Running on Fumes from Start to Finish

After my last PTR update, not sure I have it in me to get a TR update in... but I am going to anyway. I need something a bit more positive to focus on after that novel. :rotfl:

So the girls began working on getting Zoe her Wilderness Explorer title and the the adventure started on the Pangaini Trail.

Lets start this time with Josh's pics



I guess I must have not tried too hard.

But I get points for a hidden mickey, right?

Steve and Alex then made it to the parks. We had a fp+ reservation for EE so off we went.

For whatever reason, we stopped for a picture in the very bright sun.

continuing on to EE

Unfortunately something happened with the pp pics on the ride. No proof that we rode.

Kira and Josh split off from us for their lunch then while we spent more time getting some more tasks done toward Zoe's WE badge/certificate..title :confused:

You want to see Kira and Josh's lunch?



We had some sort of issue copying fast pass plus reservations so we were granted these.

At the time I didn't think it was that much of a hassle. I know Steve was pretty frustrated. (I had originally sent him to get them copied and he was told no) Then I went back and got it worked out... so it did take time. Enough time that Kira and Josh were done with their lunch and able to meet back up with us once we were done with our next fp+ reservation at Dinosaur.

This time proof that we rode

The guys really wanted this shirt

or this one

but not as much as Josh wanted this hat. :rolleyes:

We then left Kira and Josh to ride Dino while we went to lunch.

Since there are no pictures from our lunch, I will go ahead and finish up this update with the recap from lunch. We went to restaurantosaurus. The lines were getting really bad, but this is where we wanted to go. I can not even remember what we ordered. I know though that it was HIGHLY frustrating. The way it works is much the same way as most cs do. You order...take your ticket tot the counter and then get your food. So while Steve and the kids got a table I stood at the counter and waited. Person behind me got their order... then another person... then another. :headache: Then SOME of our order came out. Steve had come to take it. I was left still waiting... and waiting... and waiting. As the line went from long behind me to nothing I was really starting to :furious: When yet another person ordered and was the only person behind me and STILL got their order I finally said something. Apparently, since my order was a drink I needed to let them know that I was waiting on it and that is why they just skipped over me. :confused: Ok, fine.. I am at fault for not saying I had a drink order that needed to be filled. Truly... I was at fault for letting it go that long. At the start... they were swamped. I get it. They were all running around trying to place food AND drinks on trays. However when the crowds died down and I was standing their like a dummy, couldn't someone have taken pity on me and asked what I needed? Still, I kinda feel as though they should have known they had not yet filled an order completely. I think I was a bit more than snarky about it. They gave me a cookie to calm me. :rotfl: So with cookie AND my silly drink in hand I then went to find my family (who had pretty much ate their lunch while I let this situation happen) It took me forever to find them. You would not think that the restaurant is as big as it is, but let me just say there are all kinds of nooks and crannies to it. So when you have a directionally challenged husband who tells you that he is in the room next to the soda machines.. and when you like a dummy then ask "the machines to the right side of the food lines? Where we have sat in the past?" It is very frustrating to find that his right and your right are not the same... and his memory of "where we sat in the past" is nonexistent. :rotfl2: Once I found them though.. my frustration subsided. Probably in part because I finally had that drink! In case you are wondering what drink had me turn into a crazy person? It was the widlberry mango rum lemonade. Sadly no pictures of it.

Next Up: 1/12 - AK/OKW/DTD Part 4
Ann, you definitely EARNED your drink. Please, please, please, don't be cross with me, but I had to LOL when I read WHY you had to wait for so long. Same thing happened to us at CHH. We waited forEVER for two Diet Cokes, while everyone else was served. I guess I had a bit more of a meltdown there that day. :rotfl2:

Thanks for sharing your adventure! :hug:
Ann, you definitely EARNED your drink. Please, please, please, don't be cross with me, but I had to LOL when I read WHY you had to wait for so long. Same thing happened to us at CHH. We waited forEVER for two Diet Cokes, while everyone else was served. I guess I had a bit more of a meltdown there that day. :rotfl2:

Thanks for sharing your adventure! :hug:

:rotfl2: I would never be cross with you. :hug: Believe me... I too now can laugh when I look back and realize how frustrated I was and how it was all over ONE drink. I feel it is important to be able to laugh at one self. :rotfl:
Well that's a pretty ridiculous excuse putting the responsibility on the customer to know that if they are just waiting on a drink they have to let them know.

But, hey, free cookie! :cool1:

And, I hear you on husbands not being so good on descriptions of where to find them. :rolleyes2
Well that's a pretty ridiculous excuse putting the responsibility on the customer to know that if they are just waiting on a drink they have to let them know.

Well, I really should have spoke up long before I did. I do agree though, I feel as though they should have known that there was an outstanding order.

But, hey, free cookie! :cool1:

Yes, :rotfl2: free cookie.

And, I hear you on husbands not being so good on descriptions of where to find them. :rolleyes2

Yeah.. mine has a hard time with directions or descriptions of where to find him for sure. I know better... so I don't know why exactly I thought I should rely on his sense of direction.
Hi! :wave2: Joining in!

I'll be heading over to your PTR too - I'm a very beginner runner (have been a swimmer), so this fish has lots to learn with my goal to run in a Disney half marathon one day!
Great pics by Josh on the trail.

I can't wait to eat at Yak & Yeti again in two weeks.

LOVE the PP pics on Dinosaur. :)

Sorry about the frustration with your lunch. I really hate how those CS places are set up. I always end up waiting and waiting.

I hope your drink was worth the wait.
Hi! :wave2: Joining in!


I'll be heading over to your PTR too - I'm a very beginner runner (have been a swimmer), so this fish has lots to learn with my goal to run in a Disney half marathon one day!

I am happy you will following my PTR too. :cool1: Not sure if I will have anything all that insightful for you, but it is always nice to support each other in running even if it is just to :cheer2::cheer2:

Running a Disney race is so much fun! I hope you are able to reach your goal. :thumbsup2 Any ideas which race you are hoping to do?

Great pics by Josh on the trail.

Thank you. :goodvibes

I can't wait to eat at Yak & Yeti again in two weeks.

My goodness your trip is coming up quick!

LOVE the PP pics on Dinosaur. :)

My favorite is actually the one of Josh AFTER the ride. He is such a goof :rotfl:

Sorry about the frustration with your lunch. I really hate how those CS places are set up. I always end up waiting and waiting.

I think that is just one more reason I like the TIW card. We ate far more ts meals (paying cs prices) and were served. There are some good cs that have better systems for getting food to the guest. I am just not sure why there are a few like this were it is so chaotic.

I hope your drink was worth the wait.

From what I can remember... yes. ;) I believe it was gone shortly after I sat down.
Another great update! Sorry it took so long to get your drink. I have done the same thing and kicked myself for not asking sooner. One time it was at the doctors office. I Checked in......or so I thought.......then waited, and waited and waited. I just figured the doctor was backed up, so I asked how much longer I had to wait since it had been an hour. The prior receptionist never checked me in! I was so mad, but I was taken right away and more mad at myself for not asking sooner. Oh well. Lesson learned.
I am SO cracking up at the "your right is not the same as Steve's, that is so how things work at my house. Except I am the directionally challenged one :)

That drink sounds yummy! You earned it.
You did earn that drink, indeed. I seriously hate waiting on CS meals. It can be so frustrating. Ugh.

Zoe looks so cute in her picture.

Glad you got the FP's worked out. Fun pictures from dinosaur!

Can you believe that Cynthia and I never went to AK on our last trip? Pretty shocking, I know!
Another great update!

Thank you. :goodvibes I really need to get another one done soon!

Sorry it took so long to get your drink. I have done the same thing and kicked myself for not asking sooner. One time it was at the doctors office. I Checked in......or so I thought.......then waited, and waited and waited. I just figured the doctor was backed up, so I asked how much longer I had to wait since it had been an hour. The prior receptionist never checked me in! I was so mad, but I was taken right away and more mad at myself for not asking sooner. Oh well. Lesson learned.

Yeah.. it stinks when we have a bit of culpability in our situations. Hard to own up to at times... but I try. The fact is, I am an active participant in my life... not a victim. If something doesn't go the way I had wanted or planned... you can be sure that I had some part in it. ;)

I am SO cracking up at the "your right is not the same as Steve's, that is so how things work at my house. Except I am the directionally challenged one :)

I am usually really good with directions... although there are some areas that throw me. (like what is up with Puyallup? I swear south "feels" east to me and north "feels" west.) But given that I am not a fan of driving in CA and now knowing that you have directional challenges.... yeah, we are best booking a town car. ;)

That drink sounds yummy! You earned it.

It was good... from what I remember. :goodvibes

You did earn that drink, indeed. I seriously hate waiting on CS meals. It can be so frustrating. Ugh.

It can be! Definitely just one more point in the TIW card's favor.

Zoe looks so cute in her picture.

Thanks :goodvibes

Glad you got the FP's worked out. Fun pictures from dinosaur!

I always enjoy that ride.

Can you believe that Cynthia and I never went to AK on our last trip? Pretty shocking, I know!

Not once? :eek: :faint:

I don't go as often when Kira is not with me. Some how when she is, we go enough to make up for times when it is minimal. I do like AK... I would feel like I missed out if I didn't go at all. However, I can only really go on EE once or twice in a trip. While I love Dinosaur... it isn't one I need to do over an over. I can ride the safari a couple times just because the animals and drivers can cooperate differently each time. So really... for me it isn't an every day sort of trip. Kira likes to make it there daily, I swear. (did you ever read my fall 2012 TR? :rolleyes:)
Don't you all appreciate when a TR moves slowly? :rotfl: Yes, I still have 6 additional days to get through AFTER I get through 1/12.

So after lunch was over it was time for our group to split up again. Steve and I had to get checked in to OKW. So we left the 4 kids and took a bus back to POR.

While Zoe and I had our breakfast, the guys had loaded up the car. So all we had to do was go directly from the bus stop to the car. I felt a bit sad that we had not swam once. There had been a quiet pool feet from our door. It was sad to say goodbye to POR but that sadness was short lived. It took no time to drive from POR to OKW. For those that don't know the layout, Basically, POR and POFQ are neighbors to OKW.

I was so very excited. I had stayed one night at Kidani Village back in October but this was going to be our first "real" dvc stay. I had stayed in a deluxe resort twice but never a villa. I knew that mousekeeping was different and the obvious difference of amenities like a kitchen or kitchenette. I had watched walk through videos and spent much time looking at pictures. I have to say that nothing really hit home until we walked through the doors at the hospitality house. Indeed we were "home".

Apparently a lot of people had also planned to check in at that time.

Meanwhile, the kids had some fun on rides while trying to make funny faces.

Once we checked in, we took a peak around the hospitality area. It was a nice day. I was surprised by how many people were milling about.

Unfortunetely, when I took this pic I didn't know it would be the ONLY time I would see the pool. Once we eventually got to our room we found a note that let us know that the very next day the main pool area was to be shut down for refurb. :headache:

Back at AK, the kids were getting excited to see the new digs. So they made their way out of the park to catch a bus to OKW.

Meanwhile we drove to our home for the next 6 nights. We were back on Old Turtle Pond road in building 43 on the first floor. It was perfect!! We had a perfect view of the pond and were also able to park almost right next to our front door.

This room was huge! Steve took some panoramic shots and while they are a tad distorted, I think it will be better to use than a dozen smaller ones.

Living Room/Kitchen/Dinning - Taken from the entry way hall. This was so roomy! I love that the dinning area had a table that we could all sit around.

Outside patio. This doesn't show the nice table with chairs to sit around. (yes, I like to sit around a table not "at" a table)

Laundry room. From what I understand, OKW is the only DVC to have full washer and dryer? This was not high on my list of reasons to stay here. I think by the end of the trip I was a convert!! Just being able to wash our stinky race clothes from the day before was a HUGE benefit!! I know that all the resorts have laundry facilities and I have used one or two on occasion. However that always took time out of our vacation or rather out of mine since I had to stay with the laundry. This was a matter of putting in a load in the morning and then transferring it to the dryer at night. PERFECT!

Shower. This is one thing I wished was a tad nicer. It wasn't a nice tile shower enclosure. :sad2: The rest of the bathroom was nice though.

Of course, the tub more than made up for the lack of a nice shower. (although no one else thought it was less than nice. The rest of the family loved the shower) Also, given that the main pool was closed this was a nice alternative to have.

Master bedroom - looking from the bed back to the hall. Not sure why there isn't a better picture.

Patio - View from inside the master. Yes, the master has it's own door out onto the patio!!!

I think I know now why we didn't get a better shot of the master. The kids showed up! We gave them the "grand tour". It was then time to split up yet again. Kira and Josh had a special reservation for dinner while Steve and I along with our youngest two had a reservation in DTD.

Next Up: 1/12 - AK/OKW/DTD Part 5
Ah, OKW!!! How I am missing it this summer!

What a shame about the main pool. I really hope that the quiet pool was open though.
Those 1 bedrooms are huge, aren't they? We love them and there are only two of us.
All the other resorts have the stacked kind of washer and dryer. I don't know if they are considered full size or not, but you can definitely get a lot of things in. :rotfl2:
Welcome Home!!!!!!

I would love to stay in a one bedroom at OKW! The layout is so spacious and the balcony - just great! Cynthia and I had a wonderful stay there in a studio and she also requested a most awesome location near a quiet pool and the trail over to SSR. It was like the best of the both resorts.

Zoe's PP pics are too cute!
Wow, OKW is really spacious! For some reason I thought it would be more "dated" and I don't think it looks dated really at all, just not super-Disney-themed. Did you still feel like you were at Disney? A washing machine would be a HUGE deal for me, I wish all rooms everywhere had one!
Your place at OKW looks really wonderful. I loved having a washer and dryer at our condo when we ran the marathon last year. It was great to wash those smelly race clothes!!

Sorry to hear the main pool was closed though. :sad1:
Ah, OKW!!! How I am missing it this summer!

But just think of why you are missing it. :goodvibes

What a shame about the main pool. I really hope that the quiet pool was open though.

It was disappointing, but it was a tad too cold to swim anyway.

Those 1 bedrooms are huge, aren't they? We love them and there are only two of us.

They really are huge. Almost in a weird way, ya know? It doesn't necessarily sleep a ton more people (just 5) but with all that space I kinda feel like we should be able to cram a ton more in. Maybe in one of the storage closets. :rotfl:

All the other resorts have the stacked kind of washer and dryer. I don't know if they are considered full size or not, but you can definitely get a lot of things in. :rotfl2:

Yeah I am not sure if the stacked are full sized or not. I also am not sure they work quite as well.

Welcome Home!!!!!!


I would love to stay in a one bedroom at OKW! The layout is so spacious and the balcony - just great! Cynthia and I had a wonderful stay there in a studio and she also requested a most awesome location near a quiet pool and the trail over to SSR. It was like the best of the both resorts.

The balcony is definitely a draw for me. I mean it was nice to be able to sit on the balcony at YC or WL and definitely at kidani... but to sit and have more than just a bit of space between you and the railing was amazing..not to mention it is so much more conducive to being able to have a good conversation.

Zoe's PP pics are too cute!

Thank you. :goodvibes

Wow, OKW is really spacious!

It is very spacious. I love it. From what I read too.. the studios are larger too (hence why they are the only dvc ones to have two queen beds)

For some reason I thought it would be more "dated" and I don't think it looks dated really at all, just not super-Disney-themed.

Dated is a good way to describe that shower. :rotfl: Other than that... nope it didnt feel like it at all.

Did you still feel like you were at Disney?

Definitely! There were subtle things like mickey heads in the railing slats on the patio...

washing machine would be a HUGE deal for me, I wish all rooms everywhere had one!

I did not realize just how nice that would be until we had it!

Your place at OKW looks really wonderful. I loved having a washer and dryer at our condo when we ran the marathon last year. It was great to wash those smelly race clothes!!

OMG, yes! Those smelly clothes were needing a good washing! So glad that we had the washer and dryer.

Sorry to hear the main pool was closed though. :sad1:

It was definitely disappointing to miss Zoe. :sad2:


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