Shula's Steak House - STAY AWAY


DIS Veteran
Jun 2, 2005
This was the low point of our dining during our stay at Walt Disney World. Shula’s is perhaps the most over-rated restaurant I’ve ever been to. It is owned by Don Shula (former NFL player and coach). He also has other restaurants, which I will NEVER step foot into. :sad2:

There were four of us for dinner. Shula’s Steak House is so dark and gloomy you can hardly see where you are going. It is very dim and there is only one candle on each table. Even after our eyes adjusted, we couldn’t see anything. Even though there were plenty of tables open, they put us in a dark, dim corner.

The menu is written on a football, which we had to pass around. None of us could read it in the dark, we needed the waiter’s flashlight. The menu had no prices. :rolleyes: I hate that, even though I already knew the prices (I read them online).

Our snotty waiter was named Carlos :snooty: . He came over and abruptly showed us “samples” of the meat. With his accent, we couldn’t understand one word he was saying. :confused3 Then he had the nerve to get annoyed when we asked him to repeat something. He also said all the desserts take 30 minutes to make, “SO, ORDER APPROPRIATELY!” :furious:

Now, I don’t know about you, but I don’t know what I want for dessert or if I even want dessert before I even have my appetizer. We figured if we want dessert, we will ask for it at the end and wait the 30 minutes. The restaurant wasn’t busy and we weren’t in a hurry.

When we ordered, we wanted to order 3 different vegetables (broccoli, asparagus & spinach). Carlos got angry and yelled “TOO MANY SIDES” and threw his hands in the air. So I said, yes, that’s what we want and then he got very agitated and walked away. :(

My husband had the Barbequed Shrimp Stuffed with basil and he said it was good. The other couple had the Lobster Bisque and enjoyed it. I didn’t have any appetizer. I was saving myself for the “TOO MANY SIDES”. ;)

I had the Filet Mignon. My husband had the Prime Rib. The other couple had the Salmon and the Porterhouse. The food was just slightly above average.

Carlos NEVER cracked a smile, looked us in the eyes or said “You’re welcome” or “Thank you”. He was extremely rude.

Then Carlos came over and THREW the bill on the table. :scared1: Yes, he actually THREW the bill at us without asking if we wanted coffee or anything, and, more importantly, without saying “Thank You”. What a freakin’ creep! This is the reason I never eat at Peter Luger’s restaurant in Brooklyn. They have the best meat in the U.S., but the waiters are nasty. I don’t believe you should pay good money to be treated shoddily, no matter how good the food is.

Carlos’ tip reflected his attitude. :sunny:

So, my advice is, RUN, DO NOT WALK, AWAY FROM SHULA’S STEAKHOUSE. The food is not worth the money. The atmosphere is uninteresting and murky and guests at a restaurant should be treated with respect. What a disappointment. :sad2:
Thanks for your great review. This is the first complete review of Shula's that I have seen on the boards. I've read that Shula's is supposed to have great steaks--better than Yachtman's Steakhouse and LeCellier. I'm sorry that you were disappointed.
He sounds like "the soup nazi" from Seinfeld! Too many sides?!! :rotfl2:

Good reviews BTW!
It's funny how people can have so many different experiences! We had a great, relaxing dinner. We shared everything, because serving sizes are so large. Also, with the souffles, most restaurants do recommend ordering in advance. My mom loves Shulas and can't wait to go back. For some reason, though, I liked Yachtsmen better. However, for her birthday in November, we will go back to Shulas.
We dined @ Shulas on our last trip and were disappointed. This pains me as my husband is a die-hard Miami Dolphin fan and Don Shula is a hero!

We wanted to love this dining experience, but unfortunately, we just can't say that we did...Waaahhhh!

We ended up having to eat in the "bar area" and the waitress was "less" than accommodating. Actually, truth be told, we could have walked out without anyone knowing, but could not do such a thing. I personally feel in a restaurant of this calibar to chase your server is ridiculous. We really should have had a "free dinner", but my husband could not do such a thing (sad to say, I could have!!! - oops!!) - Anyway, there you have it, the food was O.K., but really compared to Yacht Club, there was no comparison...In our opinion...

I've seen several reviews of Shula's on here.
We couldn't have had a more opposite experience. It was perfectly well lit when we had dinner there in September. We ordered the chocolate suffle for 2 after dinner and it was delivered warm and gooey in a matter of minutes. Sounds like you had an off night or an off waiter. Brian was terrific and even comped our $13 dessert as it was our anniversary. The steak was superior to anything we had, including Le Cellier. :confused3
Well-poor service can ruin a meal at almost any restaurant.
I always got the feeling that Shula's servers never quite "got it" that they were in WDW. None of the friendly "Where are you from" or "how was your day at the parks" sort of thing that you get at WDW restaurants. That's how it was the one time we dined there--service not poor, but quite stiff and much too "correct".
DisTeach1 said:
It's funny how people can have so many different experiences! We had a great, relaxing dinner. We shared everything, because serving sizes are so large. Also, with the souffles, most restaurants do recommend ordering in advance. My mom loves Shulas and can't wait to go back. For some reason, though, I liked Yachtsmen better. However, for her birthday in November, we will go back to Shulas.

We didn't even know the dessert was a souffle! The waiter just said, "All desserts take 30 minutes, so ORDER APPROPRIATELY" and then he stormed off. :rotfl:
I've had an excellent meal at the Shula's in DC and decent enough meal at the one in Philly. I've never been to the one in WDW because there are like 3 of them within driving distance of my home. As for the one in DC, it was dim but still bright enough to read the football menu that did have prices on it. :confused3

I'm sorry you had such a poor time and am glad you reflected that in your tip. Did you also relate any of this to the management, specifically about Carlos' behavior?
Sorry you did not enjoy your dinner. Poor service puts a downer on almost any meal.

The chocolate souffle does take 30 minutes or more, so we always have to order that near the beginning of the meal when there. I am surprised he said all desserts, b/c I don't think they bake anything else fresh there. Sounds like he was a total dud.

Our meals (food) there have been excellent, especially the prime rib. However, service has been hit or miss: twice excellent, once too rushed and overbearing and once just downright rude. We don't expect them to sing It's A Small World or wave napkins, but we also don't expect them to stiffly hover over the table, looking down their noses at us either. I just don't think they are on board with the program sometimes.
Shula's rerelt gets a review but most have been luke warm. Thanks for the review!!!
I personally despise Shula's restaurant because of the football menu. I haven't dined at the one in WDW and wouldn't simply because it is a chain and would rather eat at a WDW restaurant that can't be found back home. I have eaten at the NYC location and when seated ask that the football be removed and real menus be passed out. They will never offer them but they ARE available if you ask.
I'm sorry you had such a poor time and am glad you reflected that in your tip. Did you also relate any of this to the management, specifically about Carlos' behavior?[/QUOTE]

Unfortunately, I did not speak to managment at the time. I felt uncomfortable because I was dining with people I just met (even though I knew they felt the same way I did). In retrospect, I should have spoken up (which I usually do).

I did send several letters to the restaurant and their organization.
prncess674 said:
I personally despise Shula's restaurant because of the football menu. I haven't dined at the one in WDW and wouldn't simply because it is a chain and would rather eat at a WDW restaurant that can't be found back home. I have eaten at the NYC location and when seated ask that the football be removed and real menus be passed out. They will never offer them but they ARE available if you ask.

I didn't know they had a restaurant in NYC (and I live here :confused3). If I knew about the regular menus, I would have asked. Thanks for the info.
Uncleromulus said:
Well-poor service can ruin a meal at almost any restaurant.
I always got the feeling that Shula's servers never quite "got it" that they were in WDW. None of the friendly "Where are you from" or "how was your day at the parks" sort of thing that you get at WDW restaurants. That's how it was the one time we dined there--service not poor, but quite stiff and much too "correct".
Personally, I prefer servers that skip the "typical WDW server spiel." Rude is never acceptable, but chattiness in a server isn't my thing. I don't penalize for it or anything like that, but I prefer "correct" service.
My wife and I had a great experience at Shula's in WDW. We think it was probably one of the top 5 restaurants we've ever been to. The server was excellent, friendly, and helped us pick out a great (and not too expensive) bottle of wine. I would difinetly go back.
I agree - STAY AWAY-
The only thing they want is your tip and they will do some pretty underhanded things to boost your tab!

Go to the Yacht Club or off property if you really need a good steak, just don't go here!


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