The Port Report: Frumpin Around the World with the Bathrobe Princesses :) COMPLETE

Wow! I'm glad to hear you liked Garden Grill! My 2 friends and I thought it was okay when we went Feb 2009. We would have given the food a 3/5 but we didn't get the kids plate! The fish and veggies you had looked way better than what we had. The desserts looked awesome too!

We did love the characters and also had good interactions + saw them twice so we would have given them a 5/5.

Our service though was horrible :( We didn't seem much of our server and so we would have to ask other servers to get us what we needed, refills, the check, etc. So for that it was a 2/5. We did love the characters though but thought we could get better food + characters at other locations. If we would have had the feast you had, we would have loved it too
...and your server too :) No pics of him???!!!!!
Your meal Garden Grill sounds great! We ate there a couple years ago and we liked the food but found the service to be frustratingly slow. Maybe they were trying to make sure we got to rotate a few times. :rotfl:

I do wish we had tried the Mickey Mousses. Maybe we'll give it another try sometime.
Yay Yay YAY for another update!!!! :banana: I absolutely LOVED the Garden Grill it was the best meal of the whole trip!!! :thumbsup2 Felipe was great, our table was great, the chracters were awesome, and the FOOD....:cloud9: :cloud9: :cloud9: MMMMMMMM :lovestruc That Mickey Mousse was the best! :) I love the WARNING: Frump Picture Below :rotfl2: yes, that's me, I'm the frump eating the apple crisp out of the pan...hey, it was good okay?? :laughing: I love this update and I am definitely going back to Garden Grill in August :worship: The fish was Mahi Mahi, by the way, and the stuff with the turkey was cranberry chutney, not sauce. :snooty: Call me a food snob, but I was raised to know the difference! :teacher: Hahaha. :rotfl2: Oh and also don't forget that there was stuffing with that turkey as well! :) It was just completely delicious and filling and YUM. Thanks everyone for following along with us!! Can't wait for another update princess! princess:

Haha you're crazyy! But yes it was great and that was my favorite meal of the trip as well. It was perfect! And I'll get working on a new update soon!

Garden Grill looks like such a good time! AND DELICIOUS FOOD! I love comfort food like turkey, mac & cheese and mashed potatoes. :goodvibes

I love yall's pictures with the characters. Yall just look SO happy!

Oh I know it's such good food! Some of my favorites haha. And aww thank you so much! We had a great time!

I love it all!! You are doing a great job :hug: It is so nice to put pictures and stories together with the texts you were sending me :goodvibes

Haha aww I'm glad you're enjoying it! Everything probably makes a little more sense now.

I'm joining!

It looks like you guys had so much fun, I can't help by follow along!

Aww thank you! We're glad you're here!

That meal looked delicious! Great character shots too!:goodvibes

Thank you very much!

Wow! I'm glad to hear you liked Garden Grill! My 2 friends and I thought it was okay when we went Feb 2009. We would have given the food a 3/5 but we didn't get the kids plate! The fish and veggies you had looked way better than what we had. The desserts looked awesome too!

We did love the characters and also had good interactions + saw them twice so we would have given them a 5/5.

Our service though was horrible :( We didn't seem much of our server and so we would have to ask other servers to get us what we needed, refills, the check, etc. So for that it was a 2/5. We did love the characters though but thought we could get better food + characters at other locations. If we would have had the feast you had, we would have loved it too
...and your server too :) No pics of him???!!!!!

Aww well I'm glad you had good character interaction! I don't know if we just hit it on the right night or what but everything we experienced was perfect for us! Because i have heard a lot of mixed reviews about it. Oh well, I'm glad it went smoothly last time we were there because i love that place. And haha no server pictures. We didn't remember to take those! But he was very good! Yay Felipe!

Your meal Garden Grill sounds great! We ate there a couple years ago and we liked the food but found the service to be frustratingly slow. Maybe they were trying to make sure we got to rotate a few times. :rotfl:

I do wish we had tried the Mickey Mousses. Maybe we'll give it another try sometime.

LOL maybe that was the case. I'm sorry the service was slow for you that stinks. I feel like we just got lucky with getting quick service that night after reading everyone's reviews of the place. I don't know we loved it! And haha honestly I would go back for the sole reason of the Mickey Mousses. They were one of the most amazing desserts ever! :lovestruc
Hi :) I followed your TR link from your post on our TR. You girls are all adorable and I love how much fun you're all having! :goodvibes Can't wait t o read more popcorn::
I LOVE following your trip! ( I put this as a bookmark so i can check back every now and then to see if you have posted something new) :goodvibes It makes me even more excited for my trip coming up! yay for Disney!:cool1: Thank your for sharing
I LOVE following your trip! ( I put this as a bookmark so i can check back every now and then to see if you have posted something new) :goodvibes It makes me even more excited for my trip coming up! yay for Disney!:cool1: Thank your for sharing

Awww!! :goodvibes Thanks for following along!! I'm Kristen haha the frump eating ALL the apple crisp at Garden Grill. :laughing: I'm soo glad you're enjoying this!! :) YAY for Disney! :yay: hahaha. I hope you have a magical trip! :wizard: I'm sure Jess will be updating you soon! :thumbsup2
Hi :) I followed your TR link from your post on our TR. You girls are all adorable and I love how much fun you're all having! :goodvibes Can't wait t o read more popcorn::

Aww I'm so glad you did! I hope you enjoy our trip report as much as I am enjoying yours! It's great! :) And thank you! I'm excited to share the rest of our story with you!

I LOVE following your trip! ( I put this as a bookmark so i can check back every now and then to see if you have posted something new) :goodvibes It makes me even more excited for my trip coming up! yay for Disney!:cool1: Thank your for sharing

Aww I'm so happy you're enjoying it! :yay: I feel so honored to be book marked!! :laughing: You're so welcome for sharing and I'm glad you're excited! I'll try and update really soon!
I just found your TR and am following along:goodvibes

How fun to get to celebrate your graduation with your best friends at WDW

Looking forward to more
I'm here :thumbsup2

I love the trip title explanation! I saw that one of you called the other a frump on my TR so I was curious as to what that was :laughing:

I love the nails! Those look adorable! I also try to Disney my nails up before a trip :laughing:

I am also a huge fan of the magical express! I love the video it makes you so excited to be in Disney! I wish they would update it though since I have seen the same one Idk how many times :laughing:

I love the lobby at the Yacht Club! It is so fancy :laughing:

That's awesome that you stayed Club level! I have always wanted to stay Club level somewhere!

I love you room at YC! I love the nautical theme :cloud9: Awesome view too!

The picture of the three of you in the phone booth is so cute!

You three really hit the jackpot with character interactions!

The food at Garden Grill looks delicious! I really want to try that Mickey Mousse

Can't wait to hear more!

Joining in!

What a perfect graduation present.

Looks like a super fun trip so far. Can't wait to read more!
I'm here :thumbsup2

I love the trip title explanation! I saw that one of you called the other a frump on my TR so I was curious as to what that was :laughing:

hahaha oh yes... frump is our favorite word :rotfl: I'm glad you understand it now.

I love the nails! Those look adorable! I also try to Disney my nails up before a trip :laughing:

Aww thank you! I know they were so cute... I should just do them when I'm at home just for fun.

I am also a huge fan of the magical express! I love the video it makes you so excited to be in Disney! I wish they would update it though since I have seen the same one Idk how many times :laughing:

Oh I know!! Same here. They had the new "Let the Memories Begin" beginning and I was all excited for something new, but then it was the same. But I still love it :)

I love the lobby at the Yacht Club! It is so fancy :laughing:

That's awesome that you stayed Club level! I have always wanted to stay Club level somewhere!

I love you room at YC! I love the nautical theme :cloud9: Awesome view too!

Yacht Club was an AMAZING experience. The resort was beautiful and club level was fantastic!! If you ever get to stay there... I would definitely recommend it!

The picture of the three of you in the phone booth is so cute!

You three really hit the jackpot with character interactions!

The food at Garden Grill looks delicious! I really want to try that Mickey Mousse

Can't wait to hear more!

Haha Thank you!! We loved taking pictures, meeting characters, and mostly EATING :lovestruc The Mickey Mousse is the best thing I have ever tasted. So. Good.

Thanks for finding us!! We're so happy you're here

Joining in!

What a perfect graduation present.

Looks like a super fun trip so far. Can't wait to read more!

Thanks for being here! :) I can't wait to share more!!
Chapter 7 - "So It's Called the Dolphin... But It's Really the Fish!"
January 14th, 2011

So after that delicious feast, we headed over to Mouse Gear because Vickie REALLY wanted to get some shopping done.

Kristen and Vick both got some souvenirs for friends and family back home, and I surprisingly didn't! I guess I needed some time to familiarize myself with the new merchandise. There's just so much to take in!


We then realized we've been at Epcot all day and we STILL haven't gone on any rides! So we walked over to the Seas with Nemo and Friends.



We took some pictures in front of the cute statues, and it was nice because there were not a lot of people there for once!



"All that bull***** for the birds... wait they're seagulls." :laughing: DEUCES!

We went for a ride on the clam mobiles. I love it. It just makes me laugh, though, that they made that giant waiting area and the ride is always a walk-on. :rotfl: Poor Nemo.


Then, we finally used our Test Track Fastpasses! I love that ride. It's so fun to ride at night.


Right after Test Track we realized that it was almost 9 o'clock! So we headed over to the World Showcase to find a spot for IllumiNations. We had trouble deciding, but finally stopped in China and that was a pretty good view. IllumiNations is BEAUTIFUL and I love it so much. The music just touches my heart. :lovestruc




Once the show was over, Mother and Vick were getting very sleepy! So they decided, since they were already in the World Showcase, it would be a good time to head back to the Yacht Club. And obviously Kristen and I didn't want to leave yet, so we went our separate ways. They went to the room while we stayed for Extra Magic Hours!!

Kristen and I went to Future World and our first stop was Spaceship Earth. We thought the best idea would be to work from the front of the park to the back. That's a good classic ride. It's so relaxing! And the quiz is always fun.... but I always get the same thing! I need to start changing up my answers.


Then we went over to Mission: SPACE. This was a monumental day because it was my first ride on Mission: SPACE ever!! I had gone on every ride at Disney except that one, and it was time to conquer.


And I thought as long as I was doing it, we might as well go all out. So orange side it was!

I always freak out right before I go on rides I've never been on before, so I was like "I'm scared. I'm scared. I'm scared." I even asked a little boy who was next to me if it was scary. He looked about.. 7 years old. And he was like "No, ma'am, it's not." He was really precious.

The ride itself really wasn't as bad as I expected. I could feel my face getting pushed back. It was definitely intense! But it was pretty fun. I screamed "AWW YEAH!" several times during the ride to keep my mind off of my fears.

But as usual, I came off the ride and loved it. I was a little shook up however I was expecting much worse. Then we continued on to our next destination!

And that was Journey into the Imagination with Figment! Figment is definitely a frump character. So we love him.

Then we went over to the Land Pavilion to check out Soarin's wait time, since we couldn't get a fastpass earlier. It said 45 minutes, but I mean we didn't have any place else to be, so we just waited. That was my first time ever waiting in the standby line for Soarin'! Weird.


The wait was really not 45 minutes... SURPRISE it was only like 25. But that chunk of time gave me a chance to write down the days events in my little trip notebook. So the wait was actually convenient!

Soarin' was fantastic as usual. And Kristen and I had one VERY important thing we had to do before we left The Land.

And that thing, boys and girls, was GET STRAWBERRY SHORTCAKE.
Just look at it!

Look at it....

mmmmmm :lovestruc

The pictures on the Dis convinced us to get this delicious treat, and it was a great little midnight snack! (okay well it was still like 11:15-11:30 at this point. But still)

The Land Pavilion was almost completely empty. It was really cool actually! A little weird, but definitely enjoyable.

And then we decided that we needed to head back to the room... it had been a long, yet amazing day.

So we walked through the World Showcase, which was empty as well! It was the coolest thing ever!! We were in complete awe. Having the park to yourself is an awesome feeling, isn't it?


We also found an adorable little hotch-scotch game drawn in the UK. It was Disney Parks themed and we both thought it was so cute!




And while we were walking home, we were having a little discussion about the Epcot resorts. And we saw the Dolphin and mentioned the interesting statue it holds. So I was like " it's called the dolphin... but it's really the fish!" And due to our lack of sleep, we found that very funny. So it was a commonly used quote on the trip. The Dolphin became "The Fish," and The Swan became "The Swank." (not sure how that one happened... but it did)

We probably got back to our room around midnight.

And once we got back there, nothing much happened. We fell straight to sleep.

The Yacht Club beds are really comfy! :)

Small Recap of January 14th:
Temperature: 60's, 40's at night. (A little chilly, but better than winter at home!)
Griffindor Scarf Count: 12 (they were EVERYWHERE)
Cute Boy Count: 5

- Yacht Club Club Level
- The Garden Grill
- Schoolbread (for Kristen)
- Meeting all of those characters (especially Snow White!)

And Lows:
- ..... ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!! yes, it was the perfect day!

Continued in Next Post
Sounds like you guys had a really great day.

I love your countdown of the day at the end. You are so right though, Gryffindor scarves are EVERYWHERE!

The strawberry shortcake at the Land is to die for. I love it! Your picture made me so hungry.

I'm not going to lie, I kind of miss the feeling of anticipation on new rides. I love that uncomfortable feeling in the pit of your stomach. I guess I'm weird. :laughing:
YAYYY YAY YAY!!! I have been looking forward to this countdown ALLLL WEEK!! Oh's Tuesday... :laughing: But still! It feels like longer since you updated cause you've been working on the movie, WHICH BY THE WAY I LOVE LOVE LOVEEE!!!!!!!! :cloud9: And I love this update because of Illuminations and strawberry shortcake and our recap. And an empty World Showcase that was A-MAZ-ING!!! :cutie: And I loved the little hop-scotch, it was like a little piece of the magic left behind for us late-nighters. :wizard: Loved it. :) I love this Trip Report it's just so cute. :lovestruc And YES there were tons of Gryffindor scarves ALL over the place! Except on our last two days I really don't remember seeing any...hmmm... :confused3 Well anyways thanks to everyone who's reading along and commenting! :) We love your feedback! :goodvibes And thanks for the update Jess, can't wait for more!! popcorn::
What a great night at Epcot!

I remember the first time I rode Nemo I had to wait in line for half an hour it seems so silly now :laughing:

Yay for conquering Mission Space!

It must have been awesome walking around World Showcase without anyone there! We had that happen one morning on our trip and it was cool but kinda weird :laughing:

Love the cute boy count :laughing: I will need to do that in May!
Your evening at Epcot sounds like a lot of fun:goodvibes

Yah for conquering Mission Space..that must be an awesome memory.

Love your countdown at the end
AHHHH love it, love it, LOVE IT!!!!! hahahahahaCute boy count ::woohoo: hahah and Kristens SCHOOLBREAD!!! :rotfl: i LOVE reading this SO MUCH.

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