My Journal to Me - Comments welcome!

You did great today!!! keep up the good work!!!
Hi there,

Your food was did a great job!!!

Glad to hear that you are feeling better!!! You're right, today is a new day!

Keep up the great work! Have a wonderful weekend
Your food rocked yesterday! Way to incorporate all those fruits and veggies! :cool1:

You are really doing great with your water and exercise too. You will meet your goal in no time! :cheer2:
Thank you all for your wonderful words of encouragement. It really does help!
I am trying to read some of the other journals also. They are so inspirational and I have gotten some good ideas from them too.

Today is pretty lowkey so I can do a better job of keeping track of the nutritional info. When I try and get more protein, the fat and calories go up, and even when I am trying, I can't keep the carbs down. I guess Atkins will never be a good choice for me. "Just eat right and exercise" is my mantra!

The angel food cake is still calling my name, but so far I have resisted. I did put the last two macaroons into the freezer. They are just too good to throwaway ... I have managed to avoid the chocolate bunnies and eggs too!

8:45a: 2 eggs scrambled w/ .5T butter
1/2 slice whole wheat toast
12 oz skim milk
(Total Cal: 432, Fat: 22g, Carbs: 30 g, Fib: 1.5g, Protein: 29g)
12p:1/2 grapefruit
2 sticks each zucchini, cucumber, red pepper, celery
5 cherry tomatoes
6 oz fat free lemon yogurt
(Total Cal: 200, Fat: 1g, Carbs: 41g, Fiber: 4g, Protein: 3.5g)
3:30p: slice angelfood cake and 15 oz skim milk
(Total Cal: 324, Fat: .5g, Carbs: 55g, Fiber: 0, Protein: 21.5g)
5:45p: 1 cherry tomato, 1 stick cucumber, 2 sticks zucchini
(Total Cal: 8, Fat: 0g, Carb: 1.5g, Fiber: .5g, Protein: .5g)
boneless, skinless chicken breast baked in foil with pesto, peppers, zucchini,corn, olive tampenade, and a splash white wine
1/3c wheat pilaf
3/4c broccoli
15 oz skim milk
(Total Cal: 457, Fat: 14g, Carbs: 52g, Fiber: 3g, Protein: 31g)

Totals for the day:
Cal: 1421
Fat: 37.5g
Carbs: 179.5g
Fiber: 9.5g
Protein: 64.5g

128 oz ... :Pinkbounc never thought I could drink that much!

nothin' yet except putting away all the easter stuff :rotfl:

The angelfood cake won. I did read the label and it said 15 servings (!) I would have expected 8 - so I cut my slice in half.

I had no idea that eggs had so much fat in them, but I really don't like just egg whites and I felt like I needed more protein this morning.
Any suggestions for "low fat" morning protein? Peanutbutter is one of my other favorites, but it is also very high fat. Should just not worry about the fat in those items?

WOW!! I'm so jealous of your cruise - it will be here before you know it!

You're well on your way to that bikini!

Hope you have a great weekend!
Well, I am not going to even attempt to log my food today. Dear friends were married in Hawaii a couple of weeks ago. They had a reception back home today - drinks and pu pu's (hawaiian for appetizers). Suffice it to say I had a lot of coconut shrimp. :thumbsup2 The chicken satay was good too, and probably pretty healthy. Do the chocolate and macadamia nut covered banana slices count as a fruit? :rotfl2: At least I drank mostly water ( 1 glass of wine).

yea, lots!
15 oz skim milk

86 oz

??? does talking count?

Tomorrow will be better.
Hey, don't worry about it! There will be plenty of those splurge days in the future. The key is to not let the splurge turn into a week, then a month, etc.

Have you tried Egg Beaters? It is 60 calories and no fat for 1/2 cup, which is plenty filling. I live on them! Also, hard boiled egg whites are yummy. I also love cottage cheese. And yogurt. And there are some good protein shakes out there...

I don't know how you can choke down all that milk! :scared: :crazy2: Can you tell I'm not a milk fan?
lovinaz said:
Hey, don't worry about it! There will be plenty of those splurge days in the future. The key is to not let the splurge turn into a week, then a month, etc.

Thanks. I figure today is done. I'm still not hungry so I doubt I'll even have any dinner -- just more water and maybe a glass of milk! :rotfl2:

I don't know how you can choke down all that milk! :scared: :crazy2: Can you tell I'm not a milk fan?

This is a "restricted" milk regimem. :rotfl2: I am a HUGE milk fan. DH says I'm addicted 'cause I get really cranky if I go several days without milk. I could easily drink 1/2 gallon a day if I don't pay attention.

Have you tried Egg Beaters? It is 60 calories and no fat for 1/2 cup, which is plenty filling. I live on them! Also, hard boiled egg whites are yummy. I also love cottage cheese. And yogurt. And there are some good protein shakes out there...

I haven't tried eggbeaters. I'll give it a try. I do like hardboiled eggs and cottage cheese though. Yogurt is also good. Good ideas, Thanks!
Well today is definitely better foodwise. I have spent some more time on fitday and I think I am getting the hang of it now. I have been tracking my food intake today and input some recipes that I like. The angelfood cake has been calling me again and I did succumb :sad2: Since it was inevitabel, I figured it was better to fall in the early afternoon instead of 9 pm tonight - I know, bad rationale. :sad2: Exerercisewise, I am definitely a slacker right now. Need to come up with some "no excuse" options for next week.

8:30a: DD10's request: 1 slice whole wheat toast w/ fried egg in the middle, 2 strips bacon, 12 oz skim milk
12:15p: leftover chicken in foil, 1c broccoli
1:15p: last piece of angelfood cake, 12 oz skim milk
6:30p: beans & franks, tatertots (11), 24 oz skim milk
Totals for the day: Cal: 1791, Fat: 59g!, Carbs: 223g, Fiber: 19g, Protein: 100g

Water: 112 oz

Exercise: nothing unless I count 12 loads of laundry ...

ETA: Food took a dive at dinner time! Both qty and choices were not good. DH is out of town and so we had "kid food" for dinner. Usually I have some fruit, etc to go with this menu, but not today. After inputting it into Fitday, we (or at least I!) won't be having this menu again any time soon!

I am only going to count my weigh in's once a week even though I have been checking every morning. The scale has been my friend all week (179.5 this morning!), but I doubt it will be so forgiving tomorrow for my first REAL weigh in. ugh! :crazy:
Hi there,

Don't be too hard on yourself....Splurge days are going to happen....just move on. Today is a new day!!! You can start over.

You are doing great and your WI will go okay!!!

Have a wonderful day!
I do the same thing - I weigh myself every morning but only "officially" count what the scale says once a week. Your weigh-in might not be as bad as you think!

Don't you love FitDay? I used to use it faithfully, then when I started the quasi-BFL I stopped. But I occasionally check it out, just to make sure I am still OK and keeping my calories under control.

You are doing great with your water. I bet you'll get that exercise in this week! :banana:
Well the scale gods were kind this morning - 179! I lost 6 pounds - yea! :cheer2: I guess most of this is probably water weight since with all that water I have been drinking my system is now completely "flushed" (TMI - sorry!) I know I won't continue at this rate. I'll be happy with just a pound a week! :banana:

In assessing the last week, I think I was eating a lot more before than I was aware of! :scared1: Definitely the journaling has helped me be more aware of what I eat. I really like Fitday :banana: Even though I thought I wasn't eating a lot proportionally, I was clearly having too many calories and way too much fat! Also, I only exercised 3X so I know I need to step that up. I have drunk way more water than I ever thought possible, and I don't feel like I am going to float away surprisingly! :rotfl:

But most of all, the support I have recieved from all of you is invaluable! Thanks again! Now on to a new week!
I did great with water and exercise today and there was not a veggie or fruit to be found in my food! :sad2: and again way too many fat grams. I need to look up stuff on fitday, etc. BEFORE I eat it. :badpc: I had a decent breakfast, but then got busy with stuff and missed lunch. Grabbed a granola bar on the way out the door to get the kids and was absolutely starving by dinner time and over ate. I have a menu plan made out for the week (that did not include Pick up Stix for dinner!), but I didn't follow it very well today.

This is more typical of how I ate prior to starting this Journey except add in 3-4 more 12 oz glasses of skim milk and remove all the water and the exercise. I can see now that even though I thought I was eating ok, it really wasn't. Good Lesson for me.

8:15a - 1/2c frosted shredded wheat, 1/2c rice krispies, 1/2c skim milk; 12 oz skim milk
2pm - granola bar
6:30p - pick up stix: 1c orange peel chicken, 1c broccoli beef, 3/4c house special chowmein, 3 cream cheese wontons!
Daily Totals (excluding the wontons which I couldn't find info for, but I know it is not good!):
Cal: +1895, Fat: +60g, Carb: +250g, Fiber: 5+, Protein: +88g

Water: 108 oz

Exercise: 70 minutes walk with Jogger Stroller (3.8 miles? I forgot the GPS today.)
Wow....congrats on your loss...that is great. :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:

You are doing a great job!!!! Your food looks good....I try very hard to get veggies in, but I hate them!!! I really it is hard for me to do it!!!

Keep up the good are doing a fantasic job :)

Happy Tuesday
Today was better calorie wise and fat wise too, except for the hot dog. Lots of running errands,etc for DD's birthday tomorrow, but I brought a granola bar as a snack and plenty of water. DD will turn 12 tomorrow - where did the years go! I had planned on getting this really great walk in along the beach after my errands were done, but the weather turned cloudy, cold and windy and I knew DD2 would NOT be a happy camper in her stroller under those conditions. So, we went to Costco instead. I resisted all the little nibble stuff except for one teeny,tiny (seriously, I don't think it could be cut any smaller!) square of cinnamon roll. I could smell them on the other side of the store. Turns out, it didn't taste nearly as good as it smelled though. They did have the GoLean Crunch cereal that several of you like. I had some for a snack this afternoon. I really liked it - crunchy and sweet! :thumbsup2

I had the munchies all day. I had the last small piece of the giant Italian chocolate egg -- OMG, I don't know if it was so good because I haven't had chocolate or because it was european chocolate, but REALLY worth every calorie and fat gram! I succumbed to another munchie attack while making dinner and had a handful of baked pita chips. It's funny I haven't really had the munchies at all so far, but today, I definitely did. Of course, TOM showed up tonight so that could explain it.

I should go look for the exercise tape that I know is someplace downstairs, but I don't think that is going to happen. :sad2: I still need to bake DD's cupcakes (so I can get up at 6 am and frost them!). Also, DH called. He is coming home a day early from his business trip - He'll be home around 11pm tonight! He will be home for DD's birthday. :cheer2: Sshhhh ... the kids don't know! They will be so excited! :woohoo: However, it does mean I better get going and finish folding the "laundry mountain" in our bedroom! :rotfl2:

So here is today's info:
8a - 1/2 grapefruit
10a- granola bar
12:40p - 3/4 Costco hot dog w/ mustard, no bun
2:45p - tiny chocolate easter egg - YUM!
3p - 1/2 c GoLean Crunch cereal, 6 oz skim milk - very good!
5:30p - handful of baked pita chips
5:45p - breakfast for dinner: 1 scrambled egg, 3 stips bacon, 1/2 whole wheat toast buttered, 10 oz orange juice
Cal: 1194, Fat: 46g (20g from hot dog alone!), Carbs: 159g, Fiber: 15g, Protein: 49g.
Water: 112 oz :woohoo:
Exercise: None :sad2:

Thanks for your kind words, Jamie! I read your journal last night. You are a great inspiration! Thanks for visiting my journal!
Congratulations on losing 6 pounds!!!!! :Pinkbounc That is wonderful!! Keep up the good work! :cheer2:

That is great that your DH could come home a day early. :bday: to your DD! party:

Thank you for stopping by my journal with your words of support and encouragement! :goodvibes

Have a wonderful day today! :sunny:
Hi there!!!

Happy Birthday to you DD!!! I am sure the kids are going to be so excited to have Dad home for the party!!! That is great!!!

Your food yesterday was good....don't worry about the munchies....we all get them.....I have them it seems like every day!!! I am sure it was due to TOM coming!!!

You are doing a great job!! Thanks for posting in my made a comment that if I could do it, so could are sooooo right.....You are going to do this and I know it!!!

Keep it up and have a great day :)
You are doing awesome! You really recovered from your "not perfect" day by having a good one yesterday.

WHen I was using FitDay, I would plan out my day in advance, print the sheet out and check it off when I ate it. It helped a lot because I wasn't as tempted to overdo it since I didn't want to go revise the totals. If you are a good planner, it might work for you!

I'm glad DH will be home for DD's b-day! She will be so happy! :banana:
Thanks for all the kind words. OMG, my comment in your journal became my first tag!! I am so excited!!!! :banana: :banana: :banana: I really do mean it and now it there as a constant reminder for me! Thanks again tag fairy!

Good suggestion on Fitday. I'll try the check off method. Gotta cut this short because I can hear Teletubbies is about to start and I have to get the TV OFF before DD2 realizes it is on.

DD's were so excited this morning to see Daddy!
LOL at the Teletubbies comment!! I remember them well and couldn't believe my DD was so mezmerized by them :)

Great job on the 6 pound loss!!! Keep up the good work!!


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