New England Disers, brace yourself, 2 ft. of snow coming!

Great!!!! You heading to my house??? Man, central Ma is gonna get nailed!!! And, we have to head down to Mashpee to go to an 11am funeral today....hope we beat the snow home!!! Dang!!!
Milk and bread are good, snowblower is ready, with plenty of gas, 10 boxes of Girl Scout cookies here. Now, if we can just avoid any major power outages.

If you're close I will. I'm in Leicester/Worcester/Auburn area.

She's close. You two should start PMing each other.

If so, goofy4tink, send me a message. Do it soon though because my list is quickly filling up!
Yep, the wife's already been to the store, I have gas for my generator, my snow shovel's are out and still in good working condition and I have plenty of movies to keep us all entertained, at least until the power goes out. Looking forward to it.
I need milk, but I doubt I'll buy any later. The supermarket is probably already packed with panic buyers. Probably won't even pick up the milk at a convenience store. I'd rather do without than have people think I'm buying it because of snowmageddon. ;)

I wonder if the forecasted bad weather is going to be this year's "STORM OF THE CENTURY!!!"

We haven't had a decent blizzard, or even a significant snowfall, since December 26-27, 2010. I suppose it's time.
According to Farmer's Almanac we are not supposed to get hardly any snow here in the Midwest.

Those Farmers may be accurate!

This same system heading to the East Coast left just a 1.3 inch dusting here (Iowa) yesterday morning.

Thanks for the good wishes everyone, all I care about is losing power brrrrr

To all East Coast and especially New England DIS'ers - TAKE CARE!

I suppose all the portable generators are all gone? We had one for several years, and it was helpful for the times we lost power. We used it to keep our food from going bad in the fridge.

Some other winter blizzard tips that we use:

Make sure you have batteries for flashlights, lots of warm blankets, bottled water.

A good weather/emergency radio that you can hand crank. Some also have outlets to charge cell phones.

Keep non-perishable food around - we did a lot of PB & J, canned meats and vegetables, powdered milk.

Fill up bathtubs with water. If the power goes out, you can refill toilets with water from the tubs to keep them from running dry.
To all East Coast and especially New England DIS'ers - TAKE CARE!

I suppose all the portable generators are all gone? We had one for several years, and it was helpful for the times we lost power. We used it to keep our food from going bad in the fridge.

Some other winter blizzard tips that we use:

Make sure you have batteries for flashlights, lots of warm blankets, bottled water.

A good weather/emergency radio that you can hand crank. Some also have outlets to charge cell phones.

Keep non-perishable food around - we did a lot of PB & J, canned meats and vegetables, powdered milk.

Fill up bathtubs with water. If the power goes out, you can refill toilets with water from the tubs to keep them from running dry.

I had my panel wired direct to an outdoor outlet that will tie into my generator (that will also be chained to my deck). The unit I picked up is plenty big enough to run my entire house. With the flip of a switch (OK, a safety guard and switch) my house will have full power! After the ice storm several years ago that knocked power out for nearly a week, I wanted to be sure I was ready for the next one.
First flakes are falling in the Merrimack Valley.

Wouldn't you know, plenty of milk in the house yesterday, so I didn't get any when I went for bread and cereal, and now we're down to the last drops. Darned teenagers eating me out of house and home.

At least we have toilet paper.

HA! Too funny. I have plenty of milk, bread, frozen foods and canned goods, but discovered we are out of TP this morning. Stopping at Target on the way home. With almost 3 ft of snow predicted for my area the last thing I want is to run out!
I'll run by Walmart when school gets out today to get a snow shovel. We have 2, but DH gave one to DD so she can shovel out of her front walkway at her apartment (and her car in the parking lot). I figure the shoveling will go faster with two of us working than just DH, even if I only do ¼ and he does ¾.

At 10 this morning, our principal notified the faculty that he will be canceling school at the end of the day today. Definitely no school on Tuesday, maybe not on Wednesday, and there's supposed to be more snow on Friday!
Went to the market at noon yesterday. It was a complete zoo. Did get everything we needed. Called my local meat market today to put an order in to pickup on my way home from work. The girl told me it was a good thing that I called in my order. The place has been jammed since 8 AM. They'll probably would have run out of food by the time I get there after work. My supervisor at work wanted to know how to get in touch with us and where our location is. I told him that my location tomorrow will be on Space Mountain at the MK! I wish!!! Although it will be cozy all snowed in together, I still hate this weather!!! The local stations were forecasting last Friday an Alberta Clipper with snow showers for Tuesday. Checked the local news on the web on Sunday morning, and that had turned into a blizzard with 1 to 2 feet of snow. Really??? :badpc:
"state of emergency" declared in RI. we are closing at 2 30 today and closed tomorrow as well.
my awesome boyfriend is at the store picking up last minute items. he said its insane with lines at the door!
very excited for a snow day!!
Just started here in central Massachusetts. Worked a half day and came home and decided to just double check the generator and gas situation which Dh had told me was all set yesterday. honey...barely any gas in generator and bunch of empty gas cans. So I filled the generator and ran out and got all my cans filled. Should be set for a have about 25 gallons of gas ready to go in case power goest out and stays out...which tends to happen here.

My sister in South County Rhode Island went to get gas and her gas stations were out of gas! Really. They didn't know this was coming? Has her husband getting some near Providence on his way home.

Just in case, I also checked the wine situation. Luckily, I am all covered on that front as well. :):rotfl2:

Stay safe and warm to all who are in the path of this storm.
If you're close I will. I'm in Leicester/Worcester/Auburn area.

She's close. You two should start PMing each other.

Not that close....other side of Worc, in Westborough!!!! My dh wouldn't know what to do if someone plowed our driveway!!! It's his fun thing to complain about!!!!


Who cares about the darn milk & bread?!!

I need to run to the grocery store after work tonight and stock up on SNACKS!

Snacks are key!!!

"state of emergency" declared in RI. we are closing at 2 30 today and closed tomorrow as well.
my awesome boyfriend is at the store picking up last minute items. he said its insane with lines at the door!
very excited for a snow day!!
My dd is down in Bristol, at RWU, right on the water. Fingers crossed (this is a first!!!) that she is closer to town at her boyfriend's apt for the next two days!!

We ran into coastal snow coming up from the Cape around 1:30, but nothing at home..until about 45 mins ago. The streets are getting covered. I was hoping to get out for dinner before it gets to bad...might have to eat early!!!

Stay safe everyone!!!! And warm.:beach:
TaxGuy and Goofy4Tink...I am nearby too....Charlton/ Sturbridge area. Did you notice that we are always in that band that gets the most snow? Think they are saying we could get 30 plus inches. But really...after a foot does it really matter?:rotfl2:
OK, I'm just going to say it. I have lived in New England all my life, and I still do not understand the "panic shopping" mindset of most people here.

Do people not have any food in their houses on a daily basis?

I don't go to the store every single day and buy my meals for that day only. Do they??

Come on, yes, we're getting a ton of snow, but it's only going to snow for ONE DAY! We'll be able to get out and drive at some point on Wednesday, so why the mad rush on the food stores and the emptying of shelves?

I just don't get it. I ponder this madness EVERY single storm... :confused3
Not that close....other side of Worc, in Westborough!!!! My dh wouldn't know what to do if someone plowed our driveway!!! It's his fun thing to complain about!!!!

TaxGuy and Goofy4Tink...I am nearby too....Charlton/ Sturbridge area. Did you notice that we are always in that band that gets the most snow? Think they are saying we could get 30 plus inches. But really...after a foot does it really matter?:rotfl2:

Westborough is too far for me to plow. Charlton isn't BUT its out of my way with my other accounts. Typically the Worcester "Hills" get more. Great.
OK, I'm just going to say it. I have lived in New England all my life, and I still do not understand the "panic shopping" mindset of most people here.

Do people not have any food in their houses on a daily basis?

I don't go to the store every single day and buy my meals for that day only. Do they??

Come on, yes, we're getting a ton of snow, but it's only going to snow for ONE DAY! We'll be able to get out and drive at some point on Wednesday, so why the mad rush on the food stores and the emptying of shelves?

I just don't get it. I ponder this madness EVERY single storm... :confused3

:confused3 Better to be prepared? As long as I have food and drinks to last a few days I'm fine, and we do. We are however out of milk (facepalm) and my wife asked if I could stop on the way home :rotfl:
Three boys mom...I don't think it is really panic per say. More like...we are all going to be home so let's make sure we have enough goodies to enjoy.

I do have to say though, a couple years ago we had a couple storms in a row that we lot power for like a week. The gas stations nearby couldn't pump gas and a couple grocery stores had very little to sell after losing power for so long. Guess they can't sell refrigerated or frozen items after a certain amount of time with no power. That was such a pain that now I do make sure I am prepared a bit more.

I think that happening showed us how truly unprepared we are as a country for disasters.

But I do will be business as usual in a day or two. :):)
We were not expected to get too much snow here in Niagara area of Ontario, Canada. Of course it's really hitting us now. We are waiting for replacement skids/shoes which had worn down on our tractor/snowblower attachment. These raise the blower up off the gravel to blow "snow" only away.

Dh was going to find a welding shop, and get them raised (Add metal). However, he found a place online that makes replacement ones. Problem is they are out there somewhere (no tracking), and it's highly unlikely we will see them in time to snowblow! Nor' Easters are our worst driveway dumpers.

So.. I guess HE'LL get quite the workout as our driveway is 150 ft long - 2 vehicles wide!!
Ah.. Country Living Is The Life For Us!! I'M nursing a knee ailment so no help from me.. sigh.

Whine over, stay safe all.
Three boys mom...I don't think it is really panic per say. More like...we are all going to be home so let's make sure we have enough goodies to enjoy.

Goodies, yes! I can agree with that! It's the milk & bread (and eggs) that are the first to fly off the shelves that has me shaking my head every storm, no matter how little or big. :confused3

Milk will be the first thing to go bad if you lose power, so why bother? lol

All I really need is a bag of Cheetos and a bottle of wine, and I can ride out any storm!
I'm with you threeboysmom! Who needs milk or bread when you have Cheetos and wine?;)


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