The Running Thread --2025


February - 35 Miles

That might be my lowest monthly total ever. I am seriously lacking motivation and sick of winter. I am signed up to run the Springtime 10 Miler, but we've decided not to do a spring Disney trip and instead do a big overseas trip this summer. I wish I could swing both, but it's just not feasible, so I'll have to eat that registration fee.

I have a 5 mile trail race tomorrow with a friend, that will most likely be more of a hike with trail conditions being a mix of everything (ice, snow, giant puddles, & mud).

I'm hoping when spring weather arrives, I'll find my motivation again.
Yesterday’s ATTQOTD no spreadsheets, just the same running schedule every week (mostly) with some extra miles or speed thrown in when a race is coming up. All the info is tracked by my Apple Watch if I want to look at it anytime
ATTQOTD today, amazing another month has flown by but here we are. Skipped 1 run this month and shortened another but ran my fastest magic mile ever this AM, so I am quite happy with the year so far

@Dopey 2020 looking at your signature line, we have very similar PR times. Two notes though, mine happened years ago and your marathon time is much better than mine. Hoping to end up with similar times though by the time WDW marathon is done!

I have a 5 mile trail race tomorrow with a friend, that will most likely be more of a hike with trail conditions being a mix of everything (ice, snow, giant puddles, & mud).
Good luck with the race tomorrow! Enjoy the time on the trail.
ATTQOTD: I hadn't been tracking mileage by month, but looks like I'm at 100.3 miles for February, and I have about 3 miles of hill repeats to do later today. I trail run, and I go by time, not distance. This week is a cut-back week, so I have 70 mins on hills scheduled for tomorrow and 120 min LR scheduled for Sunday.

Responding to the prior question....even though I tend to analyze everything, I do not have my training plan/stats on spreadsheets. This is because when I come back from a run and essentially check things off, I like to mark everything off on paper. So I write my training plan electronically and then print it out and track it. Then weekly, I type things up and do some stats for my training log.
😂 Reading how everybody intricately tracks every run through a variety of spreadsheets and data plots is insane. I feel this is like you all after completing a run:


Meanwhile, here I am planning the length of my runs like Forrest Gump. I literally walk out the door and decide how long and how fast depending on how I’m feeling in the moment.

ATTQOTD: February stats -

Running: 24h 57m, 164.1 miles
Strength/mobility: 5h 56m
Total: 30h 53m

Plus like...a whole bunch of PRs - Princess recap starts here if you're interested.

Re: spreadsheets - I do make my training plans using Google Sheets (which you can also see in my training journal), and then I track monthly mileage in another sheet. My PRs are just all listed in the first post in my training journal, though. I feel like the training journal is the main repository at this point. 😂
😂 Reading how everybody intricately tracks every run through a variety of spreadsheets and data plots is insane. I feel this is like you all after completing a run:

View attachment 942915

Meanwhile, here I am planning the length of my runs like Forrest Gump. I literally walk out the door and decide how long and how fast depending on how I’m feeling in the moment.

View attachment 942916
I will neither confirm or deny the accuracy of the top GIF 😄😄

But I will say that mentioning my running spreadsheet addiction in the first interview may have aided in securing a second interview for a job that will involve many spreadsheets
February Running Total: 15k and 10k of that was today!🤣
I did add 5lbs to my bench press 1 rep max though which was my focus of the month so that's good. I don't feel too bad about running so little; it's cold and icy. I had some fun jump rope sessions and got a weighted vest to wear while using the mini stepper or walking outside. All & all it was a good month for fitness, just not focusing on running right now.

@LSUlakes I like to "collect" strength training workout plans. I put them into PowerPoint slides as an easy way to see each day's workout on a slide. Then I print the slides in a booklet format and can make notes on the pages of the weights I use as I go through the programs. Most of them are programs from other people, but I created this one myself if you want to take a look.
February 2025 totals
Distance: 152.1km (95mi)
Average pace: 6m47s/km (10:55min/mi)
YTD: 297km on 2025km

Where the harsh reality of a training plan in winter meet the existential adaptation to new model of shoes.
ATTQOYD: I have three spreadsheets for running
  • To keep track of everyone distance running. That was created in 2020 when the entire family started running and we wanted to achieve a 2020km total together.
  • To keep the family race results (we each have a sheet in the folder)
  • To keep my monthly training stats through the years
ATTQOTD: I already put my February stats in a separate post. We are hoping to go skating on the Rideau Canal in Ottawa and to ski this weekend… which means that training runs might get canceled for the cause.
180 miles
No spreadsheets. I don't really follow strict plans to a T, I'm on a pretty consistent schedule the whole year. I'll refer back to Garmin Connect if I need to check anything from any buildups to prior races.
Doing some catching up because I might become a runner again soon?

QOTD: Which race do you most look forward to following along that you are not running in?
Boston. Always. I like to follow the Olympics when they're on. Any of the majors when I know someone running. I like to follow the different Disney weekends.
QOTD: What is one thing that you could either stop doing or start doing that would have a huge positive impact for your health/running goals?
It's just not one thing, that's the problem. It's a list. I can strength train, eat better, drink more water, run more, be consistent, do speed work.
QOTD: Do you get cold after your run?
Sort of? I'll get a little chilly as the sweat dries. Changing into something dry helps.
QOTD: Lets discuss race expos. As part of the race experience do you enjoy having to go to the expo? Do you often purchase items at them? If the expos you went to had a mail your bib to you option, would you rather that than attend the expo? What do you like or dislike about them?
Yes and no. I don't love fighting crowds and they tend to be crowded. I'm sort of over the Disney ones because they're so nuts and it's usually the same vendors now so I'd rather get a few photos with the signage, grab my bib and shirt, and go. I like the merch so I deal with it and do what I have to do to check it out and buy some, but I don't love it. I wanted to spend more time at the Boston one and do more, but I also wanted to be off my feet and it was rainy so I'll do more exploring of the expo this year after the 5k.
QOTD: For those who take in calories during a race or training run, what product do you use and which ones would you not try again?
I cannot stomach any traditional gu's, so I do Untapped (echoing The Expert here - love the brand and discovered it at the Vermont City Marathon) maple syrup straight up. I do clif bloks (salted margarita) for salty fuel in addition to salt tabs since I'm such a salty sweater.
QOTD: When is your favorite time of year for running races and why?
I like fall races but not summer training, and I like winter training but not spring races (weather is too volatile the later in spring you go)
QOTD: Who here uses some sort of spread sheet to keep records of their runs and for making training schedules?
Not runs or training, but I have tracked every race I've run since I started in 2017.

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