Popcorn kernel stuck in my throat! UPDATE ~ It's Gone!! p. 8

Have you read the whole thread because I'm sure there were many helpful things stated in the past 9 years. Good luck to you and welcome. :welcome:
My situation is quite different. It's stuck further up there, on the Septum. I'm able to feel it with the back of my tongue. So, this is why I doubt any food will work. Food doesn't usually go up when you try to swallow it.
I'm sure if I didn't have any tonsils, I'd be able to get it out of there with my finger. But every time I try, I just gag.
Ate bananas, bread, soggy bread, and gargled Coca Cola. None of it worked. Also tried to eat a slice of bread with a lot of Peanut Butter on it, thinking it would stick to the shell and take it with it. Didn't work. Then I thought that my Water Floss would be able to spray back there and get it. Still couldn't get it. I don't know. Maybe I'll just wait it out. It will probably be there for weeks or more. Perhaps I'll beat the record....
Ate bananas, bread, soggy bread, and gargled Coca Cola. None of it worked. Also tried to eat a slice of bread with a lot of Peanut Butter on it, thinking it would stick to the shell and take it with it. Didn't work. Then I thought that my Water Floss would be able to spray back there and get it. Still couldn't get it. I don't know. Maybe I'll just wait it out. It will probably be there for weeks or more. Perhaps I'll beat the record....
While you are here, Zaikahal, why not plan a trip to Disney World? :beach:
Well, it seems the shell finally went down sometime today. I didn't really notice. Looks like I won't be setting any records. I'm ready to expel the last of that popcorn out of my body and never eat popcorn again.
Well, it seems the shell finally went down sometime today. I didn't really notice. Looks like I won't be setting any records. I'm ready to expel the last of that popcorn out of my body and never eat popcorn again.
Time to celebrate at Disney World!

DYING! :rotfl2:

Welcome to the dis, Zalkahal. Hope that kernel will work its way out. I am sure it will.

Nikki, your thread still has life, 9 years later. Hope all is well with you and the new school year going along.

So funny!!! Thanks Dan! Hope you're well!

:welcome: This thread is how the DIS has acquired 47% of its members.

@Zaikahal, try eating some bread.


Well, it seems the shell finally went down sometime today. I didn't really notice. Looks like I won't be setting any records. I'm ready to expel the last of that popcorn out of my body and never eat popcorn again.

Welcome to the DISboards! So funny that a google search led you here. Soo, so glad the shell finally came out. It took a long time for mine too. Wasn't it just the worst feeling thinking it would never come out? The way you described it was exactly how it was for me. Like I should just be able to reach in and scrape it out but couldn't. I do not have my tonsils though. I even went so far as to go to urgent care and an ENT to have a scope. Both of which told me nothing was there. But I knew! Anyway, glad it's over for you now. Hope you hang around on the DIS!
A Google search brought me here. I just survived a 20 minute ordeal of having a hull/husk trapped way back under the right side of my tongue. It was awful. Tried gargling, used electric toothbrush, ended up regurgitating down my garbage disposal. o.0 I then ate a large spoonful of peanut butter... then took to a google search. THANK YOU to those that mentioned bread. I carefully chewed small pieces of bread into balls and tried my hardest to direct it as I swallowed. Eventually it worked. Geez, that was an ordeal!
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@DaisySteiner — I’m glad the bread worked and it was over relatively quickly for you. :thumbsup2
I think there should be a sub-forum for post-popcorn-kernel DIS’ers to support one another and help navigate this crazy rabbit-hole they’ve found themselves fallen down. I always get a chuckle when I see this thread back on page 1. :teeth:
DYING! :rotfl2:

So funny!!! Thanks Dan! Hope you're well!


Welcome to the DISboards! So funny that a google search led you here. Soo, so glad the shell finally came out. It took a long time for mine too. Wasn't it just the worst feeling thinking it would never come out? The way you described it was exactly how it was for me. Like I should just be able to reach in and scrape it out but couldn't. I do not have my tonsils though. I even went so far as to go to urgent care and an ENT to have a scope. Both of which told me nothing was there. But I knew! Anyway, glad it's over for you now. Hope you hang around on the DIS!
Thanks to you, I didn't see a doctor. I felt like they would have told me the same thing. Didn't have to waste the money. So, did it feel like it was stuck on your septum as well?

The really messed up thing right now is that I really feel like I'm about to eat popcorn again. I miss it so much. But I think in order to avoid that mishap, I have to eat a lot slower. Just one popcorn at a time. Were you eating a bunch at a time when the shell got caught in your throat?
Talk about a thread that won't die! I think I'm off popcorn now, though, forever. Once I had a husk caught between tooth and gum for about 12 hours and I thought that was bad; can't imagine having it stuck way down in my throat!

I just love how this thread resurfaces!
Thanks to you, I didn't see a doctor. I felt like they would have told me the same thing. Didn't have to waste the money. So, did it feel like it was stuck on your septum as well?

The really messed up thing right now is that I really feel like I'm about to eat popcorn again. I miss it so much. But I think in order to avoid that mishap, I have to eat a lot slower. Just one popcorn at a time. Were you eating a bunch at a time when the shell got caught in your throat?

Omg I have no idea! It was almost TEN YEARS ago! And I still haven't had popcorn since. I'm thinking once I hit the ten year mark this summer, I will start eating it again. I don't know..I'm scared!
Don’t do it Nikki! It’s not worth it. I can’t believe it’s been ten years since this thread started. I commented years ago and I haven’t eaten popcorn for about fifteen or twenty years now. Can’t go through that again. Just reread your thread again Nikki and you won’t be tempted to eat popcorn ever again.
Omg I have no idea! It was almost TEN YEARS ago! And I still haven't had popcorn since. I'm thinking once I hit the ten year mark this summer, I will start eating it again. I don't know..I'm scared!
Always nice to see you pop in on these rivals, Nikki. Hope all is well with you, family and school. And, as I have said before, I always really enjoyed your trip reports, so many pictures, so many fun pictures. And your videos, some of the best. Maybe some more some day?

Take care.
Hey guys! I’m new to this site but found it on google like most people on here. Stuck in the same situation 😭. I’ve tried mostly everything except for soda and a few others with no luck. It’s only been maybe 10 hours or so but it feels like it’s a bit further down my throat. Totally regret the few single popcorns I ate shortly before bed 😒.
Hey guys! I’m new to this site but found it on google like most people on here. Stuck in the same situation 😭. I’ve tried mostly everything except for soda and a few others with no luck. It’s only been maybe 10 hours or so but it feels like it’s a bit further down my throat. Totally regret the few single popcorns I ate shortly before bed 😒.
You can try the other methods, but I think it's best to just wait it out and eventually it will get unstuck like it has for the rest of us.
I just wanted to let everyone know that I'm eating popcorn again. But I'm eating one popcorn at a time rather than engulfing a bunch at a time. But because of this Coronavirus going around, I'm not that scared about a kernel being stuck in my throat anymore.

Edit: Ate my first bag of popcorn. My stomach feels weird because it's been so long, I guess. But no kernels stuck in my throat.
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