Tasha's Journal (UPDATE: Our baby has arrived! Pics on last page!!)

Hope everything is going well Tasha! If the baby isn't here yet, KEEP THOSE FEET UP!!! :Pinkbounc I had terrible swelling with both of my kids, so you have my sympathy with that!

I'm sending you :wizard: and :goodvibes , hoping that maybe, just maybe that beautiful baby is on her way!!

TTFN- Sharon :sunny:
Hey, everyone! Well, since I am on here you probably already know that there is no baby yet! It looks like an induction is definitely going to happen at this point but I still have a few days before that so maybe not. I have had a million phone calls from family and a million emails as well wanting to know if we have had her. I don't know if I mentioned anywhere else in this journal but originally my due date was going to be May 6 and they changed it to May 1. They should have just stuck with May 6 b/c that seems to be more accurate at this point. And Gail, we even tried the whole "do what you did to get preg. in the first place" theory last night to try to induce labor...and nothing. This child is determined to wait as long as possible, that's for sure! Oh, well, I look at it this way, I will have her in less than a week now either way. Maybe she just wants to be a Mother's day surprise?! ;) I'll let you know of any new developments. And thanks to all of you for keeping me in your thoughts and prayers. It means a lot. :goodvibes
Kylie would be a nice Mother's Day gift! You will always remember your first mother's day :goodvibes

She will be here soon enough...then we will see you on here at all times of the night ;)

I'm so happy for you. Good luck with the anticipation. Next week you will be telling us all about Kylie :earsgirl:

Take care! And best wishes for a speedy delivery!
Hi Tasha! :wave2:

Kylie would make a wonderful Mother's Day present! Of course, I'm sure you would like to have your present a little earlier, huh? :teeth: I can't wait to hear your good news! I am so excited for you! Please keep us updated when you can! :hug:

Oh by the way... maybe tell Kylie that her cyber aunts are anxiously awaiting her arrival... just like mom and dad! ;) :grouphug:

Take care sweetie! :hug:
Hey Tasha ~ A Mother's Day baby would sure be nice.

Hope everything is still well with you.
Hey, all! I figure I had better post on here every day until Kylie is born so I won't give anyone false hope that she has arrived. No contractions or anything yet today so I guess May 3 isn't good for Little Miss Princess either! Scott has been telling me for a month that she is going to be born on May 4. He told me last night that he *knows* he is right and that she will be here tomorrow. I told him it would be nice if he was right but then he would never let me live it down that he was right. Every single year on Kylie's b-day he would have to tell her the story of how he *knew* she would be born on May 4 and that I didn't...lol!

Anyway, for those of you that have been keeping up with my journal and may remember how my dad has been driving me crazy the drama just keeps getting worse! You may remember that I told my dad we didn't want anyone in the delivery room with us and that we weren't planning to call family until after she was born. He got upset b/c we didn't want him there for the delivery. I think I may also have mentioned that he is a terrible father and that we aren't close. He is the type that will use my having a baby to get attention. Another words he will start crying and become overcome with emotion to get attention. I am not exaggerating...this is a pattern with him. He came to my graduation and tried to steal the attention by doing this. He also did this at our wedding. I let it go but I am sorry...I don't feel like dealing with "Daddy Drama King" while I am in labor. I can't stand the way he uses my brothers, sisters, and me to gain attention for himself. So anyway, I finally got it through to him that we didn't want him there (or anyone else except my mother for that matter) until after Kylie was born...or so I thought. Well, starting Friday night we started getting phone calls from him. Scott talked to him and told him that we hadn't had the baby yet and he started badgering Scott about wanting to be there ahead of time. Scott is a very calm person (much more so than I am) and told him once again it wasn't personal but that we wanted to be alone for the birth and we would call him after she was born. He said okay but that he just wanted to be there for me. Btw, that's a first. He's really never been there for me before. :rolleyes: And Scott calmly told him that he will be there for me better if he would respect my wishes and my dad then agreed and said he would. Then he called on Sat. night, Sun. night, and last night. We didn't answer the phone on Sat. night b/c we were sleeping (he tends to call late). He then called my stepdad and started badgering him about whether he had heard from me or not. My stepdad just said no, that as far as he knew I hadn't had the baby yet. My brother IMed me the next day to let me know that my dad had called about it. Then, Sunday he called (once again late at night) and we didn't answer the phone. So, he calls my mom (who doesn't care for my dad) and starts asking her if she had heard from me. She told him that she knew I had said I would call him so that he had no reason to be calling to find anything out. He lies to my mom and says that we said we wanted to call him as soon as I went into labor but that we couldn't call long distance and would she call him as soon as I call her. He is trying to manipulate my mom into calling him before she is born b/c he knows we aren't calling him until afterward. My mom knew how I felt about it though and told him no, that we would call him when we felt like it. He called again last night but this time we purposefully did not answer the phone b/c I was steaming and didn't think I would be calm enough to talk to him. And Scott who is usually so calm it is infuriating has also had enough and didn't think it would be wise if he talked to him either. I did email him this morning and let him know that we said we would call him when she was born and that no one else will be calling him b/c THEY respect our wishes not to. I also let him know that we will not be calling him for several hours now b/c Kylie will be in an incubator for 4 hours after birth (maybe longer) and I will be having nurses check on me quite often for 4 hours as well and don't feel like the company. I told him I didn't appreciate him going against my wishes the way he has and that if he did it again we wouldn't be calling him at all. Ugh, anyway, personally I don't really want him there at all. He is going to stress me more than do anything else but I feel obligated to call him...know what I mean? And this is the thanks I get. I have about had it with him. He also keeps saying he is going to babysit her. This is another issue that is going to cause problems. He did a lot of things in the past that would keep any mother from allowing him to babysit her child. He hit me several times when I was a teenager (and yes, for no reason other than he had had a bad day and I was there) and did worse things than that to some other family members (that is all I will say), he refused to take me to the dr. when I had a severe ear infection and I lost some of my hearing as a result. He also refused to take me to the doctor when I hurt my ankle really bad and it turned black. It never quite healed. This all happened while I lived with him. My brother almost drowned twice while in my dad's care b/c of something careless my dad did. I just thought I would explain some of the reasons why I would never allow my child to be babysat by him. I would never forgive myself if something happened to my child and my dad is the type to watch Kylie drink bleach and do absolutely nothing until it is too late. I just can't take that chance. He has done worse than that too but I will leave that out for now. So anyway, as you can see my dad is a constant source of stress and I think eventually I will finally have to cut him out of my life for good for the well being of my child (and someday hopefully children). I don't know why I haven't already but it looks like it may happen one day. Okay, sorry, this is sooo long, but I had to get that off of my chest. Thanks again for all of your support. Hopefully I will have good news soon. I plan to post every day until she is born so if I skip a day that is probably b/c I finally had her! Bye for now! :)
Tasha...you really don't need this added stress. This is supposed to be one of the most happy times in your life. You are doing the right thing by letting him know that. I hope he will respect your wishes and leave you alone.

Good luck! I hope Scott is right about the date! I'm anxious myself! :goodvibes
Oh Tasha~

I am so sorry about all of this added stress in your life. :hug: I pray that Kylie's birth will work out the way that you and Scott want it to: just the two of you sharing the amazing amount of love you will feel as you look at your precious daughter's face. princess: I also pray that your dad will understand and agree to your wishes.

Take good care of you sweetie! :hug:

I'm so sorry about all that's going on with your dad...what a mess!! You just don't need that kind of stress!! I'm so glad you're sticking with your guns on this!

Even though I'm sure it'll bring on the "I told you so"...I hope Scott is right about today!! :flower:
Well, Scott was certain that today was THE DAY. He even convinced my brother and nearly convinced my mom. He was that sure. But guess what...still no baby! So now he is certain I am going to have to be induced. His exact words which I found to be really funny for some reason was, "Well, if I'M wrong then she just doesn't want to arrive without an induction...b/c there is no way I'd be wrong otherwise!" I really needed the laugh and couldn't help but hug him for making me smile despite all the stress I have had to deal with lately. I go tomorrow morning at 8 a.m. (central time zone) to see about scheduling an induction. That is if she doesn't decide to come tonight, which I am not counting on her coming without being induced at this point. I will let you know what they say and when they schedule me for. Scott had to go take a physical and fill out his paperwork for his new job today. He is definitely taking his 2 weeks vacation starting Mon. (or earlier if the baby arrives before this weekend) and he starts his new job just as soon as his vacation time is up. He is really ecstatic about that and so am I. It is nice to get that good news just as we are expecting a new baby.

As far as my dad, well, he emailed me back. I need to mention that in my email even though I was blunt I was also very nice about it. Of course it made him furious. He said he has every right to know what's going on in my life and that he has every right to be in the delivery room but since I am being selfish and don't want him there then he will quit bothering me about it and wait until we call him. :rolleyes: See, last time I checked I am an adult and this is my decision. But oh, well, if making him mad and having him call me selfish will get him to back off then it is well worth it. And of course my mom and my brother are not making things any easier b/c they don't want him there at all and keep trying to get me to tell him he can't come. I finally had to tell them that they were stressing me out too since they are also trying to influence my decision. I plan to call my dad after I have recovered some...unless he further infuriates me. I can tell you though that if he does or says anything to upset me while I am in the hospital, Scott has already told me that he is going to have him leave. He said he doesn't feel that any of us need the stress or drama right now and that I am being nice by inviting him in the first place considering the way he has always treated me. I couldn't agree more and don't plan to let him ruin my day. But that is the update to the whole "Daddy Drama King" story. Well, I'll let you know what they tell me tomorrow sometime during the afternoon. Have a great day!

P.S. OMG, I just realized that I will be a mommy in a mere matter of a few days! :earseek:
Looks like we're getting closer and closer to you having a Mommy's day baby!! That would really be cute! Please let us know when this induction is!! Oh...and don't forget to call all your WISH sis's so we can be in the delivery room with you! LOL... :rotfl: :rotfl2:

Have a wonderful day Tasha! Kylie will be here so soon!! :cheer2: :cloud9:
He called you selfish?! :sad2: So he's demanding to be there when all you want is to be with your husband during this moment, and YOU are the selfish one? What a dork. I'm sorry hon...that's just so frustrating. I really hope that he does stop bothering you.

So close now...so close!! I can't wait for little baby Kylie to enter the world! :flower:
I keep checking the boards to see if Kylie's here yet..... I just love your count down... 40 weeks and 4 days pregnant.
I've been away for a couple of days. No posts from you ~ hope eveything is well with you.


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