Life’s too never sleep in a treehouse! 8/27 TR is up! Link in siggie

Okay, my dear. I just spent the past half hour catching up on your ptr, here. You write so well (and so much ;)) that I wanted a good block of time to really take in what you were saying. Here are my thoughts in no particular order.

Good for you! Life is too short not to do a lot of things!

I hope Doug's health continues to mend, and the financial burden is not too great. :hug:

I commend you for willingly orchestrating something with so many people. I know they're your family, but my head swims when I plan our trips with 6/7. I can't imagine 9 or 10!!!! :scared1:

I'm happy that you're at the Yacht Club. I know it's not what you initially wanted, but it's a very lovely deluxe resort. If you have any questions, or want some pics, I do have some from my December trip, so just let me know. :thumbsup2
Wow!! So much has happened since I checked in last. Hmm...I wonder why things are booking up so fast. We are considering April or June next year and haven't even begun looking at options. I guess I need to get busy.:rolleyes1

Yay!! for the Yacht Club!! It looks like a beautiful resort and it has SAB, which is a wonderful bonus!!

I hope everything works out and you are able to put your deposit down(which is always a great feeling and makes things feel so official) by the end of the week like you hope.:goodvibes
I've done a courtesy hold before, you only get it held for so many days though, right? I think that is how it works.

Hopefully you will hear from everyone ASAP so things are a little more concrete...well at least for now. ;)

I believe it is 7 days. I hope it is 7. However I think I should get confirmation if not today, then tomorrow, from Sandie. Right now it appears all systems are go though so if push comes to shove (i.e. it expires tomorrow) methinks I'll bite the bullet.

Okay, my dear. I just spent the past half hour catching up on your ptr, here. You write so well (and so much ;)) that I wanted a good block of time to really take in what you were saying. Here are my thoughts in no particular order.

Good for you! Life is too short not to do a lot of things!

I hope Doug's health continues to mend, and the financial burden is not too great. :hug:

I commend you for willingly orchestrating something with so many people. I know they're your family, but my head swims when I plan our trips with 6/7. I can't imagine 9 or 10!!!! :scared1:

I'm happy that you're at the Yacht Club. I know it's not what you initially wanted, but it's a very lovely deluxe resort. If you have any questions, or want some pics, I do have some from my December trip, so just let me know. :thumbsup2


Is that a nice way of saying that I go on and on and on? Some people have diarrhea of the mouth. Jeff says I have it of the hands. He makes fun of me all the time as I am tapping away on my keyboard. I type rather loudly. I've had coworkers call me out on it as in the passion of a long email, it is rather annoying. Or funny. Depends on who you are talking to I guess.

Last night...composing a long response to Sandie. Hey! The woman had QUESTIONS, good ones!


"click click click, tap tap tap"

that's his code for JEESH you are loud and are you typing a novel?

"just responding to your mother babe"

I am nothing if not thorough.

I am completely, utterly, totally cool with YC. Not what I'd planned or envisioned. But I like what I see! And you know what is wierd? Despite the fact that I will definitely need to buy Jeff earplugs so that I can sleep, in some ways it is better sleeping for all from a bed standpoint. At THV Doug and Taylor would have had to share, now they get their own beds. The balcony resolves my morning coffee space issue beautifully!

And really, can't you picture it? Matching navy and yellow tye dye tank top sundresses/swimsuit cover ups for SAB. Like the way I'm expanding your offerings?


Wow!! So much has happened since I checked in last. Hmm...I wonder why things are booking up so fast. We are considering April or June next year and haven't even begun looking at options. I guess I need to get busy.:rolleyes1

Yay!! for the Yacht Club!! It looks like a beautiful resort and it has SAB, which is a wonderful bonus!!

I hope everything works out and you are able to put your deposit down(which is always a great feeling and makes things feel so official) by the end of the week like you hope.:goodvibes

Unless you are going during spring break, or after school gets out, you are probably ok. I think the combo of FD assumptions, HP and the last week before many start school created a maelstrom. And who knows if all the rooms are really released. We know DVC ones are not.

I just hope that it being that full doesn't cause Disney to NOT offer FD. It has been announced for 2010 for the UK which is an indicator so I'm not going to let myself think otherwise. Sadly, that would be a deal killer.
FD has also been announced for bounceback offers for late August-September of next year, which is also making me hopeful, because like you, it's a deal-breaker for me; I can't afford to pay to eat at Disney.

Shame about the treehouse, maybe for your next trip? They do look like fun.......but oooooooo, Beaches &Cream. I've never been (outside of the Contemporary for Chef Mickey's and the Poly for 'Ohana, I've never been to any of the WDW hotels) but MAN does it sound good! It's certainly on my list!!

Is that a nice way of saying that I go on and on and on? Some people have diarrhea of the mouth. Jeff says I have it of the hands. He makes fun of me all the time as I am tapping away on my keyboard. I type rather loudly. I've had coworkers call me out on it as in the passion of a long email, it is rather annoying. Or funny. Depends on who you are talking to I guess.

Last night...composing a long response to Sandie. Hey! The woman had QUESTIONS, good ones!


"click click click, tap tap tap"

that's his code for JEESH you are loud and are you typing a novel?

"just responding to your mother babe"

I am nothing if not thorough.


Have you SEEN my 100+ page pre trip report? 'Nuff said. :goodvibes

I'm the same way. My typing is rapid, and my DH totally makes fun of me. Actually, I feel quite a comraderie with you. My convoluted point is that I enjoy what you write, and want to take time to savor it. I've just been so busy with my upcoming trip, I hadn't had "savoring" time. This monring, I seized it while DS was otherwise occupied with a Magic School Bus DVD. We get them from the library, he just loves them. Anyway...who's running on now? :lmao:

I am completely, utterly, totally cool with YC. Not what I'd planned or envisioned. But I like what I see! And you know what is wierd? Despite the fact that I will definitely need to buy Jeff earplugs so that I can sleep, in some ways it is better sleeping for all from a bed standpoint. At THV Doug and Taylor would have had to share, now they get their own beds. The balcony resolves my morning coffee space issue beautifully!

And really, can't you picture it? Matching navy and yellow tye dye tank top sundresses/swimsuit cover ups for SAB. Like the way I'm expanding your offerings?


It's nice to know that you'll be more comfortable there! I found the room to be very comfortable. It was Mom, Nana, DS, and I. DS and I took one bed, Nana took the sofa/bed, and Mom another bed. Everyone was quite pleased, and slept pretty well.

Well, except me when I got kicked by DS. But I'm a kicker, too, so it's all good. I shudder to think of us cramming into the small beds at Pop on this trip. It's a good thing he's a snuggler!

And yes, you are expanding my offerings! I love it! ;)
FD has also been announced for bounceback offers for late August-September of next year, which is also making me hopeful, because like you, it's a deal-breaker for me; I can't afford to pay to eat at Disney.

Shame about the treehouse, maybe for your next trip? They do look like fun.......but oooooooo, Beaches &Cream. I've never been (outside of the Contemporary for Chef Mickey's and the Poly for 'Ohana, I've never been to any of the WDW hotels) but MAN does it sound good! It's certainly on my list!!

Ah..BB's lightbulb moment. I didn't realize that FD had been announced for the BB's. VERY encouraging!!


Have you SEEN my 100+ page pre trip report? 'Nuff said. :goodvibes

I'm the same way. My typing is rapid, and my DH totally makes fun of me. Actually, I feel quite a comraderie with you. My convoluted point is that I enjoy what you write, and want to take time to savor it. I've just been so busy with my upcoming trip, I hadn't had "savoring" time. This monring, I seized it while DS was otherwise occupied with a Magic School Bus DVD. We get them from the library, he just loves them. Anyway...who's running on now? :lmao:

Awww....I feel exactly the same!

It's nice to know that you'll be more comfortable there! I found the room to be very comfortable. It was Mom, Nana, DS, and I. DS and I took one bed, Nana took the sofa/bed, and Mom another bed. Everyone was quite pleased, and slept pretty well.

Well, except me when I got kicked by DS. But I'm a kicker, too, so it's all good. I shudder to think of us cramming into the small beds at Pop on this trip. It's a good thing he's a snuggler!

And yes, you are expanding my offerings! I love it! ;)

I am not a kicker but the 3 younger kids are wrigglers and floppers. Nightmare! Kendall was horrid to sleep with, kept snuggling and flopping her arm over me and the bed was too small to go anwhere! She was dead weight man! T may be a bit big for that sofa/day bed but I figure it beats sharing a bed with Doug.:rotfl:
Awww....I feel exactly the same!


I am not a kicker but the 3 younger kids are wrigglers and floppers. Nightmare! Kendall was horrid to sleep with, kept snuggling and flopping her arm over me and the bed was too small to go anwhere! She was dead weight man! T may be a bit big for that sofa/day bed but I figure it beats sharing a bed with Doug.:rotfl:

Ugh. Normally I am all about unity, learning to share.

But not while I'm trying to sleep, people. :lmao:
Yippee for the YC!! I do believe you'll love it there, and the amenities at both YC and BC are the same, so you'll get all of the benefits that they both have to offer. BC is closer to the International Gateway into Epcot, but YC is closer to the boat launch and DHS. And of course, there's the wonderful SAB.:cloud9: Please have a No Way Jose for me at Beaches n Cream. We never made it in.:sad2:
Ugh. Normally I am all about unity, learning to share.

But not while I'm trying to sleep, people. :lmao:


Yippee for the YC!! I do believe you'll love it there, and the amenities at both YC and BC are the same, so you'll get all of the benefits that they both have to offer. BC is closer to the International Gateway into Epcot, but YC is closer to the boat launch and DHS. And of course, there's the wonderful SAB.:cloud9: Please have a No Way Jose for me at Beaches n Cream. We never made it in.:sad2:


If TK can have a Yak Attack for me, I can have a No Way Jose for you.

What exactly is it I am agreeing to? Do I eat it? Or drink it?

I'm here and subbing on...

now I have to go back and read...:wave2:


thrilled to have you here!
You eat it! Its a chocolate and peanut butter sundae, so I'm hoping there aren't any peanut allergies! I'm sure a kid or two would help you eat it if you asked.;)
You eat it! Its a chocolate and peanut butter sundae, so I'm hoping there aren't any peanut allergies! I'm sure a kid or two would help you eat it if you asked.;)

Npe! Not a one. Probably not what I'd pick although I'll enjoy it just fine. However I can think of 3 people that might order it on their own accord so I'll keep you posted.

Then again I can just see them wanting to get the kitchen sink. YIKES!

Do you know if the counter service is available to use as DDP snack credits?

Ah..BB's lightbulb moment. I didn't realize that FD had been announced for the BB's. VERY encouraging!!

Indeed! The bounceback dates are 8/15/10-9/30/10 (it feels so weird to write dates that don't start with zero!!)

If you combine this information with what you mentioned about it being offered for 2010 for the UK, I'd say our chances have just jumped to VERY good!!

All this talk of Free Dining is making me hungry.........and oh look! It's dinner time! How convenient!! :laughing:
Fall starts tomorrow although you wouldn't know it by the temperatures here. In the spirit of that, and the fact that somehow Jeff has figured out a way to have the Disney trip speed up his BFP of a seaplane, I thought I'd share some of our pictures from our last summer "hurrah"...flying to Roche Harbour, on San Juan Island which is in the San Juan Islands.

This was also one of those moments that inspired this PTR. I'd found out that morning that something I was interviewing for, that I DIDN'T REALLY WANT, AT ALL, I didn't get. And I obsessed about it a bit, let it bring me down. Dwelled.

Is dwelled a real word? Boy does that sound like poor grammar. Dwelt implies I actually lived there. Like she dwelt in the forest. Hmmn. Really need a better word here.

Talk about off tangent!

Jeff pulling the plane out of it's "parking spot, almost ready to go!


Yes, the plane really IS small. The one he is building will be a similar size, though very very different.

Mt. Baker



Destination, San Juan Islands!


The ferry that runs through the islands and up to Victoria BC. This is for you PracPerfPatricia!

The main town. I have been here several times, and even flew in once though Jeff wasn't the pilot. Never to the other side of the island.

Destination in sight

And another of Mt. Baker. I got really carried away, it was pretty ridiculous.

The airstrip

parking the plane

This was actually hysterical to me. You park the plane on the grass, walk over to a pay box and deposit your parking fee in a little envelope, just like you would for a car. As we are paying an older couple and their little yippy lap dog was walking towards us. A small amount of plane chat happened and they gave us directions as to where to go eat, what the 3 options were since we didn't have a clue having never been there before. It is a short walk but not terribly obvious. Of course they HAD to drop the fact that they "kept" their boat there. According to Jeff they had a rather nice plane (heck they are all nice to me, I don't have a clue but suffice to say that theirs wasn't a kit like ours will be) so he found it unnecessarily pretentious and I"m like flew in, for lunch, in a small plane. Clearly they think we are one of them.


It was pretty funny.

The chapel.
I would love it if my little sis would have her wedding here but it's out of the budget.

Ok it's not a deluxe resort, but isn't it cute?

The marina, where we will land the seaplane someday. That adorable church is the back

This is the three sisters (I think!), the hike pictures from the beginning of my PTR is from near here

If you squint really hard you can see Mt Ranier. This is for you Sandy321
It was a bit hazy. It was actually INCREDIBLE this morning at sunrise, I can see it from my bedroom window. But too far away for any decent pictures.

Next It's 11 months away. What do you mean the rooms are gone?
Indeed! The bounceback dates are 8/15/10-9/30/10 (it feels so weird to write dates that don't start with zero!!)

If you combine this information with what you mentioned about it being offered for 2010 for the UK, I'd say our chances have just jumped to VERY good!!

All this talk of Free Dining is making me hungry.........and oh look! It's dinner time! How convenient!! :laughing:

Oh that is great info if I need to move my dates at all! Whoo hooo! From your mouth to the mouse's ears.

I'm hungry too!

The last I knew you could get a cone from the to go window with a snack credit.:thumbsup2

Be still my heart. I think we have a perfect first day in the making. With the room change and SAB I can't see getting the gang to a park on day 1. It'll be an option but...I'm ok with it.

Lunch at Hurricane Hannahs....Beaches and Cream Ice Cream cones for snack.

Ahhhh A perfect afternoon.
The last I knew you could get a cone from the to go window with a snack credit.:thumbsup2

um DONT DO IT!! :rotfl2: You only have a choice of 4 flavors at B&C walk up - instead do me the honor of going into Beach Club, into the market place and ask for a taste of their GELATO!! :faint: This stuff is INSANE it is so good!! YOU have to believe me! and you have at least 8 - 12 flavors (I forget, I know its a lot) some are sherbet flavors, some are like butter pecan, creme brulee, OMG - it is so GOOD - and the LARGE is a Dining Plan Snack Credit! :thumbsup2

I wondered where Mt Ranier was!! :wizard:

what a gorgeous getaway!
um DONT DO IT!! :rotfl2: You only have a choice of 4 flavors at B&C walk up - instead do me the honor of going into Beach Club, into the market place and ask for a taste of their GELATO!! :faint: This stuff is INSANE it is so good!! YOU have to believe me! and you have at least 8 - 12 flavors (I forget, I know its a lot) some are sherbet flavors, some are like butter pecan, creme brulee, OMG - it is so GOOD - and the LARGE is a Dining Plan Snack Credit! :thumbsup2

I wondered where Mt Ranier was!! :wizard:

what a gorgeous getaway!

Ok, just so I am clear. The gelato is at the marketplace, not at B&C?

Can't I have BOTH?


I am slightly concerned though that your husband climbed a mountain and you don't know where it is.
LOVE the shots of my home stomping grounds. My hubby is a hobby mountaineer, and has climbed most of those peaks. The only one he hasn't "conquered" is the sisters because his climbing partners were ill-equipped dopeheads. Ah well.
Loving the pictures!!! FFIL used to fly planes. He sold his a few years ago when he just couldn't afford the maintenance cost anymore.

Ok, just so I am clear. The gelato is at the marketplace, not at B&C?

Can't I have BOTH?


I am slightly concerned though that your husband climbed a mountain and you don't know where it is.

I haven't tried the gelato yet, but um yea...why can't you have both:rotfl: My kinda thinking!!:thumbsup2


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