Popcorn kernel stuck in my throat! UPDATE ~ It's Gone!! p. 8

I just wanted to let everyone know that I'm eating popcorn again. But I'm eating one popcorn at a time rather than engulfing a bunch at a time. But because of this Coronavirus going around, I'm not that scared about a kernel being stuck in my throat anymore.

Edit: Ate my first bag of popcorn. My stomach feels weird because it's been so long, I guess. But no kernels stuck in my throat.
Good news, Z!! Stop by more often. :thumbsup2
Guess I’m next in line. I swear there is a kernel shell stuck in my throat. This come after some annoying dental issues, the dentist recently cutting my gums and having swollen glands from an ear infection.

All around frustrating. Glad to see that Nikki was able to get some relief. I’m just going to try and keep poking my fingers back there and hoping I don’t hit the puke button one to many times.

Thanks for the entertaining read
Also I find it kind of funny that this is a Disney forum. I had no idea. I’ve never been to Disney. Funny how we find our way to certain places.
Also I find it kind of funny that this is a Disney forum. I had no idea. I’ve never been to Disney. Funny how we find our way to certain places.
Well, welcome, Rina. Wishing you success with your popcorn kernel. Maybe hang around afterwards and maybe stop down at Disney World once it opens up again, sometime in the future.
Soooo yea i was googling this very thing i have tried EVERYTHING!!!! It’s sooo annoying I’m on day 2!!! Popcorn is my favorite snack 😫 this really sucks!
Welcome to the dis, TKeKe. It will work itself out, you'll see. I think a 100% success on this thread. When your kernel comes out, be sure to hang around.
I created an account just to share, that I too had a kernel stuck in my throat all through last night, and will also never eat popcorn again. Hahaha. The most consuming feeling. I went in the mirror and luckily was able to pull it out with tweezers. (Sanitized & followed by gargling salt water). I noticed one tonsil had the tiniest hole that the other one did not have and decided to go for it. This is rough stuff guys. I ate so much bread and drank and gargled so much kombucha. Godspeed to anyone who goes through this!!!
I created an account just to share, that I too had a kernel stuck in my throat all through last night, and will also never eat popcorn again. Hahaha. The most consuming feeling. I went in the mirror and luckily was able to pull it out with tweezers. (Sanitized & followed by gargling salt water). I noticed one tonsil had the tiniest hole that the other one did not have and decided to go for it. This is rough stuff guys. I ate so much bread and drank and gargled so much kombucha. Godspeed to anyone who goes through this!!!

Hi. Welcome to the DIS! Just so you know, the original popcorn kernal was stuck over 10 years ago, but this thread has lived all that time - a classic zombie thread! I'm glad you got it unstuck.
Brief backstory: When I was a kid I got a kernel stuck in my throat for a week or two. It was... not cool. Afterwards popcorn made me nauseous and I never ate it again...

Until recently when I became aware that caramel and cheese popcorn is insane. So I was eating some of that tonight when, you guessed it, a kernel got stuck in my throat. The flashbacks immediately started. But THIS time, I had google. And like you all, I stumbled upon my newfound friends Nikki & the gang here. I tried eating all the things but it wasn’t helping and I just wasn’t hungry anymore. I figured a couple weeks down the road I’d probably be sorta normal again. But THEN, I tried one last thing— The Aggressive Gargling With Warm Salt Water. I was as aggressive as I knew how to be in a gargling situation. Then at the end, rather than just spitting the water out, I heaved my head forward and huffed it out from the back of my throat, almost like I was doing some yoga breathing or something (and I hate yoga). There in the sink appeared a yellow husk. THE END.

I even took a photo that I will post here if I can figure it out. Can’t say that I’m proud, but the feeling is somewhere on that pride spectrum.

THANK YOU ALL. And Nikki- I think don’t eat the popcorn again, there’s so much other good food in the world.
Brief backstory: When I was a kid I got a kernel stuck in my throat for a week or two. It was... not cool. Afterwards popcorn made me nauseous and I never ate it again...

Until recently when I became aware that caramel and cheese popcorn is insane. So I was eating some of that tonight when, you guessed it, a kernel got stuck in my throat. The flashbacks immediately started. But THIS time, I had google. And like you all, I stumbled upon my newfound friends Nikki & the gang here. I tried eating all the things but it wasn’t helping and I just wasn’t hungry anymore. I figured a couple weeks down the road I’d probably be sorta normal again. But THEN, I tried one last thing— The Aggressive Gargling With Warm Salt Water. I was as aggressive as I knew how to be in a gargling situation. Then at the end, rather than just spitting the water out, I heaved my head forward and huffed it out from the back of my throat, almost like I was doing some yoga breathing or something (and I hate yoga). There in the sink appeared a yellow husk. THE END.

I even took a photo that I will post here if I can figure it out. Can’t say that I’m proud, but the feeling is somewhere on that pride spectrum.

THANK YOU ALL. And Nikki- I think don’t eat the popcorn again, there’s so much other good food in the world.
Some people on here don't like zombie threads but I really enjoy this one every time it pops up! Thanks for the laugh :)
So, here we are, just a few days from the 10 year anniversary of your initial post. :oops:

I also found this by Googling "popcorn hull stuck in throat" lol. I blame it all on cheddar popcorn. Butter I can resist, cheese I can not.

Anyway, I feel exceptionally lucky because mine dislodged while reading the comments and trying the hard cough/swallowing/drinking liquids advice.

Just wanted to bump the thread and say thanks!
So, here we are, just a few days from the 10 year anniversary of your initial post. :oops:

I also found this by Googling "popcorn hull stuck in throat" lol. I blame it all on cheddar popcorn. Butter I can resist, cheese I can not.

Anyway, I feel exceptionally lucky because mine dislodged while reading the comments and trying the hard cough/swallowing/drinking liquids advice.

Just wanted to bump the thread and say thanks!
So, here we are, just a few days from the 10 year anniversary of your initial post. :oops:

I also found this by Googling "popcorn hull stuck in throat" lol. I blame it all on cheddar popcorn. Butter I can resist, cheese I can not.

Anyway, I feel exceptionally lucky because mine dislodged while reading the comments and trying the hard cough/swallowing/drinking liquids advice.

Just wanted to bump the thread and say thanks!
Welcome to the dis, BQ. Hope you wind up staying and chatting here now and then. Just be careful of the popcorn. 🍿
It’s day 8 now

i’ve been following this thread religiously and would go so far as to say i’ve become a disciple of the husk

i’ve performed all the rituals in the thread but nonetheless here i remain... with a popcorn husk stuck on the side of my throat

i’ve finally caved and i’m going for a ER visit, hopefully they don’t just say it isn’t there :/
Crazy for sure, Nikki!!
It’s day 8 now

i’ve been following this thread religiously and would go so far as to say i’ve become a disciple of the husk

i’ve performed all the rituals in the thread but nonetheless here i remain... with a popcorn husk stuck on the side of my throat

i’ve finally caved and i’m going for a ER visit, hopefully they don’t just say it isn’t there :/
Welcome to Disney popcorn, Huckster. You'll get it out, eventually. Keep us in the loop on your progress. popcorn::
Just had this happen, after several hours of drinking water, eating a banana, bread etc, gargling....I grabbed a mini flashlight, went to the bathroom mirror and stuck my tongue out as far as I could, low and behold the semi circular corn kernel shell was STUCK on the very very back of my tongue, I could barley get to it, first time i tried to move it, nope stuck, it was as another poster said like a suction cup back there!, Finally got it to move several times forward and knocked it off.

Very Irritating experience. This occurred with the Cretors Hand Crafted Small-Batch Popcorn Cheese & Carmel Mix.. I am no longer eating any popcorn, don't like it that much.


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