PHM 2015-In Pursuit of Cupcakes While Running in Glass Slippers

This gorgeous Sorcerer's Hat cupcake has my name written all over it! I love chocolate, but this one sounds divine! And looks it too! (Plus, we will need to break up the monotony (what?) of all the chocolate! Count me in!

As for the pirate's's pretty, but I'll stick to real pirates or more interesting cupcakes! ;)

Me too!

Your whole response made me smile Tammie! I needed that. I have been feeling a little bah humbug lately, so thank you! Looking forward to hanging out with the cupcakes! :grouphug:

:love: I had fun writing this one! Seems like lately I have a one track pirate mind! Can't wait to meet you too!

I bought all our tickets!! It's almost real!!

We purchased 5 day hoppers and I'll upgrade them to DVC APs after we arrive. We have a big (10 yr anny) trip planned for October to APs are the economical choice ;)

Can't stinking wait!!

Yay for jealous! I would love to visit Disney enough for APs...sadly with 3 children and 2 private school tuitions (one of those soon to be college) it only happens every 1 1/2-2 years. Although in 2016, I really want to go coast to coast!

I linked up Cammy & my tickets this was so exciting...Friday is fast pass day!
Wednesday Wonderings​

What is your favorite Animated Disney Movie?

I have really been trying to rack my mind as to what is my favorite movie. I mean, there are very few Animated Disney Movies that I don't like...I don't like Wall-e, Bambi, Dumbo, (sure there are others but not coming to mind) and I have a love/hate relationship with Fox & Hound. Basically, I DONT LIKE MOVIES THAT MAKE ME EMOTIONAL IN THE FORM OF TEARS! I love watching Frozen, Tangled...I love the new movies with lots of music. Its fun just to burst out in song ever so often. And I love movies with fun side kicks and spunky characters! I find the humor in more recent princess movies more my speed then the classics!
I get you on the MAKE ME EMOTIONAL movies! Well, for me, I have always disliked movies where animals get hurt. They ALWAYS get hurt too, or die, and it bothers me to no end. My daughter's favorite is Fox & The Hound and that movie just crushes me! :rolleyes:

Anywho...I think my fav's would have to be Alice In Wonderland & Toy Story(s). I enjoy most of the Pixar stuff like Wall-e and UP. Frozen was great too. :goodvibes
Look at that ticker

2 months...60 days!​

PTR Update-Cammy & I received our tickets last week and they are now linked with our reservation...Fast Pass Day is on Friday. We have a somewhat idea what we are wanting to do each day but really don't have any hard plans other than what we are eating. Can't wait to spend time by the pool...

or on our balcony

My only must rides on this trip are the same for every trip...Everest, Test Track, PeopleMover, Buzz Lightyear, Haunted Mansion, Soarin, RnRC, a new one the Snow White Mine Train. I also want to make sure that I get on the MK Railroad! I really need to sit down with tonight and see what they recommend for Fast Passes...this is the first time doing it this way! I think I will miss the thrill of the Fast Pass Dash and putting my ticket in and getting one out!
Whoohoo! Nicole & I are just 2 days behind ya! :thumbsup2

FP+ has some pros and cons, probably more cons, but what can you do? :confused3 It was great not having to run for passes and zigzagging all over the park! I loved that part of it and loved having them set up. I did not love only having 3 or the tiers. Being able to get more after the 3 are gone was pretty worthless too, only rides that don't usually need FP are left by the time your FP's run out.

It worked well to hit rope drop for standby and then schedule FP+ for the afternoon, but I'm unsure how that will work this trip since we're really only doing one RD because of the races! *GASP*. I think it will still work out fine since it's a girls trip and we don't have a ton of things we HAVE to do either.

2 months sounds like a lot, but 8 weeks sounds like NOTHING!!!!!! :scared1:
2 months??!! How exciting! The only thing keeping me together right now is the fact that hubby told me a few weeks ago to start planning a Christmas 2015 trip for us (he knew I was bummed about missing out on PHM trip & I think this was his way of trying to make it a little better). We are putting together a scavenger hunt for the kids for Christmas morning & surprising them with a WDW trip. We are telling them now so they can be involved in the planning.

I still don't know how I feel about FP+. I didn't really get to see how it would pan out during busy travel period as lines in late Feb weren't too bad to begin with.

Favorite animated Disney movie...hmm...well, I do love the Toy Story movies, Monster's Inc., Up, Beauty and the Beast. Yeah, hard to choose. I am with you though on Wall E, I just cannot get into that snooze fest during most of it.

Favorite Animated Movie? Classic (as in old school) = Cinderella, modern = Aladin or The Princess and the Frog

I think my FP+ day is not until the 21st? But I will officially be arriving in FL with the little boys in 2 months! We are going down on Tuesday and staying with my dad in Wintergarden. :)
My DH arrives on Thursday and we all head to WDW on Friday.
2 months??!! How exciting! The only thing keeping me together right now is the fact that hubby told me a few weeks ago to start planning a Christmas 2015 trip for us (he knew I was bummed about missing out on PHM trip & I think this was his way of trying to make it a little better). We are putting together a scavenger hunt for the kids for Christmas morning & surprising them with a WDW trip. We are telling them now so they can be involved in the planning.

I am glad he is making it up to you...I feel bad for us, but I know we have 2016 and nothing is going to stand in the way...3rd time is the charm!

I still don't know how I feel about FP+. I didn't really get to see how it would pan out during busy travel period as lines in late Feb weren't too bad to begin with.

Favorite animated Disney movie...hmm...well, I do love the Toy Story movies, Monster's Inc., Up, Beauty and the Beast. Yeah, hard to choose. I am with you though on Wall E, I just cannot get into that snooze fest during most of it.

Favorite Animated Movie? Classic (as in old school) = Cinderella, modern = Aladin or The Princess and the Frog

I think my FP+ day is not until the 21st? But I will officially be arriving in FL with the little boys in 2 months! We are going down on Tuesday and staying with my dad in Wintergarden. :)
My DH arrives on Thursday and we all head to WDW on Friday.

I hope we can meet up! I cant believe how fast it is coming...
Working on getting our plans together tonight for FastPass...THIS IS TOTALLY STRESSING ME OUT! I don't know why. I totally wish we could just run for fastpasses like in the "old days" :rotfl2:
Cupcake Friday
(As if just being Friday is not sweet enough…)

Red Velvet Cheesecake
DHS: Starring Rolls

This week we pay tribute to a fallen cupcake, this one is for you Kafi. I am so sad that I am not going to be to meet you on this run…BUT, I know that we are working on other run trips together. You never cease to brighten my day with all your “likes” of my runs and walks. When the miles get tough it is your voice that I hear, “Just get the miles in don’t worry about the time…”

At first site, I would not even recognize this cupcake being a Red Velvet Cupcake because there is that butterfinger/chocolate/toffee/whatever-it-is crust must be a popular thing with the Hollywood Studios bakers. I am still scratching my head as what this has to do with the famous Southern Comfort go to dessert. Yes, I know that Red Velvet is actually a chocolate cake with a TON OF RED FOOD COLORING (trust me I have made lots of red velvet cakes, even a blue velvet cake once). To me this crust on the frosting just does not fit. Under the crust of candy you will find a mound of cream cheese icing with a dollop of cheesecake in the center. I am not a huge fan of red velvet cream cheese icing, according to my MIL and the family recipe that she has passed down from 3 generations before her a true southern red velvet cake has an incredible moist butter icing (which is the HARDEST thing on earth to make), and to me the butter is so much better than cream cheese. BUT the dollop of cheesecake has me taking notice, too bad that the cheesecake is not carried into the center of the cupcake itself.

Under this mound of frosting you will find a standard red velvet cake, which apparently is pretty moist…thank goodness because I have had way too many red velvet store bought cakes that are more like sawdust.

My Thoughts?
Did I mention that Red Velvet with Butter Icing was my wedding cake? Did I mention that dh and the kids all request this cake for their birthdays most years? Did I mention I love cheesecake? With all that now mentioned, I am passing on this cupcake. I know total shocker, but really I pass on most Red Velvet Cakes, simply because of the cream cheese icing…now if it was just cheesecake and red velvet cake…well that would be entirely different. YEP, I am a Red Velvet snob, I admit it. But trust me if you ever tried butter icing, well you will feel the same way! Kafi, I am saving this one for you! Cheers my friend!

Your Thoughts?

Well that was pretty painless...but now I get to tinker with something else instead of our now set ADRs...I got everything we wanted including a couple of trips on 7DMR and we get to meet

I am so excited for Friday when a DIS MEET that has been 4 years in the making happens as we celebrate...

First by running the 5K together & then breakfast followed by a whole day of Celebrating our Friendship together...but more on that as we get closer! Topped off with dinner and fireworks...just like me had planned almost 3 years ago! Ha, for a trip that was supposed to be more going with the flow then OCD plans...:rotfl2:
Glad you got your FP's Tammie! :thumbsup2

I've had the red velvet and it was pretty good. The cheesecake top was what really made it so good, I'm not a very good judge of red velvet, but I do love cheesecake in most forms. I'm not sure I would have it again only because there are so many other great cupcakes and I don't really understand what the fuss is over red velvet...why waste all the red dye and just give me chocolate with some cheesecake on top?? :confused3 :p
Glad you got your FP's Tammie! :thumbsup2

I've had the red velvet and it was pretty good. The cheesecake top was what really made it so good, I'm not a very good judge of red velvet, but I do love cheesecake in most forms. I'm not sure I would have it again only because there are so many other great cupcakes and I don't really understand what the fuss is over red velvet...why waste all the red dye and just give me chocolate with some cheesecake on top?? :confused3 :p

Okay so I had to look up why a red velvet cake is red...if you have made a red velvet cake you know there is a chemical reaction that takes place between the buttermilk, vinegar and baking soda...before modern time (hence now) the cocoa had anthocyanins and that also reacted with the other ingredients and the cocoa when reacting gave off a red tin. Now days cocoa powder is produced with a base acid so the chemical reaction with the cocoa does not happen, so no red tint...

The modern red velvet cake started during the Depression, as a relatively cheap way to make a cake look special and dramatic.

The same evolution happened with the frosting and as cream cheese became more of a staple in households the frosting also developed...however many people (me including) think Cream cheese frosting is too heavy for red velvet and it overpowers the cake’s gentle flavors and the traditional butter roux (yep a roux as in gravy) keeps the cake moist adding just a touch of sweetness to bring out the chocolate flavor.
Wednesday Wonderings - I think my favorite animated movie would be the Toy Story movies, with 3 being my favorite. Although I cried like a baby when Andy went to college. :)

That cupcake sounds yummy! Pioneer Woman has a recipe for the "original" frosting recipe for red velvet cake. It has be beaten for ever but it whips up light and fluffy and delicious. :)

My FP+ day is today! I'll be up tonight making plans. I have my parks picked out and all I really want is 7DMT and Anna and Elsa of I can. :)
Wednesday Wonderings - I think my favorite animated movie would be the Toy Story movies, with 3 being my favorite. Although I cried like a baby when Andy went to college. :) That cupcake sounds yummy! Pioneer Woman has a recipe for the "original" frosting recipe for red velvet cake. It has be beaten for ever but it whips up light and fluffy and delicious. :) My FP+ day is today! I'll be up tonight making plans. I have my parks picked out and all I really want is 7DMT and Anna and Elsa of I can. :)

I bawled like a baby too...going to college is hitting too close to home this year! I had to turn off TS3 the other day because of it!

I found it surprisingly easy to get 7DMR and elsa/Anna fast passes
I can't buy tickets until
After Xmas - If I miss the 7DMT again, I will be so disappointed.

My favorite animated movie is Lady and the Tramp, still, although I really love Pinocchio, Findjng Nemo and TS2.
Red that is my favorite. I am a fan of the cream cheese frosting myself. I like frosting so cream cheese-y that it almost tastes like you just slathered cream cheese on it. This cupcake is AMAZING.

Edit: To further illustrate how much I love this cupcake....I went all the way to HS just to get it and I wasn't disappointed.
Holy cow I'm behind. My work is full into busy season & between that and the holidays and the kids.... I'm wiped! (Where's the wiped emoticon?)

Tomorrow is our FP plus day & I can't believe it's just 60 days away! As I was marking off on the training for week 9, I couldn't believe I have been training for that long already either! Time is flying!

My favorite Disney animated... hmm.. tough. Like Karen (surprised? I think not!) I don't like the ones where animals get hurt- exception is Lion King although I walk away when Dad dies. My absolute favorites are a three way tie- Alice in Wonderland, Little Mermaid & Sleeping Beauty. All were huge parts of my childhood & I think that's why all three remain my favorite. If I had to pick one out of the three- it would be Alice (hence why I ran as Chessie in Wine and Dine and Tweedle this go around!). :lovestruc

If I don't get on here beforehand. Have a wonderful Christmas cupcakes! Or Happy Hannakuh. Or Merry Festivas (which is my favorite holiday- who doesn't like airing of the grievances?) :)


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