 10.30AM tomorrow. That's a OK time to travel since I don't have to travel super early from home. We are very lucky in Tromsø to have the airport so near. It only takes 15 minutes to drive from home to the airport.

She is... And she is packed and ready to come home... We still have a bunch of stuff to do here to get ready for her arrival though.

Yes - we are getting soooo excited for our trip! Cannot wait!


I know you do - so I am glad you are able to do it.

I hope you have a great trip! Enjoy!!! :lovestruc

So glad to hear that Allison is doing well and that V had a great first day of school!!

And YEA for the principal approving the paperwork for your trip! :-)

The beef fajitas you made -- would you be willing to share the recipe?

Have a great day!

Yes - it's a relief. It will be much better when they are both in the same country - but until then, I'll take what I can get. LOL

Yup - she had to get approval from everyone... Every teacher, the principal and her counselor... It was quite the process, so I am glad it's all approved now.

I used the exact same recipe I used for the chicken fajitas, but I used beef instead of chicken... I can't remember - do you follow me on pinterest? If so, it should be one of my first pins in my Whole30 board.

Thanks - same to you.

The Jacob Wetterling story is so sad. The thing I remember is I had just decided my youngest son, who was 9, could go to the store by himself. It was only 2 blocks away, but that put a stop to that. I finally had to avoid the news after hearing what happened to him over and over. I told my dh that I didn't need to hear the details. He said how do you think his mother feels and that kind of put it in perspective.

It sounds like you've figured out the W30 for you. It looked like a lot of food for you to still feel hungry. Just wondering if 4 smaller meals wouldn't be better, because you said you are supposed to add a 4th meal rather than a snack. I've always heard that's better when you're trying to lose weight. I've never tried it and usually just try to eat less and exercise more. Oh and give up candy, my downfall, lol.

I'm so excited because I finally got new furniture for my family room. I was a little inspired by how beautiful your house looks. My problem was I had a sectional that worked perfectly, but I couldn't really find one I liked as well. We ended up with a sofa and love seat. I've only rearranged 5-6 times and I'm leaving it like this for a while to see if I like it. We still need a new chair as we took an older recliner to the lake.

Have a great day!

I know... It is so terrible. It seems to me, that not one person wasn't affected by his life... Everyone has a story and how their lives changed that day. Patti is such and amazing and courageous person - to be able to conduct herself with such GRACE, not only now, but over the years - it's something I greatly admire about her and aspire to be in my own life - and considering my tragedies are nothing compared to hers - it should have no problem. :lovesstruc

Technically - with the Whole30 - we are supposed to have only 3 meals per day (that is the goal anyways) - if a person is still hungry, they can add a 4th smaller meal, and snacks are somewhat frowned upon. Typically, a person is not used to eating this way, so they *allow* a 4th meal during the first week, while bodies adjust. They also prefer that a person makes the 3 meals bigger if it's too difficult to get to the next meal without feeling hungry. The ultimate goal, is 3 meals per day with out feeling the need to snack ever. It's a hard goal to get to, especially at the beginning... but I am at the point now, where 3 meals is going well, and I don't need a 4th meal or a snack. :woohoo: After so long eating like this (I'd forgotten) - it's so easy to stick to that 3 meals, because I am not burning carbs for fuel anymore, I am burning fat - and I know this, because Josh made a comment about my breath last night. :lmao: Typcially - our breath has a different smell to it once it's keto adjusted. :woohoo: This is a good thing. ::yes::

THis is soooo exciting!!! I love new furniture - I am glad you found something you liked! Our furniture is only 4 years old, but I had a totally different idea of style back then - so now I am stuck working with what I have - it's not terrible, but I think I would have chosen something different now. Enjoy your new furniture - and if you know how to post pictures, I'd love to see it when you have it all set up the way you like it. ::yes:: Congratulations!

Catching up! I have been out of the loop due to the death of one of my BFF's from cancer (her 4th bout) she is now in a much better place: Heaven

So sad about Jason, I can't imagine coping as a family or friend. A similar case happened in our home town and she has never been found...

I will be so relieved for you when Allison gets home :cheer2::banana:party:! I seen a picture of a thrill ride in Amsterdam this morning on Facebook labeled something like "The Scariest Thrill Ride in the World". I thought to myself: Allison please do NOT go on that thing!

I love Victoria's last first day of school photo, was it still dark out? Thank goodness they okay'd her leave for your trip!

Loving the picture of your bags for your trip, can't wait to see the outfit photos :woohoo: I just ordered a new
pair of Toms to go with a new bag I have on order :cool2:.

Take care and See Ya Real Soon!:earboy2:


I am so sorry to hear about the death of your friend. :hug: It's never easy. Sending you hugs Monica. :lovestruc

Jacob's story is such a hard one... How terribly sad that you also have a missing girl in your home town. Such a sad and terrible thing, something that parents and children should never have to worry about.

Hahaha... Nope, no more trips to Amsterdam for her... To be honest - she is a bit afraid of train travel, so she sticks pretty close to home there. Her one trip to Amsterdam was her last. Thankfully - as I don't need to hear about her riding a ride described as that. LOL I think I'd have a heart attack!

Yup - it's always dark out when the girls have to get on the bus... And for part of the year, it's also dark out by the time they get home on the bus. Which is why I try to pick them up when I can - as it gets to be such a long day with such long bus rides both directions.

Yay for new Toms! Did you get custom order ones? I've yet to try Toms - I really should. They are so cute!

Yes - you too!!! Looking forward to meeting up with you again and meeting some of your extended family! :hug:

Well thank you! I do appreciate all of the info you shared about W30. I will tell you something...even though I made it just 2 days, it was the exact 'super mini' reset I needed because I have had a great week. I'm still eating very clean but I make room for the things I love all while really limiting sugar so fingers crossed this was the boost I needed.

I love, love, love the relationship you have with your girls. So special!

I hope your week is going well!

Awesome!! I am glad to hear that! I was in the same boat, and at this point, I am glad that I am doing so well - I am seeing amazing progress every day, and it helps me so much to stay motivated. I've managed to go down by 2 belt loops on my belt in just 11 days - that's pretty fantastic, IMO. :woohoo: I am hoping this is the exact boost you needed! ::yes::

Thanks - it's pretty fun! We have our days, trust me, but overall - we are pretty good together. :lovestruc

Thanks - it is, same to you! :)


Just a super quick update today... I have so much to do, and it's gonna be a little crazy! :eek:

Yesterday was a pretty good day for me... I did my heavy lifting right away, then I had breakfast while I skyped Allison.

I worked for quite a while, I was able to finish this week's custom order and start on next week's. :woohoo: It's such a relief to be ahead of the game at this stage. ::yes::

Then I went for a walk... I was feeling like I just needed an emotional reset yesterday and I felt like a walk would do the trick. It did and I felt much better afterwards. Sometimes we just need time and space to clear our heads.

A few pictures from Allison over the last few days... We are getting close... She is working on packing over the next few days. Which has been hard, she went over with 2 checked bags and 2 carry-ons, but she is only coming home with 1 checked bag and 2 carry ons, the other checked bag will come over in a few weeks when Jan and Machteld come back (they get free checked bags and Allison doesn't)... So, Allison has had to sort what she needs right away and what she can wait on. As you can see - it is also going to be terribly difficult for her to leave the littles - they are all going to miss eachother so much!





I came home and I went to town to pick V up from school - I grabbed a couple of items at Target and came home. We had a nice dinner here and then Josh and I watched the 2nd episode of Harley & the Davidsons... A very good series that we are enjoying. We only have 1 episode left, kind of bummed about that.

Today, I have a full day ahead of me... I'll be running and in/out of the house all day... I have to work out this morning. I am meeting Josh at work for lunch - it's been a while since I've done that. Then I have to grab some groceries somewhere in there. Pick V up from school - take her to an appointment - then take her to work... So, it will be madness most of the day for me. It's likely that I won't get any work done at all today - which is why I tried to work ahead yesterday. ::yes::

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend! Sending prayers and pixie dust to all!

Then I went for a walk... I was feeling like I just needed an emotional reset yesterday and I felt like a walk would do the trick. It did and I felt much better afterwards. Sometimes we just need time and space to clear our heads.
Glad you were able to get your walk in.
DH and I started the couch to 5K last Friday. It will be interesting to see how the whole plan works out. Week one was running for a minute, walking for 1 minute 30 seconds. It is supposed to be for 25 minutes ( 5 minute warm up walk followed by 20 minutes of the intervals).
Sunday the girls ran with us, or I ran with Dani and DH lagged behind with Sydney. This created a problem when they could not see us to know which interval we should be in. Tuesday was supposed to be the next running day, but it was pouring out. DH and I ran on Wednesday while the girls took a nap.
I'm hoping we can run tonight since tomorrow is going to be slightly crazy. We need to take the girls shopping for new school bags. I told them to wait till school started and they were able to see how they liked to carry stuff. The bags is only from home to school. They have to put their bags in their locker all day, and don't have that much time to go to the lockers during the day. The big thing at their school is a morning and an afternoon binder, as well as a binder for science. So they have 3 binders. I'm not sure what is wrong with just using one binder for everything except science? Seems that the 2 binds just makes it harder. Girls have their first soccer game of the season. It is about 35/40 minutes away. Game is late %;30, but have to be their early for a warmup. As soon as we get home from the game, i think Dh and I will have to do a quick change ( hopefully with time for a shower but not sure- good thing we are watching not playing) . We are going out for a friends birthday to resturant that only does a chef's tasting menu
Maroni chefs tasting menu is a dining experience not to be missed. What makes this so unique is that there is not a printed menu and you do not have to make any decisions. You can just let the chef know if you have any food allergies and leave the rest to him. You will enjoy many different tasting items perfectly prepared. This includes wine, beer and dessert for a set price. As you are surprised course after course with what you will receive next, you will enjoy the food in a cozy rock and roll filled environment with service that is warm and friendly. The cuisine is very eclectic, and you are sure to never leave hungry!

Sydney decided she is now a vegetarian for the month of September. I'm trying hard to make sure she is eating enough protein while eating healthy.


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