Something About Nothing ... #12

Morning Sans Family :wave2:





Morning Tink :wave2:......... sorry to hear about your bad room experience. So nice to hear they comped your room for a night To try and make amends.........I read a really bad review on Aventura on Trip Advisor a few days ago and then the rest of the reviews were better.......I hope the rest of you’re stay is good.

Nice to see you back have been and your fiancé enjoy the remainder of your trip at Universal.......Your wedding day will be here before you know it.

Safe travels to ckmiles


Mac has 4 sleeps........pattyw and I have 5 sleeps........and Keisha 7 sleeps.....I think I got those’s close girls


Off to get ready to go to a Halloween craft show this morning.......there is a lady there that’s sells the best cinnamon rolls ever.......supposed to rain here so will take my big umbrella.
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Hehe, we had that same boat captain one night on our August trip. I was not sure little one was so amused, but all were singing and enjoying the songs.

Yeah, Tgrgrl, sad to say, guns are all to common now. Nice offer, but not around that time this year.

Well, hello all homies! Fall arrives today, and a nice sunny start before that cold low weather system brings the cool and all day rain tomorrow.

But today is Saturday


Yes it is, so time for a shower, kids are still in bed, and DH our the door early, so a nice, quiet morning. Watching some English football and sipping some tea.

Safe travels CK, sorry to miss ya, but have an awesome trip.

TinyD, sounds like you are quite enjoying your trip. Enjoy your pictures. Hate when you have room issues.

That goes to Tink too, glad to hear you are feeling better, but also had room issues. Yes, after eating in Adventura’s food court and rooftop bar, have no desire to stay there.

Later homies, may all have a relaxing and good Saturday.
Hey Robo, hope all is well out your way. Hope your cofffee is hot in your HHN mug.

Yep countdowns are ticking away. 9 is my number. Will be nice to say hello to some of you homies.
I look forward to seeing you Lynne.

Going to see my Sis this morning as we are going to craft fair together.........will tell her you are going to miss burying year head on her back going through haunted houses this HHN......LOL

We remember the great fun we had last year at HHN with you.

I need to get scootin.....:tiptoe:
Don't you count cat noses before you leave on your trips?

Yes!! That's the last thing we do before closing the door!:cat::cat::cat::cat::cat::cat::cat::cat:

Mac has 4 sleeps........pattyw and I have 5 sleeps........and Keisha 7 sleeps.....I think I got those’s close girls


@tinydancer09 - Wow! So close to your big day!! :cool1:

Happy Saturday! First day of fall! It's always bittersweet- the first day of fall makes me sad that summer is gone but it's my birthday! Today we are going to paint our kitchen! Lots of wash to do, too! How am I going to get all this done in 5 days????:eek:

Have a great day all!!

This is what's happening in my house right now!:laughing:

Happy fall everyone. We are supposed to have cooler temps today, but the rain is also supposed to return.

I have been awake for less than half an hour and I’m already annoyed. DH is at school this morning filming videos he needs for his online classes. He just texted me and asked me to bring him B’s clarinet. He wants to use it for a prop. I was about to start house cleaning and laundry. I don’t really want to drive across town to the university. Week, I’m taking hime B’s old, plastic student clarinet. Not the nice wooden one she got from Lynne’s daughter.

Happy birthday Patty!
:bday: Patty!
HHN was a blast last night. My feet hurt by end lol! Surprisingly traffic wasn’t too bad getting out. Went up to Vineland to Turkey Lake to Central Florida parkway back to resort. Think it’s helped I basically went opposite way of everyone’s else’s heading to I4.

Slept til almost 10 am. Can’t remember last time I slept that late. Coffee in newly acquired mug. Went shopping after meetup with Carol and Vicki. So nice to finally put faces to names although I did recognize Carol fro the back:flower1: thanks to her awesome TR!
Had lovely meet with MonyK and Vicki today.........was so lovely meeting up! Wish it had been longer......

Now off to HHN after a few wines in Club Lounge.........

Have’s Friday night!
It was fun and omg how time did fly. Hope you had a lovely rest of your day!

If anyone is visiting Orlando Oct 22-Nov 4th & wants to go to Kennedy Space Center, I can get discount tickets for $19 adults & $15 for kids up to age 11. It’s the only time they offer a discount to Bre
Dang-not sure I can talk DH into another trip. Although he did get a very nice bonus check that was much more than he thought it would be...hmmm. Great prices for those tickets!
Enjoyed our meetup today...we could have talked for hours if Carole had the time. It was a pleasure meeting monyk and lovely to see Carole again after missing her for a few years. Thanks to Tom for the sangria.
Yes I second this. Many thanks to Tom for the sangria too! Y’all are just as nice in person as on these boards. I’ve met 5 people from the disboards and each one has been simply lovely. It’s too easy to forget in today’s world that the world is made up of individuals and not faceless “others”. Credit to the mods of these boards too, it can’t be an easy job...

Finally stumbled down to pool for a bit-5oclock somewhere right? Kiddo wants to go to IOA later. May stay in that park til 8, citywalk for dinner then hit HH for a bit. Dd is loving the scare zones, and she wants to do Dead Exposure (again). It’s where she’s gotten the most scares, although the first clown girl in H4 Gott us both really good last night. And I apologize to the Michaels for literally screaming in their faces omg. Think fact we were tired lowered our guard. We were wide awake for drive back Tom resort though lol!!

Hmm maybe another cocktail, shower, nap.

Happy Saturday and safe travels to all with trips planned. (Is it bad that I’m thinking of reserving room for next fall already.??)


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Party time


:bday: to pattyw who is celebrating by painting walls today

Take time out for :cake:

Sending you birthday wishes !

Happy trails to all that are planning their trips soon
Have safe travels

Go with the Mac plan
If you forgot to pack something...
Buy it in Orlando
Nope MonyK, already had booked RPR for next October months ago. May tack on some Mouse time before it. I usually do, though not nearly as far out as I try to book with Universal.

Some shopping today, some for me, then some for little one. She got a beautiful pair of pumps that I know she can wear year round, and a very nice leather jacket. Ah, and she’s left for work.

Time to chill before a what for dinner.

Later homies.
Thanks for all the Birthday wishes!! :) Very much appreciated!!

We actually took some time out from our painting prep to go to our local Six Flags Park- Darien Lake. Troy wanted to look into working there for their Fright Fest as they were interviewing today. He worked there last year doing photos. So, he got a job for the month of October working as a tech person for the haunted houses!! Maybe someday, he can work at HHN!!! So we had some lunch & went on a few rides! Nice birthday afternoon!

Now- back to frog taping to prep for painting tomorrow morning!!
Chilling some sparkling wine for later!

Monyk- Glad you had a great time at HHN! And planning for next year now! Like Lynne says, why not?? She's way ahead and has a room for next fall!:thumbsup2
Well, I got nothing accomplished that I wanted to do today. When I left home to take the clarinet to dh I texted him and asked where to meet him. No response. I got to the campus but couldn’t park anywhere. All of the lots were closed because today is a game day. I parked in a nearby shopping center and texted dh again. 25 minutes later he finally calls and tells me where to meet him. By the time i got home it was almost time for lunch. Oh, I forgot to mention yesterday that in addition to the underactive thyroid dx my blood sugar levels are getting high. I asked B where she wanted to get lunch and she said Panera. Okay, no problem. I skipped my usual pasta dish and got a salad instead. Later she tells me that tomorrow at Music Man rehearsal they are having a pot luck dinner, so she needs to bring something. (Dh neglected to mention this as well.) She wanted to make those individual cheesecakes that I had made before, so off we went to Kroger. Tonight at supper she decides to mention that she got a run in the tights that I got her for her Music Man costume. Um...why didn’t you mention that while we were out today? So off we went in the rain (yes, it’s back) and the dark to find a new pair of tights. Thankfully Target had some. I am now at home in my pyjamas, and have no plans to leave this house until tomorrow.
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You top my day hands down!

I would have pulled my hair out ...

But you are a good wife and mom and very good to help your family no matter what

You have the patience of Job

I bet you will sleep good tonight

I find my glucose levels do rise due to my thyroid Issues

I have the blood draws regularly so the Endo keep watch for all my levels

Your doc might do more frequent tests to watch your sugar levels

Ugh. Not looking forward to more blood tests. I have deep veins and do not bleed well. I’m going to try to help myself out by cutting back on sugar and carbs. This isn’t going to be easy. My family loves pasta.
I hear you about blood draws.

I'm the biggest wimp and freak out when the word needles is involved.

I am down to them being able to use one vein in one arm now.

Usually once your thyroid medication is the right dose, you normally have rechecks once a year.
Mine still is not consistant for my endo's liking.

A lot depends on your doctor how often he wants to check the levels.

You might get lucky and only have the thryoid levels checked annually.
Charade- hope you're relaxing this evening after your hectic day! I'm sure DH and B appreciate all you do! I'm with you- we love pasta! Maybe cutting back some will help so you can still enjoy it sometimes!

Kitchen is painted! May need another coat tomorrow! The three of us are watching The Incredibles. Time for a little wine!


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