PHM 2015-In Pursuit of Cupcakes While Running in Glass Slippers

Finally got my FP+ done. I couldn't do it on the app, which is kind of annoying! Got it done on my computer. I'm still not totally happy with them, but I got the must-dos and now I can tweak things later.
I got my FP+ done last night. The times weren't ideal, but I was able to move some of them to work better for us. I was able to use the app after trying the website from my phone's browser. The app was easier and worked great for me. :)
I can't buy tickets until
After Xmas - If I miss the 7DMT again, I will be so disappointed.

My favorite animated movie is Lady and the Tramp, still, although I really love Pinocchio, Findjng Nemo and TS2.

Crossing my fingers for you...I know it will work out for 7DMT! Oh don't get me started on Finding Nemo, not really a fan...I love a couple of the characters and the message of the story but it is one of the most annoying movie with some of the most annoying characters EVER...:rotfl2:

Red that is my favorite. I am a fan of the cream cheese frosting myself. I like frosting so cream cheese-y that it almost tastes like you just slathered cream cheese on it. This cupcake is AMAZING.

Edit: To further illustrate how much I love this cupcake....I went all the way to HS just to get it and I wasn't disappointed.

A true cupcake lady... :worship:

Holy cow I'm behind. My work is full into busy season & between that and the holidays and the kids.... I'm wiped! (Where's the wiped emoticon?)

I know how you feel...I am so thankful that I finished all my shopping yesterday...including grocery shopping for the next 2 weeks (minus a couple of fresh items) so that I can truly have DOWN TIME to recover and get a lot of running in!

Tomorrow is our FP plus day & I can't believe it's just 60 days away! As I was marking off on the training for week 9, I couldn't believe I have been training for that long already either! Time is flying!

My favorite Disney animated... hmm.. tough. Like Karen (surprised? I think not!) I don't like the ones where animals get hurt- exception is Lion King although I walk away when Dad dies. My absolute favorites are a three way tie- Alice in Wonderland, Little Mermaid & Sleeping Beauty. All were huge parts of my childhood & I think that's why all three remain my favorite. If I had to pick one out of the three- it would be Alice (hence why I ran as Chessie in Wine and Dine and Tweedle this go around!). :lovestruc

I cannot do Disney animal dying at all...ugh or even anything remotely sad...yep, I like HAPPY ENDINGS!

If I don't get on here beforehand. Have a wonderful Christmas cupcakes! Or Happy Hannakuh. Or Merry Festivas (which is my favorite holiday- who doesn't like airing of the grievances?) :)

Merry Christmas! Eying that Peppermint Hot Chocolate Cupcake :woohoo: after my 10 mile run this week....:eek:

Finally got my FP+ done. I couldn't do it on the app, which is kind of annoying! Got it done on my computer. I'm still not totally happy with them, but I got the must-dos and now I can tweak things later.

That app is not my favorite thing...and the website has been really strange making you login over and over and over to get where you want to be. As for fast passes...I think Disney is genius for us planning type more thing to tinker with like ADRs to pass the time away.

I got my FP+ done last night. The times weren't ideal, but I was able to move some of them to work better for us. I was able to use the app after trying the website from my phone's browser. The app was easier and worked great for me. :)

I truly believe there is some Disney Villain things happening with the website, when you want to use it...well it does not work and then when you need to use the does not work!
The app said I didn't have tickets attached, even though I do. Then I tried to put in my confirmation number and it said that package was already attached! Seriously?!
Checking in!! 50 days!!! I can't believe it! So very excited about this trip and adventure! :goodvibes
Wednesday Wonderings

What is your favorite dining experience/meal at WDW?

I have quite a few wonderful dining moments at WDW...but if I had to pick my favorite meal of all time it would have to be at Nacroossee's! I am a steak kind of girl and they serve one of the best steaks to be found in all of WDW!

But I think our waiter was not to thrilled when I asked that the chef put the verde sauce on the side instead of on the steak. I like my steak flavor to be steak and not some sauce! Although the verde sauce was good! And dessert...well Almond Crusted Cheesecake was one of the best desserts in all of the world.

I can't wait to get dressed up again for a girls dinner here in February! And while I am always in search of new dining experiences at WDW, this was on both Cammy's & mine must repeat meals. This time I am enjoying a couple glasses of Moscato with my meal...not listening to running advice that I was given :rotfl2:

This makes me sad... not REALLY sad but a little bit sad since I am a 'late arrival.' Would be so much fun to do this with you and Cammy! :sad:
Happy New Year Cupcakes! I hope 2015 is wonderful for every one of you!

Next month we will be in WDW!
Cupcake Friday
(As if just being Friday was not sweet enough)

Marble Cupcake and Strawberries & Cream
DHS: Starring Rolls Cafe

I know it is not Friday, but I have missed a couple of weeks thanks to a nearly fried computer that I am nursing along for a while longer. And I sure could use a couple of cupcakes because Christmas Vacation is officially over in the morning and I am really dreading going back…but on a better note that just means 7 more Sunday’s until we run the PHM.

The Marble Cupcake is a mountain of sugary goodness! Starting at the top of mound is the same heavy vanilla frosting found piled on top of the Butterfinger Cupcake. Definitely not your “light whipped cream” frosting! The frosting is then covered with chocolate sprinkles, which are not the little candy pellet sprinkles but flakes of real chocolate. The vanilla mound of frosting is topped off with a dollop of a rich fudgy frosting in the center with a few Hidden Mickey Sprinkles just to give it that Disney magic.

The cupcake itself is a marbled vanilla and chocolate cake, which when cut in half and opened gives the cupcake a sort of hidden Mickey effect, don’t you think?

The Strawberry & Cream cupcake is not one I am certain will be found on this trip, it looks more like a seasonal one. However, it is certainly worth noting just in case…This cupcake begins with a crown of strawberry buttercream frosting that is not just tinted pink — it really is full of berry flavor drizzled with some chocolate, coated with pink white chocolate shavings and topped off with a whole strawberry.

The cupcake itself is a moist strawberry cake, but sadly has nothing on the inside to make it special or over the top.

My Thoughts?
Both of these look pretty yummy to me! And the strawberry one looks like another great break from what might be a chocolate overload (if that is even possible) this trip. With so many cupcakes at DHS, how is a girl to choose? And both of these look like ones I might just have to try.

Your Thoughts?
The app said I didn't have tickets attached, even though I do. Then I tried to put in my confirmation number and it said that package was already attached! Seriously?!

DRIVES ME CRAZY...what is worse is when you find the ADR that you want (I would never tinker, now would I?:scratchin:scratchin) and you think you are logged on...only to find out your not and wham its gone.

Checking in!! 50 days!!! I can't believe it! So very excited about this trip and adventure! :goodvibes

This makes me sad... not REALLY sad but a little bit sad since I am a 'late arrival.' Would be so much fun to do this with you and Cammy! :sad:

Can't believe we are getting so close! I am sad too that you are not going to be there for this trip, right! But I am super excited you are going to be there and I am going to be waiting up for you!

Happy New Year Cupcakes! I hope 2015 is wonderful for every one of you!

Next month we will be in WDW!

Happy New Year's Brandy! I cant wait till we are together!
These both look yummy!!!!!! :thumbsup2

So 7 Sundays? Like ON the 7th Sunday from now we'll be together, eating cupcakes? :bitelip:

Why the heck are you always awake with me at strange hours? LOL...I like it though. Yep, in 7 Sundays we are going to be eating cupcakes how the year has flown by!
I am definitely having lunch at Starring Rolls after the PHM...since I missing beginning of the crawl. I will have both -- can I get a fizzy drink to go with it?
Motivation Monday

I know it is Wednesday, but getting back into the swing of things on Monday…back to a real schedule after essentially not getting out of my jammies or leaving the house for the last 2 weeks was a HUGE shock to the system.

Only 40 more days till Cammy and I leave for PHM! I can’t believe how fast the time has gone, thanks for helping to make the last year breeze by! Actually if you look at the calendar in 6 Wednesdays I will be waking up at WDW.

How is my training coming? Well right now after a great month of running and getting mileage in, I am back at a stand tsill resting an injury. Let me catch you up since my last training update…

November 23rd-Cammy and I (along with my dd) completed our 10K to submit for corral placement. We ran the Chocofrolic 10K in Dallas and Abbie even managed to come in 2nd in her age group. My goal was 1:21 and I squeaked by just slightly under that goal and when I submitted the time to Disney I ended up with the notice that my estimated time finish would be under 3:00. WAHOO! Not that I am going to run that actual pace during PHM…remember I am enjoying each step! I was disappointed in my time…had I not been battling my shins again I should have come in around 1:15…that was my real goal.

It was a tough run, no real leg problems but I found myself in a mental battle…body telling me I was tired and the mind trying to push through. I know I did not get nearly enough training in prior so that hurt me. The 10K Chocofrolic Dallas was fun. It was a nice course, beautiful morning, love the shirt and the after run celebration snacks! The things I did not like was that they ran out of shirts in certain sizes (did not bother me so much), got a recyclable bag instead of the backpack (not a big deal either…hate both), VERY LITTLE chocolate at packet pick up or on the course (which I did not eat what was given out…a couple of Hershey kisses), AND NO BLING (I am getting to the point where I don’t so much need the bling for a 5K but anything above deserves it), instead we got a Finishers Chocolate Bar (not my favorite brand of chocolate…fundraising chocolate). Instead of celebrating with a cupcake…

Thanksgiving-Did a little a couple days of muddy snowy walking at our cabin in New Mexico, just to keep some training going.

December 6-Completed my 10K part of the Hogwarts Running Club Tri Wizard Challenge with a new run location, which has now become my favorite place for runs of 10K or more!

December 13-Completed Barb Galloway Virtual 5K!

December 20-Completed the 5K part of the Hogwarts Running Club Tri Wizard Challenge. It was nasty cold with lots of fog that morning…just glad to have it over!

December 22-Completed my LONGEST TRAINING RUN EVER…10 miles, which also completed my 15K of the Hogwarts Running Club Tri Wizard Challenge for which I earned this little medal along with celebrating with a peppermint hot chocolate cupcake! I won’t tell you it was a pretty run or a great pace, but I will tell you I finished it and I would have never seen a balloon lady! Kafi loves to remind me, just get the distance in…don’t worry about the pace! It was such a beautiful morning, cold but God sure painted it up for me!

Then it started going downhill from there…yep, my shins have decided to flare up again! I tried a couple of runs the week of Christmas and New Year’s, but it just was not happening. After the 3rd failed attempt my shins problems could be felt from just even walking and that was my cue that I need rest (plus lots of ice, rolling, golf ball foot massage and stretching). They are still a little sore to the touch even after a week of resting. I had hoped this last weekend to get in 11.5 miles but the shins along with the weather gave me more rest. I hope to make at least a 5K run this weekend and a few short runs next week…

MapMyRun sent me a recap of 2014…not really happy with the total mileage but I have to think that I have had 4 pretty serious shin issues that sidelined me for 2 weeks at a time, plus the trip to Europe this summer (shame on me for not running) and the start of school set me out another 5 weeks of missed runs…but this year will be better because…

A few of my fellow cupcakes took up the 2,015 in 2015 challenge and formed teams of 4 to tackle this challenge. We have the Run4DMC (Run for Disney, Moscato, and Cupcakes) which consists of the stepsistas myself and Amy H., Buffy, and Kafi. Then we have the hard core ladies IRC (Injured Rum Cakes) which is made up of the Tweedles Karen & Nicole, Cammy and Debra. I have to say these ladies are really rocking it despite the cold temps, while I sit on the sidelines nursing these dang shins. Yesterday, I could not take it any longer and it was warm enough outside along with enough snow/ice melted that I took off during lunch and got in my 1st mile (and a little more).

There are 2 more training runs coming up before PHM…and just for motivation to get them done I have signed up for races…Here are my plans up until PHM.

January 10 (holding my breath) Short Run (3-4 miles)
January 12-17 (holding my breath weather & shins) Couple of walks and short runs of 2 miles
January 18 (FIRT HALF) Biggest Loser Half in Las Cruces, New Mexico with Cammy & Debra
January 19-23 Couple of walks and short runs of 2 miles
January 25 Short Run (3-4 miles)
January 26-30 Couple of walks and short runs of 2 miles
January 31 Cold as Ice 5k
February 2-6 Couple of walks and short runs of 2 miles
February 7 Hot Chocolate 15K in Dallas
February 9-13 Couple of walks and short runs of 2 miles
February 14 Last Short Run (3-4 miles)

How is your training coming? What are your plans for the last few weeks before PHM?

I know it has gotten pretty quiet on DIS with this PTR...we started a facebook group because we found that this PTR was moving too fast with all of our chattiness...but I wanted to keep any lurkers up to date with what is happening in my world in terms of this trip and training. If you want to join our facebook group, just PM me and I will get you added. The more cupcake gals the better! :goodvibes:goodvibes:goodvibes
I am definitely having lunch at Starring Rolls after the PHM...since I missing beginning of the crawl. I will have both -- can I get a fizzy drink to go with it?

I certainly think a fizzy drink is in order with any cupcake on Sunday! I need to check out what there is in DHS!
Tammie, hang in there! I know how difficult it is to train and deal with injury at the same time! I'm a bit there myself, but it's less an injury right now and more about how long it takes me to recover after a long run.

I had some severe tenderness/pain (tendonitis) on the top of my left foot after my 9.5 miles last week. It's better now, but I'm modifying my long runs before the race because I don't want the tendonitis to turn into a bad injury. I'm just shortening my long runs a big, I am still going to do 3 more, I think. A 10, an 8, and then an 11 three weeks out. This gives me time to heal up and recover if the 11 pushes my body too much.

For me it's just the way my body reacts. I could not have trained more or better this year to prepare for this, I was 100% on the ball about training and yet STILL am close to injury when I add in miles. It's just how my body reacts, I guess? :confused3 I just want to balance training with not injuring myself before the race. I suspect I could run the half with no issues today if I needed to, but I have to keep that level of training until the race without blowing it by pushing too much! Way to overcomplicate things, right? :lmao:
For the record, I am NOT running tomorrow in -40. So there. Not hard core.

You can call it Hard core except for Nicole Team IRC. Okay? :thumbsup2

P.S- your training plan looks great! I can't believe we are so close! It will fly. I hope not too fast because I actually have to have all my work done before I fly out and it's looking iffy right now.....

If I could concentrate on work and not fighting children stuck at home because of polar vortex school days I'd be better.......... :scared1:
My coworker I'm doing the Glass Slipper with hasn't started training. I don't know how she's going to handle it all.

Provided I don't get swept for the Rebel Challenge my training plan is going to look like this starting Jan 19th:

5Ks on Tuesday, Thursday, Saturdays
Wednesday will be Jan 21st: 0 miles, Jan 28th: 6 miles, Feb 4th: 6 miles, Feb 11th: 6 miles, Feb 18th: 0 miles
45 minutes of cross training on Monday & Fridays
Sundays will be Jan 25th: 0 Miles, Feb 1st: 8 miles, Feb 8th: 12 to 14 miles, Feb 15th: 0 miles
It's supposed to be in the 20a tomorrow morning when I would normally run. I told my husband under no circumstances was I getting up to run. This SoCal girl does do 20 degrees. If it warms up to high 40s I'll go tomorrow afternoon. I had planned a 5K tomorrow and 5 miles Sat.
My coworker I'm doing the Glass Slipper with hasn't started training. I don't know how she's going to handle it all.

Provided I don't get swept for the Rebel Challenge my training plan is going to look like this starting Jan 19th:

5Ks on Tuesday, Thursday, Saturdays
Wednesday will be Jan 21st: 0 miles, Jan 28th: 6 miles, Feb 4th: 6 miles, Feb 11th: 6 miles, Feb 18th: 0 miles
45 minutes of cross training on Monday & Fridays
Sundays will be Jan 25th: 0 Miles, Feb 1st: 8 miles, Feb 8th: 12 to 14 miles, Feb 15th: 0 miles

That is a lot of running! Do you have to do Sat and Sundays and cross training in between?


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