Squirts, Shirts, & Flirts...The Legend Continues (TR started 6-23)


Commander of Donalds Crew Oh Boy, Oh Boy, Oh Boy
Jul 6, 2007
Chapter 1. Welcome, and Introductions

:welcome: all to our PreTR for our June 2010 trip.

If you have been following along with me on some other peoples threads,(The very kind Jordan, allowed voting announcements to go on his TR very good read and a very nice guy)Click here for his you will see that a title has been choosen and the winner of the contest to name my TR is Great Biscuit, or GB for short. Here is a link to his TR
dont go there right now of course, wait till you read this the rest of the way:surfweb:

Thank you to everyone who submitted a title choice, they were all good, and anyone of them could have been the winning choice.
The top 3 vote getters where as follows.

1. Squirts, Shirts, & Flirts...The Legend Continues 40% of the votes
2. Hoop Dee Doo! The Fauntleroys 2 week WDW Revue. 17% of the votes
3. Fauntleroys Foray into the Fort...A fartload of fun. 14% of the votes

we had almost 50 votes in the final round.

First off lets start this with the who is going on this trip.

You have the fauntleroy crew


There is me, im in the middle and the story teller of this litle adventure. I just turned 27 last saturday.

My lovely wife is next, she is 28 and stays at home with our little man, and sells avon on the side for fun.

then we have out little man parker, he is 20 months old today actually, he loves everything trucks, trains, cars, everything manly. watching the disney planning DVD, he even calls the monorail a CHOO CHOO, and gets all excited when he sees one. he laughs all day long.

you will learn more about us as this story goes along.

Now we have the parents

first up my dad.

not only is he dad, husband, and grandpa for this trip, he is also the cash behind the trip.

he worked very hard from the time he graduated school, started career at 17 while still in high school, and retired when he was 41 to spend more time with us, and be at every event we had in high school and college, he was every one of my high school and college track meets, and loves to travel and support his kids. when we grew up and my sister and me where out of college, about 7 years later, he decided to start working as a consultant. he now works with his boss from his career of 24 years and they do consultanting work for the company that they both worked for all those years, funny how things work out. he is loving his job and getting to make his own schedule even work from home if he wants.

they took us to disney at least every other year growing up, now that he has grandchildren, he is alternating between taking my family and my sisters family back there every 2 years, so next year is our turn, and 2012 is my sisters families turn again.

i cant find a newer picture of my mom with parker, so here goes.

mom works for a local school system and is charge of the media processing center.

you will also learn more about them as we go along.

The where:

we are staying at Fort wilderness i dont have any pictures of my parents trailer that are good but will take some before the trip, but in the mean time, i did find these online, that show the basic floor plan of there trailer, theres is a little longer than this one, but you get the idea by looking at the slide show of the trailer.

Click here for the accomadations of the trip.

candi, parker, and I get the back room with the 4 beds and our own bathroom.

The When:
we will be leaving here on June 3rd, and be leaving disney to come home on June 18th.

There is many more stories to share and get into but we have a few months to share them and for you to get to know us, if you want some more TR's to read, there are links to our 2007 and 2008 trips below in the signature.

Now some of you may be wondering where did that title come from and how did GB think that up, well since you asked.

lets break it down, Squirts

on our first trip to the world together, we were at TL and just got our lunch and were walking to our table, when i see out of the corner of my eye, some white landing in my coke and slide down the side and go under, i look up to see a bird, and look back down and think are you kidding me.

i get to the table and tell candi, she just starts laughing at me, see weird stuff happens to us all the time, sometimes we cause it sometimes we dont, but needless to say it still happens. i dont make up any of the stories i tell they are all true.

so i go back to the counter and let him the man know what happens and i get a new drink but not before he tells all the other CM's what happened, we have a good laugh.

so there you have squirts,

second trip, shirts

candi and i have alot of the same kind of character shirts, no need to say there is the shirts part of it.

and the flirts,

well read the 2008 trip and you see how parker is the biggest flirt out there, from the time we got to DW and it is cheerleading week and we sit down on the bus from our resort he is 9 months old at the time, and lays his hand on the little cheerleaders leg sitting next to him and candi on and starts to rub her leg as he is looking the other direction.:cool2: thats my boy smooth little man.

to last week when we are eating at a restraunt with my parents and he stars at the 20 something girl in the booth next to us and just smiles at her until she looks at him and smiles back then he keeps waving and smiling to get the attention of everyone at that table.

there is alot more good stuff to come, so please chim in and comment along , it will make it more fun for everyone.

coming up dinning dilema
Dibs on space #!!!

going back to ready now!!

I knew you pick this title!!!

OK, so as luck would have it, I happened to be "ON" when this little gem popped up. Right on, I say to myself, cuz, I"ve been waiting for it!!

My title made #3- Not a bad showing. But, honestly, I voted for GB's- his was better!!

That story is pretty funny about the bird doo-ing in your coke. Once in the line for HM at DLR and bird doo-d on my shoulder.

Anyway, along for the fun! I know there's going to be a lot of it!!

Dibs on space #!!!

going back to ready now!!

I knew you pick this title!!!
congrats on being number 1

i did not pick the title, you guys voted for the title and this was the one that was chosen.

i am going to update the last post and show the percentages of votes

ohh and :welcome:

Woohoo..one of the first ones here for once! Very cool title;) Looking forward to reading more about your family...
Dibs on space #!!!

going back to ready now!!

I knew you pick this title!!!

OK, so as luck would have it, I happened to be "ON" when this little gem popped up. Right on, I say to myself, cuz, I"ve been waiting for it!!

My title made #3- Not a bad showing. But, honestly, I voted for GB's- his was better!!

That story is pretty funny about the bird doo-ing in your coke. Once in the line for HM at DLR and bird doo-d on my shoulder.

Anyway, along for the fun! I know there's going to be a lot of it!!

now i can comment on the rest of what you said, congrats on spot number 3, i also liked the titles "quick well ditch the gorneckis in FW", and "how to drive the wife crazy, 2 weeks with the inlaws in FW"

heck they were all good and any one of them could have been one that i chose, that is why i left it up to you guys.:thumbsup2
good thing we bring baby wipes along for easy clean up including bird poop.

Woohoo..one of the first ones here for once! Very cool title;) Looking forward to reading more about your family...
:welcome: glad you could make it over on the first page of responses.
Yeah, I know it was voter's choice. I meant, I knew that's what would be chosen, in the passive tense.

It clearly stood out as big winner. Would be very interested to see those percentiles!!

Yeah, poop happens.
So far, Amanda, it's only you and I in the chick department. We may be swimming in man talk and be really outnumbered!
Dang it I read before posting (I always do, I'm a little...well, anal that way) and now I am probably on page 2! Edited to say: squeaked in!

If you have been following along with me on some other peoples threads,(The very kind Jordan, allowed voting announcements to go on his TR very good read and a very nice guy)Click here for his you will see that a title has been choosen and the winner of the contest to name my TR is Great Biscuit, or GB for short. Here is a link to his TR
dont go there right now of course, wait till you read this the rest of the way:surfweb:

Smart thinking, Fauntleroy. I still haven't finished GB's trippie, which means I can't post on it yet (see "anal," above) because he sent me not only off to read Mrs. The King's trippy but also ALL SIX of Zzubs before I read his. And I read all the talky-stuff too, not just the chapters. I could have read a Dickens book, I read "Battle For My Wallet" instead. Not that I'm complaining, they were hilarious, but...anyway, if you hadn't said to read yours first I would have had to wait to finish GBs to post here and no telling what page you'd be on by the time I finished!

If that made any sense to anyone, seek medical attention.

hank you to everyone who submitted a title choice, they were all good, and anyone of them could have been the winning choice.
The top 3 vote getters where as follows.

1. Squirts, Shirts, & Flirts...The Legend Continues 40% of the votes
2. Hoop Dee Doo! The Fauntleroys 2 week WDW Revue. 17% of the votes
3. Fauntleroys Foray into the Fort...A fartload of fun. 14% of the votes

we had almost 50 votes in the final round.

Yay, I love it when I vote for the winner! (Or did I? I'm saying I did.)

Great start! Beautiful family and I'm excited to hear more about your trip. :thumbsup2 FW was where we stayed on our only Disney trip when I was a kid (in a pop up camper, not a fancy one like yours!) so I'm looking forward to hearing about it!

Edited to also say: I have now learned that I can say "bootie" and "anal" on the DIS but I cannot say un-discovered (without the hyphen).
Yeah, I know it was voter's choice. I meant, I knew that's what would be chosen, in the passive tense.

It clearly stood out as big winner. Would be very interested to see those percentiles!!

Yeah, poop happens.

well i thought about posting them all, but if there were one in the finals that only got 1 vote, i dont want peoples feelings hurt, that is why i just did the top 3.

I'm glad I'm on page 1.
:welcome: the man of the hour has checked in.

I'm in! And on page one baybee!

Great family pics in the intro. This should be fun.
:welcome: congrats on page one, i will hvae more recent pics after the holidays.
Edited to also say: I have now learned that I can say "bootie" and "anal" on the DIS but I cannot say un-discovered (without the hyphen).

YOu have absolutely NO IDEA how I was sweating bullets last week for writing THAT word on my pre-trippie, (how's that for some subtle self- pimping?) then discussing it elsewhere. I swear I thought I was a gonner!! It's a pretty normal and popular word, I wish they'd allow it unhyphenated. OK, that's enough of that. I'm breaking out in a sweat again.

Thanks for evening us up!
So far, Amanda, it's only you and I in the chick department. We may be swimming in man talk and be really outnumbered!
well im sure before the day is up, you girls will be crushing us on the man/woman difference.

Dang it I read before posting (I always do, I'm a little...well, anal that way) and now I am probably on page 2! Edited to say: squeaked in!

Smart thinking, Fauntleroy. I still haven't finished GB's trippie, which means I can't post on it yet (see "anal," above) because he sent me not only off to read Mrs. The King's trippy but also ALL SIX of Zzubs before I read his. And I read all the talky-stuff too, not just the chapters. I could have read a Dickens book, I read "Battle For My Wallet" instead. Not that I'm complaining, they were hilarious, but...anyway, if you hadn't said to read yours first I would have had to wait to finish GBs to post here and no telling what page you'd be on by the time I finished!

If that made any sense to anyone, seek medical attention.

Yay, I love it when I vote for the winner! (Or did I? I'm saying I did.)

Great start! Beautiful family and I'm excited to hear more about your trip. :thumbsup2 FW was where we stayed on our only Disney trip when I was a kid (in a pop up camper, not a fancy one like yours!) so I'm looking forward to hearing about it!

Edited to also say: I have now learned that I can say "bootie" and "anal" on the DIS but I cannot say un-discovered (without the hyphen).
well im glad i put that in there, otherwise who knows how long it would take you to get back.:laughing:
it made sense to me, but then again i am a different breed.

there will be tons of pics of FW, which i am sure you guys will love not many people do camping TR's on these boards.

wonder if you could work "bootie, and "anal" into the title of your next TR.

almost forgot

I got us evened up, now we're 3 to 3.
and so it begins the women are going to beat the men.
Hi there :wave: I really like the chosen title (and the story behind it! :laughing: )
Your family is adorable! Your son is just too cute and that cracks me up about him being such a little flirt! :)
So nice that your parents continue to take your family to Disney:goodvibes Looking forward to your next installment...food is one of the most important parts of trip planning! :rotfl:

That being said, I'm sure we'll still all be swimming in fart conversation before too long.
this is true this is true.
:confused3:rotfl:speaking of, i have something i hvae to post on jordans thread, i think you guys might get a kick out of it.

Hi there :wave: I really like the chosen title (and the story behind it! :laughing: )
Your family is adorable! Your son is just too cute and that cracks me up about him being such a little flirt! :)
So nice that your parents continue to take your family to Disney:goodvibes Looking forward to your next installment...food is one of the most important parts of trip planning! :rotfl:


thanks very much, glad yo uare joining us. just got some good news about our food situation last night as well that i will share when the next chapter comes about.


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