My Journal to Me - Comments welcome!

Great job with the time on your walk! You are getting in better shape every day. You are going to look awesome for your Med cruise!

I hope DD starts feeling better. Does she have any other symptoms besides a fever?

I hear ya on the margaritas. Whenever I drink, I can always count on seeing an extra 2lbs on the scale the next morning. The good thing is that it usually goes away in a day or two.

Keep it up, you are doing great! :cheer2: :banana: :cool1: :yay:
Hi Anna!

Great job with the walk!! 5 miles in 75 minutes is awesome! Nice to see that everything came together for you on that day...just hoping that your DD gets well soon.

Keep up the great job!
So Mr. Scale (yes, it is a Mr. - don't know why, but it is!) was 175 this morning. That's good - now just don't go back up! I got another good walk in tonight, although definitely slower. At least I have exercised three days in a row. I am actually under for my calories today by quite a bit, but I'm not hungry and nothing sounds really interesting to eat. :confused3

8:15a: 1c GoLean Crunch, 12 oz skim milk
12:30p: 1c Chicken Tortilla soup, 6 cherry tomatoes
2:45p: Granola bar
6:15p: 1/2c leftover sauted onions, peppers, squash, green beans, sliced leftover steak from yesterday, but wi/o the pasta, feta or olives, 8 oz skim milk
Cal: 882, Fat: 20g, Carbs: 115g, Fiber: 18g, Protein: 72g

Water: 108 oz

Exercise: 60 minute walk

Thanks everyone! Yes, it definitely feels good when everything comes together!

DD2 is better today. She hasn't had a fever all day and the runny nose is gone too. Most importantly, she is not so cranky! I know it is her "job" as a 2 year old to build immunities, but it doesn't make it any easier. It seems recently that every cold has turned into an ear infection. After the last round, the pediatrician said if she gets one more he's sending her to the ENT doc. So I am happy that this one seems to have resolved itself.
I'm glad to hear DD is better. Even if she eventually has to get tubes (and hopefully she doesn't :wizard: ), it will be worth it. My DS10 had to get tubes in his ears when he was 14 months old. Every 2 weeks we'd be at the Dr for ear infections. It was awful! The only time he had an infection after that was if a tube got blocked, and that was maybe once or twice. He had them in until he was 5. DD6 has had maybe one or two ear infections her whole life. Isn't it amazing how different your own kids are?

You are doing great with your walking. Try to keep your calories over 1000 per day - your body won't like it if you go too low.

I'm glad the scale was cooperating. It'll go down next week! :cheer2:
Hi Anna~

I'm glad to hear that your DD is feeling better! :goodvibes

You are doing a great job with your walking! Keep up the good work! :cheer2:

Have a great day today! :sunny:
Great job on the walking! 5 miles is a long way to walk - I haven't done that many miles in ages.

Glad to hear your daughter is filling better. Its miserable when they don't feel well.

That chicken tortilla soup is making me hungry. I love it but don't fix it because dh won't eat it. He claims that its the name of the soup he doesn't like. I think I'll rename it spicy southestern chicken soup and see if that helps.
Don't think I am going to get my walk in today. I was "snack mom" for Toddler class so I couldn't walk to class, and I'm not done packing for Yosemite tomorrow so I don't think I will fit in a walk tonight either. But, I figure I will get a lot of exercise hiking at Yosemite this weekend. I borrowed a backpack carrier from a friend for DD. She is nearly 3 but only weighs 26 lbs.

I realized after I had put my lunch into fitday, that I would have "extra" calories available for dinner. :banana: so with my salad I had bread w/ olive oil & balsalmic vinegar :love: as a treat! I probably should have gone with a fruit smoothie, but I have really missed the oil & vinegar w/ bread.

9:30a: PB & jam on whole wheat toast
10:45a: 4 strawberries, 1/2 slice cheese, 4 Alpahbet cookies
12:30p: 1 3/4c split pea soup, 1/2 serving baked pita chips
3:00p: 2 graham crackers, 1c skim milk
6:00p: 1c Ceasar salad w/ 1/2c chicken, 1 serving bread w/ olive oil & balsalmic vinegar, 12 oz skim milk
Cal: 1309, Fat: 48g, Carbs: 146g, Fiber: 15g, Protein: 78g

Water: 74 oz

Exercise: none

Have a wonderful weekend everyone!

Thanks everyone for the encouragement with my walks and well wishes for DD2. DD12 never had any issues. DD10 had many sinus/ear/throat infections. Finally had her giant sized tonsils (they touched each other!) and adnoids out at 5, and it made a world of difference. I can see DD2 going the same route, at some point.

Amy, How were the tubes with swimming? That is my biggest concern since we are generally in the water multiple times a day during the summer. And yep, my bad on sub 1k cals. I actually am trying to stay around 1200 calories. Yesterday I wanted graham crackers and milk, but w/o the milk, nothing else sounded good. Got my graham crackers w/ milk today though! :)

Jane, the soup is yummy and really pretty healthy. DH and I really like it. The kids - not so much, but they will eat it. I have also recently discovered Amy's Kitchen organic soups also. There are several that are really tasty and also very healthy. I found them at Henry's, but Trader Joes or Whole Foods may carry them as well.
Hi Anna,

Have a great time in Yosemite! I'll bet it's beautiful there this time of year.

Take care and have a safe trip,
Wow, I am envious! I've never been to Yosemite. It is definitely on my list of places to see. Don't worry about the walks, I'm sure you will more than make up for it hiking, especially lugging a toddler around!

As for the tubes, I remember no underwater swimming was allowed. It's been a long time, but I don't remember having to use earplugs while swimming, as long as he didn't put his head under water (which he didn't at that age anyway).

Have a great trip!
Have fun on vacation. I've always wanted to go to Yosemite and could kick myself for not going when we lived out west. Enjoy your hiking and sightseeing! Sounds like a great combination for staying in shape. Wish I could go too! :teeth:
Hi Anna,

I am so glad that DD is feeling better. Nothing worse that going on vacation with a sick child!!!

You are doing a great job with your walking!!! Keep up the wonderful work!!!

Have a wonderful time at Yosemite.

Have a great weekend :)
Hey Anna - where are you??
Just checking in....hope all is ok w/ you and dd is feeling better.
How was Yosemite?

We had a fantastic time at Yosemite. The weather Saturday was perfect and we hiked to various waterfalls and vista's all day long. We even took a 40 minute hike early in the morning before breakfast! :cool1: By midmorning Sunday it started to rain, but that was ok too. We did a short hike and then some indoor things. Finally on our way out of the park we stopped one more time to do the short hike to Bridalveil Falls. At this one, the creek was actually flooding onto the path at the top. Most people were stopped where the water got to be more than 4 inches deep, but not us! Figured it was our last stop and we had dry clothes in the car. :rotfl2: All of the falls were fantastic and so full and powerful! Some or our hikes were easy and some were much more strenuous - nearly had a full scale family mutiny on our way up to Vernal Falls! DH carried DD2 in the backpack carrier most of the time :love: and I had the daypack with rain ponchos, water and snacks. I am going to claim a total of 5 hours of exercise for the weekend. It was a great weekend "workout"!

Long driving and hiking meant that I did not drink huge amounts of water, but enough to stay hydrated, generally 50-60 ozs. I crashed the mens room at one point Saturday since the line was ridiculous for the ladies and the men's was empty! I had DD2 in tow as my "cover", but really I was the one that just could not wait any longer in that line! :blush:

I feel like I made good food choices most of the weekend with the notable exception of the chocolate creme brulee I split with DH at dinner saturday night - Yum! On our drive home sunday night we stopped at a coffee shop type place for dinner. There were no good choices here. Everything was fried and/or sauced. The only "green" on the menu was the iceberg lettuce salad. I had that and baked ham with a little bit of mashed potatoes.

Finally got a pay off this morning for WI - 175.5 lbs - down 1.5 lbs. :thumbsup2

We got home late last night and then the rain arrived here and woke me around 3am so today I am super tired - no walk. Of course my shoes are still drying out too. :rotfl2: today was unpacking and lots of laundry. I didn't put everything into fitday today. I am having trouble getting back into the swing of things and went on a snack binge in the afternoon. I also had trouble remembering to drink my water. Frightening how quickly I can get out of the habit.

b: 1c GoLean Cereal w/ 24 oz skim milk
s: 1/3c trail mix
l: 6 oz FF yogurt, 1/2 serving baked pita chips
s: 4 mini chocolate chip cookies
s: 1c low carb trail mix
s: cocktail w/ DH
d: 1 turkey hot dog, 5 tatertots, 12 oz skim milk

Water: 64 oz

Exercise: none

Thanks everyone for the encouragement. I really appreciate it! I'll try and get to journals later tonight, but might need to get some more sleep first ....

Sounds like you had a wonderful time! Next year is our year off of big vacations, but I would like to take the kids somewhere like the Grand Canyon or Yosemite. They both love the outdoors, so I know they'd like either one.

You will get back on track, don't worry! Usually it takes a day or two to get back into a routine.

Congrats on the loss! :cool1: :banana: :cheer2: :yay:
Reasonably good day today. DD10 wanted to take apples today for her oral presentation on WA state. Of course, we only had 8 apples. So she decided to take "slices." Needless to say, they were already turning brown when she finished cutting them and would be downright nasty by 10 am. Off to the store we go at 7:30am to buy 29 apples! Next time, maybe she'll get her apple inspiration before the morning of! Thank goodness the whole state report thing is done now! We still have 4 more weeks of school, but this was the last "hard" project.

Had to do something with all the sliced apples though. Everyone had apples for snack and I made a waldorf salad with the rest.

10a: 1/2c FF cottage cheese, 8 apple slices :lmao:
12:30p: 1/2c chicken, 3 triscuits, 12 oz skim milk
3:30p: smoothie w/ strawberries, mango, pineapple & FF yogurt
5:30p: 4 celery sticks, 2 apple slices, 1/2 walnut
6:45p: grilled chicken breast, sliced tomato, 1.5c waldorf salad, 8 oz skim milk
Cal: 1314, Fat: 35g, Carbs: 142g, Fiber: 20g, Protein, 115g

Water: 80 oz

Exercise: none -- shoes were still damp this morning. So maybe it wasn't such a good idea to wade through all that water in Yosemite after all. :blush:
Since we are doing the transatlantic cruise next year, this is our "no big vacations" year. Yosemite is great with the kids! DH and I had not been since we were kids and we really wanted to show the girls the waterfalls. We got lucky and got a hotel cancellation about two weeks ago. Otherwise, reservations for hotels are booked 366 days in advance. Campsite reservations are 5 months in advance (I think). We stayed at the Yosemite Lodge at the base of Yosemite Falls and it was great: Centrally located, reasonably priced, clean spacious room. Curry Village is the other big accomadation inside the Valley. It looked to be kind of a zoo, though. If I were going in the summer, I think I would rather camp than stay there. In fact, I am thinking of trying to get a camp reservation for summer 2007. Not sure about how good it would be with our youngest though. She'll be too big for the backpack carrier, but not really big enough for hiking. The other tip is to bring/rent bicycles. There is a free shuttle service around the valley that works well, but gets very crowded. There are great bike paths all over. We watched many a bike pass our bus while stopped in traffic at the end of the day.

DH really wants to go to the Grand Canyon. He's never been and I haven't been since I was a kid. Don't think I will be able to work that into this summer, though, unless I can snag another last minute reservation/cancellation. :thumbsup2
:yay: The state project is done!!! :yay: I bet you and your DD are glad that that's done! :teeth: By the you have a couple of apples I can borrow? ;)

Have a wonderful week! :sunny: Keep up the good work! :cheer2:
Anna - sorry for not posting in a while! Sounds like an awesome time was had in Yosemite!! And congrats to DD on completing the big project! Maybe you should reward yourself with a few apples ;)

Have a good day!
Hi Anna,

Congrats on the loss of 1.5!!! That is great!!! :banana: :banana: :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc

Glad that everyone had a good time in Yosemite!!! A little water never hurt anyone...that is great that you just keep going!!!

Hope you are having a great day!

Keep up the good work :)
Wow, you still have 4 weeks of school left? My kids are out tomorrow. But of course they start on Aug 14...

How do you eat 1/2 walnut??? Nuts are in the same category as Cool Whip for me - no portion control, therefore should be avoided. I am so envious that you actually have some willpower! :worship: Could you please send some my way???

I guess I will have to talk to DH about next summer and make ressies if we want to go to Yosemite!
Congrats on the weightloss! Your vacation sounds wonderful. Exercise and a trip are a great combo. Glad to hear it was a success. I'd love to go hiking in the mountains again - nothing like experiencing a waterfall or wading in a rocky creek. Welcome back to the last month of school!

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