Quarantine and chill and kindness chatty clubhouse: Jump in and join the conversation! All is welcome!

Loving extra hugs dear Bobbi.

Dad and I enjoyed lunch together. We are (as always) so grateful extra to God for this time. He's wearing a green t shirt and a green flannel shirt. I'm "wearing" a Jesus lights the way and Pooh sticker both with green on them :) Happy St. Patrick's Day to all.

This morning both of my therapists said I did a great job. Progress is such grace indeed.

Afternoon hug to all.
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Bobbiwoz Wishing you the best in your recovery. You have such a great attitude.

Mona Sounds like you are making good progress. Keep up the good work!

Dazedx3 :hug: I can understand how you feel. Life kind of ebbs and flows with the emotions. People do want to help so don't feel bad about asking and accepting the help you need. They are happy to help you wherever you need it. I hope the cataract surgery goes well and improves your eyesight. I hope your DD's pregnancy continues to go well. So sorry to hear about your DD's dogs being sick.

Good morning. It is 36 now with temps heading to the 50s. Yesterday was a rainy dreary day. I went to Target to pick up a few things. I know I have enough Easter candy for the kids' baskets but I always see more and think maybe just a bit more. I did restrain myself and instead bought some Annie's gummies and bunny crackers to put in the baskets. I am in a bit of a funk lately so just taking it a day at a time. I just don't see the kids and grandkids as much as I want as they are all so busy. I do have lunch this Friday with my wonderful MA friend so looking forward to that. I took the day off.

Have a good day.
Good morning. Got down to 31 last night, will be mid to upper 60's today. The weather is always a surprise lately.

My knee is still sore. I slept on and off last night. I would sleep until I felt it aching, then try to change positions, fall asleep, and repeat.

I asked Summer if she would take me to Walmart today instead of tomorrow, as Dave is coming tomorrow. I just don't trust my knee to go alone yet. Of course it would have to be the knee I broke twice eons ago, the one I'm usually always so careful about.

Have a good day everyone

Bobbi, more challenges for you. :hug: Through your posts, it was crystal clear how much you and your family loved Gus. He was one lucky dog, indeed. And I believe you will meet again one day, so something to look forward to. 🕊️ So sorry for your difficult loss.

If Only Jesus Had A Dog...by Michelle I wish someone had given little Jesus a dog as loyal and loving as mine to sleep by his manger and gaze in his eyes and adore him for being divine. As our Lord grew to manhood his own faithful dog would have followed him all through the day while he preached to the crowds and made the sick well and knelt in the garden to pray It is sad to remember that Christ went away to face death alone and apart, with no tender dog following close behind to comfort his masters heart. And when Jesus rose on that easter morn, how happy he would have been as his dog kissed his hand and barked his delight for the one who died for all men! Well the Lord has a dog now:I just sent him mine the old pal so dear to me. And I smile through my tears on this first day alone knowing they're in eternity.
Amen dear Pea and dear Dazed. Huge hug dear Bobbi. I also believe that you and Gus will meet again. Gus is in Jesus' Everlasting Arms, restored and a young healthy angel pup of God. Perhaps Gus and Champ have already become friends. Much extra love to you and thank you for all the loving care you bestowed on Gus. From Heaven Gus is watching out for you.

This morning by the grace of God I took several 2 to 3 steps with the walker being stationary, my favorite therapist Susan was right beside me and kept me safe. Later on I did exercise in the therapy room including walking a couple of steps holding onto the parallel bars. The most challenging parr of that especially going backwards to the wheelchair is moving my hands along with my feet. God willing that will come.

Dad just left after another great visit. He was also graced this morning to get a great report from his eye doctor appointment. How blessed we both are.

Late afternoon and evening joy and hugs to all.
Bobbiwoz So sorry! :hug: Gus knows how much he was loved and cared for. He will be missed. He is always in your heart.

Pea Thank you for the wonderful saying. How poignant.

Mona Making more progress! That is great. And good news for your father too with the eye appt.

Good morning. It is 33 now with temps again going into the 50s. It will be getting colder Friday and over the weekend, back into the 40s. Yesterday I did the treadmill at the gym. The lake will be too mucky and muddy this week after all the rain on Sunday. Mud season is here. Kenny invited me to dinner tonight and the kids will be there.

Have a good day.
@bobbiwoz - so sorry for your loss. I have been there and know the pain of losing a beloved fur baby.

After some back and forth with the med staff at the hospital, I do NOT like this hospital even if my mom does. She credits them with saving my dad's life several times. Personally I think she is living in the past with this place, they are not ranked very high. Anyway Saturday we were getting the feeding tube, Sunday they took the NG tube out and dad ate a couple bites, Monday we were back to he wasn't as alert when they tested him so he needs the feeding tube. I don't know what went on yesterday as I haven't talked to mom yet. I am not happy with her either. She is losing weight because she won't eat. I get she is worried but what good will she be if she gets sick. Then her worst fears will be realized and Dad will go into a nursing home because none of us can be there 24/7 to take care of her and dad.

Personally I think the hospital is stringing this out to force their wants on my mom. They want dad in a nursing home. Mom is adamant that he is NOT going in one. We are looking into whether dad qualifies for VA benefits. He was in the National Guard for 5 or 6 years and had an honorable discharge so he should qualify according to a friend from church who works at the VA hospital here.

Mom is worried that dad will get sepsis again and it will be her fault that he dies. I told her there is no if involved, dad will get sepsis again because of the stoma and now the feeding tube. It can't be avoided. It has something to do with the tubing being in his intestinal tract. Dad is wearing out. His body is not capable of fighting as it once did. His kidneys are a step away from dialysis. None of this is her fault. Dad will be 89 in a month. Every superhero has a kryptonite and dad's has caught up to him. Don't get me wrong, I hate that they are going through this. I hate seeing my dad so weak - he was always my Superhero - but I know that the end is coming. I just don't want him to suffer. I never worried about losing mom if something happened to dad, but now I'm not so sure. She's still planning all the events at church, including the Spring Tea. I think she should cancel that one as it wears her out when she is in great shape. Of course I will be overruled.

Jim saw the vascular dr. He wants to do a different ultrasound but thinks we will be good to go for the graft on the toe. He is a little concerned about the wound on Jim's leg that opened again but said that will just be a wait and see how it is next month.

The basement is coming along. Jay is doing an amazing job. We ordered some material Monday and the patio furniture for the deck. I may even come in under budget. The siding should be done by Friday. Then it's just one bedroom needs a little work due to a roof leak and some paint and carpeting and my house will be done. It's been a long couple of years but the end is in sight.

On a happy note my youngest grandson Ben turned 10 yesterday. He is such a happy, carefree kid who always makes me smile. Where has the time gone?

Hope you all have a great day
Good sunny morning. 50 now going to 80 today.

I did errands and grocery shopping yesterday. Walmart is more than frustrating. You can't find anything, employees have no clue for the most part. One side note, Gracie had an interview there yesterday afternoon and was hired immediately. Hopefully they can put her and Lily on the same schedule so Lily can drive them both there. Otherwise Summer is going to be going crazy between driving her, and trying to do Walmart deliveries. There's a big sign now saying 'grand reopening June 20', that means we have to live with the chaos for more than 2 months.

I was about to get dinner ready when someone pounded on the back door. Startled me and scared the cats, who all went flying into the other room. It was Dave, but he hadn't called so I didn't know he was coming. He was here for 1 1/2 hours and I now have a new water line going outside, attached to the back of the house and not in the lawn. He managed to cut the old pipe out of the ground and pounded it down so it was well below ground level and the mower blades won't hit it. He also put the battery in the riding mower for me, and made sure it started up. He would only let me pay him for the frost proof water valve and a can of pvc glue. I guess he's getting another gift card to pay for the labor.
He was telling me about his new girlfriend. I had to keep a straight face. He's 59, and she's 35. Whatever works for him. He was with what I call his 'wife, not wife' for 38 years. They never married. They have been apart for 8 year now. He kept asking me 'how young is too young.' I said if you have to keep asking yourself, then she's probably too young for you, but whatever makes you happy. It's hard to believe he was 35 when we first met him.

Summer is the only one who remembered that I moved here 25 years ago yesterday, she stopped by and brought me some flowers. I think it was more to complain about Luke's visit, but at least she remembered.

I had to go to the shed to get Dave something and half way across the yard, my knee decided to be perfectly normal again. I finally got a good nights sleep without it aching. It was just strange as to why it suddenly was fine, lol

I'm going to hook the hose up and turn the water on. He told me to leave it off overnight to make sure all the pvc glue had time to dry and cure. Fingers crossed that there are no leaks. I want to wash the car and I want to hang mini blinds on the line and wash them in the nice weather.

Have a good day everyone


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