Quarantine and chill and kindness chatty clubhouse: Jump in and join the conversation! All is welcome!

Good morning. We hit 82 yesterday, it was almost too warm, and way too early. Today is going to be low 70's, that's more like it.

I saw the first robins in the back yard this morning, another sign of spring.

Summer texted that she finally got home at 7:30. She said it was a terrible drive, and she had to pull over 5 times just to wake herself up. She says she won't be making that drive again, but I wouldn't bet on that one.

Have a good day everyone

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We didn't get as warm as you, but it was at least 70ish when I was at son's house. This morning it was 50ish when I left and going to 63.

I've had robins all winter. They seem to stay here year round, but I think we stay milder over all.

Sorry for Summer. Too many obstacles in her pathway.

Bobbi and Flyingdumbo - best wishes and keep up the progress!
Thanks dear Judique and Good Morning to all. Thanks so deeply to God extra last night was a ton more restful for me than the one before. Response time from a nurse was quick too. I will need care soon this morning. Hopefully when I do linens will be available.

Today marks 37 days since I have been here. The hospital that transferred me here is contracted with this awful place and paid for me to be here for 30 days. Dad and I met a week and a half ago with a social services supervisor and the pt supervisor. At that time we were told that social services would try go through my insurance to get another week or two covered. We shall see.

At the above mentioned meeting the only home care that might have been offered was for a physical therapist to come out twice a week for a couple hours each time. At the moment I need more care than that. As forever I trust and thank God that He has this and of course me, too. I pray to be able to take a step or two by the end of this week. Thank you all always for everything including of course your prayers and encouragement.

Love to all.
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Thank you dear Bobbi. Many healing and positive pt prayers for you! How is Gus today?

This morning I took two small sideways steps toward Jessica, my therapist. I put a little weight on my left foot. That was so encouraging to move even that tiny bit. I also sat longer in the wheelchair which is important because it gets me out of bed and stretches my legs. I am so blessed.

Thanks also extra to God I did get more sleep last night. Nurse response time was unheard of quick other than once earlier in the evening. I waited less time overnight than I did twice today. Never know :/

What is also frustrating is that it can feel as though nurses expect you (meaning your body needs) to conform to their schedule which of course is all kinds of unhealthy and illegal. What I mean by this is the morning person assigned to my room from 11am to 11:30am has to keep an eye on a patient who needs 24/7 supervision. From 11:30am to noon is the CNA's break. Lunch lately does not get served here until closer to 1 but the process down the hall starts earlier. From at least 11am until 12:10 or so I am hard pressed to get any help from my CNA. I have also had a nurse respond to my call light only to be told they are going on break. It seems unheard of to quickly assist me first and then add 5 minutes onto their break. Sigh.

Dad left a little while ago which as always is hard on us both. What joy to get to see him daily. We talk on the phone, too (when this awful place cooperates). I was telling my cousin that often times dad or I are unable to get through to each other. Nothing happens. We use only free wifi, no mobile data. I have learned in order to (maybe) make a call I need to turn wifi off and on before immediately making the call. Dad didn't even get a text I sent him earlier during his visit. He was a few feet away and it didn't work :P Still I know what grace being able to talk with and see dad is. We daily pray for me to get home of course.

Late afternoon and evening hugs to all.
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Good morning. Sunny again today, temps mid to upper 60's.

Got groceries yesterday, very aggravating in Walmart. They've started the remodel, and they're moving things all over the place. Which would be fine, except when you can't find something and ask an employee, they have no idea where it got moved to. I think they started with the frozen foods, and the way they're laying things out makes no sense. And of course the signs are still where they used to be, so you spend too much time walking around looking for whatever you want.
Summer had a big order to pick for her delivery job (as in $600 worth of groceries), and it took her almost an hour and a half to find everything. it's going to get worse before it gets better.
Now she's talking about selling the car and the truck and buying something more reliable, but where she thinks she's going to get the money for it is a mystery.

Just a small vent. I've been taking a certain heart med for 4 years. Got it free from the company through prescription assistance. all of that time. When Don was alive, he took the same med, and also got it free. Our combined income then was higher. So comes this year, I reapply with the social worker at the hospital and she tells me it was denied saying hat my income is too low. They have a cap on income and I'm well under it. I appealed their decision twice, along with the social worker, and they still denied it. I'm almost out of it, I look up my part D insurance to see how much a refill for 90 days would cost me. $852, no way would I pay that much for it. I called the cardiologist office and talked to his nurse, who talked to the doctor and called me back early afternoon. They've had a lot of complaints about this drug company this year, saying they're denying a lot of people for no legitimate reason. The Dr. switched me to something that will work just as well, $9 for 90 days worth. My vent is why set an income cap, and then deny people who are well under that cap.

My back is really aching today (as it was yesterday), so I'm not planning on doing any strenuous Spring cleaning.

Have a good day everyone--the picture is because my lilac bushes have started to bud. Along with the robins, one more sign of spring!

How frustrating dear Lynn! I'm sorry. I so pray that truly one day everyone has true access at any time to kind and quality healthcare in of any type and delivery method (in office, online, or at home, etc). One thing for certain is that there is nothing wrong with your caring heart!

Big hug and prayers dear Bobbi.

I took more steps again this morning and had two positive therapy sessions. Dad and I, as always, so enjoyed our lunch and visit together. Love to all.
Mona So glad you are making progress. I sense the determination in your posts.

Judique The moon pictures are great. Thanks!

Good morning. It is 31 here now with temps heading to the upper 50s. It is supposed to be a warm weekend with rain coming in late Sunday into Monday. The ride to and from the office was not too bad yesterday although traffic seemed heavier than usual at 5 am. Not sure why. I worked 4 hours and took 3 hours PTO. It was nice to have a more relaxing afternoon. I went to the gym and then Market Basket. Even Market Basket was busier than usual at 1 pm. Maybe it was the full moon. :crazy: If and when I retire I plan to go to the supermarkets early in the morning on weekdays like maybe a Wednesday.

Have a good day.
Wonderful picture dear Judique, thank you for sharing.

Dear Snowysmom, thank you, my friend. I pray to do my best to be positive and faithful no matter what. It is so encouraging to see daily progress. Plus, of course, I so desperately want to be out of here and home. Morning/Weekday shopping is definitely the way to go when possible. I'm so thankful that you have retirement to look forward to.

Good early morning friends. I'm going to try and get more sleep now that Angelina has kindly helped me. I will check in again later. Love as always to all.
Good morning. Sunny and near 65 again today. Rain by Sunday.

I had set my alarm for 1:45 am so I could see the eclipse. I knew I could see it from my bedroom window. I don't know how many more of them I'll see in my lifetime so I didn't want to miss it. I didn't need the alarm as my friend and I were still chatting at that hour, lol. I watched it on and off until it was over, so slept in a bit this morning.
Dave is coming to see if he can fix the hole in the pipe that runs out to the back water supply. If not, he'll just run a new line and have it coming out of the back of the house, instead of the way someone put it, underground and coming out in the ground about 4 feet into the back lawn. It lasted this long but this morning with a light I could see it was on old black iron pipe, which explains why it rusted through. At least the hole was inside where I can see it, and there's a shut off.
He's also going to put up the new light on the deck for me.

Have a good day

Good morning to you all. Hope everyone is having a good week. Same old stuff going on here. I've got some daffodils starting to poke their heads up, trees are budding. Noticing the various farm stands starting to spruce up along the Rt. 50 & 404 corridor that leads from here to the shore area on MD's eastern shore. Soon they'll be open, according to the signs some of them had up. Made me think of Judique and her drives! I'm going to do a fair bit of pruning tomorrow if I can get to it (might rain). It's time.

My vent is why set an income cap, and then deny people who are well under that cap.
Yeah - that makes zero sense!
Staples out!
Yay! Hope you are progressing well and feeling better each day!
I took more steps again this morning and had two positive therapy sessions.
Excellent to read! Good luck on the continued forward progress.
just noticed that the lunar event is happening outside
My husband was up a few times overnight checking this out. I seem to recall it being very bright outside, although I didn't go out.

We are having some windows taken out, and a door put in in the kitchen, that is almost done. Ordered & received some new furniture for the sitting room, and decided on a new paint color for both the sitting room & kitchen. Even got a new rug for the sitting room...once the door area is fully finished (should be tomorrow) now we just have to put it all back together and get everything painted. I'll probably go to Sherwin Williams at lunch and pick up the paint. We are going out of town next week so I doubt we will get to anything before we get back, but we are at least going to be ready to get moving on it soon.
One of the pups has a vaccine appt. first thing in the morning, then it's on to yard work for me.
Ham with some spaetzle for dinner tonight. It's the first time I've made it, I'm going to bake it with some shredded swiss & caramelized onions I think. Should be good. I hope:scared:

Have a good weekend & next week everyone.
I am home from Disney World. For the most part it was a fun and relaxing trip. The crowds were insane at times, but I just skipped rides with long wait times. I have done them all and wasn't wasting an hour or more for a ride that lasts minutes. The rudeness of people just got to me after a couple of days. The worst was the weekend. I was in line for Kilimanjaro Safari and at least 3 groups pushed past everybody to catch up to their group. I understand a bathroom issue but one group was at least 20 teenage girls from the cheerleading competition groups. All with drinks in hand. Another group had food and drinks. Disney really needs to address this, part of it is taking advantage of the new DAS rules where you can leave a line and then go back to meet your group for a bathroom need. These people were not doing that based on my observations. Also the wagons and coolers that are not supposed to be allowed in the parks. It just was annoying. I jumped over to EPCOT and that same group of teenage girls round up on my bus. I could tell it was them from the identical shirts they were wearing. Nothing like a bunch of giggling girls banging into you on a bus. I did enjoy the trip though. I wanted to see the Flower & Garden Festival and knew that Spring Break crowds would be there. One bright spot except for rain briefly on 2 days the weather was fantastic - mid 70's, mild winds and sunshine.

The one thing that cast a dark shadow over the trip was a call from home. My dad was rushed to the hospital from his doctor's office by fire rescue. He was admitted to the ICU with his body functions all over the place, mostly low heart rate, BP and temperature along with a severe infection in his leg, pneumonia and sepsis. I wanted to figure out a way home but my mom insisted I just stay in Florida. I was really upset by the news but more upset that my aunt had to insist she call and tell me. He was in the hospital for 3 days before I found out but my aunts, brothers, cousin and everyone at church knew. I should be used to it by now as she is like this a lot. I get that I couldn't do anything but she could have let me know. I did see him Wednesday and I am preparing for the worst. She says he is doing better but if what I saw was better I am afraid to think of what he was like while I was away.

My grandson got my basement almost cleared out and demolished. I went down yesterday to see it and all I can say is WOW!!! He opened up a couple of walls and this is going to look fantastic when it is done. I am so excited to go over the plans this weekend so I can get the plumber and electrician out.

Not much else going on around here, Sorting through approximately 3,500 pics from the trip and normal life once again. Hope everyone has a good day
Please keep my family in your prayers. We are meeting the medical staff to determine Dad's care. They want to put a feeding tube. the kind that is surgically inserted in his stomach. And IF he comes come he will require 24 hour care. I think we are going to be deciding if we want quantity or quality of life. At this point I am thinking it is time to keep Dad comfortable but to let him go. And the tears are starting again. Thanks everyone for just being there in some way on this forum

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