Good sunny morning. 50 now going to 80 today.
I did errands and grocery shopping yesterday.
Walmart is more than frustrating. You can't find anything, employees have no clue for the most part. One side note, Gracie had an interview there yesterday afternoon and was hired immediately. Hopefully they can put her and Lily on the same schedule so Lily can drive them both there. Otherwise Summer is going to be going crazy between driving her, and trying to do Walmart deliveries. There's a big sign now saying 'grand reopening June 20', that means we have to live with the chaos for more than 2 months.
I was about to get dinner ready when someone pounded on the back door. Startled me and scared the cats, who all went flying into the other room. It was Dave, but he hadn't called so I didn't know he was coming. He was here for 1 1/2 hours and I now have a new water line going outside, attached to the back of the house and not in the lawn. He managed to cut the old pipe out of the ground and pounded it down so it was well below ground level and the mower blades won't hit it. He also put the battery in the riding mower for me, and made sure it started up. He would only let me pay him for the frost proof water valve and a can of pvc glue. I guess he's getting another gift card to pay for the labor.
He was telling me about his new girlfriend. I had to keep a straight face. He's 59, and she's 35. Whatever works for him. He was with what I call his 'wife, not wife' for 38 years. They never married. They have been apart for 8 year now. He kept asking me 'how young is too young.' I said if you have to keep asking yourself, then she's probably too young for you, but whatever makes you happy. It's hard to believe he was 35 when we first met him.
Summer is the only one who remembered that I moved here 25 years ago yesterday, she stopped by and brought me some flowers. I think it was more to complain about Luke's visit, but at least she remembered.
I had to go to the shed to get Dave something and half way across the yard, my knee decided to be perfectly normal again. I finally got a good nights sleep without it aching. It was just strange as to why it suddenly was fine, lol
I'm going to hook the hose up and turn the water on. He told me to leave it off overnight to make sure all the pvc glue had time to dry and cure. Fingers crossed that there are no leaks. I want to wash the car and I want to hang mini blinds on the line and wash them in the nice weather.
Have a good day everyone