I don't have the will power DGD has! New Year's resolution, 2024, was to run at least a mile a day. She completed 365 days of running (including during a hurricane when she ran the halls of her apartment complex!) on New Year's Eve. This was one of her favorite spots in Florida...
"New years resolution for 2024 was to run a mile a day and she successfully completed that resolution today!! These are all the cities/countries she ran in this year sometimes running at 5am or 10pm just to get her mile in!! Bellville, Brownwood, Dallas, Port Aransas, Bastrop, Pensacola, Tallahassee, Disneyworld, Melbourne, Brooklyn, Manhattan, Denver, Las Vegas, Liverpool and London England, Geneva and Zurich Switzerland, Paris France,
Disneyland Paris, Edinburgh Scotland, and Manchester England. Up next half marathon in February!!"
P. S...the half marathon will be at Disney World!