'OHANA means CHUNKY! An Aug 2017 Family TR THE END 4/26 - The Last Day and Trip Epilogue!

It was already so hot in the morning that my camera lens fogged up.
My non prescription sunglasses kept fogging up too. My prescription ones were fine but I didn't want to risk losing them some days so I took a cheap pair!

Apparently at Epcot, the monorail line gets dumped out into the general pubic line so we HAD to go through it again. Absolutely ridiculous and I don't understand why they cant just create a separate enclosed line for those who have already gone through bag check. :headache:
It is pretty much dumb!

Since this restaurant is so small, I had to split the reservation up into 3 separate ADRs, but they managed to put all of us on one long table, which was amazing.

I totally forgot you could order alcohol here at brunch (from @ArielSRL's TR) otherwise I think some of us could have partook in a mimosa or two. :laughing:
Shame, shame!! LOL

I love how Eva was holding her skirt up a la princess pose. I think she saw Chunkysis doing that and wanted to emulate her!
I think I need to pick up this pose too!

Sienna: I was in mid-Mickey waffle and you disrupt me for this?!?

Apparently Dale missed signing the autograph books so Mimi went to fetch him to come back and he obliged!

So cute!
CS was annoyed that I booked Test Track before Character Spot because she thinks her hair will get messed up. But I did that deliberately. :rotfl: #BestSisterEver

Sienna: Yeah so what if we just had breakfast?

Love it!

P.S. On the plus side and to my chagrin, Chunkysis's hair stayed intact!
Karma for you! LOL

Minnie of course LOVED CS's outfit.

I can see why!

While we were waiting for them to finish with Turtle Talk, Sienna drank her formula then had a massive poop which leaked everywhere, so CT2 and Marc had to scramble and take her to the bathroom, plus clean out the stroller.
Definitely dealt with this before! Thank goodness those days are behind me!
This picture of Caylee is special as she's not in a lot of pictures. She doesn't like characters and doesn't really love posing for pictures as much as Eva, so this is a sweet little candid from their first night at the Poly. She just celebrated her 4th birthday 2 weeks ago!

So sweet!

And yesterday (Oct 1st) was Bryan's birthday (as well as Epcot's 35th!). He turned 2! Here's a picture of Caylee, Eva, and Bryan.

Love this!

He is not interested in pictures either, so it's hard to get him to smile and pose. He just looks ho hum about everything!

Cute baby alert!

They had made it to France just as we got to WS.


However we got some glorious nachos!

I totally admit it...I'm a nacho fiend!

OMG I'm now the adult at the bar getting drinks for under aged kids.

He lets me buy the drink. Thankfully I was not kicked out of Disney for buying my non-under aged sister and BIL a drink.

My sister got some libations of her own. She had been talking about getting a frozen coke all day and she finally got one at Club Cool.

I love me a frozen coke!

Honey Sesame Chicken.
This is my go to for Chinese food.
This reminds me of a time I planned a trip for me, my son (who was probably 10 at the time), my friend and her son (same age as mine) and my friend's then boyfriend (now husband) and his two teen age daughters. Towards the end of the trip, the older teenager (who rarely even talks to any, even now 15 years later), gave me a hug and said what a great time they had due to all my planning! It was a sweet moment for me too! I think it is just that moment when you realized you have converted another to the Disney LIfe...:)

YES!! IT's just like that! How sweet.
They have been hearing how Auntie is "always in Disney World" and they could finally experience ht magic and understand why I always need to go back!

Such a great TR!!!!! Can't wait to read about the next one.

Thank you so much for reading! It was a pleasure to write. :)

Thank you so much for sharing your lovely trip and family with us. I look forward to reading your next report.

Thank you so much for reading! I'm excited about the new report too!

Let me know! Who knows!

My Jedi Mind Trick is slowly working!!

Oh, yes.
One day becomes two... then four... then a week.. then two....

Then you move to Florida.

So...that is your plan? :)

Sheesh. So borrow a baby. How hard could it be?
"Excuse me? Are you using that right now?"

What if they escape before I can give him/her back? I'd just end up being the "free park babysitter" while the parents are probably at Epcot drinking around the world...
Need to think this through! Hmmm...

No. There is no way to make a last day good.

A little less painful perhaps?

What an amazing trip. I still don’t know how you managed all those people ( even after reading your tips ) . I am going with me nephews - 7 and 8 - in a couple of weeks and can’t wait to see Disney through little ones eyes .

Thank you! It wasn't too bad because my family pretty much listened to my instructions really well, they left everything up to me! I'm sure with differing opinions it would be a lot different. Aww you're going to have so much fun!! It sounds like your nephews will have a blast!

aaahhh so sweet and pretty much sums it up!

Flexibility is key with any size group over about 2-3. Kids can be really unpredictable. You did a great job building in breaks and planning meals/FP etc.

Now that you have DVC...you can really supersize you 'coolest aunt ever' title by taking the the nieces on one-to-one trips as they get older...

Thank you! It really is all about Ohana.
I tried...I didn't want to overwhelm them so built in a lot of breaks but sometimes they didn't need them

Haha, I dont' think my sisters would trust me with any one of their kids alone. :rotfl: but maybe in the future I can use my points to book us a grand villa (wishful thinking).

Thanks for taking us along on your ‘Ohana adventure
I think with little ones being flexible is key to everyone having a good time

Thank you for reading! It was definitely good to be as flexible as possible!

You did such an amazing job with planning everything detail especially with such a large group
Looking for to your next trip report :D

Thank you!! I have started my new trip report! Link here.

Ain't that the truth... always! :rotfl:

What can I say? I have a weakness for men in uniform :rotfl2:

Haha, need to work on your Jedi training...

It was truly one of the highlights of my trip :hug: SO happy we were able to make this work!!! :goodvibes

Me too!! Good thing come when you extend Disney trips!!

This was AMAZING!!! You guys are just the best! :thumbsup2 I still can't thank you enough for all those wonderful rides!

Aww you're welcome! Glad you enjoyed :thumbsup2

Yeah... it sure didn't. Still surprised I wasn't paid a visit by Disney security over that one :laughing:

Hahaha, just too funny! Maybe next time you need to find some DISboarders to give them to!

I LOVE this picture! :goodvibes

Me too! We are so happy!

We absolutely must do it again!!!

Absolutely have to do it again! :hug:

I gave a little bit of a preview in my TR, but I'll try to remember to do the full version on my next update! :thumbsup2

Yes!! This sounds like it will be good...popcorn::

Yes!!! This was the highlight of my trip in January - watching Disney through their young and excited and awed eyes :goodvibes

So cute to see them to overjoyed!

OMG seriously!!!!!! Going with kids is an entirely different experience :laughing:

Haha yes, completely!

Yes! Also true!!! :laughing:

Thank you for sharing another wonderful trip! And thank you for letting me be a part of it :hug: Can't wait for the next TR :goodvibes

Thank you for being part of it Tracy!! The new TR is up!! Here

Thanks for taking the time to share your family trip - I enjoyed following along!

Thank you so much for reading!! :)
Okay, so now that it is over, I am here! But I am committed to reading through this whole thing! As you may know, our trip is in 37 days!!! And I am down to the excruciating waiting between all the planning and the actual going. So I am now catching up on everyone's reports! It is your turn. I think I may not have finished one or two of your earlier reports but I am going to just make my way through this one and then go back and see if there are any others I need to catch up on. I hope you don't mind reliving it one more time through all my comments! I'm sure it will take me a few days but I am going to get through it! :)

Hi Renee! Great to see you here! Always happy to read your comments. So excited for your trip! Hope you get good weather!

I keep dreaming about trying Yachtsman! It won't be on one of our short 2018 trips but maybe 2019. I was holding it for 2020 since I am going to try to do Beach Club or Boardwalk that year but I may not be able to wait. How was it with the fam? I'm afraid to take my crazy boys!

You know, it was fine. At that time at night, the restaurant was busy and there was enough noise and hustle and bustle that no one really noticed when Bryan squirmed off his seat and decided to run around the table. Haha.

I love your shirt. Mulan is one bad*ss and I love that so I really need one of her shirts!

There needs to be more Mulan stuff out there! It's hard to find!

:rotfl2: Though Luke Evans is nice to look at!

Oh for sure!!

OMG he is absolutely adorable!

He is a cutie. He has puppy dog eyes and you can't say no to him. At least I can't, LOL.

Okay, so we will be getting one set of APs to cover our 2019 and 2020 big trips (and any other trips in between that I can squeeze in) so I am thinking TiW may be our best bet but I guess I need to run the numbers between that and the dining plan. I only consider the plan because with two kids it can actually work sometimes. But I am not sure which way we will go yet.

Yeah it's great if you like your cocktails (hehe) because the discount applies to that! The price went up recently to 150 so you'd have to see if it's worth it. It was great for large groups and we definitely got our money's worth for the August trip alone!

I love your hair!

Aww thanks! It's so much longer now!

OMG, what in the heck??

Flight delays are the worst esp before a Disney trip.

It has to get better, right???

Only way it can go is UP at that point.

It is good to not be the only Disney expert on the trip!

Haha her area of expertise is only character meet n greet times, autograph books, and pressed pennies.

I love them! I might need to place an order! :)

She does a great job!

That's why we prefer the boat at WL. Some of them we had to fold the stroller but most of them were big and it fit just fine without being closed up. It is also part of the reason we drive our car to all the other parks!

Ah good to know! Maybe WL for next time!

Fantastic report! I have loved following along over the years...but I was really interested see the littler members of your family at WDW! You did a wonderful job planning for a large group...and I loved the smiles (though Caylee’s side-eye reminded me of my own kiddo on her early trips!)!

Thank you so much for reading! I really appreciate it!!
Thanks! It was a pleasure to plan, really, since I can do this stuff so easily. Everyone else thought it was so daunting.
Caylee is still the same - sweet girl, just so suspicious of everything. And today she asked for another Minnie car, LOL.

I love this. Will is definitely atll enough for 7D this time but he wants to do Splash. At his last doctor's appt about a month ago, he was 39.5 without shoes. So I feel like maybe he has a shot. But we shall see. I told he wasn't quite tall enough yet but he might be in time for the trip.

I think he's got a good shot! :) Fingers crossed he gets to ride splash!

HAHAHA...I can laugh only because I have a very similar photo of AJ!

OMG she's still traumatized and I'm certain she'll never go on mine train again. Hahaha.

My kids are obsessed with pressed pennies! We have a few full pressed penny wallets at home!

They are so cute and keep the kids so engaged!

I have a few microfiber type washcloths that I take as well. I didn't want to commit to a huge towel but what I have works!

They worked really well, I'm glad I brought one.

I think AK might the worst in the rain. It is just so hot and muggy already that the rain isn't really a cool off thing. It just adds to the mugginess. :(

It is!! It's so horrendous in the rain!

So glad I got all my boys on this in June and that my mom got to catch it in 2016.

So sad it was our last times on the ride. I'm sure the new ride will be awesome but there's something so nostalgic for this ride.

The evil eye....hahahah!

She got really good at giving it throughout the trip!

Totally agree. If we schedula a FP, we usually didn't need it but if we try to ride standby, the line is long. Go figure!

I know, always the case!

So fun! Love the dress! Hot Topic? Somewhere else?

Yup Hot Topic!!

Is this a thing? I will have to remember that we can do this! We have committed to doing Tiki Room this trip since we don't usually and there are rumors of its demise.

Yup it's been a thing for I think 2 years now. It makes Tiki Room that much more enjoyable!!

My non prescription sunglasses kept fogging up too. My prescription ones were fine but I didn't want to risk losing them some days so I took a cheap pair!

Good idea! I've broken nice sunglasses at Disney before.

It is pretty much dumb!

I don't understand why they can't just create a separate line for those coming from the monorail?!?

I think I need to pick up this pose too!

I think we all should! I have adopted it at times but mainly only with princesses.

Karma for you! LOL

Yes, hahaha, karma for me. I'm still gonna do it though.

Definitely dealt with this before! Thank goodness those days are behind me!

I'm sure you don't miss it!

I totally admit it...I'm a nacho fiend!

Me too, and the Epcot ones are sooooo good!!
My Jedi Mind Trick is slowly working!!

Your Jedi Mind Trick is slowly working.

So...that is your plan? :)

Isn’t it everyone’s?

What if they escape before I can give him/her back? I'd just end up being the "free park babysitter" while the parents are probably at Epcot drinking around the world...
Need to think this through! Hmmm...

Silly. Disney thinks of everything. They’ll have drop off chutes for used babies.
All signed up for the new report and back to comment. Truly an epic trip! I had so much fun following along and it just makes me smile to think of the amazing memories you all made. I can imagine it was exhausting, though, and guess I can't really blame the adults for saying "maybe in a few years." But it is addictive so I wouldn't be shocked if they find themselves returning sooner than they think. You really did a great job planning and coordinating everything -- that cannot have been easy. :worship: Great tips for large groups!
Your Jedi Mind Trick is slowly working.

The Force is Strong with me! :yoda:

Isn’t it everyone’s?

Why yes, yes it is.

Silly. Disney thinks of everything. They’ll have drop off chutes for used babies.

Ah yes, next to the adult stroller parking.

All signed up for the new report and back to comment. Truly an epic trip! I had so much fun following along and it just makes me smile to think of the amazing memories you all made. I can imagine it was exhausting, though, and guess I can't really blame the adults for saying "maybe in a few years." But it is addictive so I wouldn't be shocked if they find themselves returning sooner than they think. You really did a great job planning and coordinating everything -- that cannot have been easy. :worship: Great tips for large groups!

Thank you for reading! It was a truly memorable trip. It was fun, exhausting, crazy, and exciting all at the same time!
Thanks for coming along for the journey! See you on the new TR!
Eva - large classic white pearl
Caylee - smaller twin white pearls so she got two!
Sophie - a silvery-blue pearl
Mimi - pink/coral colored pearl
So cool!!

and here's one of the pearls (think this was Caylee's) in the pearl cage I got them:

That's beautiful!

Soon the show started, and boy was everyone blown away.
I just absolutely love it.

I'll take the Redhead!

As we were going down the final loop, our train suddenly slowed down and came to a complete halt. I thought the train would start moving again but it did not for about 2 minutes. Then the loudspeaker came on and a CM said that due to technically difficulty the ride was being shut down. They said to stay put and someone will come rescue us momentarily.

We were stuck on Big Thunder Mountain Railroad!! :scared1:

Any other person would probably be rolling their eyes. But not us.

No, we thought it was the BEST THING EVER!!!!!
So awesome! I would love it!
I love Bryan's outfit. I got this for him while visiting Cars Land in Disney's California Adventure last year. I'm so glad he was able to fit into it this year!

Both of my boys have been obsessed with Cars at one point or another. AJ for about a month or so, Will for about 2 or 3 years! He has just recently started expanding his horizons somewhat but he would still love this outfit!

CS obviously went to take even more pictures. The wait was pretty long for Red Carpet Dreams so no one else wanted to wait.
I wish they would offer a FP for this.

He take's his 'Ohana dinners very seriously so he tries not to fill up before. #mealprep.
See this is why I haven't done it yet. I can't eat a lot in one sitting so its just a waste on me. But I will probably still do it one day. LOL
I opted to stay in the smaller pool and sit at the bar area with a Lava flow.

Yummy! Sounds perfect to me!

so I ditched everyone and decided to get some laundry done.
I did laundry almost every day on our break last year! I loved not having to do it at home!

I didn't even think I knew they had a separate kids menu but there were chicken fingers, fries and mac n cheese.
This is very good to know for my picky children!

In the end, I think Kevin ate 2 skewers and Steve ate 2 skewers plus 2 shrimp. Nuts.

The aftermath:


It didn't stop us from a picture in front of 'Ohana with my Ohana which Kelly kindly took for us:

Very nice!

Kelly and I walked all the way to World Showcase
It probably felt good to walk off dinner.


Yummy slushies!
Mmmm...so good!
All signed up for the new report and back to comment. Truly an epic trip! I had so much fun following along and it just makes me smile to think of the amazing memories you all made. I can imagine it was exhausting, though, and guess I can't really blame the adults for saying "maybe in a few years." But it is addictive so I wouldn't be shocked if they find themselves returning sooner than they think. You really did a great job planning and coordinating everything -- that cannot have been easy. :worship: Great tips for large groups!

Thank you! It really was an epic trip, one that we will remember forever! It definitely was an exhausting trip. To us Disney lovers, it's just routine but for those first-timers, it was definitely a lot more than they bargained for but I think they were happy to have experienced it.

Epic trip Su-Lynn! Thanks for sharing and including us in your Ohana!! :grouphug:

Thanks Kari!! It was definitely a learning experience for me to go with so many people as well as kids of all ages but we all had a great time!

Your most epic TR to date I think!!

I see the link above to your next TR :thumbsup2

Thank you! I think it indeed was the most epic TR!! See you on the next one!

Loved reading along with your epic family trip! Thanks for the good read and I am looking forward to your fall report!

Thank you so much for joining in on the fun! I'm off to get caught up on your latest TR. You guys have some amazing trips this year!

That's beautiful!

I was so happy I got these for the girls. They are so pretty and so Disney and they didn't really cost that much!

So awesome! I would love it!

I think us DISboarders would think it's the coolest thing to be stuck on a ride, LOL. Well, I guess it would depend on which ride...at least BTMRR is a classic and doesn't go upside down!

Both of my boys have been obsessed with Cars at one point or another. AJ for about a month or so, Will for about 2 or 3 years! He has just recently started expanding his horizons somewhat but he would still love this outfit!

I love the shorts with the racing print!
Bryan has converted his love to Spiderman. Everything is "Spy-dah Man" now! It's so cute.

See this is why I haven't done it yet. I can't eat a lot in one sitting so its just a waste on me. But I will probably still do it one day. LOL

I think you should! So yummy!

I did laundry almost every day on our break last year! I loved not having to do it at home!

I am one of those people who likes doing laundry. I just like having clean clothes all the time.

This is very good to know for my picky children!

Yeah I had no idea they did this. I haven't seen other tables with kids get this (but it's not like I was really looking for it. Too busy eating my own food!) I dont' know if it's because we had so many kids in our party or if we're a big party...whatever it was, it was definitely a welcome addition!

It probably felt good to walk off dinner.

Oh indeed. It was definitely a little too humid though, wish the weather was better!

Mmmm...so good!

I could drink these all the time!
I just finished the TR! I'm glad I have another one to go start on now! Seems like a great Dismeet! Love Tracy's TRs too and always fun when Disers appear in each other's reports. LOL.
What a great trip you planned! I'm thankful that I'll never have to pull off somefhing so complicated as I dont have that much family to deal with!

It's so great that you planned such an epic trip that the kids will remember for the rest of their lives.

I am taking a few hints from you. My parents are coming with us for F&G next year and I'm going to have a discussion with My mom about setting up MDE accounts for her and my dad. They'll need to get everything all linked up before I leave on my trip in August so we're all set for when 180 days hit in September.


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