The Problem with Galaxy's Edge

Batuu is great, and an ideal setting. It’s easily adaptable in the future, and doesn’t necessarily have to be constrained forever. Right now they’re doing the “between 8 and 9” thing. I’m sure it will change in the future. Isn’t that the whole thing? That the parks are ever evolving?

Sure, of course. I think what I and some others are saying is that the GE concept is faulty at a more fundamental level especially compared with Wizarding World or Avengers Campus. I think GE should be more flexible in its set up and allow for characters from multiple eras or timelines co-exist with each other. It shouldn't be locked into a certain date and time within the Star Wars universe.
I am a Star Wars fan and yes the original trilogy and the prequels are awesome. I also agree the new Disney trilogy should have been planned better. That said, I do like Force Awakens and Last Jedi (yes, even with the portrayal of Luke being my biggest issue). Rise of Skywalker I didn't care for too much.

Anyway, I say all that to say I think Disney did make the right move to set Galaxy Edge in the new Disney timeline. Yes, the OG timeline is amazing but there is so much content out there set within prequel and OG trilogy that it would be kinda boring for fans to be in an attraction based on that time period. If I were Disney I would have set Galaxy Edge AFTER the events of Rise of Skywalker.

Next month will be my first ever visit to Galaxy Edge and my thoughts might change, but from what I seen and heard, it seems amazing.
Batuu is great, and an ideal setting. It’s easily adaptable in the future, and doesn’t necessarily have to be constrained forever. Right now they’re doing the “between 8 and 9” thing. I’m sure it will change in the future. Isn’t that the whole thing? That the parks are ever evolving?

One would hope! Considering most of the new and upcoming content (Andor, Obi Wan, The Bad Batch, The Book of Boba Fett, The Mandalorian, etc.) is still going to be set in or close to the "Original Trilogy" era, the Sequel Trilogy timeframe is going to look more and more like an outdated oddity.
Yes, the OG timeline is amazing but there is so much content out there set within prequel and OG trilogy that it would be kinda boring for fans to be in an attraction based on that time period.

I don't get this argument at all. Since there is SO much content in that timeframe, that's exactly why it should be set then. That wouldn't render it boring, it would make it feel relevant.
I don't get this argument at all. Since there is SO much content in that timeframe, that's exactly why it should be set then. That wouldn't render it boring, it would make it feel relevant.

Don’t get me wrong I love the OG trilogy and prequel timeline. I guess it just me but I am getting a little fatigued with a majority of the Star Wars movies, books, comic books, video games, shows etc around the OG trilogy where we already know how it ends. I mean it would be cool to feel like your in that time period in Star Wars, but in terms of attractions, it wouldn’t be much different from what we have currently. A falcon ride and a ride of resistance type ride that just flips Rey and Kylo and others with Luke and Vader. It’s hard to explain.

But ideally I would like something like Galaxy Edge that is canon to the universe and the events of all the films and shows have taken place, but guests have their own experiences in the universe.
I've just watched the Avengers Campus opening.

They don't constrain the land to an specific timeline, they even have TWO Captain America (the first one and Sam Wilson)!
Feige even said they would update the land with the release of new movies/series.

I would love to see that on Galaxy's Edge characters like Darth Vader, Luke, Han, Leia and others from original and even new movies/series, like Grogu or Mando.

I think it's time to change and evolve. Seeing and awesome Spiderman animatronic swinging above the campus or all Marvel's characters performing makes me wonder WHY they have so few characters on Galaxy's Edge.

Galaxy Edge is officially canon in the Star Wars universe. From what I seen and gathered from Avengers Campus at Disneyland is that is mainly just a non canon theme park area. Seems like any oversight by Disney who is usually on point when it comes to storytelling/ ride/ land backstories.

It seems to have MCU stuff like Tom Holland’s Spider Man but other things seem to be inspired more by the comics. Also, iron man and black widow are in the park but both are dead in the MCU post endgame. It’s a minor nitpick that ultimately doesn’t matter ( the land looks awesome). But I do wish more thought went into the marvel land. If it’s set within the MCU then make it more authentic to that. If it’s more related to the comic book universe then stick with that. Don’t mix both as the two vary in various ways.
Let me preface with I enjoyed my time at GE, loved Rise and loved being ON the Millennium Falcon and being somewhat inside the Star Wars universe. However, the problem with GE is the timeline. Firmly planting it in the middle of the last 3 movies was a colossal mistake.
The First Order sucks, they're lousy villains and the lack of anything from the original trilogy besides Easter eggs here and there is a tragedy.
Sure Rey is cool, and it's nice to see Chewie, but that's it.
Couldnt agree more....Ill take the prequel, OT, & mandalorian over that sequel garbage....unfortunately Disney has a lot invested in those sequels....
Don’t get me wrong I love the OG trilogy and prequel timeline. I guess it just me but I am getting a little fatigued with a majority of the Star Wars movies, books, comic books, video games, shows etc around the OG trilogy where we already know how it ends. I mean it would be cool to feel like your in that time period in Star Wars, but in terms of attractions, it wouldn’t be much different from what we have currently. A falcon ride and a ride of resistance type ride that just flips Rey and Kylo and others with Luke and Vader. It’s hard to explain.

But ideally I would like something like Galaxy Edge that is canon to the universe and the events of all the films and shows have taken place, but guests have their own experiences in the universe.

I love the fact that Batuu is a "new" planet, allowing for exploration and discovery and not just a recreation of something familiar.

And part of me does like that the majority of SW content is in the "history" of Black Spire, including the OT and the ST.

But, truly, the world-building of the ST is just confusing and often nonsensical and it just tried to ape the OT almost completely, anyway.

I still think you could set it during the Imperial Era and make it feel exciting and relevant.

I'd propose setting it between ESB and ROTJ. han is in carbonite at Jabba's, hence why Chewie is loaning the Falcon to Hondo to raise money for the rebellion. Modifying Rise of the Resistance would be the biggest hurdle.

But you could have all kinds of fan favorite charaters in the park, like Boba Fett, Vader, Imperial troops, Jabba's goons, Luke/Leia, even The Mandalorian if you want, plus original characters like a Vi Moradi-esque character.

I personally don't hate the ST like many, but it's not very exciting and is going to feel more and more irrelevant as time passes.
Galaxy Edge is officially canon in the Star Wars universe. From what I seen and gathered from Avengers Campus at Disneyland is that is mainly just a non canon theme park area. Seems like any oversight by Disney who is usually on point when it comes to storytelling/ ride/ land backstories.

It seems to have MCU stuff like Tom Holland’s Spider Man but other things seem to be inspired more by the comics. Also, iron man and black widow are in the park but both are dead in the MCU post endgame. It’s a minor nitpick that ultimately doesn’t matter ( the land looks awesome). But I do wish more thought went into the marvel land. If it’s set within the MCU then make it more authentic to that. If it’s more related to the comic book universe then stick with that. Don’t mix both as the two vary in various ways.

Avengers Land isn't set in a specific time frame like GE and it's no doubt in response to the mixed response GE got.

This way, ALL the fan favorite characters can show up at some point. It's definitely the smartest move. People want to see all the heroes, not just those who survived "Endgame."

The vast majority of people don't give a crap about the "narrative" of the land.
The original imagineer's plan for the land was for it to be Tattooine. That is what they should have stuck with. The executives steered them away from that for "synergy" reasons. It was the wrong move. At the heart of it, Star Wars is the story of the Skywalkers. Tattooinne is the home planet and main setting of many of the most iconic Star Wars moments. Additional "planets" could have been accessed via rides.
The original movie is 44 years old. Many kids today think those movies look dated – and they're right.

Yea this is also something to consider too. Disney is for everyone but the kids and younger generation is sorta the focus. Like it or not, many kids and younger people are being exposed to Star Wars for the first time via the new trilogy and not the OT trilogy and prequel movies.

Similar to my age group ( I am 33) and I wasn’t exposed to Star Wars until my dad took me to see Episode 1 in theaters back in 1999. Then like bit later like 1-2 years after seeing episode 1, I watched original trilogy and liked it, but struggled as I thought they were dated as a kid back in the early 2000’s. Of course, as I got older I fell more in love with the OT. The original trilogy must look really ancient to this newer gen of kids tho.
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The original imagineer's plan for the land was for it to be Tattooine. That is what they should have stuck with. The executives steered them away from that for "synergy" reasons. It was the wrong move. At the heart of it, Star Wars is the story of the Skywalkers. Tattooinne is the home planet and main setting of many of the most iconic Star Wars moments. Additional "planets" could have been accessed via rides.
Star Wars IS the story of the Skywalkers. The man George Lucas said it himself. There’s a reason the sequel trilogy is so divisive and it’s because they basically said nothing from the previous 6 movies mattered. Rey is not a skywalker no matter how much she thinks she is. Some people like her, some don’t. But I’d also say this....there’s a reason the return of Luke in the mandalorian was more exciting than anything Rey ever did.....people like the originals. The characters are iconic, the lands are iconic, the characters and planets from the new ones are subpar at best.
Yea this is also something to consider too. Disney is for everyone but the kids and younger generation is sorta the focus. Like it or not, many kids and younger people are being exposed to Star Wars for the first time via the new trilogy and not the OT trilogy and prequel movies.

Similar to my age group ( I am 33) and I wasn’t exposed to Star Wars until my dad took me to see Episode 1 in theaters back in 1999. Then a bit later like 2-3 years, I watched OT trilogy and like them but struggled as I thought they were dated as a kid ( this was in the early 2000’s). The OT trilogy must look really ancient to this newer gen of kids.
You’re not wrong. But this is more about Disney creating the sequels than them being “old”. If Disney made them all, then they would be better represented for sure.
There’s a reason the sequel trilogy is so divisive

Because Star Wars geeks hate every Star Wars that isn’t the one they grew up with and believe that their opinions and theirs alone are correct and sacrosanct and they gatekeep to death anyone who dares disagree. People beat this horse 20 years ago with the prequels. And it will be beaten again whenever the next ones come out.
Because Star Wars geeks hate every Star Wars that isn’t the one they grew up with and believe that their opinions and theirs alone are correct and sacrosanct and they gatekeep to death anyone who dares disagree. People beat this horse 20 years ago with the prequels. And it will be beaten again whenever the next ones come out.
Hmm, couldn’t be more wrong there….Most people seem to enjoy the Mandalorian, and they didn’t grow up with that……The prequels were mostly criticized for visuals, not for story….but the sequels are criticized for story And character development.
Rogue one was also popular among the Star Wars “geeks”….
Because Star Wars geeks hate every Star Wars that isn’t the one they grew up with and believe that their opinions and theirs alone are correct and sacrosanct and they gatekeep to death anyone who dares disagree. People beat this horse 20 years ago with the prequels. And it will be beaten again whenever the next ones come out.

Yea I am a Star Wars fan but not a mega hardcore gate keeper type. Where anything not set in the original trilogy timeline is trash. And again, I very much like the original trilogy and prequel movies. However, I am in the minority that didn’t hate Force awakens or Last Jedi. Neither are perfect and definitely have flaws and things I don’t like but they are watchable. Rise of Skywalker is what left a stain on the entire franchise.

Disney should have just moved forward with what had been done in Last Jedi instead of caving to fan backlash and making Rise of Skywalker seem like a half baked apology movie. That script Collin Tomorrow ( sp?) for Episode 9 sounded awesome. That would have been way better than what we got/
Yea I am a Star Wars fan but not a mega hardcore gate keeper type. Where anything not set in the original trilogy timeline is trash. And again, I very much like the original trilogy and prequel movies. However, I am in the minority that didn’t hate Force awakens or Last Jedi. Neither are perfect and definitely have flaws and things I don’t like but they are watchable. Rise of Skywalker is what left a stain on the entire franchise.

Disney should have just moved forward with what had been done in Last Jedi instead of caving to fan backlash and making Rise of Skywalker seem like a half baked apology movie. That script Collin Tomorrow ( sp?) for Episode 9 sounded awesome. That would have been way better than what we got/
See I like to think I am much like you in regards to that…except, while I did really enjoy The Force Awakens as I thought it set up some good mysteries to unravel in the final 2 films, I thought The Last Jedi ruined everything TFA set up and set up the failure that was ROS. We can all agree ROS was a horrible way to close out the franchise, but I don’t think there were many options after TLJ. No main villain, no hero (Besides Rey) and no storyline to go off of…. I think there were good things that could’ve come from TFA, but they chose to ignore them and told us every Mystery from TFA didn’t matter at all
Because Star Wars geeks hate every Star Wars that isn’t the one they grew up with and believe that their opinions and theirs alone are correct and sacrosanct and they gatekeep to death anyone who dares disagree. People beat this horse 20 years ago with the prequels. And it will be beaten again whenever the next ones come out.

There’s a great one hates Star Wars more than Star Wars fans.

I’ve been a Star Wars fan since 1977, I’ve moderated SW message boards since the prequels...and you are so right. People hated the prequels when they came out because it wasn’t their SW, now those movies are beloved by the generation of fans who grew up with them. People hated the new movies...and they’re going to have their moment too. I’ve flown from one end of this galaxy to another, I know that Star Wars will survive whatever obituary fandom is YouTube-ing about this week.

As far as Galaxy’s’s awesome, but I did think it was an odd choice to restrict the setting to only the sequel trilogy era. I enjoyed the sequels, but there’s so much Star Wars, why not embrace it all?
As far as Galaxy’s’s awesome, but I did think it was an odd choice to restrict the setting to only the sequel trilogy era. I enjoyed the sequels, but there’s so much Star Wars, why not embrace it all?
Because Disney didn’t make those


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