Something About Nothing............ #14

Getting ready to go soak the aches out of my carcass...old hen in the stew pot

I stuck in there, yikes. So creepy it gave me the willies but enjoyed it

I watched super market sweeps & card sharks lol. Will polish off ‘the dead’s’ tonight

Glad to hear both ok. Find it disturbing that people are getting reinfected with different strains. Ugh. Hope the vaccine will address that to at least a 70%

oh geez but good to hear they are getting examined

36 other states right with us. Sigh

see that Canada extended border closings again till 11/21

getting nervous re our trip after thanksgiving coming off with things spiking up earlier than I anticipated. Had thot early To mid dec After thanksgiving rush

It actually was a critic’s darling, got great ratings for HBO and was renewed early on Something for everyone. Do believe the mr hung in there to watch it just to please me lol

Funily enough my sister mentioned it again last night and said I need to give it another chance.......Tom`s face hit the deck at the thought....I was thinking of your mister "hanging in there" for`t think this one is for me at all.......

All good wishes for your next trip!!

Good evening everyone. It's late, I am exhausted, so fair warning - I am not going to proofread before posting. Today has been such a Monday. *Getting on my soapbox* Unless it is an emergency, please don't contact your medical professionals on a Monday. That is the busiest day of the week. *Stepping off soapbox.* So, in addition to being very busy at the office, I went out for lunch and my car was dead again. I got someone to jump start it and took it to have the battery checked. This time it was showing as a bad battery, so I ended up having to purchase a new one.

I have been fighting with one of our Medicaid providers for over a year now, trying to get one of our counselors contracted so she can get her claims paid. I won't bore you with all the details, but today I got and email stating that the tax ID and provider number on her contract didn't match the numbers they has in their system. I had then give me the numbers they had. I looked up the provider number and it belongs to a counseling office in western VA that has a name almost identical to our counselor's business name. I looked up the other office's website, and it turns out hat I actually know one of their counselors. I used to go to church with her when she lived in my city. Cue a chorus of It's a Small World.

I would love to go to BG Tampa at least once. Won't ride the high thrill coasters though.

The pool closing doesn't really bother us too much. We don't usually use the pools very much. If we have to postpone the vacation we will probably go after the pool reopens.

Twilight Zone isn't really scary, but can get a little creepy at times.

Good to hear from you MonyK. Great news about your in-laws.

Sending speedy well wishes for toe dogs.

Yep, that's me too. I call myself the pack mule. I have never been on RRR or Hulk.

Hi Bobbie. Good to hear from you. Hope Brian finds the perfect job and y'all are able to move soon.

B is doing well. She is a junior this year too. Her school has managed to stay open. The Covid numbers started fairly low and have been dropping each week.

Dh has football on. I think I am going to try to go to sleep early.

I finished another puzzle tonight, but the site isn't letting me post a picture.

Sounds stressful Charade.......hope you got a good sleep.....and lovely puzzle......

Hey Kfish......hope all is well with you and your family........hope school is going well.

@Charade67 ha, I was going to say it’s a small world but you beat me to it! Hope everything gets sorted out. That group would be lost without you!
I really am a chicken, can’t watch scary movies or creepy ones like Twilight Zone. Nightmares for days. But I’ll go on just about any coaster. Go figure.
Thank-you for the doggy wishes!
I started doing puzzles online! Something to do while watching tv. I’m doing beach themes at the moment.

@keishashadow doggies are both doing well now. My little yorkiepoo (9) is cuddled against my leg, his fav spot. He’s a mamas boy! So glad I don’t have to deal with the runs anymore. Antibiotics seem to have cleared it up.
My black cocker (8) is my rescue dog. As a pup she ate a rock and needed abdominal surg. The owners released dog to the Emerg vet as they didn’t want to pay for the surgery. A friend worked at the Emerg vet clinic and knew I had sucker in neon lights across my forehead! one day she brings me the dog saying Sophie needs a home:rolleyes2 The rest is history.

Yep our border announcement came this morning. Closed another month. Canada won’t open until Covid is better contained. But we can fly across. No driving across. After watching the news seeiNg the numbers soar I’m getting nervous too :scared:

@KStarfish82 hi there!

lol....I love scary movies!! Loved the original classic monster movies as a kid......seeing Frankenstein and dracula in the mid 70`s was truly terrifying and I loved enough the one that really got to me back then was The Invisible Man......not sure why.

Fingers crossed your trip goes ahead too Sue......too many disappointments for many this year.

Windy and rainy night last night......not cold though.

Been dreaming so weird recently.....Tom just told me I was laughing twice during the idea what those dreams were, but my goodness my mind must be in overtime mode.

Having bacon this morning.....bought some new stuff from a new farm shop. Have to say it doesn`t look my favourite so far, but will give it a try. Small supplier.......we do like their beef I have to say, so hope the bacon is good.

Still too dark to see what kind of day it is today........will pop out I`m sure.........need to think about dinner tonight and plan to do some baking too. Other than that, not many plans. Will wait and see what news emerges today of new lockdowns and so on. Many areas affected, so far we`re not too bad here.





Yay, a Taco Tuesday is here. The day Mac has her Taco Bell run. And yeah, saw Taco Bell tweaking their menu again. Saw people upset about another menu item being removed. Eh, so far, most of what we eat, has not been cut. It is not one fast food place we hit very often. Mainly because not one close enough to us, and there are lots of other fast food places much closer. Kids sometimes ask for it. Today? Maybe. I see a Wawa run for lunch, instead. And we have 2 of those within a few minutes drive.

And so, with a cloudy overnight, a Southern wind is bringing us another mid 70’s day. Yay! And, with a sunny end to the day predicted, will look for that beautiful sunset rather than the cloudy sunrise an hour and a half from now.

Ah yes, the work day routine continues, and so does that quite nice cup of breakfast tea. At least a cup or two is drank before any search for breakfast food.

Thus, hope Schumi has a nice day, and the rain goes away soon. Hope you did enjoy some tea this morning, and are having a good morning.

Good Morning Julie. Hope Louie did not get you up too early today.

And so, a Good Morning to all the homies. Eat a taco or two today. And, make it a terrific Tuesday too.
Hello everyone,
Your undead homie here. Long lost? Abandoned ship?

Whatever you call me I'm doing a drive by like I normally do this time of the year. The hubs and I are headed down to our home away from home at RPR tomorrow for a quick 2 nighter. We did a week back in September at disney and UOR for my birthday and then UOR announced the houses so OBVIOUSLY we had to go back.

I hope you all are well! Think about all of you often! Have any of you made pandemic trips in?
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Yay, a Taco Tuesday is here. The day Mac has her Taco Bell run. And yeah, saw Taco Bell tweaking their menu again. Saw people upset about another menu item being removed. Eh, so far, most of what we eat, has not been cut. It is not one fast food place we hit very often. Mainly because not one close enough to us, and there are lots of other fast food places much closer. Kids sometimes ask for it. Today? Maybe. I see a Wawa run for lunch, instead. And we have 2 of those within a few minutes drive.

And so, with a cloudy overnight, a Southern wind is bringing us another mid 70’s day. Yay! And, with a sunny end to the day predicted, will look for that beautiful sunset rather than the cloudy sunrise an hour and a half from now.

Ah yes, the work day routine continues, and so does that quite nice cup of breakfast tea. At least a cup or two is drank before any search for breakfast food.

Thus, hope Schumi has a nice day, and the rain goes away soon. Hope you did enjoy some tea this morning, and are having a good morning.

Good Morning Julie. Hope Louie did not get you up too early today.

And so, a Good Morning to all the homies. Eat a taco or two today. And, make it a terrific Tuesday too.

Yep, rain didn`t last beyond 6am......beautiful sunny and warm day here.........didn`t believe them when they said it was to be as warm today.

And yes, tea has been enjoyed.......have a good day Lynne.

Hello everyone,
Your undead homie here. Long lost? Abandoned ship?

Whatever you call me I'm doing a drive by like I normally do this time of the year. The hubs and I are headed down to our home away from home at RPR tomorrow for a quick 2 nighter. We did a week back in September at disney and UOR for my birthday and then UOR announced the houses so OBVIOUSLY we had to go back.

I hope you all are well! Think about all of you often! Have any of you made pandemic trips in?

Hey tinyd.....good to see you after so long!

Hope you and your husband have another lovely trip.........hope you are doing good......

Yep, sun is shining and it feels warm for October. Got a whole load of laundry out on the line.......if it looked like it could be washed, it was washed. Think Tom wonders where I find it all......

Lunch was rare roast beef on soft hoagie style buns with friend`s tomatoes and some arugula.....sweet and spicy mustard sauce too.....

Time for a pot of tea.........
School run and then off to dental hygienist. New lady - she was excellent - they feel so good. Said she’d studied the notes and the bone growth has not changed to the eye so happy that I return in 4 months if no problems.

Lovely day here so Kev is out in the garden - laundry and ironing all caught up - beef ragu in slow cooker.

Once again Em and I dragging out paperwork documentation - more issues with child maintenance - they are deemed unfit for purpose by many and it appears we agree. You would not believe the amount of papers we have.

Still no announcement on a further lockdown so we are carrying on countdown for next weeks trip.
Julie, hope no lock down for you!
No Mac not yet - we are in Cheshire on the edge of the Peak District and fairly low rate here at the moment. Feel so sorry for Greater Manchester - they have been badly treated by our Government and we all love their Mayor Andy Burnham.

We are still hoping we will get to our break next week as Devon has very low cases.
I just spend 2 and a half hours writing a carefully worded email to one of our Medicaid companies. One of our providers was contracted with them back in November and still has not been paid.
Hope everyone else’s day is going better.
Embrace your inner tiger :tigger:

Going to try a new general tso’s recipie today. Think i bit off more than i can chew lol
Yep our border announcement came this morning. Closed another month. Canada won’t open until Covid is better contained. But we can fly across. No driving across. After watching the news seeiNg the numbers soar I’m getting nervous too :scared:
All we can do is sit back and ‘enjoy’ the ride. popcorn::
lol....I love scary movies!! Loved the original classic monster movies as a kid......seeing Frankenstein and dracula in the mid 70`s was truly terrifying and I loved enough the one that really got to me back then was The Invisible Man......not sure why.
Duh moment. I had ordered the big U monsters DVD set a few years ago, never opened it. Was dusting and came across it on the shelf where I store many of them. Caught my eye and I read all the movies (think there are 30?). Pay dirt listed way down on the bottom, a couple of the Abbott & Costello ‘ghoul’ movies on it. :yay:
I just spend 2 and a half hours writing a carefully worded email to one of our Medicaid companies. One of our providers was contracted with them back in November and still has not been paid.
Hope everyone else’s day is going better.

That`s rough Charade.....hope the rest of your day gets better......think you may deserve a treat.....

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Embrace your inner tiger :tigger:

Going to try a new general tso’s recipie today. Think i bit off more than i can chew lol

All we can do is sit back and ‘enjoy’ the ride. popcorn::

Duh moment. I had ordered the big U monsters DVD set a few years ago, never opened it. Was dusting and came across it on the shelf where I store many of them. Caught my eye and I read all the movies (think there are 30?). Pay dirt listed way down on the bottom, a couple of the Abbott & Costello ‘ghoul’ movies on it. :yay:

Oh love it!!!!

Think I told you we bought the full set of Abbott & Costello movies a while their monster ones the most. That`s a load of Sunday afternoons covered for a while......You`ll have fun watching them all over again.......nice find!

Enjoy that Tso recipe......always nice, long as it`s spicy enough!

Heard the Christmas decorations have started being put up in IOA.......:santa:

Felt very summer like today a whole load of washing dried and put away today, but around 5pm it went very autumnal. Popped out to post a letter and yes, little chilly.

Wasting the evening away an old Scottish TV detective show on`s a classic, and having a small pink gin........🍸
It have tried many times but just can not make general tso like what I get at the Chinese restaurants

keisha if you perfect that dish, send me the instructions !

it’s been at least ten months since I have had good general tso
Yep, I make my own Chinese food, but the local place we buy Chinese food, yep some I buy rather than try to make. General Tso’s is one of those dishes I rather buy. Mostly because only the men eat it. Though I take a piece or two. Little one, nope. Keisha, should not have mentioned, as now thinking no tacos but Chinese order for dinner. Little one was on an I need food I can eat mood for lunch, so she went out and bought ground sirloin and grilled some massive burgers. She even grilled some onions and peppers. I hate onions in general, so had to pick out the peppers. Oh my, full from that. Hence, not heavy food for dinner sounds good.

Sun did come out, and lunchtime walk was almost sweaty. Humid enough day, but hey, an early summer type of weather, I’ll take it.
It have tried many times but just can not make general tso like what I get at the Chinese restaurants

keisha if you perfect that dish, send me the instructions !

it’s been at least ten months since I have had good general tso

General Tso isn`t a dish we see a lot of on menu`s do see it, but it`s not common. Our local place does a sweet and sour king prawn malaysian style.....sweet and very`s about as close as you can get to General Tso.......I do make my own version and minus the MSG........lovely, but occasionally take out is a better option. Will look forward to Keisha`s version!

I think Chinese is the hardest to replicate at home to make it identical......Indian and Thai are easy. Tried a jar of Chinese sauce.......once.......once was enough.....bleurgh......

Now thinking I`ll make a midweek curry tomorrow. Will make one with coconut I think......but very hot.

Almost bedtime here.........still getting through The Canterbury Tales.....yep Keisha......still ploughing.......won`t be long till I`m done. Now three of the book group ladies have given up on it......I have six in the stakes, just need three more to quit before next Monday and I get a prize.........😈
It have tried many times but just can not make general tso like what I get at the Chinese restaurants

keisha if you perfect that dish, send me the instructions !

it’s been at least ten months since I have had good general tso
‘Twas good indeed :). Not exactly traditional as with the heavy coating. Of all things a non-gluten version, of which I don’t follow. Naturally, tweaked it to our preferences. Will type it up and share when i think of it.


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