Quarantine and chill and kindness chatty clubhouse: Jump in and join the conversation! All is welcome!

Huge hug dear Taz. What a heart wrenching and emotionally draining situation for all of you. I am so sorry my friend. Peace, much love, and a reminder to please take care of yourself kindly! God, of course, is always with you.

Hug dear Lynn, congratulations to Gracie. I wish Dave the best. I did once know a couple with a 19 year age difference between them, the husband was older than his second wife. To me that is a huge age gap but it worked for them which is what mattered.

I am very grateful to be back in my room right now and to have it all to myself. My elderly roommate is probably in the activity room where she may have lunch.

Last Friday afternoon, a worker spent a lot of time in our bathroom removing peeling plaster and patching holes. I was told this was in preparation for painting. Yesterday, two workers came to do more plastering and patching on the walls behind our beds which is why we couldn't be in here.

I only found out after my second pt session yesterday that my room was closed to me because the workers had returned. Initially I was wheeled into the bigger of the two "activity," rooms. The "activity" going on in that cold room was a loud TV show featuring cats! I thank all of dear you that lovingly care for cats. You know that. I am a dog person. The residents in the room for the most part were alone in their chairs. A CNA sat in the back on her phone baby-sitting. Odd and uncomfortable plus cold. I was wheeled into a hallway by windows and sun. This would have been all right except I realized it was the main entrance. No way was I sitting endlessly by the entrance knowing I'm not yet able to run out the door and leave!

I ended up firmly telling a few people I would sit outside my room in the hallway. Warmer and quieter. I sat there and read my book. Dad finally came and eventually the workers kindly cleaned up and left early because my leg was hurting and I was tired. What a day. Just another example of lack of patient care and communication.

This morning, I overheard one of the workers say they would be in my room for 4 hours! That would be awful. 2+ hours yesterday was hard enough. I got tired and my left leg especially needed a sitting break. I was able to talk with one of the workers who kindly agreed to make the needed repairs work for me. We agreed on 2 hours for more patching and plastering today and 2 hours for painting tomorrow. Today went much better, I even got to play Scrabble Scram, a card game, with one of the therapists who had some downtime before a meeting.

On a bright note of continued progress, I sort of took 2 wobbly steps forward earlier moving the walker a tiny bit. It wasn't easy but I knew Susan wouldn't let me fall and another pt person was assisting also. Susan told me that I'm as light as a toothpick (I am very thin) and that she had me. Of course forever I knew God was extra keeping me close. Another positive step forward by His grace.

Dad, God willing, should be here shortly :)

Extra Wednesday joy to all with love.
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Mona Good progress. I hope the work in your room is done soon.

Tazdev Prayers for peace and comfort for your Dad, Mom, and family.

Good morning. It is 38 here now with temps going into the 50s. Tomorrow will be colder, in the 40s, with rain. I have the day off and look forward to lunch with my MA friend. I haven't seen her since Jan as she was in Florida for all of Feb. Dinner was nice with Kenny and the grandkids. So nice to work from home today instead of the office.

Have a good day.
Happy Spring!

Sunny and 58 now, chance of rain this afternoon. Temps mid 60's. Now, if we don't get a surprise snowstorm, I'll be happy.

Got a lot done outside yesterday when it got to almost 80. I got the hose stand out along with the hose, and made sure there were no leaks in the new line. All was good. I washed the car and cleaned it inside, then vacuumed it. Got my big herb box planter out of the shed and put it where it goes. Straightened out both sheds and swept them out. It was just too nice to stay inside. I treated myself to a chocolate milkshake when I finished.

I slept with the bedroom windows open last night, and I finally got a really good night's sleep. I feel a lot more rested today. I'm going to dust and vacuum and call it 'chores done'.

Have a good day, enjoy the change of seasons

Good morning dear Quacker family,

I had a nice surprise earlier when the 7am to 3pm nurse turned out to not be who I was expecting (which would have been fine) but instead my very favorite, Ashley.

Hugs dear Snowysmom and thank you always. I'm so glad you enjoyed dinner with your family. Prayers for a lovely lunch and visit with your friend today.

Hugs dear Lynn, please do enjoy a "chores done," day! Hooray that you treated yourself to the milkshake.

I pray the workers will be through after today, I'll know more later. Wishing each of you a great Thursday.
Good Afternoon and Happy Spring!

@bobbiwoz - so sorry to hear about Gus. You loved him and provided a great home for him all these years.

@tazdev3225 - wow, you have a lot going on. Hoping everyone can agree on your dad's care and your mom looks out for herself also.

@lynxstch - good news about the job for Gracie. Hopefully she'll enjoy it.

Watched Survivor last night, it was pretty good.

It was nice out yesterday, cleaned up the backyard and played with the dogs for a bit. I thought it was supposed to rain so I left the laundry and cleaning for yesterday and it never rained. Evan had some bad weather come through his part of town last night. They broke in during Amazing Race to show the progression. I know Evan never watches regular TV, so I texted him to let him know and told him to get the flashlights ready. He said he was watching the radar. They had a tornado warning a few months ago and Bailey sent me a picture of them in the bathroom and Mia in her car seat. Makes me nervous, I told them not to buy a house without a basement, but they didn't listen.

That's it for me. Have a great day!
Happy and healthier Spring dear Bobbi. Spring for God's Resurection miracle, is my favorite season.

I'm excited and so humbly grateful to God. I walked with the walker and a therapist on each side a whole lot further, steadier, and over more times than yesterday! So very encouraging indeed! :)

Hugs dear Footballmouse and safety prayers indeed for you and your family.
Thank you dear Bobbi. Prayers always extra for you, my friend.

I'm tired and so ready to go back to my room. I've been in this therapy room going on 3 hours. I was just told it will be another 30-40 minutes until the workers are through. I sure pray that no one will be coming to do more work tomorrow.

Dad and I just talked and he will be on his way over here shortly. I'm, of course, looking forward to seeing him and God willing enjoying lunch together in my room. I will check back in later. Have a great rest of the day my dear Quacker family.
Good morning all! Day before yesterday I ordered some new binoculars for my bird watching. They arrrived yesterday afternoon. Can't complain about that.

This morning I was out early testing them, looking in the trees for birds. The glasses are really nice! Can't wait to get to the shore so that I can see stuff more clearly off in the distance.

I also started thinking of doing a short Disney trip in May, which is normally much hotter than I enjoy. Waffled too much and 2 nights at BWV disappeared. I would have been calling to buy the $10 points with the DVC beyond points and borrowing from next year.

Checked my MDE and noticed one of my tickets had disappeared. My own fault - I went to AK one day and forgot to make a reservation so they 'helped me out' at the gate. They made the reservation on an unused ticket, probably because it's the first thing they saw in my account. Since I'd tapped my magic band, they were in and out without any input from me and I didn't click on the idea that they might use the wrong ticket. Anyway, a call to ticketing fixed it and then some. They gave me some pixie dust!

Then I switched over to looking at rooms in Ocean City and my internet went out. DD checked and a tech is working in the area.

Meanwhile I have a messy kitchen I don't feel like cleaning. Also limbs down in the back that need to be gathered up. I did clean up the deck a bit but not much. I'm having a lazy day I guess.

Meanwhile I have a 16 year old cat that wants to cuddle.

That's about it so far. Stay well, all.
Prayers Judique for safe and fun travel to come my friend.

What a crazy afternoon! Right after lunch, a social worker came into my room. She announced that repairs to the room would be continuing and that we (my roommate) and I would be moved. No notice. No nothing.

Dad did go see two rooms. Right now I'm trapped in a room with a "quiet," lady who carries on loudly nonstop! My old roommate has been moved into our new room. I am waiting for the current other person in that room who we keep being told is going home today to be picked up. Old roommate at least I'm familiar with. She can be a bit loud to when calling for help but she also has dementia and doesn't understand English all that well. Compared to this woman, she is quiet.

It sounded like eventually the area my old room is in will become a rehab area. People with dementia or who are here long term will all be grouped together. That makes sebse just not in the middle of the day and with zero say or notice!

I was able to talk with a kind charge nurse who has helped me before. She is great. Dad got to meet her also. I was able to tell her (she understood completely) that I would like to be assigned CNA's I am familiar and comfortable with already. She wrote down a few names for each CNA shift. Right now I have my favorite 3pm to 11pm nurse. I was able to request her in the future.

Dad I am praying has a safe drive home. He stayed much longer than usual due to all this. I know he felt badly leaving. The charge nurse I mentioned above is here until 11pm. I know she will make sure this gets taken care of. Of course, there's only so much she can do when the family of the person leaving is not coming! Prayers extra appreciated that I get into my new room tonight! Thank you, friends.

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