~~ They're leaving the nest, sew it's time for a trip - or two - or three...~~ D~'s bag ~9/22 ~~

Just a quick Hi D! And to remind you - you look fabulous - love the pic with the cute skirt. What are some of your Whole30 staples? I love TJ's - have a special running list for some of their things. Love their coconut oil, coconut and olive oil spray, and their almond butter, among many other things.

Italy looks so amazing. I have been all over the Caribbean; and quite a bit of the good old USA - but never to Europe. I will get there one of these days. Under 20 days for Allison to come home!

So sad about Lottie. Tell V I am sorry for her. It is hard to lose our animals. We live on 5 acres, and have our own little animal grave site back there. It may sound weird to some, but it is comforting to know our sweet dogs and cats are back there. We have buried each one ourselves, and DH has made markers for them. We love our animals like crazy. Our new kitten is just too sweet and too cute. He is staring at me around the computer right now.

Sounds like you had a fun weekend D - take care of yourself!

Love and a big squeeze.
Hope you have a great visit with you BFF.

I'm home from an amazing time in Hawaii. Aulani was so pretty. Pool staff wasn't as Disney like as the pool staff at vero or Hilton head. But still had a great time. We took some fun family pictures at the beach.
Then went to the big island to see the volcano.

We came home yesterday. The time change is kicking my butt. Yesterday was such a weird day. We all took a nap, and when we woke up, it felt like morning. Instead of middle of afternoon.

Girls have middle school orientation this week. We get to decorate their locker and walk their schedule.

Thank you - it was a lot of fun and we enjoyed catching up so much!

Awesome!!! It looks like you had a lot of fun too... Bummer that the pool staff wasn't quite as Disney-like, but I am glad that you still had a great time!

Hopefully you all adjust quickly, it must be very hard coming back...

Good luck to the girls at middle school this week - I hope it goes well for them. ::yes::

Hot Status! :worship:

What a busy and productive day for you! Your outfit is adorable, love it. I always love anything family related so happy to see your dinner and visit went well.

Sorry to hear about Lottie, I hope V's doing a little better today.

Under 20 days for A! :love:

Enjoy your visit this weekend!

My weekend is working on senior picture plans and its 180 days out for our Feb trip so ADR reservations it is this morning.:goofy:

Happy Saturday!

Thank you... It was a wonderful weekend, full of family and fun - we all had a great time!

She is doing a little bit better, we were all just a little bit shocked. Like I said - I was thinking that it could happen soon, but I didn't think it would be that quickly.

Yay!!! What did you get for ADRs? Anything good or exciting... Let's face it, it's all good and exciting. LOL

Thanks - same to you!

Just a quick Hi D! And to remind you - you look fabulous - love the pic with the cute skirt. What are some of your Whole30 staples? I love TJ's - have a special running list for some of their things. Love their coconut oil, coconut and olive oil spray, and their almond butter, among many other things.

Italy looks so amazing. I have been all over the Caribbean; and quite a bit of the good old USA - but never to Europe. I will get there one of these days. Under 20 days for Allison to come home!

So sad about Lottie. Tell V I am sorry for her. It is hard to lose our animals. We live on 5 acres, and have our own little animal grave site back there. It may sound weird to some, but it is comforting to know our sweet dogs and cats are back there. We have buried each one ourselves, and DH has made markers for them. We love our animals like crazy. Our new kitten is just too sweet and too cute. He is staring at me around the computer right now.

Sounds like you had a fun weekend D - take care of yourself!

Love and a big squeeze.

Thanks! Well, my biggest staples are broccoli slaw and cole slaw mix... Both of which - I fry up with onions and eat as a side with whatever meat we are having. So, I stocked up on that this weekend - and I am good to go for the week. ::yes:: Also, TJ's Coconut Oil spray - definitely a staple any time here. :thumbsup2 Starting today - I plan to be much more strict and dedicated. :scratchin

Yes - it really looked like Allison truly enjoyed Italy... I think she very much enjoyed the family she stayed with, and seeing everything. When the girls were little - they watched the Lizzie McGuire movie endlessly... So, I have a feeling that part of the reason Allison loved Rome so much is due to that movie. :lmao: I am beyond excited to have her home again... but even more than that - I hope she is able to really enjoy these last few weeks there and make the most of it. She has been able to do a LOT of travel all over Europe, and I really hope this gives her the confidence to go back one day and see more... Maybe her and I will even go together? :scratchin After all, our passports don't expire for 5 & 10 years, respectively. ::yes::

Yes - it was and is difficult to have her gone... I wish we had somewhere nice like that.... Poor Rufus' ashes are still in my living room and Lottie is buried out in the back yard. Your little pet cemetery sounds so nice, I am glad that you have a place for them. :lovestruc

Thanks Carol - I hope you had a nice weekend. Still trying to find the time, hopefully this week - to reply to your email. Take care my friend! :lovestruc


We had a good morning with Lyn here... Her and I ran to town for an early morning Starbucks, and we were able to chat - alone - for the duration... It was really nice to finally catch up on the good stuff. :lovestruc

While we were gone, Josh had made us breakfast and had it ready when we got home... It was delicious - and perhaps my last hoorah for a little while... LOL Pancakes... Bacon... Fruit salad... It was really nice.

Then Lyn left for home and we hung out here for the remainder of the day... I cleaned up a little bit and I hung out. Josh worked on cleaning up/burning the branches from the tree that fell on Monday & mowing the lawn. :woohoo: It was a nice day - but very hot and muggy.

I woke up yesterday to this video... Isn't this just the COOLEST thing ever??? How amazing is technology, that I can watch my baby girl land a world away???

Click on this first photo to watch the video.




So, she is back "home" in The Netherlands for the remainder of her trip - as far as I know... This will be the difficult part for her, I think. I believe, as much as she is excited to be home, I think it will be incredibly difficult to leave those Littles behind... Praying these last few weeks goes smoothly for her. :lovestruc

Not too much exciting here... I am going to be concentrating very hard, these next few weeks, to really be super duper conscious about my food intake and really getting some size off before our trip.

Today is a Target day, so nothing much else is happening. ::yes::

I hope you all have a wonderful day - sending Pixie Dust out to all of you! :lovestruc

Technology is such a wonderful thing! I'm so sorry about Lottie...so sad. :-( Sending hugs..... I hope Allison enjoys the rest of her trip. What an experience she has had, and so many wonderful memories she has made!

Today is the first day of school here...so my baby began her senior year this morning. It has happened so fast....
I like the picture of Thomas watching Allison. She looks great. I bet she is anxious to get home, too. :)

We had a very busy last four days with out of town family visiting and lots of fun with our grandchildren. I was making coffee at 2:45 am this morning, then back to bed for 45 minutes, then up again and off to drop them at the airport then back to bed for two hours. Then up and off to work for the day. :faint: It is tough to go back to work after a busy weekend.

It sounds like the kind of day you would have. ;)
Technology is amazing!

Glad you had a nice visit with your BFF. :-)

Well so far I have 'Ohana on the night of the 5k which is the same day as the anniversary of my husband's passing so I thought a restaurant meaning ' family' was the perfect choice for dinner in his memory that night with family and friends. :love:

Then I have Via Napoli which we absolutely love and I know my mom will also love it.

I was debating making a reservation at a restaurant in Disney Springs for our first full day but there are so many great looking new places for quick service and snacks that I think we will actually 'eat around the Springs' that day. My list is so long!! Thank goodness I will be getting plenty of steps in!

Tomorrow I will try for breakfast at The Wave, a first for us that looks so delicious. Then I think that's it for TS meals. With 3 trips in 6 months, I have to watch the dollars and spread the food budget as evenly as possible!

Wishing you a lovely week!
I am sorry to hear about V's hedgehog passing away. Was she named after Charlotte LeBoef in the Princess & the Frog? I am sure she was devastated. It's never easy to lose a pet.

It looks like you had nice visits with both family and friends. Busy weekends like that are the best! I am glad it went well for you.

The pictures of Italy are breathtaking. And how sweet that they were able to watch her walk off the plane! I remember doing that as a child- of course, in the states now- you can't get near enough to see the planes.

We had a fairly uneventful weekend. I took Emma to the MC Exchange on Saturday to pick out a couple of outfits for school having failed miserably at trying to find something for her out in town. Apparently the local sizes go from toddler to woman with not much in between. We ended up finding 2 outfits at the MCX. DH had 24 hour duty on Sunday, so we just stayed home. Monday was the first day of school, and it was a bit stressful just figuring out the timing of everything. Emma wanted to wear boots with her dress, which was fine, but I did warn her that we had a 20 minute walk to school and back. She was nervous & reluctant for me to leave, but she ended up having a pretty good day. It turns out that they had PE and she had to run laps in her dress and boots. Seriously- who has PE on the first day? Anyway, we're just getting into a routine and trying to keep everyone where they need to be.

I hope you have an excellent Tuesday! PS-good luck staying away from the Oreos! The struggle is real!!
So sorry to hear about Lottie. Please let V know I am thinking of her. It's never easy.

Glad you had a wonderful time with family and your bff. Those are the best times!!

Allison's pictures of Italy are beautiful. Looks like she had a great time. How cute was that video!? Can't believe she will be home soon. It just seemed like yesterday she left. Wishing her safe travels back home.

Have a wonderful day!
Allison is amazing.. Good For her!!!

Can't wait for her to come home!!!

Ahhh... I cannot wait for her to come home too!!! I am very excited to have both of my babies home and in their own beds. :lovestruc

Technology is such a wonderful thing! I'm so sorry about Lottie...so sad. :-( Sending hugs..... I hope Allison enjoys the rest of her trip. What an experience she has had, and so many wonderful memories she has made!

Today is the first day of school here...so my baby began her senior year this morning. It has happened so fast....

Thank you - it's very sad about Lottie... but V is doing OK.

I hope so too - we just have to get through these last few weeks!

I hope the first day of school goes well - V doesn't start back until next week.

I like the picture of Thomas watching Allison. She looks great. I bet she is anxious to get home, too. :)

We had a very busy last four days with out of town family visiting and lots of fun with our grandchildren. I was making coffee at 2:45 am this morning, then back to bed for 45 minutes, then up again and off to drop them at the airport then back to bed for two hours. Then up and off to work for the day. :faint: It is tough to go back to work after a busy weekend.

It sounds like the kind of day you would have. ;)

Yes - she is anxious to get home, I think just to BE here... And to make small talk with strangers. ;) She is such a social girl - so not being able to chat and be friendly with those around her, has been super hard on her. But I know she is going to miss those Littles like crazy too!

Sounds like you had a great few days! :woohoo And what a crazy morning!!! I hope you made it through your day at work OK?? I bet it was all worth it though. :lovestruc

Hahaha... Not quite. Maybe a day Josh would have, when he's taking me to the airport... :scratchin

Technology is amazing!

Glad you had a nice visit with your BFF. :-)

Well so far I have 'Ohana on the night of the 5k which is the same day as the anniversary of my husband's passing so I thought a restaurant meaning ' family' was the perfect choice for dinner in his memory that night with family and friends. :love:

Then I have Via Napoli which we absolutely love and I know my mom will also love it.

I was debating making a reservation at a restaurant in Disney Springs for our first full day but there are so many great looking new places for quick service and snacks that I think we will actually 'eat around the Springs' that day. My list is so long!! Thank goodness I will be getting plenty of steps in!

Tomorrow I will try for breakfast at The Wave, a first for us that looks so delicious. Then I think that's it for TS meals. With 3 trips in 6 months, I have to watch the dollars and spread the food budget as evenly as possible!

Wishing you a lovely week!

Yes - it is, it has made this trip so much easier, for sure. Miss that kid like crazy though and cannot wait to have both girls back home again... I am definitely NOT ready for them to be grown and gone yet. ::yes::

'Ohana is the perfect restaurant for that day... :lovestruc What a great way to remember your dh, and to be surrounded by family... :hug:

I've only eaten at Via Napoli once, and I loved it. Debating on adding it to V's trip? :scratchin

Oooh - that's a good idea! :scratchin I may have to steal that one from you too - although, we do love our Earl of Sandwich though...

Yes - you must try The Wave... The grits... And the sweet potato pancakes with the honey butter... Ahhh - I can't think of everything... but everything there is my FAVORITE... Trying to figure out a day where we can sneak in a 3rd breakfast. LOL But shhhh... This is OUR secret - OK? ::yes::

Thank you - same to you! :lovestruc

I am sorry to hear about V's hedgehog passing away. Was she named after Charlotte LeBoef in the Princess & the Frog? I am sure she was devastated. It's never easy to lose a pet.

It looks like you had nice visits with both family and friends. Busy weekends like that are the best! I am glad it went well for you.

The pictures of Italy are breathtaking. And how sweet that they were able to watch her walk off the plane! I remember doing that as a child- of course, in the states now- you can't get near enough to see the planes.

We had a fairly uneventful weekend. I took Emma to the MC Exchange on Saturday to pick out a couple of outfits for school having failed miserably at trying to find something for her out in town. Apparently the local sizes go from toddler to woman with not much in between. We ended up finding 2 outfits at the MCX. DH had 24 hour duty on Sunday, so we just stayed home. Monday was the first day of school, and it was a bit stressful just figuring out the timing of everything. Emma wanted to wear boots with her dress, which was fine, but I did warn her that we had a 20 minute walk to school and back. She was nervous & reluctant for me to leave, but she ended up having a pretty good day. It turns out that they had PE and she had to run laps in her dress and boots. Seriously- who has PE on the first day? Anyway, we're just getting into a routine and trying to keep everyone where they need to be.

I hope you have an excellent Tuesday! PS-good luck staying away from the Oreos! The struggle is real!!

Thank you - I am not sure how V picked the name, but she was a good pet and will be missed... :lovestruc

We did - it was so nice to catch up.

I know, right??? We can't do that now - so it's just fun to be able to see it. And even though I am not there - to still be a part of these little moments. ::yes::

Yikes, it sounds like the first day was a bit crazy... I sure hope that the routine has gotten easier on all of you. And glad you were able to find a few things - how strange that they don't have much to choose from in those middle sizes... Do most kids wear uniforms over there - or something - where they don't really have to worry about other clothes? :scratchin I hope the rest of the week goes better!

Thanks!!! I've been totally ignoring them! ::yes:: And pushing them on my family... The REAL struggle is the home made pumpkin spice cake I made with home made cream cheese frosting - now that is hard to stay away from... As I LOVE cream cheese frosting. ::yes::

So sorry to hear about Lottie. Please let V know I am thinking of her. It's never easy.

Glad you had a wonderful time with family and your bff. Those are the best times!!

Allison's pictures of Italy are beautiful. Looks like she had a great time. How cute was that video!? Can't believe she will be home soon. It just seemed like yesterday she left. Wishing her safe travels back home.

Have a wonderful day!

Thank you - I will, it's very sad, but she is doing well... I think we all had the thought in the back of our mind that it may happen soon, as we all knew her life span was nearing the end. But it's still sad.

Thanks - we did have so much fun, it was great to catch up with everyone. :lovestruc

I know - I cannot wait... It does seem like such a short time ago - yet it feels like an eternity. I cannot wait to have that feeling of peace again, with both of my babies sleeping in their own beds. Just a few more weeks! :woohoo: (or less... ) ;)

Thanks Lynee- you too! :hug:


Sorry for the no check in yesterday morning - the day just got away from me.

I decided, sort of, on a whim, that I would start another Whole30... I was looking at my calendar, and this just seemed like a good time in my life. I really needed that push and something extra to refocus. Yesterday was Day 1, and it went well. For the fun of it - I did track my food in MFP - just for curiosity - and I was a little shocked at how little (calorie wise) I was able to eat and still feel satisfied. I am not sure if I will continue to track for the duration? :scratchin Or not... I am on a 47 day streak currently, and I kind of want an idea in my head of how long I've been refocused. We'll see...

I also worked upstairs all morning... I was able to finish last week's bag - which is always good.

Technically - I am scheduled "off" in my sewing room this week... I have not decided if I am going to use this week to work on our own trip stuff, or if I am going to work ahead a little bit... Probably a little of both, as I want to have some time off available to spend with Allison when she comes home in a few weeks. And I do feel like I've been able to make a lot of items for our upcoming trip - so, I am not feeling the crunch like I usually do at this time. ::yes::

Victoria and I went out shopping yesterday afternoon... We did find some cute stuff.... We've been watching for outfits for her senior pictures - so far we have one nice dressy-type top with coordinating necklaces and then we have a nice casual dress with a scarf... I'd still like to find one more cute outfit for her - hopefully not black, as both her top and her dress are black. ::yes:: It's been so fun finding cute things for her to wear.

And then I had my class last night - it went well.

We all came home and had some dinner... I had leftover meat loaf and some fried up cole slaw (fried with onion in coconut oil) and a couple of eggs on top... It was a very satisfying meal - I love Josh's meatloaf! :lovestruc

Allison is doing a Dismeet in NL today! How fun is that, right? She is meeting up with my friend April (her Dis name escapes me) - we met her once before in WDW on our 2012 trip - but she was the ONE Dismeet that I forgot to take a picture with. Allison has strict instructions to get a picture with her today. :lovestruc April lives in NL and when she heard how home sick Allison has been, April insisted on meeting up with her. Allison was a little hesitant - but I told her that it might help her to have a "Mom connection" - It sounds like I may have been right? :scratchin This just makes my heart happy - as I know that this will be a good meet for both of them. Wish I could be there too though.

I will be working out today... I stepped up my routine a little bit last week... Even though I really dislike doing the 30 Day Shred - I do really like the results... I look back on our trip pictures from 2014, and I looked so fit then - I had been doing the 30DS for a month before... So, this time - I thought I would try again. I really don't have much to lose - other than size. LOL So, I've replaced my WATP with 30DS for a while, as long as I can... I am still doing my heavy lifting... and I am still trying to squeeze in running when I can - usually 2x a week.

And, as I said above, I've also embarked on another Whole30... Trying hard to concentrate and really turn my mind around... I read a really good success story on Nerd Fitness the other day - and the girl reminded me so much of myself and my journey - this literally could have been my story... It just really resonated with me. And I thought to myself "what are you doing?"... I think it was just the push I needed to refocus and really make progress in the right direction... Sometimes I wonder why I keep trying and keep trying new things... I guess it's just the nature of the beast... I am reminded constantly that there never will be an "end" to this.

Here's the link to the article, if anyone is interested. :lovestruc http://www.nerdfitness.com/blog/2016/08/01/how-amy-gave-up-perfection-and-lost-116-lbs/#more-1022401

I will also be working upstairs today... Not exactly sure what will be on my schedule... Probably a little of everything? :scratchin I have a few piddly things I should work on, just to get them off my desk... V has one more small request... I have one more bag I'd like to do for myself... And then I'd like to work ahead in preparation for Allison's arrival home. So, despite not having anything on my schedule this week - I still have plenty to do. ::yes::

And we have nothing going on today, which is good. ::yes::

I hope you all have an amazing day! Sending prayers and Pixie Dust out to all of you! :lovestruc

Yes - you must try The Wave... The grits... And the sweet potato pancakes with the honey butter... Ahhh - I can't think of everything... but everything there is my FAVORITE... Trying to figure out a day where we can sneak in a 3rd breakfast.
You have made the breakfast at the Wave sound so good that we are going to eat there when we are in WDW in December. :) We got a free upgrade to the Grand Floridian from our travel agency, due to an overbooking at the BC, so we are hitting up the monorail resorts and Trail's End for meals. :) It will be our first time staying at a monorail resort in 27 years. ;) It will almost be like the first time, it has been so long. We are super excited about it.

Allison is doing a Dismeet in NL today! How fun is that, right? She is meeting up with my friend April (her Dis name escapes me) - we met her once before in WDW on our 2012 trip - but she was the ONE Dismeet that I forgot to take a picture with. Allison has strict instructions to get a picture with her today. :lovestruc April lives in NL and when she heard how home sick Allison has been, April insisted on meeting up with her. Allison was a little hesitant - but I told her that it might help her to have a "Mom connection" - It sounds like I may have been right? :scratchin This just makes my heart happy - as I know that this will be a good meet for both of them. Wish I could be there too though.
After you said that Allison missed being able to chat with people in English, I'm sure she will enjoy this visit with April. :)

I have one more bag I'd like to do for myself.
Are you and Victoria all set for the Halloween party?
It sounds like the NL meet-up is just what Allison needs to give her a boost of "mom connection" right now. I'm sure she'll have a wonderful time.

My husband and I are still talking about when we're going to start our Whole 30. We were going to start at the end of August but I've now been scheduled to go out of town for work for five days and I'm concerned about staying compliant during that time since I won't have access to a kitchen to prepare my own foods and there will be lots of meals over which I have no control (business lunch ordered in during our meetings, etc.). So we may wait until after I get back since we don't have any travel scheduled after that until next year. I want to get started but, at the same time, I'm a bit nervous about it. Does that make sense, or is it silly? I'm worried about how my body will react during the Whole 30 -- I already have plenty of stomach and gastrointestinal problems and knowing those could be exacerbated during Whole 30 is a bit anxiety-inducing, although I am sure I'll feel much, much better overall after it's done.

How nice to have a week where you don't "have" to work on anything particular and can work on things you want to work on and work ahead! You'll be glad you worked ahead once Allison gets home and you're able to spend more time with her.

We had fun picking outfits for Brie's senior pictures, too. I love to shop (bad thing!) but she can be very difficult to shop for and with. She's very picky and has a definite style, and we are really strict on certain things when it comes to clothes and since she's really tall it can be hard to find things that she loves that also meet our rules. She's a much better sport about it than she was a couple of years ago, thank goodness! But it can be a challenge. I'm sure V will look absolutely beautiful in her pictures.
You have made the breakfast at the Wave sound so good that we are going to eat there when we are in WDW in December. :) We got a free upgrade to the Grand Floridian from our travel agency, due to an overbooking at the BC, so we are hitting up the monorail resorts and Trail's End for meals. :) It will be our first time staying at a monorail resort in 27 years. ;) It will almost be like the first time, it has been so long. We are super excited about it.

After you said that Allison missed being able to chat with people in English, I'm sure she will enjoy this visit with April. :)

Are you and Victoria all set for the Halloween party?

Awesome! I am so happy you are trying it... It's my favorite!

Oooh - that is so exciting!!! Congratulations on that awesome upgrade! That will be very nice - the location is prime, as we all know, so that will just be wonderful! :woohoo:

Allison very much enjoyed her visit with April... And due to their chatting - they also met a few other Americans - they both said it was a very neat and special day for both of them. :lovestruc It's so awesome that I have friends around the world - especially during times like this!

I believe so? We have our tickets... V is still trying to decide if she is dressing up for it? But I am ready - I did my Halloween Magic Band cover yesterday... I don't think there is anything else I need for my stuff? But what I do need to figure out is which themes I am doing in which parks... And I do need to buy some fabric to make solid red crop leggings - I hate the fact of wearing solid red, but I have a few cute navy shirts, and I can't wear black with navy... :scratchin Unless you have a better idea?

It sounds like the NL meet-up is just what Allison needs to give her a boost of "mom connection" right now. I'm sure she'll have a wonderful time.

My husband and I are still talking about when we're going to start our Whole 30. We were going to start at the end of August but I've now been scheduled to go out of town for work for five days and I'm concerned about staying compliant during that time since I won't have access to a kitchen to prepare my own foods and there will be lots of meals over which I have no control (business lunch ordered in during our meetings, etc.). So we may wait until after I get back since we don't have any travel scheduled after that until next year. I want to get started but, at the same time, I'm a bit nervous about it. Does that make sense, or is it silly? I'm worried about how my body will react during the Whole 30 -- I already have plenty of stomach and gastrointestinal problems and knowing those could be exacerbated during Whole 30 is a bit anxiety-inducing, although I am sure I'll feel much, much better overall after it's done.

How nice to have a week where you don't "have" to work on anything particular and can work on things you want to work on and work ahead! You'll be glad you worked ahead once Allison gets home and you're able to spend more time with her.

We had fun picking outfits for Brie's senior pictures, too. I love to shop (bad thing!) but she can be very difficult to shop for and with. She's very picky and has a definite style, and we are really strict on certain things when it comes to clothes and since she's really tall it can be hard to find things that she loves that also meet our rules. She's a much better sport about it than she was a couple of years ago, thank goodness! But it can be a challenge. I'm sure V will look absolutely beautiful in her pictures.

I hope so - they both seemed to enjoy themselves immensely. And even though she can't be with her momma, she can be with someone who has the same interests as her momma right? So, it's almost the same? LOL They have met once before in WDW, but it was a very short meet and we didn't get a photo... I think both of them would be interested in meeting up again if Allison had more time. ::yes:: Oh well - they will meet again the next time Allison goes over, I am sure of that.

I understand... Many people are very nervous about doing a W30, I've never really been too nervous about it - twice now, I've started on a whim and just made it work with whatever is going on in my life. This time - I really needed to do a reset of some sort - it didn't matter to me what that was... Looking ahead at my schedule - this seemed like perfect timing. There is no way we can predict what this will do to you body - health wise - but from my standpoint, I can only imagine that it will be good for you. I would really try to stick to foods that you do know at first, just so your body doesn't get too upset. Maybe you could do a strict Whole10 or something like that (that's not an official thing) just to try it out before your trip - so when you get back, you know a bit more of what to expect? :scratchin I definitely recommend doing the entire 30 at some point soon - if your life is anything like mine, there never really is a "good time" - so we just have to buckle down and do it... There will always be a party or event or something that will make a few meals hard, but that's part of the learning process too... So, I guess I would start there and then go from there. ::yes::

Yes - it works out nicely for me... I try to schedule a week off every 8-10 weeks, typically I use it to catch up or to work on side projects, so it's never truly a week off... But this time, I am actually ahead of the game - which is very strange... Now, hopefully I can work ahead. LOL Being in a creative business - I've found that it's essential that I am able to be creative with my own things too - or I can't be creative when I need to be... So, sometimes, I must take time off to do what my brain is thinking, or I can't move forward. If that makes sense? It's weeks like this - where I tell myself I *should* work ahead, but then I get consumed with fun stuff and I just can't. We will see what I get accomplished this week. LOL :scratchin

I totally understand - I love shopping too - but my wallet doesn't always agree. LOL It's difficult to find appropriate things sometimes, let alone - things that they will wear. Most of the time, my girls are pretty good about that sort of thing, but not always. Sigh. Kudos to you for setting rules on this and adhering to them, as a parent - that if often times a very difficult thing to do. :lovestruc


I had a really nice day yesterday...

I did my level 3 3o Day Shred as my work out... I have a serious love/hate relationship with that program. LOL

Then Allison and I chatted for about 2 hours... I FB messaged her for about an hour, while she was traveling back home after meeting April - she has such a hard time navigating the train system over there. She did great though. Both her and April very much enjoyed their time together, it sounds like they hit it off fabulously. :woohoo:


While they were together, they did a little bit of touring around Rotterdam too... A few places that Allison wanted to see, but she hadn't seen yet. April was very impressed that Allison knew her way around Rotterdam pretty well - so that was nice to hear.



And then Allison went home...



When she got home, we Skyped for another hour. It was good seeing her and hearing all about her adventures over the last several days - we hadn't had a truly good Skype call since she returned from Italy - so it was good. :lovestruc

I went up to work a little late yesterday... I worked on a few items that I needed to get done, just piddly things, but still things i needed to do... A zipper pull, a magic band cover, a wallet/lanyard set for V... I finished almost all of them - so that's good. ::yes::

I took a nap...

Then I took V to work...

Came home, had dinner...

Went for a nice walk... I really wanted to run - but my knee was being goofy last night, even while walking, so I decided not to run. It was a beautiful night though and I am glad i went. ::yes::



That's about all. Yesterday was day 2 of my current Whole30, it went well. As I said - I've been tracking my intake through MFP - which is a HUGE no-no... But I am truly curious as to how much I do eat on any given day during a Whole30. The basic preimise behind it is this... No sugar, no grains, no dairy, no additives of any sort... Then it's 3 meals a day (snacks are discouraged) and the meals should follow a template of approx 60% veggies, 30% meat, 10% fat - this is a rough estimate. Any snacking that's done should be a mini-meal. So, after I'd tracked my large meals yesterday, after dinner and after my walk, I was still very hungry... So, I opted for 2 hard boiled eggs with olive oil - not quite a mini-meal, but I was feeling lazy too. LOL I was still at 1200 calories for the day... I think I really need to be conscious about eating a bit more during the day, as I feel that is too low for me. I'll work on that today. At some point - very soon - I probably won't track any more, as I know I shouldn't be during this program - which is one thing I like about it.


Today - I will heavy lift shortly.

I will work upstairs until lunch time.

I have an appointment.

I have to rush home to get V to work on time.

Then I will relax. ::yes::

I hope you all have a marvelous day today!!! Sending Pixie Dust out to all of you! :lovestruc

Went for a nice walk... I really wanted to run - but my knee was being goofy last night, even while walking, so I decided not to run. It was a beautiful night though and I am glad i went
Glad you went for a walk.
I think I'm going to the couch to 5k, not because I want to but because dh wants to. I figure if I can get him to run with me, I'll be more likely to stick with it. We were going to start yesterday but life was too crazy.

4 days before we went on vacation DH got hit in my van. Luckily he was in my van instead of his doorless jeep since a teenager turned left right into drivers side by the wheel. Dropped van off the to be fixed Friday, left Monday. MIL wound up driving us to the airport and picking us up. Van was supposed to be ready in about a week and half. Then it got pushed back so went from Thursday ( which was already 2 weeks) to Friday to it was finally ready on Tuesday.
Dh went on a business trip of Sunday evening, so he got dropped off at the repair shop.
I was outside playing box ball with my girls when he arrived home. First thing he said was need to go back alignment is not right. I call the shop, they say to bring it right in. I go with ds2, dh meets us with dd1, as soon as I get there before I can get out of the van, they say can I take it for a test drive. He winds up taking right back to alignment place.
We stop for dinner, and I go to check my phone. Not good since I left it in the van.
Dh called the body shop and I drove to get my phone. Guy who had taken my van to test drive, was driving to alignment place when I got there, asked me where my phone was because guy there didn't find it. I drove with him and it was just sitting in cup holder.
i could not go get van till almost 6 pm. I called and said could I come since I know they close at 6, of course they said fine.

By the time we were home, there went our running.
That church in Rotterdam is gorgeous. I'm glad that Allison had such a good time with April.

Allison is very photogenic. :)

Did you see that Disney announced new rules for the Halloween costumes? I don't think that you or Victoria will have any conflicts, though.
I'm glad you went for a walk. As you know, I don't run but I walk. I walked a 5k on saturday and finished somewhere in the middle. It was a color dash and was a lot of fun. I think I walked a 16 minute mile but i wasn't walking as fast as I could have.
Good luck with the whole30. Hopefully you get the results you're looking for.
It looks like Allison had a a good meet with April. It's nice that she's getting to meet so many people and see so much.
I'm down to single digits for my trip and I spent yesterday doing fun stuff like stopping the mail and papers and getting an oil change and tires rotated. I also got my hair cut it really needed it. All I have left is to get money out of the bank and pack.
Have a great day.
I was a few days behind, but all caught up now!
Thanks!!! I've been totally ignoring them! ::yes:: And pushing them on my family... The REAL struggle is the home made pumpkin spice cake I made with home made cream cheese frosting - now that is hard to stay away from... As I LOVE cream cheese frosting.
I guess I lost part of that quote- anyhoo- Yes, the kids here wear uniforms even in preschool or Yochien as it is called from Age 3, and they go all year round. I am not sure what kind of breaks they get but from what I understand they take trips and "holidays" with the schools too. The place where we live is pretty rural for Japan, so I think there might be more variety in the bigger cities like Hiroshima and, of course, Tokyo.
That cakes sounds so good! I think I could dip just about anything in cream cheese frosting and eat it- especially homemade!! My husband asked me to make peanut butter brookies for him to take to work this morning. I confess that I ate one as soon as they were cool enough not to burn my tongue!

I did my level 3 3o Day Shred as my work out... I have a serious love/hate relationship with that program. LOL
That is the Jillian Micheals program, correct? I have an old biggest loser DVD that I used to do- she doesn't pull any punches, so I bet that one is a killer!

Then Allison and I chatted for about 2 hours... I FB messaged her for about an hour, while she was traveling back home after meeting April - she has such a hard time navigating the train system over there. She did great though. Both her and April very much enjoyed their time together, it sounds like they hit it off fabulously.
It is so lovely that Allison had a Dismeet on the other side of the World! I love that Disney unites so many diverse people together. It looks like they had a nice visit and tour. Allison should make a coffee table book of all her pictures from abroad. They are wonderful!

It was a beautiful night though and I am glad i went. ::yes::

I love the landscape pictures. The rolling farmland reminds me of TN, and kinda makes me homesick; I'm not gonna lie.

But I am truly curious as to how much I do eat on any given day during a Whole30. The basic preimise behind it is this... No sugar, no grains, no dairy, no additives of any sort... Then it's 3 meals a day (snacks are discouraged) and the meals should follow a template of approx 60% veggies, 30% meat, 10% fat - this is a rough estimate. Any snacking that's done should be a mini-meal. So, after I'd tracked my large meals yesterday, after dinner and after my walk, I was still very hungry... So, I opted for 2 hard boiled eggs with olive oil - not quite a mini-meal, but I was feeling lazy too. LOL I was still at 1200 calories for the day... I think I really need to be conscious about eating a bit more during the day, as I feel that is too low for me. I'll work on that today. At some point - very soon - I probably won't track any more, as I know I shouldn't be during this program - which is one thing I like about it.

OK, this description of Whole30 sounds so difficult. I guess that is why the prep work is so important? I can't imagine having to think about having the right percentages of each food at every meal. Is it difficult to stay full on this? I feel like it would be hard to find enough meat to eat at every meal. I do find it interesting, though. And you've been on quite a streak- this should be a good time for you to continue on! Good luck with it.

I let Emma walk to school by herself yesterday with 2 of her classmates and home again. I was a nervous wreck the whole time, but she did well. She walked with them again this morning, so I assume she enjoyed it. Yesterday, they had a "spouse's spa day" over at one of the meeting halls that I went to. My DH took part of the day off to spend with the baby. It was fine, but at the end, they had a yoga class with a Taiwanese instructor. She was very nice- very ripped. She said, this will be a relaxing session just to stretch your body and relax your mind. Ok. So, the 1st ten minutes were slow and easy, just normal yoga. Then she starts talking very fast and going from pose to pose. I almost fell over twice. I was pretty embarrassed until I looked around and most of the other ladies were having the same trouble! I am sore today! Anyway, thought I would share my funny, epic fitness fail. I got a laugh out of it! I hope you have a great day!
So on the Whole30 thing, if I'm mostly vegan (I still eat eggs on occasion) I would just eat some form of protein for the 30%? Is anything off limits veggie wise, like potatoes? I may need to google this.
So on the Whole30 thing, if I'm mostly vegan (I still eat eggs on occasion) I would just eat some form of protein for the 30%? Is anything off limits veggie wise, like potatoes? I may need to google this.
During a Whole30
  • No grains
  • No legumes
  • No dairy
  • No alcohol
  • No sugar
  • No artificial sweeteners
I'm trying to remember if I forget any big thing. After the 30 days you are supposed to do a reintroduction.
Glad you went for a walk.
I think I'm going to the couch to 5k, not because I want to but because dh wants to. I figure if I can get him to run with me, I'll be more likely to stick with it. We were going to start yesterday but life was too crazy.

4 days before we went on vacation DH got hit in my van. Luckily he was in my van instead of his doorless jeep since a teenager turned left right into drivers side by the wheel. Dropped van off the to be fixed Friday, left Monday. MIL wound up driving us to the airport and picking us up. Van was supposed to be ready in about a week and half. Then it got pushed back so went from Thursday ( which was already 2 weeks) to Friday to it was finally ready on Tuesday.
Dh went on a business trip of Sunday evening, so he got dropped off at the repair shop.
I was outside playing box ball with my girls when he arrived home. First thing he said was need to go back alignment is not right. I call the shop, they say to bring it right in. I go with ds2, dh meets us with dd1, as soon as I get there before I can get out of the van, they say can I take it for a test drive. He winds up taking right back to alignment place.
We stop for dinner, and I go to check my phone. Not good since I left it in the van.
Dh called the body shop and I drove to get my phone. Guy who had taken my van to test drive, was driving to alignment place when I got there, asked me where my phone was because guy there didn't find it. I drove with him and it was just sitting in cup holder.
i could not go get van till almost 6 pm. I called and said could I come since I know they close at 6, of course they said fine.

By the time we were home, there went our running.

Good luck with the C25K... It's a good program! I've only tried it once, and it was well over a decade ago - I didn't have much luck with it, but I think I am an odd ball with that... So many people do have success with it. ::yes::

WOW!!! What a mess - glad your DH is OK though. Glad you were able to get your phone back too. Hopefully your van is fixed properly soon.

That church in Rotterdam is gorgeous. I'm glad that Allison had such a good time with April.

Allison is very photogenic. :)

Did you see that Disney announced new rules for the Halloween costumes? I don't think that you or Victoria will have any conflicts, though.

It was beautiful! Allison was telling me the story - I haven't gone to read it myself, but essentially in WWII, the entirety of Rotterdam was destroyed, completely destroyed, they had to rebuild the whole city from the ground up. There were only 3 buildings that the Nazis left intact... This church, a city hall building and one other. So, it's something that this city treasures... And it is beautiful. :lovestruc

Thank you... I like to think so, but I am bias. LOL

I did - I read them a few weeks ago, unless they've been updated since then? :scratchin I am pretty sure we will be fine... My outfit is just an outfit in Halloween colors... And I am not sure what V is going to be yet - but she won't be having any sort of face masks or weapon looking items - so we should be fine. ::yes::

I'm glad you went for a walk. As you know, I don't run but I walk. I walked a 5k on saturday and finished somewhere in the middle. It was a color dash and was a lot of fun. I think I walked a 16 minute mile but i wasn't walking as fast as I could have.
Good luck with the whole30. Hopefully you get the results you're looking for.
It looks like Allison had a a good meet with April. It's nice that she's getting to meet so many people and see so much.
I'm down to single digits for my trip and I spent yesterday doing fun stuff like stopping the mail and papers and getting an oil change and tires rotated. I also got my hair cut it really needed it. All I have left is to get money out of the bank and pack.
Have a great day.

Good for you!!! You could walk, and I could run side by side - LOL... I RUN a 16 min mile. LOL We'd make a great team! ::yes::

Thanks - I hope so too... I am already feeling much better. It still amazes me how quickly my body reacts when I put good things into it. :thumbsup2

She did!!! It was a lot of fun for her!

Yay!!! :woohoo: I am so excited for you!!!! I love those last few day - so much fun stuff to do! I think my favorite part is getting my nails and hair done! :lovestruc I cant' wait to hear all about it!

I was a few days behind, but all caught up now!

I guess I lost part of that quote- anyhoo- Yes, the kids here wear uniforms even in preschool or Yochien as it is called from Age 3, and they go all year round. I am not sure what kind of breaks they get but from what I understand they take trips and "holidays" with the schools too. The place where we live is pretty rural for Japan, so I think there might be more variety in the bigger cities like Hiroshima and, of course, Tokyo.
That cakes sounds so good! I think I could dip just about anything in cream cheese frosting and eat it- especially homemade!! My husband asked me to make peanut butter brookies for him to take to work this morning. I confess that I ate one as soon as they were cool enough not to burn my tongue!

That is the Jillian Micheals program, correct? I have an old biggest loser DVD that I used to do- she doesn't pull any punches, so I bet that one is a killer!

It is so lovely that Allison had a Dismeet on the other side of the World! I love that Disney unites so many diverse people together. It looks like they had a nice visit and tour. Allison should make a coffee table book of all her pictures from abroad. They are wonderful!

I love the landscape pictures. The rolling farmland reminds me of TN, and kinda makes me homesick; I'm not gonna lie.

OK, this description of Whole30 sounds so difficult. I guess that is why the prep work is so important? I can't imagine having to think about having the right percentages of each food at every meal. Is it difficult to stay full on this? I feel like it would be hard to find enough meat to eat at every meal. I do find it interesting, though. And you've been on quite a streak- this should be a good time for you to continue on! Good luck with it.

I let Emma walk to school by herself yesterday with 2 of her classmates and home again. I was a nervous wreck the whole time, but she did well. She walked with them again this morning, so I assume she enjoyed it. Yesterday, they had a "spouse's spa day" over at one of the meeting halls that I went to. My DH took part of the day off to spend with the baby. It was fine, but at the end, they had a yoga class with a Taiwanese instructor. She was very nice- very ripped. She said, this will be a relaxing session just to stretch your body and relax your mind. Ok. So, the 1st ten minutes were slow and easy, just normal yoga. Then she starts talking very fast and going from pose to pose. I almost fell over twice. I was pretty embarrassed until I looked around and most of the other ladies were having the same trouble! I am sore today! Anyway, thought I would share my funny, epic fitness fail. I got a laugh out of it! I hope you have a great day!

Yes - so that makes sense to me, as to why there isn't much clothing available for those middle sizes - most kids probably wear uniforms most of the time.

Tell me about it... If it's not gone by tonight - I am going to have to throw it out. They love it, but I think they forget about it because it's in the fridge. ::yes::

Yes - 30DS is pretty rough - I am usually dripping in sweat by the time I finish. But hopefully all of my hard work pays off. ::yes::

Totally agree... She can never run from her mother - I have contacts everywhere. ROFL Kidding. Sorta. :lmao:

I am excited to see the pictures from her big camera - all of the ones I've been posting are just from her cell phone... I bet the ones from her big camera are amazing! I hope she will let me share some of those. ::yes::

It's really quite easy with the percentages on W30... I went to find a graphic for you - I was going to post it yesterday to explain, but I was too lazy. LOL


The thing with eating this way, I'll try to explain it so it's easy to understand... The Standard American Diet (SAD) is filled with grains and processed food - to the point where the processed food isn't even really food anymore... Until the turn of the century, grains were a part of our diet - but in a limited way... It wasn't until we starting cooking on stoves, and later with electricity, that grains became a staple in our lives - grains (healthy whole grains too) are a "junk" food... The government learned, during the war, and food manufacturers discovered, grains are an easy way to feed a mass amount of people quickly for very little cost. Sadly - any nutrition in the grains is taken out during processing, and has to be re-added in chemical form... Which btw, all of these nutrients are much more substantial in other foods, like proteins and fruits/veggies. There is NOTHING in a grain item which a person can't get from a from fruits/veggies/meat and more of it. Here's 2 links that better explain what I just said:



Love Marksdailyapple.com - I highly recommend reading anything from him! :thumbsup2

So, have you ever noticed, when you eat breakfast - for instance - you have a couple pieces of healthy whole grain toast with some peanut butter, and within an hour you are starving? Essentially, your body just passes it right through - there is no nutrition in that bread in which your body can absorb, but it does absorb the calories. Kind of crappy right? Almost literally. LOL So, when you pull out the grains in your diet, you are left with meat, fruits/veggies & fat... The meat takes your body a lot longer to digest, because there is a lot of nutritional value in it... The fruits and veggies are very good for you - packed with nutrients... And fat is also essential - all those years of low-fat eating have really wrecked our bodies, as a whole... Fat is what keeps you from feeling hungry. The first few days eating like this are very hard - the more grains a person has in their diet, the harder it is, as your body is dependent on that... A person would be amazed at the difference in eating habits just within a week of trying this - I know I was. Which is why it's become such a movement - it makes total sense, and it's such an eye opener. ::yes::

Sorry - I can honestly write a novel about this, as I am so passionate. I just highly recommend you read and educate yourself on this subject, if it's something that interests you, because - it seems after every article and book I read - I am shocked at how our government and food manufacturers have been poisoning us for decades... I always thought - if it was in a grocery store - it was food and it was good for us, and that just so isn't the case. It's very sad, and makes me quite angry, honestly. I am done now, I promise. LOL

WTG letting Emma walk to school on her own... I know that was a big step and hard for you. But it sounds like she did great and she's making friends. :lovestruc I hope it continues to go well for her. And that was awesome of DH to give you a break! :lovestruc Yikes about the Yoga - LOL - at least you weren't the only one... I guarantee, if I was there, I'd be falling all over the place - I am the most uncoordinated person ever. LOL

I hope you have a great weekend! :lovestruc


Ok - so yesterday...

I did my heavy lifting right away in the morning. It was a great lift, and I really feel like I am making progress.

I took a picture of my front porch, before I take it down - this is as far as I got with my patriotic display this summer - I never did get everything from Target set up - but I will next year, I promise. It is possible that I will start decorating for fall this weekend... I definitely have the urge.


I also went up to work early... Where I finished V's wallet that she requested for our Universal day...


Then I started on my next park bag... I know, I know - I am supposed to be working ahead... but gah!!!! Sometimes, I just have to be creative for myself... I still have several days where I can work ahead. ::yes::

I dropped V off at work, then I ran to my appointment, then I came home and sat around all night - enjoying my laziness. ::yes:: I stayed awake to pick V up from work and then I went to bed. A pretty non-exciting day for me.

I woke to a cute Snapchat from Allison this morning... I must admit - I am going to miss seeing her with the Littles...


Today... I'll be working out this morning... I think I am on Level 1 of 30DS? :scratchin I just keep rotating through all of them.

I will also work on my bag for a little while... then maybe I'll start on my next custom order - if I have the time/ambition.

I have to run to town this afternoon... The one thing with eating Whole30 - I go through a LOT of eggs... So, I need more. I also have to get tabs on the Edge, so it's legal to drive. ::yes::

That's about all for today! I hope you all enjoy your holiday weekend - if you are traveling, please travel safe. :lovestruc Sending prayers and pixie dust out to all of you! :grouphug:

So on the Whole30 thing, if I'm mostly vegan (I still eat eggs on occasion) I would just eat some form of protein for the 30%? Is anything off limits veggie wise, like potatoes? I may need to google this.

I do know, from seeing others go through a Whole30, doing it as a vegan is harder - it can still be done, but it is harder - as your protein sources are limited. If you do eat eggs, that does help though - although, I find when I am on a W30 - I eat a LOT of eggs - so I am not sure if you are open to eating them in abundance? I highly recommend reading "It Starts With Food" - as this is the book that is the premise behind the W30 program and explains everything in it... I find, those people who don't read it, have a much more difficult time finishing the entire 30 days.

During a Whole30
  • No grains
  • No legumes
  • No dairy
  • No alcohol
  • No sugar
  • No artificial sweeteners
I'm trying to remember if I forget any big thing. After the 30 days you are supposed to do a reintroduction.

Yes. :) Thank you. :) Then there's the whole website too - which has a lot of info... http://whole30.com/



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