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My agent has been on vacation but found out it was taken last week when the deposit to the title company was returned. Confirmed this morning with an other agent in the office. Oh well, back to the search.

jnsma---$88-$4123-40-BRV@WL-Aug-29/15, 40/16, 40/17, 40/18- sent 6/29, taken 7/18
I'm so sorry :sad1:
Limace---$141-$15436-100-VGC-Aug-0/16, 200/17, 100/18, 100/19- sent 7/5, passed 7/25

I am so excited-was convinced they'd take this one. Hope for quick closing so I can start planning :). I have a dream of every other year trips to DL even years and WDW odd years-just need a contract at AKV next :).
Woohoo! Congrats :flower:
I emailed her this morning, and she just replied back to me with good news - it passed! I'm surprised but happy - it was a relatively loaded contract, and a low price per point ($89 for BWV) so I had convinced myself DVD would take it.

Good luck to all of you waiting, and hope to see all of you soon on the closing time thread! My closing company is Timeshare Title - not sure why because it seems like others have First American Title, but hopefully they're efficient.

ywgckp---$89-$25126-275-BWV-Dec-141/16, 275/17, 275/18- sent 7/10, passed 7/25
we heard yesterday that we passed. I spoke with my agent who told me that they got 11 back yesterday, seems like a big review day. My agent told me the volume of resales is quite high right now

johnb3---$83-$26230-300-SSR-Jun-300/16, 300/17, 300/18, 300/19- sent 6/30, passed 7/25 (the 2016 points are banked)
Congratulations :flower:
Wendy98---$133-$9363-63-BLT-Dec-0/15, 0/16, 63/17, 63/18- sent 7/25

I can't believe I am doing this again! We haven't even had our first stay as owners yet and I am adding on. I am paying a little more for this one since I wanted a small contract--still cheaper than direct.
Good luck!
Hope the wait isn't too long! This will be our 3rd home resort if it passes and the 4th time we've done this process. (we had a contract last yr pass rofr only for the buyers to then go MIA so the sale was a no go) Feeling excited!

Deb123-$78-$7784-100-AK-June-0/17, 0/18, 100/19-sent 7/26

seller to credit $659 at closing for maint fees
Best of luck!
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