A lot of it can be deduced from publicly available data— deeds are publicly recorded in FL and I believe there’s a way to generally calculate purchase price from transfer tax (?) but it may also be complicated by foreclosures and other variables…when I was buying VGF resale years ago, looking at individual deeds did allow me to calculate what the price per point was in most cases but you had no way of knowing if they were loaded or stripped.
Yes that is how you do it but a lot of it is manual and the site now times you out during the searches. It is easy enough to get back in but becomes more trouble than its worth if trying to do it on a large scale. Generally if Im in the market I will usually pull the last 3 to 4 weeks of data for a particular resort. Normally you can weed out the foreclosures easily enough. Figuring out if it is stripped or loaded is near impossible. Once in awhile you may see something that mentions available points but its not universal. Overall I am not sure if that makes much of a difference since so many seem to overvalue a stripped contract and undervalue a loaded one but for more savvy buyers it certainly does.

For the resorts Ive looked at in the past I would say that as a rule of thumb average resale price report generally matches the median resale price for contracts over 100 points. The report is more like a quartile 3 kind of number, representing the higher end of resale prices. The ROFR reports here more or less are representative of the top 25% of all purchases and are not deals that are going to be easy to get.
Yes that is how you do it but a lot of it is manual and the site now times you out during the searches. It is easy enough to get back in but becomes more trouble than its worth if trying to do it on a large scale. Generally if Im in the market I will usually pull the last 3 to 4 weeks of data for a particular resort. Normally you can weed out the foreclosures easily enough. Figuring out if it is stripped or loaded is near impossible. Once in awhile you may see something that mentions available points but its not universal. Overall I am not sure if that makes much of a difference since so many seem to overvalue a stripped contract and undervalue a loaded one but for more savvy buyers it certainly does.

For the resorts Ive looked at in the past I would say that as a rule of thumb average resale price report generally matches the median resale price for contracts over 100 points. The report is more like a quartile 3 kind of number, representing the higher end of resale prices. The ROFR reports here more or less are representative of the top 25% of all purchases and are not deals that are going to be easy to get.
This is generally close to how I would describe it as well: Fidelity reported price is approximately median for market, DVCRM is top 1/3 of pricing and the best prices on ROFR are probably lowest 10% (though some prices reported stretch up beyond median, the average price reported is probably bottom 1/3 of all purchases).

The main thing I’d advise caution on is that a few of the resorts have so few points sold each month lately that one or two contracts can really skew the reported numbers.
This is generally close to how I would describe it as well: Fidelity reported price is approximately median for market, DVCRM is top 1/3 of pricing and the best prices on ROFR are probably lowest 10% (though some prices reported stretch up beyond median, the average price reported is probably bottom 1/3 of all purchases).

The main thing I’d advise caution on is that a few of the resorts have so few points sold each month lately that one or two contracts can really skew the reported numbers.
I might add to this to suggest that the "ASKING" price is in the middle. But this is one of the brokers from which a good deal of the better "FINAL" prices come from on the ROFR list. I know brokers aren't on the ROFR info, but I've followed purchasing enough to spot various contracts when they disappear from a broker's inventory and then show up on the list, when bought by a member here.
After many many months (6+; I got snaked a few times) of watching, the exact contract I was looking for in my use year hit the market.

Made an offer; will update later.
It's not going to be a bargain. lol. But it will make my bookings easier and I don't want to wait another 6 months. I'll post my "bad" deal later once things get signed/sent off!
PASSED :flower:


StitchBro626---$110-$12550-100-AKV-Sep-100/24, 100/25, 100/26-Seller pays '24 MF- sent 12/16, passed 1/6

jayt684---$105-$23480-200-AKV-Dec-98/24, 200/25, 200/26- sent 1/2, passed 1/21

khoeyjr---$108-$12244-100-AKV-Aug-0/24, 72/25, 100/26- sent 1/7, passed 1/24

Dealz2012---$95-$18616-170-AKV-Mar-0/24, 175/25, 170/26- sent 1/7, passed 1/27

Heynowirv---$102-$18506-160-AKV-Aug-0/23, 160/24, 160/25, 160/26- sent 1/9, passed 1/28

Atariclassic17---$100-$30400-270-AKV-Jun-0/24, 340/25, 270/26- sent 1/11, passed 1/29

kjw22x---$100-$12672-120-AKV-Dec-0/23, 39/24, 120/25, 120/26- sent 1/13, passed 2/5


BrianLo---$97.8-$9680-92-AUL-Dec-184/24, 92/25, 92/26-seller pays MF '24- sent 12/12, passed 1/2

PCDisFan---$95-$10400-100-AUL-Sep-100/23, 100/24, 100/25, 100/26- sent 11/21, passed 1/10

peder---$90-$16980-160-AUL-Dec-3/24, 160/25, 160/26- sent 1/2, passed 1/21

macman123---$96-$16360-160-AUL-Aug-160/24, 160/25, 160/26- sent 1/4, passed 1/22

peder---$90-$16080-150-AUL-Dec-0/24, 150/25, 150/26- sent 1/2, passed 1/27


Aclark7769---$130-$27000-200-BCV-Dec-0/23, 135/24, 200/25, 200/26- sent 12/16, passed 1/6

fflmaster---$120-$20115-150-BCV-Feb-0/24, 157/25, 150/26, 150/27-International Seller- sent 11/25, passed 1/3

bama314---$105-$22821-210-BCV-Feb-0/24, 35/25, 210/26- sent 1/10, passed 1/31


Matt_In_NH---$115-$40248-320-BLT-Sep-0/23, 0/24, 320/25, 320/26- sent 12/9, passed 1/1


clbielick---$94-$22470-210-BWV-Jun-0/23, 0/24, 189/25, 210/26- sent 12/9, passed 1/2

tarheellovesdisney---$118-$6817-50-BWV-Aug-0/23, 50/24, 50/25, 50/26-seller pays MF '24- sent 12/11, passed 1/2

Pens Fan---$110-$21506-175-BWV-Sep-0/23, 222/24, 175/25, 175/26- sent 12/16, passed 1/6

AmyJoyce---$87-$12730-140-BWV-Aug-0/23, 7/24, 2/25, 140/26- sent 12/18, passed 1/9

DisneyFan5404---$110-$18563-150-BWV-Oct-0/23, 19/24, 150/25, 150/26- sent 1/10, passed 1/27






macman123---$160-$17500-100-PVB-Aug-0/24, 100/25, 100/26- sent 12/26, passed 1/15

Jazewski---$161-$30562-175-PVB-Dec-0/24, 175/25, 175/26- sent 1/3, passed 1/21

Amousefan---$156-$33682-200-PVB-Dec-0/23, 0/24, 200/25, 200/26- sent 1/8, passed 1/27


rssquires---$98.25-$43913-400-RIV-Feb-0/24, 513/25, 400/26, 400/27- sent 1/1, passed 1/21


atots---$92-$10979-100-SSR-Aug-49/24, 100/25, 100/26- sent 12/9, passed 1/2

Boosterman---$97-$16474-150-SSR-Aug-300/24, 150/25, 150/26- sent 12/16, passed 1/6

Potigant---$95-$21697-200-SSR-Oct-400/24, 200/25, 200/26-Seller pays 24 MF- sent 12/19, passed 1/9

Tx3Mom---$92.5-$12281-110-SSR-Feb-0/24, 191/25, 110/26-Seller pays MF ‘24- sent 1/3, passed 1/22

BattyKoda---$95-$14374-130-SSR-Dec-39/24, 130/25, 130/26- sent 1/8, passed 1/27

jkhd---$92-$18041-170-SSR-Mar-0/23, 0/24, 170/25, 170/26- sent 1/9, passed 1/29

TakeMeToManos---$94-$17381-160-SSR-Aug-320/24, 160/25, 160/26- sent 1/10, passed 1/29

Nainolaf---$95-$21400-200-SSR-Jun-0/23, 200/24, 200/25, 200/26- sent 1/13, passed 2/6


Emchen (Seller)---$189-$10161-50-VDH-Jun-0/23, 0/24, 27/25, 50/26-Seller pays MF ’25- sent 12/10, passed 1/6

Emchen (Seller)---$178-$8900-50-VDH-Jun-0/23, 12/24, 0/25, 50/26-seller pays MF ’25- sent 12/21, passed 1/14

Emchen (Seller)---$178-$8900-50-VDH-Jun-0/23, 0/24, 0/25, 50/26-seller pays MF ’25- sent 12/23, passed 1/15


DallasMickey---$225-$54735-240-VGC-Sep-0/24, 0/25, 240/26- sent 1/8, passed 1/27


RMDVC24---$163-$12025-65-VGF-Dec-65/24, 65/25, 65/26-Seller pays '24 MF- sent 12/9, passed 1/2

Networth---$166-$37020-220-VGF-Dec-0/23, 35/24, 220/25, 220/26- sent 12/13, passed 1/3



bunzy---$129-$10598-75-CCV@WL-Oct-0/23, 0/24, 44/25, 75/26- sent 12/16, passed 1/6

icouldlivethere---$123-$43889-325-CCV@WL-Oct-65/24, 325/25, 325/26- sent 12/27, passed 1/14

GoofyTiggerFan---$138-$30015-200-CCV@WL-Aug-0/23, 168/24, 200/25, 200/26- sent 1/9, passed 1/31


WAITING :cool:


cly28---$95-$23778-220-AKV-Jun-0/23, 0/24, 241/25, 220/26- sent 1/17

hhisc16---$125-$3725-25-AKV-Aug-0/23, 0/24, 50/25, 25/26- sent 1/24

juxtapose---$99-$26726-240-AKV-Mar-0/24, 240/25, 240/26, 240/27- sent 1/29

finality90---$100-$16262-150-AKV-Oct-0/23, 0/24, 64/25, 150/26- sent 2/1

jksung5295---$100-$16287-140-AKV-Jun-0/24, 280/25, 140/26- sent 2/5

michaeld03---$101-$18405-160-AKV-Feb-0/24, 160/25, 160/26-Int'l Seller- sent 2/4


babymomo2019---$90-$5475-50-AUL-Mar-0/23, 0/24, 0/25, 50/26- sent 1/27

ForWhomTheMouseTolls---$90-$28800-320-AUL-Jun-320/25, 320/26, 320/27- sent 2/5


Heathpack---$136-$8078-50-BCV-Apr-0/23, 0/24, 100/25, 50/26- sent 1/15

Fourstar21---$110-$20120-150-BCV-Apr-0/24, 300/25, 150/26, 150/27-Buyer pays 2024 Dues- sent 1/15


jcolvin5---$124-$21488-160-BLT-Feb-0/24, 96/25, 160/26, 160/27-Intl Seller- sent 1/19

Perelandra---$131.82-$16322-110-BLT-Dec-0/23, 211/24, 110/25, 110/26- sent 1/22

jksung5295---$125-$10881-75-BLT-Jun-0/24, 75/25, 75/26- sent 1/29

ShaneDJ---$110-$23779-200-BLT-Mar-0/24, 126/25, 200/26- sent 1/29

Girlstar30---$124-$21488-160-BLT-Feb-0/24, 96/25, 160/26, 160/27- sent 1/26

Hilltopper152---$135-$13666-89-BLT-Jun-0/24, 89/25, 89/26- sent 2/7





BriLam---$70-$15643-210-OKW-Dec-210/24, 210/25, 210/26- sent 1/29



drinkingaroundtheworld---$162-$38533-220-PVB-Jun-0/23, 1/24, 220/25, 220/26- sent 1/3

dvc_ocd---$159-$17243-100-PVB-Sep-134/24, 102/25, 100/26- sent 1/17

Jrathjen---$158-$25628-150-PVB-Dec-150/23, 150/24, 150/25, 150/26- sent 1/21

Bear_1989---$145-$11790-75-PVB-Mar-0/24, 0/25, 75/26- sent 1/20

pangyal---$153-$22610-135-PVB-Aug-49/24, 270/25, 135/26, 135/27- sent 1/28



Prker---$95-$21500-200-SSR-Feb-0/24, 400/25, 200/26- sent 1/2

Rhsoccersms---$96-$25194-250-SSR-Feb-0/24, 500/25, 250/26- sent 1/3

Levi Machado---$87-$14856-160-SSR-Aug-160/24, 320/25, 160/26-Seller pays MF ‘24- sent 1/24

JulieBeeRN---$96-$16600-150-SSR-Feb-0/24, 150/25, 150/26, 150/27- sent 2/1

Ladylotus---$90-$10504-100-SSR-Sep-84/24, 98/25, 100/26- sent 2/5



thadhouse---$233-$25321-100-VGC-Oct-0/24, 100/25, 100/26- sent 1/24


BestAunt---$169-$25699-140-VGF-Jun-0/23, 0/24, 280/25, 140/26- sent 1/21

Miss Piggy 1978---$160-$25983-150-VGF-Apr-0/23, 8/24, 300/25, 150/26- sent 1/28


OnlyTryingToDrownHer---$72-$8570-125-BRV@WL-Aug-0/23, 0/24, 0/25, 0/26-seller credits MF '26- sent 1/24


Fantasmic87---$119-$26219-200-CCV@WL-Jun-0/23, 0/24, 187/25, 200/26- sent 1/16

Heathpack---$125-$11808-90-CCV@WL-Oct-0/23, 0/24, 10/25, 90/26- sent 1/27

Emerson7---$125-$12564-90-CCV@WL-Oct-0/23, 0/24, 90/25, 90/26- sent 1/28

macman123---$116.50-$15252.50-125-CCV@WL-Aug-77/24, 125/25, 125/26- sent 1/29

fflmaster---$133.5-$22937-155-CCV@WL-Dec-155/24, 310/25, 155/26- sent 2/5


DopeyInTX---$40-$16873-300-VB-Jun-0/23, 300/24, 300/25, 300/26- sent 1/14

TAKEN :crazy2:


Knight0221---$99-$22400-200-AKV-Sep-0/23, 200/24, 200/25, 200/26- sent 12/17, taken 1/1

















Last edited: 3 minutes ago
Fantasmic87---$119-$26219-200-CCV@WL-Jun-0/23, 0/24, 187/25, 200/26- sent 1/16, passed 2/10
First time poster here! And first time buyer!

I fell down the rabbit hole this week and signed two contracts back-to-back. Literally, I picked one and IMMEDIATELY got add-on-itis! I already want more!!!! 😅

Here are the details of my offers:

jambox---$125-$20780-150-BWV-Dec-131/23, 150/24, 150/25, 150/26- sent 2/2


jambox---$83-$25595-300-BRV@WL-Dec-0/23, 0/24, 0/25, 300/26- sent 2/5

Realizing I could probably have done way better on the BWV deal, but it was exactly what I wanted and I couldn't resist!

I'm so thrilled to have found you all so I can watch and learn... and maybe add-on again... next year? GULP. All tips and tricks and advice are welcome!!! And good luck to everyone else who's waiting right now!!! Wheeeeee! 🥳
First time poster here! And first time buyer!

I fell down the rabbit hole this week and signed two contracts back-to-back. Literally, I picked one and IMMEDIATELY got add-on-itis! I already want more!!!! 😅

Here are the details of my offers:

jambox---$125-$20780-150-BWV-Dec-131/23, 150/24, 150/25, 150/26- sent 2/2


jambox---$83-$25595-300-BRV@WL-Dec-0/23, 0/24, 0/25, 300/26- sent 2/5

Realizing I could probably have done way better on the BWV deal, but it was exactly what I wanted and I couldn't resist!

I'm so thrilled to have found you all so I can watch and learn... and maybe add-on again... next year? GULP. All tips and tricks and advice are welcome!!! And good luck to everyone else who's waiting right now!!! Wheeeeee! 🥳
Welcome! Am I missing something about those 2023 points on the Boardwalk contract? Shouldn't they have expired on November 30, 2024 :confused3
Welcome! Am I missing something about those 2023 points on the Boardwalk contract? Shouldn't they have expired on November 30, 2024 :confused3
Ahhh... like I said, I'm brand new to this, so maybe I should have entered it differently? The 131 from 2023 were banked for use in 2024. December use year so valid through 11/30/2025, I think? I hope! I don't know if there will be much available to book before that deadline by the time we close, but I'm hopeful!

For future reference (who am I kidding, I want more!), should I list banked points as the year they were moved TO instead of the year they originated?
Ahhh... like I said, I'm brand new to this, so maybe I should have entered it differently? The 131 from 2023 were banked for use in 2024. December use year so valid through 11/30/2025, I think? I hope! I don't know if there will be much available to book before that deadline by the time we close, but I'm hopeful!

For future reference (who am I kidding, I want more!), should I list banked points as the year they were moved TO instead of the year they originated?
I think that’s how it’s usually done - once banked or borrowed, points are stuck in the UY they moved to, so you should include them in that UY.
Ahhh... like I said, I'm brand new to this, so maybe I should have entered it differently? The 131 from 2023 were banked for use in 2024. December use year so valid through 11/30/2025, I think? I hope! I don't know if there will be much available to book before that deadline by the time we close, but I'm hopeful!

For future reference (who am I kidding, I want more!), should I list banked points as the year they were moved TO instead of the year they originated?
Yes, since the 2023 points are already banked, they should be listed in the 2024 use year :goodvibes When Disney sets up your membership, that is where those points will be listed. You did a fabulous job with your first DVC contracts :cool1: BWV is one of my home sweet homes too :love: Good luck with the ROFR monster pixiedust:
Yes, since the 2023 points are already banked, they should be listed in the 2024 use year :goodvibes When Disney sets up your membership, that is where those points will be listed. You did a fabulous job with your first DVC contracts :cool1: BWV is one of my home sweet homes too :love: Good luck with the ROFR monster pixiedust:
Thank you so much!!! I’m so excited!! Crossing my fingers so tightly we clear the ROFR hurdle and get to be neighbors at BWV!! :chat::flower1:

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