Laurie's Quest Continues....two more marathons in one year!!

Hi Laurie,

I'm glad to hear that you are feeling better. :goodvibes There are so many viruses going around right now, that some of our local schools have been closed due to illness. :eek: Of course this morning, they are closed due to ice on the roads, but that's a different story. ;)

You sound like you have a fun weekend ahead of you! :cool1: Have a great time at the scrapbook event!:goodvibes
Well, here it is Super Bowl Sunday and I am sitting home not feeling very well. I thought I was feeling better the last couple of days, I even went out for my run this morning, but this afternoon, I started to feel worse. So, I am home watching my beloved GIANTS play!! GO GIANTS!!!!

This morning, I was able to get out for a great 10 miler. I felt great at the time. I used the run 3 walk 2 approach for the whole run, and average just over 11 min/mile. I was very happy with my run. I probably could have run the whole way, but I am trying to ease my way back into my marathon training so I don't get burned out!

Linda-Thanks for stopping by! Just when I thougth I was feeling better, I feel worse...I can't win!

Tracy--Thanks for stopping by! I had a great time yesterday at my scrapbook crop! I can't wait for the next one.

I will try to catch up on everyone's journals tomorrow, but I need to go rest! I can't really stay home sick tomorrow either, so I need to get to bed soon!
I don't post over here very much but I just wanted to pop in and say HI and it was really cool to meet you at Marathon. That pic of you guys from parade was really cool. I see from the posts that I read that we have 2 things in common:



:cool1: GO GIANTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!:cool1:

Even if we cheer for different college teams I guess with NFL we agree! :)

Good job on the run!!
No training for me today, rest day!! Although, I am not feeling well at all still. I need to rest!

Angie--Thanks for stopping by!! GO GIANTS!! How awesome was that game last night....simply amazing!!!! There will be a big parade here tomorrow in NYC and then a celebration at the stadium...too bad I have to work tomorrow or else i would be there.

It was cool meeting you at the marathon...your boys were so cute! I still laugh when I think about the whole shoe incident with your DS! I think it is so funny that he wore your shoes in the 5k!
Thanks for the encouragement on my journal Laurie!:grouphug: I have been having a string of bad eating days for a while....but I will get over the hump:3dglasses . Hope you are having a fantabulous day!:cheer2:
Woohoo!:banana: Congrats to the NY Giants!:cheer2: That was some game on Sunday night!:thumbsup2

I hope you're feeling better soon. :wizard: This flu/cold thing likes to stick around and keeps coming back. Please be sure and take good care of you.:hug:
Hi Laurie. Just checking in you! It's been LTO for me!!! Work...Whew! Looks like your training is going well! Great job!!! 2 Marathons to train for...WOW!!!

Hope you are feelin a bit better now!

Hi Laurie!!! I really hope you are feeling better...there are so many nasty germs going around right now :(. Take it easy and don't push yourself until you really feel 100%.

I'll be out on the trail Sunday morning. Not doing any huge mileage...but it'll be nice to run there again. :goodvibes
How are you feeling, Laurie? Sending some extra get well :wizard: your way.

Hope you have a great weekend!:hug:
Hi Laurie,
Feel better soon.This is definately a call to spring-too many sick people right now. Makes you want to stay in and avoid people.

Take care,
WOW! I just realized that I haven't checked in almost all week! It has been a crazy week for me, especially since I was not feeling well at all!

I did play hockey on Tuesday night, and basketball on Friday night, but other than running! UGH! I just wasn't feeling well, and honestly I didn't want to push it and get worse. Tonight, we have another big game against one of the best teams in the league...hopefully we will play well!

The plan is to get back into my training this excuses!!!

Zela, Tracey, Stacey, Amy, Linda--Thanks for stopping by! I am definetely feeling MUCH better...I took it easy this week, so I didn't get any worse.
:hug: Laurie,

I'm glad to hear that you are feeling better now. It's important to take it easy and listen to your body, especially when you're not feeling well. No worries about not running last week, okay?:hug:

How did the big game go last night? Hope you guys won!:cheer2:

Have a great week ahead!:hug:
HI Laurie! Glad you are feeling a bit better... Hope by now you are back up to par!

WOW! I have been a total slacker in my posting....but I am trying to get back into the swing of things.

I was sick all last week.....I thought I was feeling better and next thing I knew I was not feeling well again. I managed to get to work each day, but I was just dragging and by the time I got home I was completely exhausted, so I didn't get any running in last week. The only thing I managed to do was play in one hockey game, which was competely exhausting.

Luckily, by last weekend, I was feeling much better, and ready to get back into the swing of things, and back into my training.

Here is what I have done so far this week:

Sunday: Hockey game
Monday: Hockey game
Tuesday: 3 miles running, hockey game
Wednesday: rest
Today: 3 miles running, plus I am playing hockey tonight again.

Now, I never ever play this much hockey in one week, but I am on vacation from school all this week, so I decided to play some more, and a few teams needed a goalie to fill in so I took them up on it. My legs are definetely feeling the effects of playing that much hockey, but I still managed to get in a good run today despite that.

I have spent this week, getting some odds and ends done, I have done a lot of scrapbooking, and I cleaned and threw out a ton of junk that I had laying around. So, all in all, it has been a rather productive week.

Sorry, I haven't been keeping up with everyone's journals, I promise to get back to them all this weekend.
HI Laurie! Thanks for letting us know you're still alive! :goodvibes So sorry you have been so sick! Yuk!!! That IS a lot of hockey! Good Grief! Ya da woman! Glad you've had a productive week!

Hope you have a great weekend!
Hey there Laurie....

Just checking in to see if you are doing ok! I know you're probably super busy with work, hockey, wedding plans, etc ;). But stop in and give us a quick update when you get a chance. I've been looking for you out on the trail sunday mornings too! Maybe one of these weeks we'll get to pass and say "hi'.

take care!
HI Everybody! I figured I should check in here and let you know what has been going on the last few weeks.

Well, I hurt my knee playing hockey about 3 weeks ago. During warm-ups, one of the guys on my team wasn't paying attention and he shot the puck pretty hard and it hit the back of my knee...the one place on my body where there is NO PADDING!!! Needless to say, at the time, I thought I was DONE...all I thought was No more running! I could barely walk for about 3-4 days, was hobbling around on crutches....the good news is that there was NO real was just a REALLY BAD BRUISE!!!! The back of my knee turned all sorts of pretty! Anyhow, the orthopedic told me NO running for a few weeks, I was able to do the stationary bike a couple of times of week, but only really easy...nothing too intense though.

Well, I went back to the doctor and got cleared to run this week, so I will be back at it.

I will not be doing my marathon on May 4th, there is no way I will be ready for that with this knee thing.....I have changed my registration to the half marathon, I have 6 weeks to get ready, but we will see how it goes, if I am not ready, I am NOT going to do it. I am going to play it by ear and see how it goes.

Sorry, I haven't checked in for awhile, this has been pretty tough on me....I am so active and to not be able to do anything for several weeks was REALLY HARD!!

I will try to catch up on everyone's journals this weekend!
Laurie!! Great to 'see' you!!

So sorry to hear about the knee :( I'm really glad it wasn't anything serious could have been much much worse. Sorry to hear about having to switch up the full to the half, but it's definitely the smart thing to do! We'll be cheering you on from our Minnie Weekend expedition!

Hope everything else is going well for you though!


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