Howdy, taking a quick break pre dinner & football playoff games. Made two turkey breasts, sliced down & waiting for gravy, mashed taters, green beans & busquits & crossiants (cheating, using pillsbury canned lol, good enough in a pinch).
Cannot believe family lobbied for turkey again after less than a month. Happy to oblige requests. Decided to make enough bisquits to whip up some sausage gravy tomorrow…haven’t made that in years.
Heat wave today, 35 & sun is out woohoo
Not great TBH, scheduled to do major surgery in early March. Slept on it, options given just not sitting right with me.
I’m now consulting the other major health group here. Was established with them as patient from eye doctor so eligible for their speedy 2nd opinion program. Really a good idea, otherwise can take months to get into seeing a doctor, let alone a specialist. See two different sorts Tuesday & Wednesday (then we leave later that day for FLA, priorities lol)
Your blood has gotten thin! An official belle of the south now
Well, it started up again two days ago…same eye/side of face. Used the cream 2 X and almost gone again - hooray. Assume I used something that is an allergen or wore clothing washed in potentially offending detergent. As Winnie the Pooh would say “oh, bother”.
I don’t make often as the mr doesn’t like but, yum! Only thing better in my book is to turn them into peanut blossoms (with the Hershey kiss on top).
That sounds like a very promising goal. It’s only been a few months, can take a lot of time & effort to get to his new best.
Putting on realtor hat, accessible homes are few & far between, when the time comes to sell; should be a bonus for you.
Oh, I’m sure…said the gal who has skipped hers for two years. It’s now brought up every time I see a dr with a stern talk. On the to-do list when I get back along with covid booster. I just always get fever/flu symptoms that knock me off feet for a day or two, try to schedule it when I have nothing on my plate.
Lol I saw leaches eek. Glad you are feeling lots better now!
Never heard of that one, won’t waste my time
Vets still do that there? Here, they have gotten specialized. Some only see dogs, mine for one. They don’t do nails either, refer to groomer. I do my pooches myself as well as hair & bathing. That’s on tap tomorrow am
Youngest DS cat needs to see vet, developed a bump of unknown origin. Otherwise seems fine & dandy.
Needed to find new one (see above), as so many not taking on “new patients” lol. Did find one 15 min from his home I was able to book online this AM. Has good reviews.
Going to help him get the patient in the carrier for an 8 am appt on Wednesday & play uber before my appt.
His two were both feral, knew when he adopted. They are sweet boys but, not the sort to cuddle on your lap or permit more than some petting. Seriously hate to be picked up at all by anyone but him. Going to be a challenge. I’m taking long oven mitts!
Aw, my sympathies
OMG, that is amazing, what a long life and healthy nearly up to the end. Still, it’s never easy to say goodbye to a loved one, hugs.
That’s my reality now. I’m so glad mine cuts us a deal, “friends & family” rate. Had a crown pop off the other night. Figured it might happen to one of them, as I’m wont to unknowingly grind teeth like a mad dog when stressed. Catch myself, stop, then back at it. I need to find my mouth guard. Anyway, was so happy they both got me in on monday and gave me that discount.
Hit the lottery, JK. I’ve been accused of being stingy with the eggs since the price has tripled. We aren’t quite as high as the national average now ($9) at least.
I’ve never heard of anyone centering a trip around that but, that’s the beauty of Disney…so much to do to appeal to everyone. Hope it works out for you.
Sharp dressed man! Nothing like a dude in a tux.