More women on the Dis Unplugged?

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I think it would be appropriate to add a transgender, left handed, disabled, black woman, that don't speak english, and has a nervous tick. Lets not forget mental health issues, something politically correct like post traumatic stress disorder, oh she needs to be a veteran but not too patriotic, she needs to have some self deprecating humor. Lets not forget sexual preference. She should neither be gay nor straight but instead in love with a genderless mannequin with a symbol for a name that no one on the pod cast know how to pronounce.
Wow... talk about hitting the nail on the head bingo
Wow... talk about hitting the nail on the head bingo
No it doesn't, it suggests the OP is asking for something ridiculously sarcastic and outlandish.
We are asking that a demographic, that makes up more then 50% of THEIR company, THEIR moderators and 50% of THEIR fanbase show up more then an occasional Tuesday.
So explain how a comment that is flat out silly has ANYTHING to do with the other?!?
And I see Teresa Kathy and Julie on the show. So whats your point? How do u know that The weeks that the girls arent on they dont have prior engagements?
And I see Teresa Kathy and Julie on the show. So whats your point? How do u know that The weeks that the girls arent on they dont have prior engagements?

Several people have stated it quite eloquently, Craig explained that T & K SHARE one seat with multiple men and are automatically trumped by a guest, we are asking for some small tweaking so we see them (or other ladies more) If you don't get it, that's fine. :confused3 But its hardy as absurd as a request as you quoted.
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First of all I dont appreciate the insults.... you have your opinion I have mine no reason to get nasty.... i like the lineup exactly how it is and u dont. Agree to disagree
First of all I dont appreciate the insults.... you have your opinion I have mine no reason to get nasty.... i like the lineup exactly how it is and u dont. Agree to disagree

It was edited so I didn’t get to see it but insults for having a different opinion on this is nuts. Forced diversity is a horrible idea, this is Pete’s brand and he chooses the people he wants.
No I didn't insult him :) I pointed out that he was referring to three highly successful women who are also mothers and senior cast memebers as "the girls" and suggested he might not get the point of this thread. However, since it can be an unintended slip of the tongue, I removed that point to take a softer tone and give him the benefit of the doubt. If he was offended, I apologize
Again as I said and you said, a different opinion is fine but he was complimenting a quote that suggested this thread was equivalent to a absurd request above that even the poster who original made it has since stated he was being silly.
and there is zero sexism here I have a beautiful 8 year old girl who I want to be president if she wants to lol... I just want the best people on that podcast week after week man or woman.... I think they have it presently.... I do miss Dustin though :(
Several people have stated it quite eloquently, Craig explained that T & K SHARE one seat with multiple men and are automatically trumped by a guest, we are asking for some small tweaking so we see them (or other ladies more) If you don't get it, that's fine. :confused3 But its hardy as absurd as a request as you quoted.
Still, this comes down to a space issue and small tweaking is easier said than done. There has been times where both Teresa and Kathy have been invited on and they can't make it because they have lives outside the podcast or illness or just any prior engagement, so it's not like it's always strictly about the rotation. Charles and Steve are both staff writers and a lot of times Pete caters the news or discussion topics around articles they write and wants them as part of the show because they are the experts on the topic being discussed and when Pete says he wants someone on, they are on the show. Pete and I have discussed ideas on how to branch out and add more voices to other shows in the future, but there is only so much we can do for the WDW Edition unless some people start quitting.
Right. I think we are on the same page Craig. My post you quoted was explaining my point was based on desire just to see the ladies a little more across in the content, nothing extreme like was joked about.
Is it logistically feasible? Maybe not and that's completely understandable. But if it's okay with you, we will still keep rooting for them.
Thank you for sharing additional insights.
Right. I think we are on the same page Craig. My post you quoted was explaining my point was based on desire just to see the ladies a little more across in the content, nothing extreme like was joked about.
Is it logistically feasible? Maybe not and that's completely understandable. But if it's okay with you, we will still keep rooting for them.
Thank you for sharing additional insights.
Perhaps the request/desire, etc should be voiced then as "hey if X is available we'd love to have them, if not that's ok we understand" along with "hey maybe Y could let us know if they have recently been to restaurant Z and how it went".
Thanks but I have shared enough and don't want to monopolize the conversation.
I am quite happy to step back for now and just continue to read the various opinions.
I just can't fathom the thinking that we should have any say in how this private group of people putting out a free podcast (or more like 5 free podcasts) should do their job, much less the type of people that they should be hiring.
I just can't fathom the thinking that we should have any say in how this private group of people putting out a free podcast (or more like 5 free podcasts) should do their job, much less the type of people that they should be hiring.
I agree thus the way I worded my comment--a request/inquiry rather than a demand and not in a way as to require X be represented.
Thanks but I have shared enough and don't want to monopolize the conversation.
I am quite happy to step back for now and just continue to read the various opinions.
Never @disneyland_is_magic - you've been respectful and articulate in expressing yourself, and I love reading your thoughtful posts, even when I don't agree. They make me think about things, and in a way, I would never do on my own. That's my whole reason for coming here/loving this place to begin with! So - opine on, my friend!! :)
Oh trust me my friend, my respect and love for you could easily derail this thread, heck it could derail the entire forum if I commented every time you showed your grace and thoughtfulness.

You and me, we need to get to the next meet so I can give you a big hug. :wave2:
Oh trust me my friend, my respect and love for you could easily derail this thread, heck it could derail the entire forum if I commented every time you showed your grace and thoughtfulness.

You and me, we need to get to the next meet so I can give you a big hug. :wave2:

@disneyland_is_magic Your post just made my day, week, month, year. What I give out to others I get back a zillion times over, as your reaction shows clearly. And I may or may not, have a salty discharge from my eye holes right now. :blush:

I't's one of my fondest dreams to personally met (and hug) fellow posters, and members of the Team someday!! Men and women (to keep convo on track) :) I've posted before how, back in the day, I was on volunteer staff of several different Disney sites, and we used to have what we thought at the time were big get togethers (we called them Gatherings) in WDW just about every year for a long time. I LOVED them, and "putting faces to names", and even coordinated one, a Herculean effort, since it was a week-long schedule of different events. Of course our measly attendance of over 100 was unheard of at the time (90's), but doesn't even COMPARE to the DISBoards meets!! :)
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