Quarantine and chill and kindness chatty clubhouse: Jump in and join the conversation! All is welcome!

It was here when we bought the house 24 years ago. There were 3 plants in various places in the yard. It's down to 1 now. It comes up every year on it's own. To be honest I don't like rhubarb and give it to the neighbors every year. Sorry I can't be of any help in finding any.

It used to come up every year in my mother's yard also.
Rhubarb is available in almost every garden center in the Midwest, not sure about other areas. I’m pretty sure it can be purchased online also. It comes in red and green varieties, I prefer the red. It tastes best during the spring getting bitter tasting later in summmer. I love rhubarb desserts. Some people say it is an acquired taste.
Good morning. It is 32 here with temps heading to mid 40s. Quiet days here lately. Work is getting interesting. The newest person who was hired in Oct resigned yesterday. So now we are even more short handed. I feel bad for my boss as it will make her job more difficult and she needs to look for someone else for the job. I had a feeling this person was not going to stay. She just did not seem invested in it. The rest of us have been in the company for so long. After work today I will head to Hannafords and then talk with my NH friend. I have zoom qi gong at 6 run by my MA friend. It is a good group of us older ladies. Tomorrow is off to the office early.

Have a good day.
Good 36 degree morning. Only going to 48 today, weather flip flop is what I call it. Back to 60's tomorrow

Heading for the market in a few. Wednesdays are always one of their busy days. Aldi's sales start on Wed. which is why I started doing my shopping then.

Summer had to pick up her husband last night. She got a hotel room because she was too tired to drive back until this morning

Have a good day

Good morning dear friends,

My first pt session went great especially considering I'm a little tired due to a noisy night. I'm truly so grateful to God extra for His hand on me. I am so blessed.

Right now, one of the maintenance men is working on the bathroom in here. I attached a picture of the strange looking green and yellow machine in here. One of the nurses said it's a floor polisher. Whatever it is, it's sure making a lot of noise! My roommate's bed is semi in that picture.

The other picture shows two glass panels of blinds that go all the way down. I just took a picture of the top left section to show the 4 missing slats. Hopefully that gets fixed today, too.

All I wanted to do is rest between pt sessions. Oh well. I pray all of you are enjoying a calmer morning. I will check back later.


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Hi everyone! Glad I caught the rhubarb discussion. My grandmother prepared the tasty dish every spring! It wasn’t from her garden. I do see it in roadside stands, and I have seen it in garden catalogs, but I have never grown it. I bake at least one strawberry/rhubarb pie each year. I will use frozen rhubarb if necessary…it seems the NJ strawberry crop is slightly different than rhubarb crop. I haven’t been able to find them both at a stand together. This year, I doubt I will make one.

Yesterday we took a futile trip to a hand specialist. He could not help my swollen, hurting tingling left hand. The pain has lessened since Tuesday. I will visit my NP tomorrow, maybe she has some ideas.

I wish you all a good day!

Was very glad to read about your extended walking, @flyingdumbo127!
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Good morning. We had a frost last night, it's 30 now, heading for 62, which is better than the high of 46 we hit yesterday.

Shopping and errands was pleasant for a change. I hit UPS, it was empty, hit Aldi, 4 cars in the parking lot. Got to Walmart and parking lot was at least half empty. They have new signs in the aisles which are right, but there are still people hunting for things where they used to be. Some of what they're doing makes sense, others make no sense at all.

Today is light house cleaning, so I'm going to get to it.

Nice to see you @easyas123 You have a good weekend also

Have a good day everyone.

So very many prayers, dear Pea. I attached a picture I took of a page within a booklet I got in the mail from Salesian Missions. They send me pocket sized booklets like this with scripture and testimonies every so often for free. This particular story reasonated with me when I read it. Always remember dear friend that cancer never defines you. Ever. God has His hand extra on you. Indeed He is with you forever. We all love and are praying for you too.

Dear Bobbi extra healing love to you, too, my friend.

Springy Pooh picture dear Lynn, thank you. think a Hundred Acre Wood area at Disney would be adorable. Pooh's house in this picture got me thinking of that :)

Nice to see you dear Easyas.

Early morning hug to all with love.


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Sending out prayers and good thoughts for all. :grouphug:

Good morning. It is 36 now with temps heading to mid 50s. The weekend is supposed to be rainy and cool, in the 40s. I hope to walk at the lake today. Yesterday was my office day. I talked with my boss and now I only have to go in once a month and cover any days she is off. I am grateful and thankful for this and she is very kind to offer this to me. I helps alot with my stress and anxiety. I will go in the 2nd Thursday of the month. Next month I have a doctor appt in the area so it works out to be in the office first. I plan my appts for my office day. Feeling funky lately and hoping the spring weather will get here soon and the flowers will bloom and the birds will be out singing. Jeff sent me a picture of Sam after he had a haircut. He looks just like Jeff! Brings me back to when Jeff was 3. He is adorable.

Have a good day.
Will also do a quick check in. Hope everyone’s well. ❤️

I have recently been diagnosed with breast cancer. Second time around. So been busy.

Had first chemo this week. Will then need surgery and radiation after that. Always something, right?

Your prayers are always welcome. Praying for you all, also.


Oh, Pea, I'm so sorry you're dealing with that again. :hug:


We're all pulling for you (and don't hesitate to PM if you need practical stuff as well - I don't think I'm that far from you in the real world).
Good morning. Cloudy now, going to be in the 60's. I can tell Spring is here, forecast calls for rain starting tomorrow and most of the days next week. Then I really will have to mow the lawn after that.

I got woken up this morning by a loud bang outside the window. I sit up and look out and there's a big City bus parked in the lot of the bldg across the street, with smoke pouring out of the engine. The driver was outside on his phone. Not long after a huge tow truck came and took it away. Then I get up and open the back door, to be greeted by the sounds of hammers, drills, and banging as they put gutters up on the house behind me that's being 'flipped'. This was all at 7:15 in the morning, and there's a noise ordinance until 8 am. People need to start paying attention to that.

@PollyannaMom --I love that picture you shared for Pea 🩷

Not sure what I'm getting into today. Maybe during the rain, I'll go down and go through the yard sale pile and see if there's anything I want to keep or discard.

Have a good day everyone

Good morning dear friends,

Aw God Bless Sam dear Snowysmom. Hugs, my friend. I'm truly thankful about you only having to go into the office once a week. You are so smart to try and schedule appointments in that area on days you go in. I pray this works out great for you.

Dear PollyannaMom, thank you for so kindly offering to help our friend Pea that way. Big hug. As all of you know I live across the country. Dear Pea I sure would be blessed to send you a card . PM me :)

Hug, dear Lynn. Yikes. That would be an awful way to wake up. I'm sorry. May you get some extra rest today and enjoy some peace!

I had two positive pt sessions yesterday. God willing I have the same experience today.

Friday love to all. I will check back in later.

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