Something About Nothing............ #14

Yeah, I was getting worried about the DIs, but then poof, now okay again, Food coma has already commenced. Was so nice to see all my family, including my 6 m old great niece, and great niece, niece and great nephew all 3 being 7 years old and younger. Was also great to see my niece and her DH, as well as all but one of my siblings. But now time to relax and enjoy this wet weather evening. New online games to play, and me? Enjoying tea, and a new puzzle the kids gave me, So happy tomorrow is Sunday, and not Monday. And even happier to be able to get all the trash out of the house. Our paper trash will fill the can quickly. But that’s for tomorrow’s agenda,

Hope Santa was good to each and every homie, And have a most peaceful night.
I was wondering why no one had posted for most of the day. Glad all is back to normal.

We had a nice day with friends, ate too much, and my pumpkin pie turned out well. I even liked it, and I don’t care much for pumpkin.

We had a couple of amusing moments today. Our friends gave us a gift card to my favorite ice cream shop. Then they opened one of their gifts from us and it was 2 ice cream bowls and a gift card to the same ice cream shop.
I was also given a little pi pin.

What my friends don’t know is that I just bought one for myself a couple of weeks ago. Oh well, it never hurts to have an extra.

We are home now and both very tired. Dh is already asleep.

Hehe, yep, the day after Christmas, and a shopping day for all, including our UK homies having it a bank holiday. Hehe, and some happy cats in empty boxes too.

And yeah, it’s a quiet house as usual for this Sunday. I think we may venture out? But for now, it’s going to be that most usual Sunday, as it’s get the trash out, and alarm set. Yep, I’m deciding to do three days of week day routine. Then a nice 4 day weekend, to start the new year. Prefect start, that a weekend day is the day after Christmas.::yes::

And speaking of shopping, when I was out the day before Christmas, yeah still lots of Christmas stuff, but saw a few aisles of Valentine’s Day stuff. Hehe,

Yep, only 49 days, and how sweet, this Valentine’s Day coming up is a Sunday too.

Thus, a relaxing day is hoped for all. I’m going to be relaxing, that’s for sure. And started with my tea already. And will also enjoy going outside, maybe for a walk around lunchtime. 51 the high temp, and that glorious sun filled day we will have. Those pesky rain clouds are starting to leave, and it’s predicted to be be clear skies not much after sunrise. You know, another sunrise almost hour from now. Will still be very dark mornings, until we time change and get that ooh almost hour more of sunlight in the mornings. Sigh. This year went fast. And so: Super Sized Serene Sunday to all the homies, and a good morning Sunday to you all.

Hehe, apparently Charade and friends think alike.
Morning all! I guess today is the start of the great store return...although I imagine it's not as bad as it used to be before online sales changed the game. I remember LONG lines in stores of people who were returning or exchanging something they received...the stores were also crazy with the "After Christmas" sales starting and people looking for deals. Different time period I guess.

Have a good day!
Good morning. I'm sort of awake thinking about what I want to do today. I have nothing to return and don't really need to do any shopping, but might go to a few stores anyway just to see if there is something I want.

Once everyone else gets up we can start talking about Disney. Now that B knows we are going we should start talking about ADRs.

I need to get up and get some breakfast. Would it be wrong to eat leftover pie?
I have leftover pumpkin and apple pie plus some leftover chocolate eclair cake.

My day just got interesting. My sister called to tell me that Mom is in the hospital. She was complaining about chest pains, slumped over, fell out of her chair, and hit her head. My sister said she was conscious when they went to the hospital. I'm now waiting for updates. I'm not sure if I need to go to Atlanta right no or not.
Good Sunday morning Sans family. Hope everyone had a lovely Christmas.




Happy belated birthday to Charade’s hubby

Glad to hear the pumpkin pie turned out well. What a sweet memory for you and B. I bet there are very few people who can say they were the baby in the manger at Christmas.

Sending prayers for your mom.


Lynne I hope you are enjoying a nice hot cup of tea this morning and you and your family had a wonderful Christmas.

Realfoodfans congratulations on finally getting your caravan.
Merry Christmas to you and your family.

Mac enjoy your ball games. I hope you and your hubby had a nice Christmas celebration with your sons.

Wishing Schumi and family a lovely visit with family in Scotland.

Keisha I hope you are healing after your dental issues. Merry Christmas to you and your family.

Soniam safe travels to you and your family as you travel to celebrate Christmas.

Pumpkin I hope you and your family had a lovely Christmas.

Metro hope you had a lovely Christmas. Yes, people will be out today for post Christmas sales.

Have been busy with Dental and Doctor appointments and general things leading up to Christmas.

We had our big Christmas Eve celebration Friday evening. Family started showing up by 1:30 pm then by 3:30 pm everyone was here. The house was full. Lots of laughter and the true joy of getting our family together.

We had our country Christmas breakfast for dinner. My sister brought two beautiful fruit trays with dips. I baked two hams, hash brown casserole, scrambled eggs and cheese, biscuits and sausage gravy and cinnamon rolls. Our granddaughter brought some monkey bread (cinnamon pull-apart bread). Everyone enjoyed the meal.

Gifts were exchanged and then everyone enjoyed catching up and visiting.

The house was empty by 8:30 pm. Granddaughter, Son, Grandson, Daughter-in-law and Sister stayed back and helped with cleanup. It is so nice to have the help getting things back in order have a big family party.

Yesterday was restful. Just me and hubby. I made a small prime rib mashed potatoes, gravy, Yorkshire pudding and sautéed corn for our Christmas meal. Will have left overs for another meal.

I went to the gym this morning. There were a couple people there. I like to go in the early morning as there is hardly anyone there. I haven’t been for a couple weeks so it’s time to get back in the groove.

It was 72 degrees here yesterday. The warmest Christmas I can remember. Very unusual weather here to say the least.

Have a wonderful relaxing Sunday everyone.


Robbie sounds like you had a great Christmas with the family!
So nice many were able to be with you!

one son and his wife visited with us and Mr Mac took them out twice for long walks in our area
Great weather in the low 70’s

I needed to stay home to cook and make sure no cat fights happened on my watch

Their cat is 19 years old and a prima donna
Hissing and growling was not allowed for Christmas
Well, I tried my best with that issue

(I did not win that battle)

No leftovers in the fridge so it will be grilled cheese sandwiches for lunch

I’m only good for cooking two big meals for two days and then it’s time to order food out for tonight
Nothing definite on my mom yet. The hospital is keeping her overnight for observation. I am driving down to Atlanta tomorrow to light a fire under my sister. She has still not had POA switched and my aunt still has my mom's money. My aunt is claiming that she is not sure where she put the money (CD, money market, etc.) and they she didn't receive any paperwork and she is not getting statements from the bank. I call BS. I told my sister to tell her if she didn't get us this information then I would get the police involved. My aunt responded by sending me a text stating that she is in charge of my mom's money and medical care and she will be keeping Mom's money to pay her expenses. This is all a big mess since my aunt still legally has POA. I am just so frustrated with everything.
Charade if your aunt is not sure where she put your mother’s money, she definitely is not mentally able to conduct financial business, or medical decisions for your mother.

Get some legal advise on how to pursue and have her removed as your mom’s legal rep
When my mom moved to GA back in October I begged my sister to have the POA changed. She has not done it yet. I suspect my Aunt knows exactly where that money is, but just isn't telling us. Things are complicated because my mom is in GA, my aunt is in SC, and I am in VA. I am trying to get a recommendation for an attorney in GA we can talk to.


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