Marie's New Years Resolution~in July

Hey guys!
Wednesday has come and gone, and I survived it!! barely!
Work was a PITA....some things/people never change.
DH & I had a MAJOR meeting of the minds with DS. He's not doing the homework...AGAIN!!! I talked to his math teacher today....and plan on talking to the rest of his teachers tomorrow. Needless to say....DS is not a happy camper tonight. oh well!!

So, my food has sucked for the past few months, and excersize has been what? Time to re-evaluate the situation! I'll let you know what the future holds.

Talk to ya soon!
Hey guys....I went shopping tonight...and I'm ALMOST finished!!!:woohoo:
Actually, I'm considering something for my DD....let me know what you think.

I thought it was kinda neat...:confused3
Other than that, it's pretty much a Hannah Montana Christmas for DD! is good, food sucks and excersize is still missing in action!

Have a great evening!
Hey girl. :hug: That knitting machine looks cool! I say go for it. :thumbsup2

I think we need a challenge for the new year. Whaddya say? :confused3 I won't be working out until mid-Jan, but I can certainly start eating better. :rolleyes1

Once you're done with your Christmas preparations, please come here and help me!!
The knitting machine is cool! I always wanted one. Actually, even as an adult I wanted one of those big ones. I havent thought about that in a while. I think I will google it!

You could get her those big plastic knitting needles for her too. You use really thick yarn and its really easy. ( I used as a kid)


Hey, Marie! Glad to see you guys are getting settled back in! :hug:

The knitting machine is neat. My grandma actually bought herself one last year :confused3 I think she was jealous because I taught myself to knit and she didn't know how to :rolleyes1 Anyway, it is pretty cool! I think your DD will enjoy it.

on the food and exercise front... I may not be a good influence at this point. I have decided to just try not to gain between now and Jan. 1st. I will pick back up then. There is just too much going on right now and too many Yummy snacks tempting me :sad2: So, at any rate, try not to be too hard on yourself during the holidays! You guys moved on top of everything else, so just take it day by day and do what you can:santa:

Take care and have a happy holiday season!!
HI Marie. Just checking in. I think the knitting machine looks cool! I know everyone is so busy this time of year!!!

Have a good one!
Hey Marie,

I am up for thaqt challenge. My food choices have been dismal.

The knitting machine looks cool. I thought about it for my dd, but decided on a sewing machine instead.

Take care,
Hi Marie,

Welcome Home! I'm glad that you and your family made it back safely. :grouphug: It sounds like things have been busy for you.:hug:

I hear you about the Hannah Montana Christmas...... We're having a Hannah Montana/High School Musical Christmas here. :cheer2: My DD7 got to be in the HSM pep rally at MGM last week and she had a blast!:banana:

Hope everything settles down for you soon. Have a great Tuesday!:hug:
hey guys~hope everyone is doing good!
things here are, work, work, pay bills, shop, eat, eat, eat, oh....and sleep every now and then. last night was rough....i sat down and paid some sucked BAD!! ya'll would not believe how much money we went through during this move!! :scared1: :eek: it's gonna take some time, but we will overcome!! (i'm just gonna have to start taking a sleeping pill!!) i ordered the knitting should be delivered tomorrow...i'm gonna play with it first. :thumbsup2 other than that...I'm done shopping!! If it hasn't been purchased, it's not gonna be purchased!! now if i could get someone to come wrap the stuff, then we'd be doing really good!!

work has been ok...learning a new job is always stressful. i'm not worried about it right's stuff i've done before, just at different places, and quite some time ago. what else is going on?.....tomorrow is our christmas luncheon at's being that should be nice....then friday we are doing our "candle exchange"...yeah...they chose candles this year because one of the women didn't put up a tree....whatever.:confused3
Then next Thursday my family will start arriving. there will be 14 of us total, having christmas at my house. :thumbsup2 :headache: :woohoo: :sad2:

my head is hurting tonight....lack of sleep....i'll check in with ya'll later in the week....and i'll also try to get to everyone's journals....sorry i've been slacking lately.

:laundy: marie
Hey Marie,

I hope your head is feeling a bit better tonight. Lack of sleep can give me a doozy of a migraine.

Moving is incredibly expensive. You will get everything straightened out soon.

I'd love to come wrap your presents or you. I wish I was closer.

Get some rest.
Hey girl. In case I don't get here again....


Love ya!!:santa:
ok, so I got to stop by again.

MERRY CHRISTMAS! (I toned it down a bit this time ;) )


(miss ya too)
Hey guys....I'm stressing out here!!:headache: :scared:
My WHOLE family is in town right now! I do pretty good when it's one group at a time...but the whole gang gets my nerves in a tizzy! There's 14 of us total, and making plans is a total CLUSTER****!! Yesterday we were supposed to go downtown, but wound up at the they want to go to the resale stores and the antique shops, then come back do our christmas exchange and then have me do family pictures!! It's really no problem to do all that, but getting 14 people organized....hell, it's not just getting 14 people's getting THESE 14 people organized!! No one can agree on anything!! It really drives me nuts!!

Pictures are going to be interesting. Yesterday was my dad's b-day....we got him a cake and had all the grandkids gather around him for a picture. One of the girls didn't want to get in the picture, then stood there and made faces the whole time. I finally told her if she couldn't smile, then to get out of the shot. Well, her mother (Sis#2) snapped at me for talking to her "precious" child that way and I said..."maybe if she would realize that this picture isn't about her and stop being a PITA, I wouldn't have to talk to her that way, but every shot I've taken, she's making a stupid face." Sis#2 told her daughter to knock it off. i should be interesting.

Sisters will be gone on Sunday, and mom & dad won't leave until least I'll get a little quiet time w/ mom & dad.

Ok....have a happy, safe new year ya'll! Nothing going on here....gonna stay home and take down decorations.

Ok girl, I get tired just reading your post! I feel for you!

How was christmas? Was the knitting machine a hit? Bet it was. I am glad its over, quite frankly, I was grinchy this year.

Have a happy new year!party:

where's the RUM???? :confused3 Sounds like you need it, girl. Hang in there and enjoy the time with your parents. :hug:
Hey Marie! Hope your stress level has gone down some! :goodvibes

Did you have a good Christmas?

Hope you have something nice planned for tonight, even if it's just staying home and chilling!



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