Glad you're feeling more confident. I promise, it'll become easier with time. If you remember only one thing, make it this: Meat + potatoes are safe.Thanks luvbulldogs. That was great breading very helpful.
Had a great meeting with the educator.
She really made me feel I can do this.
She wasn’t too happy when I told her about the meter. So she ordered one for me.
Thanks to all of you for the helpful replies
Aww, thanks!Yes, you can do this! I “know” you from these forums, and I have confidence in you.
Two things about MetforminSorry but yet another question. I started on the metformin last night after dinner since my order finally came in. Anyways the RN said to start on one pill with breakfast but I wanted to get started and unfortunately forgot she said breakfast and started after dinner.
After about 5 hrs I had to actually run to the bathroom.
I can’t see if it’s going to cause issues that one pill is going to turn my stomach inside out.
Any thoughts on this
The number was good though before supper. Dietician asked what I had for breakfast Bs he said that was ok.
I’m back to feeling I’ll never get the hang of this.
Oh well back to square one
If the dietitian said your breakfast was okay, go with that instead of all the well-meaning, honest, but conflicting advice you’re getting here. I personally need more protein and less sugar at breakfast, so it’s two eggs fried in a spray of oil plus one piece of whole wheat toast for me, but everyone is different. And it’s also possible that the dietitian is going to gradually guide you to eat a little differently at breakfast. I tried a lot of things before I found what worked the best for me. Right now it’s baby steps for you!The number was good though before supper. Dietician asked what I had for breakfast Bs he said that was ok.
I’m back to feeling I’ll never get the hang of this.
Oh well back to square one
If you go back ask those questions . I’m surprised they didn’t tell you that.first official reading with meter and what I ate today
breakfast was half muffin and peanut butter on toast
lunch half of fish sandwich with a few fries with bun and cheese small glass of soda
reading before supper was 110 quite shocking
I still have about hr and a half till I can do my after eating number
Ill update then I just wanted to get this out there
also I had some questions from the dr before my meds and meter came in and I had asked why the dr didnt want to use a meter
the reply was
since they knew I was panicking about this whole deal and the fact that Im not on insulin and the A1C wasnt horrible but the dietician did get me one
I really want to know where I was at
another also I thought it was rather strange that the dietician didnt say how many carbs per meal or day or snacks just gave me a picture of a plate showing where and how much food
You did good. I assume your breakfast is something you and the dietician discussed and ended up settling on that. The half-muffin instead of a full muffin and the peanut butter on toast gets you some protein. A serving of fruit or veggie would help but you are going in the right direction.The number was good though before supper. Dietician asked what I had for breakfast Bs he said that was ok.
I’m back to feeling I’ll never get the hang of this.
Oh well back to square one
Look at the cereal box for the kinds you like. Then use a measuring cup to put that much into your bowl. It is probably less than what you typically have done (if cereal has been a regular food for you). But add some berries so you are getting nutrients as well as carbs.What kind of cereal do you eat and how much. I remember the first go around I can’t remember what kind of cereal but it was only half cup not much. I could have 1/4 cup milk. on it.
Most of mine are 3/4 cup but I don’t eat sugary one .i eat a lot of multi grain Cherrios. I really don’t measure the milk . But again check the label some are less like you said.What kind of cereal do you eat and how much. I remember the first go around I can’t remember what kind of cereal but it was only half cup not much. I could have 1/4 cup milk. on it.
Diet soda or fully leaded? Otherwise that looks fine to mee. I would probably have eaten more, like the whole sandwich, but I'm also a male over 200lbs.first official reading with meter and what I ate today
breakfast was half muffin and peanut butter on toast
lunch half of fish sandwich with a few fries with bun and cheese small glass of soda
reading before supper was 110 quite shocking
I still have about hr and a half till I can do my after eating number
Ill update then I just wanted to get this out there
also I had some questions from the dr before my meds and meter came in and I had asked why the dr didnt want to use a meter
the reply was
since they knew I was panicking about this whole deal and the fact that Im not on insulin and the A1C wasnt horrible but the dietician did get me one
I really want to know where I was at
another also I thought it was rather strange that the dietician didnt say how many carbs per meal or day or snacks just gave me a picture of a plate showing where and how much food
Doesn't look too bad to me. Depends on the size and makeup of the muffin though. A half of the most popular muffin around me would be about 30 carbs, doesn't say how many pieces of toast, but at 15g each even two pieces would be below the number given previously. Half a sandwich bun is 20, a few fries might be another 10. It's going to depend on what type of soda it was. Diet soda would be zero so I would actually say that's a little light.That’s a lot of carbs!
Toast and muffins and buns and fries and soda.
It’s hard but you should try to change the soda to water. I hate, hate water but I drink more now since I don’t drink diet soda anymore. I once and awhile have one if we are out and wonder to myself how did I drink so much before usually don’t finish it. Old days I could have like 3 refills.Thanks for the breakdown.
The sandwich was from the casino we were playing bingo. Hubby and me share a lot of meals out.
The soda was regular. Diet or zero sugar tears my stomach up.
It was a blueberry muffin with one piece of toast. It was just a small glass of soda. Not as much as a whole can
This cannot be emphasized enough. You need to STOP DRINKING SUGARED SODA!!!!! Drink water. Find another non-sugar substitute that works for you. Stop making excuses. This one habit alone can make or break your diabetes journey.It’s hard but you should try to change the soda to water. I hate, hate water but I drink more now since I don’t drink diet soda anymore. I once and awhile have one if we are out and wonder to myself how did I drink so much before usually don’t finish it. Old days I could have like 3 refills.
Regular soda has way too much sugar.
To echo what others here have said. The fully leaded soda is the only issue with what you had. An 8 ounce glass, so two thirds of a can, has 26g of sugar. Depending on what else was in the sandwich and how the fish was prepared, you're probably alright.Thanks for the breakdown.
The sandwich was from the casino we were playing bingo. Hubby and me share a lot of meals out.
The soda was regular. Diet or zero sugar tears my stomach up.
It was a blueberry muffin with one piece of toast. It was just a small glass of soda. Not as much as a whole can
Thanks for the breakdown.
The sandwich was from the casino we were playing bingo. Hubby and me share a lot of meals out.
The soda was regular. Diet or zero sugar tears my stomach up.
It was a blueberry muffin with one piece of toast. It was just a small glass of soda. Not as much as a whole can
I can't speak for all diabetics, but among any providers my family has seen for diabetes none use net carbs -- it's always Total Carbs. Net carbs is a keto or low carb diet thing.Higher # of grams of fiber = total net carbs will be lower.