My Journal to Me - Comments welcome!

Sounds like you and the kids had a great, relaxing week last week. :thumbsup2 :cloud9:

Hope you have a safe and Happy 4th!:goodvibes
Thanks for stopping in Tracy! It really was a nice week and much needed after the constant running around we have been doing for the last couple of months.

Did ok but not great, until dinner time. The kids were "cooking" and I was stress eating peanuts:scared:

8a - 1c GoLean Crunch, 12 oz skim milk, slice watermelon
11a - 15 cherries
12:30p - salad: 2c lettuce, 1/4c cut up leftover steak, 1/2 tomato, 1T salsa; 6 dortitos
1:30p - 2 gummie candy, 1 saltwater taffy:sad2:
3p - string cheese, 1c grapes
6p - 1c peanuts:sad2:
6:45p - 1c wholewheat pasta, 1/4c marinara sauce, 4 little meatballs, 2c salad w/ 1/3 tomato & 1/2T dressing; 12oz skim milk

86 oz water - had the last 14 oz of water poured and realized at bedtime that the glass was still full - drat!

Exercise: 45 minute beach walk:cool1:

Hi Anna
Sounds like you had a nice week 'off'
Hope you get back on track - your getting there, so try not to stress ;)
Happy 4th July for tomorrow :)
Happy 4th of July Anna!!

Your food looks great! Can you come to my house? And at least you're getting some water in....the only water I've been seeing is when I take a shower!! :confused3

Have a great week & weekend...oh, and don't disappear so might fall to page 2!! :scared1:

Ran a bunch of errands and didn''t plan well, so my food was weird today.

7:30a - granola bar (on the way to DD11's swim practice)
10a - 1c GoLean Crunch, 12oz skim milk, 12 cherries
2p - another granola bar (on the way to DD13's swim practice)
6:30p - DH made breakfast burritos: tortilla, scrambled egg, 1/8c cut up potato, 1T cheddar cheese, tiny bit of sausage & too much bacon, salsa
8:30p - made kettle corn for Family movie night after DD4 went to bed (Harry Potter 4 getting ready for #5 next week!)

water: not so good 72 oz

exercise: 50 minute walk!!
I moaned a groaned when the summer swim schedule came out because one DD has practice in the morning and the other in the afternoon, but in fact, it is working out great. DD13's practice is 2hrs so I drop her off and come home or run errands. DD11's practice is 75 minutes - not enough time to go home, but perfect amount of time to get a work out in! Added bonus: I can leave DD4 home with DD13.

Happy 4th of July! Sorry I've been MIA too. Hope everyone is feeling well now.

Glad to here swim scedule is working out! I was able to get the same time for my dd's for lessons:thumbsup2

Thanks for all the really helps!
Hi Anna, I am glad everyone is feeling better and that dd is still four years old! When did you go to Disneyland last week? We might have been in line next to each other, who knows? Sounds like that swim schedule will be really good for you. Think of me when you walk on Moonlight Beach!
Thanks everyone for stopping by. I'm slowly trying to catch up on other journals. Hopefully I'll be caught up by the weekend.

Lots of eating yesterday, but only really bad at dinner. I did pass on all the chips and dips and cheese and crackers all afternoon. 3 cocktails were required to get through the day with IL's here.:upsidedow

b - 3 pancakes, 1T maple syrup
l - lots of peapods (no dip!!), 1 turkey hot dog on wholewheat bun w/ condiments & saurkraut, 1/2c coleslaw, watermelon slice, corn on the cob (no butter!), 1 small slice lemon raspberry cake
d - :sad2: LF beef hot dog on wholewheat w/ condiments & saurkraut, too many doritos, pineapple slices, rootbeer float

liquids: 12 oz skim milk, 60 (80?) oz water - lost track, 1 large mai tai, 2 large margaritas, 1 can rootbeer

exercise: none other than lots of kitchen prep & clean up for in-law day.

Not sure when/if I will get a walk in today. DD11 has a mini swim meet (only a couple of hours) this afternoon at an inland pool. It is supposed to be almost 100 degrees out there today! (Can I get in and swim with the kids?:rotfl2: ) As soon as we get home from that I have Bunco tonight. I can usually do ok at dinner for bunco, but end up blowing it on the table snacks afterward. My plan is to drink gallons of water and hopefully find some decent choices at Bunco so I don't over do with the table snacks.

Tracey - it was nice for all of us to have a week "off." It feels like we have been in overdrive for the past two months, getting ready for our trip, the trip itself, and trip recovery. Speaking of the trip, I'm hoping to get a trip report up in the next couple of weeks. It really was fabulous!

Marie - Your house sounds neat, clean and organized. I need you at my house!:) I bought one of those refillable bottles at Target. If I keep that filled up, I drink the water. Oh, and I definitely don't want to be page 2, so I'll try and not disappear again. If only the pounds would disappear ....:rotfl2:

Jaime - good to see you again! That is great DD's swim lessons are at the same time. When my oldest DD turned 13 she moved from the jr to the sr team so practice times are no longer nicely coordinated.

Amy - Glad your back! I thought of you at DL. We were there on Thursday. I think you were probably already on your way home though. We didn't ride Nemo either. No way was I waiting +2 hours for a glammed up sub ride. We'll try again in the fall before our passes expire. The good thing was we didn't have to wait more than 5-10 minutes for any other rides for the first two hours in the park. Everyone else was standing in line for Nemo:rotfl2: ! We/big girls rode Matterhorn, Dumbo, carousel, pinochio, Big Thunder Mountain, Pirates, Splash Mountain, and Jungle Cruise all by 10 am! Then we tried to do Space Mountain with FP's but it was shut down so we went to CA, had lunch. Big girls rode that nasty swinging thing in the orange while we waited for our FP time at Soarin'. Did Soarin' twice (love child swap!), Grizzly Rapids twice, played at Brother Bear, had a rootbeer float and headed back to DL. There we did Space Mountain, Buzz Lightyear, Space Mountain again (child swap) before grabbing a bite to eat and then Big Thunder again (FP), and Small World. We didn't stay for the fireworks though. We were able to get lots of rides in using a combination of FP's and child swap. DD4 even fell asleep for a short nap while the big girls were on space and buzz. It was a good day!
I'm glad the antibiotics are working - & hope the insurance thing works out. I HATE insurance companies!!!!!!!!

It's good you took a week to regroup. I'm sure you & kids all needed it. Traveling is exhausting!!:rolleyes1

Don't worry about the weight. I have the same problem, only want to be down almost twice what you do by the end of the month.

We CAN do this!!

Have fun at BUNCO & BEHAVE!!!!!
Quick post to keep me accountable:

b - 1c Honeynut Cheerios, 20 cherries
l- LF hotdog w/ bun & fixin's and saurkraut, 6 cherries
s#1 - 1.2oz almond pack
s#2 - 90 cal granola bar
s#3 - 1c watermelon
d - LF hot dog plain, 1/2c coleslaw, 6 bites DD11's chicken pot pie

80 oz water

no exercise

I had my dates mixed up so Bunco will be next week. Swim meet was good, but hot and longer than planned. DD11 and I ddn't get home until after 8pm and ate dinner around 8:30pm. I did bring snacks for the meet, but I was still starving when I got home. I really wanted to eat anything in sight, but finally left the kitchen to avoid a major binge.


Hi, Anna! I was just thinking about you and wondering how you are. I have been so out of touch here, but hope to catch up on reading journals this weekend.

I hope you have a fabulous weekend! :goodvibes
I'm not eating junk and I'm not eating excessivley (except for milk!), but iI need to get back into the habit of eating fruits and veggies. Exercise is finally starting to happen again, but I'm definitely not drinking enough water. The scale is stubbornly stuck on 162:sad2: I also need to stop the "nibbles". What was it Amy called them - BLT's? That is also playing into the scale. Goal for this next week is to drink, drink, drink water!

I'm not going to post the past few days, but here is today:
b - scrambled egg, wholewheat toast w/ .5T cherry spread, 12oz skim milk, 3 slices bacon :sad2:
l - 1/5c honeynut cheerios, 20oz skim milk
s - 4oz chocolate milk shake (made it for the kids, but I finished it off)
d - 4oz steak, 2/3c wholegrain rice w/ lentils mix, 1c brocolli, 24oz skim milk

Hi Anna
Breakfast sounds yummy!
Wow you managed to get lots of rides in one day!!!
You've got me back on WDW mode now!!
Hope you manage to avoid the nibbles ;)
Whats Bunco night????
Have a great week
Hi Anna,

That's great that you have been eating well and getting your exercise in! Add lots of water this week, and you will be all set to go!:thumbsup2

I hear ya about those BLT's.... I'm going to try and have some veggies and low fat dip on hand for when the BLT cravings strike.

Have a great Monday!:cool1:
Really wanted to have a good day today. Started off with a good breakfast even though I had to take DD13 to early morning swim practice (DH slept in). Then without even thinking about it I started munching on pringles at lunch time:mad: . I got so mad at myself I left the kitchen and ended up not eating anything else for lunch until midafternoon. I did get back on track for the rest of the day. My exercise time in the afternoon was pre-empted by the greater need of going to the grocery store. Didn't want to go, but DH has tomorrow off and I didn't want to waste having him home by going to the grocery store tomorrow.

6:30a - 1c GoLean Crunch, 12oz skim milk, plum
11:30a - serving pringles:sad2:
3:30p - 1/2 turkey wholewheat turkey sandwich, 15? cherries
6:30p - serving turkey kielbasa, 1/2c coleslaw, 1c peapods, 12oz skim milk
72oz water

Tracy & Tracey, thanks for coming by. I find myself unconsiously snacking. I really need to break this very bad habit. I'm not even sure where it came from? If I think about having a snack, I'll have something healthy, but if I am just wandering through the kitchen I'll munch on the kids' junk.

Bunco is a dice game usually played by a group of 12 women - 3 tables of 4. Mostly it is a monthly social evening though with the dice game just going on while we chit chat, but don't tell DH :)
Great job getting back on track yesterday!:thumbsup2

Aren't those deals at Staples wonderful?!?!?:woohoo: I can't wait till this weekend's ad comes out even though we are done shopping for school supplies. (By the way, we got spiral notebooks at Walmart last night for $.10/ each!:woohoo: )

Keep up the good work!:cheer2:
Anna, way to go getting back on track after the Pringles attack. Lord, I hate those things, they go down way too easily! You are getting back on track, don't know about you but I think it will be way easier to get back into a routine when school starts. Too many distractions with all the kiddies around. Just keep it up, you're doing well. And only three drinks with the inlaws is very impressive! Hope they were nice tall ones.

BLT's: Bites, Licks and Tastes! And old WW leader of mine used to call them that and it always stuck with me.

We were at DL on Thrusday, didn't leave until Saturday. We could have been next to each other who knows how many times! This was the 28th btw, was that the Thursday you were talking about?
Great job getting back on track:thumbsup2 ...not sure if I would have...I have so much trouble doing's so much easier saying I'll do it tommorrow:sad2:

Have a great week!
DH had a holiday yesterday which was nice. We/I took care of stuff around the house in the morning and then after lunch we all went to miniature golf. It was a lot of fun. DD4 kept trying to hit the ball with the edge of the putter aka croquet style. When that didn't work she flipped the club around and went with billiard style using the end of the club:rotfl2: .. Of course, we didn't have the camera with us. DD4 and I left after the one round of golf while DH and the older girls stayed to play bumper boats, laster tag, go carts and more golf :)
b- 1c Honeynut Cheerios, 12oz skim milk, 2/3c grapefruit
l - LF hotdog, wheat bun & fixin's, 1/2c baby carrots
s - 2 bites candy bar, small scoop light ice cream:sad2:
s - 1/4 canteloupe
d - grilled chicken, 1c brocolli, 1/2c rice, 12oz skim milk
4 f/v
water: 76oz

Jaime, it seems like tomorrow never comes right now. I've been slipping off track at least once every day. I'm trying to get through to the next meal withut slipping too badly.:scared1:

Amy, We were at DL together! Small world! You are right - Pringles are evil and yes, they were very tall drinks:upsidedow . I'm enjoying the slower pace of summer (and no homework!), but I do get thrown off of my plans.


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