Oops I did it again! WHY MUST I YOYO!!!

Hi Mary,

Your son sounds delightful. Like you said, you are still op, and I know that today will be better for you. It is amazing what a good night's sleep can do.

Take care,
Your Joey sounds sweet. Hope today was a good day for you. I love when I feel rested after a good night's sleep.:cloud9:
Hooray- Thursday I was OP- plus I took my walk! I'm on a roll. The weekend holds many temptations. Tomorrow- ice cream social at school, Sunday- celebrating my Dad's 75th birthday at mom and dad's house. They will be serving the ultimate comfort food- birthday cake baked by Mom- the same cake I had for every happy birthday of my young life. I'm scared.
I have to walk today if I want to make my excersise goal. Shouldn't be a problem.
Wishing you all a pleasant sunny Friday.

Oh Mary I hear you on the :cake: which I just love! :lovestruc Maybe you could just have 3 bites of it to celebrate. Happy birthday to your dad. Have a good weekend.
Good morning Mary,

Sending :bday: wishes to your dad today! I hope everyone has a wonderful time!!:Pinkbounc Take care!

Oh Mary! Congratulations to your dear father on his 75th birthday! :bday: I will not even attempt to give you advice on the birthday cake, because there is no way in Heaven or on Earth that I'd be able to resist! I hope you all enjoyed your dad's special day!

Have a lovely week, Mary! :sunny:
Good morning all-
We had a nice weekend. I didn't count points- I am sure I went over but not by a tremendous amount. I did get my walking in so that is good.
Yesterday at my mom and dad's we had steamed crabs. Oh man, were they good. Being from Baltimore, that is the ultimate good thing to eat. We had fun.
My sister was here from CT. She is moving to St. Louis and I doubt we will hardly ever see them after that. Right now she is a 5.5 hour car trip but when she moves she will be too far to drive. She has 5 kids so flying will probably be too expensive. It is really sad. Her kids are 5 months, 20 months, 3, 7, and 14. Can you imagine???
The good thing that happened this weekend is one of my eBay sales got a bidding war going and a Halloween costume that I bought on clearance for $5 sold for $41! I actually feel kind of guilty about it.
Hope everyone is off to a good start this week.
Oh BTW- I did not eat the cake!!! (Because I had ice cream at the ice cream social on Saturday and I knew I was not allowed both.)
Hi Mary!:wave2:

Sounds like you had a great weekend!:Pinkbounc Steamed crab sounds so yummy right now!::yes::

I'm sorry to hear that your sister is moving so far away. I hope that you both can find a way to keep in touch with each other. :chat: (I've always wanted to use that smilie.:teeth: )

Congratulations on eBay! That is so awesome! I had a batch of auctions that ended this weekend that I paid around $4-5 for and sold for almost $40! Woohoo!!!:Pinkbounc

Thank you so much for the PM! I tried sending you a PM back, but it said that the mailbox was full or something like that. I will try and re-PM you later this evening. Thanks so much, Mary!:hug:

Have a great day!:sunny:
:worship: Great job resisting the cake. Congrats on the Ebay auction. That is a great profit. I'm sorry that you won't see much of your sister from now on. It sounds like you are close.
Have a good Monday,
Hi guys

Just a quick check in- yesterday I did not count points- :( - I was just being lazy. I ate a ton of fruit in the day but didn't have any meal until dinner- pot roast and carrots- I skipped the potatoes and bread. Then I had a cupcake after dinner. My guess would be that my points were around 35.
I have a plan today and I am sticking to it!
AM- WATER, Banana
Lunch 6 inch Subway Sub w/FF Pringles
Dinner- Veggie medley- squash, zucchini, mushrooms and grilled chicken breast,
That leaves me room for a small snack, too - if I need one.
Also I have to go get my Sugar Free Kool-Aid. It really satisfies my sweet tooth.

Today I have lots of cleaning to do, must hit treadie, stuff to list on ebay, prepare for work tomorrow.
Hi mary,

Looks like you'll be busy today. Don't worry about yesteray. Today is a fresh start. Your plan looks great. I love pringles. Have a good day.
Hi Mary:wave:

Your menu for today looks great! My DH and I have wanted to get Subway for dinner so many times in the past week, but for one reason or another, we didn't. Maybe, we'll have it for lunch instead. I love Subway!!!:teeth:

I am going to try and re-PM you the message from yesterday. If the system won't let me, then I'll send you an e-mail.

Have a great day Mary!:sunny:

Hi Mary! :wave2:

Ooooo, your plan for today looks just great and I know you'll be stickin' to it! Way to go for leaving that OP day in the dust and movin' on--that's the way to be successful! Great job! :cheer2: :hug:

Hope your having a lovely Wednesday, Mary! :sunny:
Hi - sorry I have not been around- Bridget and I have been sick. It is our tummies. I have been busy at work also. Luckily I have been getting stuff done from home.
Joey's soccer game was so great last night. They won 1-0. It was tied the entire game, even though there was no score it was an exciting game. Both goalies were excellent. Anyway with 2 minutes left in the game Joey and his friend worked together to pass the ball back and forth all the way up the field and at the last minute Joey scored the winning goal. He was so happy. They rarely win. I got to witness pure and extreme happiness on my son's face- it was so nice to see.
I need my daughter to have some of these moments. Joey gets so much adulation (most things come very easily for Joey mainly social, academic, and athletic) and she struggles so much. She struggles in school- even though she is in the GT program- she is off the charts ADD and it is hard to be in such a fast paced program for her. She can do the work just fine but she can't get her desk organized, pack up her papers... like the other kids. Also, her sport of choice is figure skating and she is pretty good but we can't stand around and cheer for her like we do for Joey. She will be playing lacrosse in the spring so maybe that will help.
Hopefully we will be feeling better today and I will get back on the treadie. Not worrying about my menu as I will eat what I think will be good for my stomach.
I will try to get to journals before the weekend.
Mary I hope you and DD are feeling better soon. Just eat what sounds good to you for a day or two until your feeling better. The treadie will be there in two days as well, so don't push yourself.

I know what you mean about DD. My DD tried gymnastics, dance, swim team, cheerleading before coming back to dance. It was very hard for her to find what she was good at. I wanted her to be part of a team because I think that is very important for a girl, but she is not athletically inclined to soccer, basketball and such. She is now part of a competitive dance company and also competes solo. Best of both worlds! :smooth: Anyhow, let DD try some different things in addition to the skating if you can fit it in. And maybe more physical activity would help with the ADD in school?? I don't know, just a thought. :confused:

Congrats to Joey on scoring the winning goal! :hyper:

Have a great day and feel better soon!

Sharon :sunny:
Hi Mary:wave2:

Stopping by to see how you are doing. I hope that everrything is going well! Take care!

Hi guys-
I am sort of on break from official dieting...
just trying to make good choices. Not excersising at all because I have somev weird rash and am not supposed to sweat.
Anyway, I am not counting calories or fat or points or anything like that because DD (8) started talking about being fat and asking how many carbs are in this or that... so I put the whole diet thing to rest. I don't want her thinking about that stuff and truth is I was spending too much energy on it myself.
I am comfortable in my size 8 jeans- all my size 10 stuff is way roomy. I am easily maintaining my weight at about 140. I am 5'6".
I hope you are all doing well.
Thomas at his Halloween party


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