Jane E.'s Fitness Journal

Your DS really snuck a cat in?!? Wow! That's kind of sweet, but I bet it was a big shock! I'm not sure I could say no to a kitten either!

Sounds like you're going really well and you're coping as best can be expected with all of the craziness swirling around you.

Keep up the great work! :cheer2:
Yes Pearliq, a kitten. I consider myself very fortunate considering that a couple of months before he'd requested a RAT!!! I screamed when I opened his closet & saw these eyes staring back at me. I was very relieved when I realized it was a kitty and not some sort of rodent.

Zela, thanks - those veggie burgers are wonderful!

Big mess up today. I started off well with green tea & watermelon

LUnch: lowfat chili

dinner: lowfat chili & 6 slices of thin italian bread with butter - after that I had 2 chocolate icecream eskimo pies which I had bought for dh & ds. I thought that I wouldn't be tempted. The bread knocked me off. I thought I could have 2 slices of thin bread with my chili. I know better now. I'm a bread addict. I feel bloated and uncomfortable. Ugh!

35 minutes of yoga - 5 minutes of exercise ball

I've had a busy busy week with all kinds of appointments etc. I barely have time to be online this week. Next week should go better. By the time, 6pm is here I'm exhausted. Dh got home after 7pm and I was sound asleep.

Tomorrow night we're taking mom to Chili's to celebrate her graduation from physical therapy! I'm so proud of her; she worked very hard the past month.
I have a card that says 'to the graduate', a trophy from the party store, a congratulations balloon, & 2 leis for around her neck. May was a horrible month for her - she broke her shoulder & missed 2 parties - her birthday & mothers day. I just want to make some of it up for her.
What an awesome thing to do for your mom!!!! That's such a great way to put a positive ending to what sounds like a trying couple of months!

Your story had me :rotfl2: Yes, thank goodness it wasn't a rat!!! It really is very sweet, though. Was the kitten a stray?

I totally hear you about the bread knocking you off. I get the same way when I have too many carbs--it's like all the sudden some kind of switch is thrown and I need to eat everything in sight. Good job to you for recognizing it for what it was and working through it. If 2 Eskimo Pies was the extent of the damage, I'd say you did really good!
Pearliq thank you, I just hope this party gets mom out of the doldrums. Her confidence is a bit shaken lately. No, the kitten was not a stray. Ds's friend was getting a kitty from another friend and ds went along with her. He couldn't resist, threw caution to the wind, and brought one home. Of course, his friends helped him by assisting him in buying a cage, a carrier, litter box etc, and by hiding the cat at their homes for a couple of days.

My workout for today was 5 minute warmup, 40 minutes of The Firm: Body Sculpt, and 5 minutes of ab work

Breakfast: green tea, watermelon, Lean Cuisine Sweet & Sour Chix
Finish my food list from yesterday.

Lunch: I skipped lunch because I knew we were eating out. Green tea

Dinner: Mom's "Graduation" from physical therapy dinner. I bought her a congrats balloon, a card for the graduate, leis for around her neck & a trophy.
At dinner everyone ordered a different appetizer and we split those. I also had two cranberry vodkas. I ate as much as I wanted but made sure not to feel stuffed. I had chix nachos, classic nachos, & boneless buffalo chix. After that I was full and didn't try the rest of the appetizers.

Workout today: 20 minutes of cardio

Breakfast: Green tea,fresh pineapple, plus a ham, lowfat cheese sandwich

Lunch: LC sweet &sour chix, one fudgesicle

Snack: 1 fudgesicle

Dinner: Lowfat cheese/ham sandwich, 1 fudgesicle

I was very tired today. I don't know if its the hurricane coming by or because I've had such a busy week. I didn't change out of my pj's until 2pm. I laid in bed watching informercials, shopping channels & the weather channel. The weather outside is grey, rainy & windy. I did rally around 6:30 pm and got in a quick workout. A neighbor stopped by at the end of my workout for a quick visit. If that hadn't happened I might have gotten in another 10 minutes. However, that was all the excuse I needed to stop.
Breakfast: fruit bowl with pineapple, strawberries & blueberries, 1 turkey w/lowfat cheese sandwich & green tea :flower:

Dh & I are going to visit sil and then take a walk on the beach. I need to be down another lb by weigh in either Monday or Tuesday. I want to be 164!!!

I tried on my size 12 jean zip up shorts. I actually got them zipped and buttoned this time. That said, I couldn't walk, breathe or sit in them but I did get them on! I've been trying them on once a week for about the past two months. At first, I could slip them on & not even get anything zipped so I have made progress.

30 minute walk with dh on the beach. About 6 times we had to jump over little streams of water that were going onto the beach from the storms. We walked and when we turned around we learned about "resistance". I think that the winds were about 30mph from the offshoots from the hurricane. The beach had double red flags meaning 'no swimming', but people were swimming further up the beach. We just walked, but I love body surfing.

Dinner: 3 shrimp with avocado basil dip at Stonewood Grill & 2 cosmos for happy hour with dh.- back at home 1 tortilla soup minus the tortilla. I put lots of peppers & onions in mine. 3 different kinds of peppers - it is HOT! However, I did not panfry a tortillas - decided to do without it, but put in lots more spice instead.
I'm glad things are going well and the size 12 shorts will soon fit like a dream! I also love fudgesickles! My parents have been visiting and my mom bought TONS of ice cream - usually frozen yogurt but anyway not on my South Beach plan - and I have had two bowls of mango-peach yogurt. SO good! Tommorrow they are gone and then it is back to the fudgesickles for me! I picked up some shorts at the local thrift store last week. 3 size 10s. They all fit! I think I will start with weights again because I have so little upper body strength and upper arms are flabby!
Hi Jane E! Sounds like you are keeping up with your good choices! Not me, I managed to gain 6 lbs on my vacation (how is that even possible?!?!?). But I'm sure most of it is water weight and HOPEFULLY will be gone by the end of the week once I get back into my regular routine...

Don't you love those boneless buffalo wings at Chili's? Yum, I always get those, although last time I got the buffalo chicken sandwich, which was also good. Keep up the good work and your exercises and you will be surprised how fast those size 12 shorts will "get bigger" ;)
Amy & Calena, thanks for your encouragement! I really need it today. Amy,
how was your vacation? It sounds like you had a good time. I'm sure that weight will come off in no time - sounds like water weight to me!
Calena, congrats on those size 10s. I'm right behind you!

My food for yesterday:
breakfast:1/2 turkey lowfat sandwich with one banana
snack: green tea & one banana
lunch: 1 bowl and 1/2 of tortilla soup, 2 fudgesicles
snack: 2 fudgesicles
dinner: 1 bowl of tortilla soup and 1 fudgesicle
snack: 1 fudgesicle

I think I went overboard on the fudgesicles. They are so good, though.

Today my workout was 60 minutes of walking, full body weights & cardio.
After my workout I walked over to check on my mom. My face was all red. She took one look at me and said," you workout so hard. You must really eat a lot to be so heavy." :guilty: Then, she said but today you do look thinner. AAcckk!

Breakfast: 1 slice of turkey, 1/2 wedge lowfat cheese, fresh pineapple - tons of water
Hi there! I'm sorry I haven't been around lately...life gets in the way of DISing sometimes...

I don't know what to say about the comment from your mom...sorry. :(

Have an awesome day Jane E.!!!
sometimes mom's don't do or say the right things...i know mine doesn't...and even i'm guilty of saying the wrong things...so cut her a break, and know you are doing something so good for yourself...she'll soon see the results of your hard work and lifestyle changes!!! even if she NEVER compliments you on it...just doing it for yourself is compliment enough...trust me YOUR BODY THANKS YOU!!!

hugs and happy losing!!!!
jen :)
Thanks Jen & Jen for stopping by. I never know what my mom will say next! By the time I hit 140 she'll be complaining that I'm too thin! I weighed in today & lost another pound. That puts me at 164lbs.

lunch: 2 slices of turkey with 1 wedge lowfat cheese, 1/2c of strawberries & blueberries

snack: bowl of soup & green tea

dinner: 2 slices of turkey with 2 lowfat cheese wedges - each wedge is 2 fat grams
Hi Jane E! Again, don't let your mom get you down. You know you are doing the right thing for your body and I'm sure she appreciates the fact that you want to be healthier, even if she doesn't show support verbally! When people get older they say bizarre things. For example, on vacation, my stepmom was talking about going to Dairy Queen and her father (in his late 70's) told her that she shouldn't go because her butt was so fat! Can you believe it? And then her sister tried to come to her rescue and her dad told her that she was fat too! And when her sister told him that she doesn't even eat ice cream, he came back with "Well, you must be eating SOMETHING!" Luckily both my stepmom and her sister were able to laugh it off, but WOW, it took them both by surprise! Just shrug it off and get on with your excellent food choices and exercising! You will be down to 140 and "too skinny" in no time at the rate you're going!
Amy, thanks for cheering me up! I can see I'm not alone in dealing with parental inappropriate remkarks. Although, its funnier when it happens to someone else!

My food diary for yesterday:
breakfast: watermelon and one slice of turkey, orange juice

snack: Arizona iced green tea, blueberries

lunch: grape juice

dinner: dh & I went out to eat appetizers. I had 2 pieces of blackened fish, 6 spicy shrimp, and a piece of a cheese tortilla - that and 2 cokes. (Those free refills again.)

snack: three fudgesicles

breakfast: one banana & one slice of turkey, orange juice

lunch: soup, grape juice

snack: ok - here I really lost it - went to the grocery store & came back with M&Ms!!!!!!! :guilty: :guilty: :guilty: They were buy one and get one free. I started in on the peanut m&ms and ate a bunch - probably 1/2of the bag. I knew I shouldn't buy them. Usually if I can resist the temptation to buy then I won't struggle by the time I get home.
Consider the M&M's a treat for something! Are we talking big bags or little bags? I can't even have that stuff in the house because I will get that "I have to eat it all now so it's out of my face and I can start over tomorrow" mentality... But a few M&M's won't hurt you, and maybe you can incorporate a couple of them into your day - like putting some in a little Dixie cup and stopping when those are gone? Ha ha, that sounds great in B&W doesn't it? It's WAY harder to do in reality, I know! But you can do it!

Do you not like Diet Coke? Or iced tea? I have been drinking Diet Coke for so long that regular Coke tastes way too sweet! The Diet Coke w/Splenda is sweeter than regular Diet Coke, and I also like Diet Coke w/Lime. Just wondering, since I noticed you drink regular sodas when you go out.

Keep up the good work! :banana:
Amy, unfortunately,BIG packages of M&M's. I thought I could handle it and counted 9 to eat when I got home. Then just kept recounting 9!!!! I've never liked diet sodas. I did buy some diet iced tea - its not my favorite. I don't like the taste of the sweetners in diet drinks. At the restaurant I think I can have just one coke & sure enough before I realize it - its been refilled and I'm drinking more. Cutting out the sodas would be a great way to cut down calories. Next time, I just may order diet & if I don't like it at least I wouldn't have consumed 2! That diet coke with lime sounds good.

dinner: homemade taco salad - I did not crunch any tortilla chips into it but did add a small amount of shredded cheese to it. For salad dressing I used salsa.

I did a 60 minute full body cardio workout using 2lb weights, my step & exercise ball. :moped:

At night I had a bagel with lowfat cheese. What a day!
Well, I lost what I first typed so here I go again. After yesterday,I'm too afraid to eat breakfast which I usually do first thing in the morning. I did a 60 minute cardio workout today - starting off with The Firm Crosstrainers: Cardio. I didn't use any weights - just practiced the basic footwork, armwork etc. When I got tired I did WATP and Tao Bo moves until my hour was up.

My neighbor invited me out for lunch. I ended up eating 3/4 of a reuben sandwich but no coleslaw. I pushed my plate to the side & asked the waitress to take it away. I drank ice water.

Dinner: 2 slices of turkey, lowfat cheese wedge, watermelon, 1 glass of cranberry juice
Hey Jane E.

It's been a while since I stopped in but i looks like your still going great. The M&M's were just a one time thing. Your body probably needed the chocolate anyways (chocolate is good for you, that's what I tell myself :rotfl2: ). Your exercise looks good too. Keep up the good work!

:cheer2: :cheer2: :banana: :cheer2: :cheer2:
I'm still in the 'catch up' mode from being gone, so haven't popped in here in a while. Looks like you are doing GREAT!

Keep this up and you'll be at goal!
Thank you Julie & Zela. Of all these years of being a chocoholic, this past year is the first time I've ever heard of chocolate being good for you. I should be like those French women & eat just one piece of the very best chocolate. (No wonder why they stay thin.) A week or two ago I bought chocolate covered strawberries & they were wonderful. I've just got to learn to substitute bad chocolate for good chocolate choices. (Bag of M&M's bad - 2 chocolate covered strawberries - good.)

Busy, busy weekend. This weekend I worked in the alzheimers assisted living doing activities. This job is very active and keeps me moving all day long. I am exhausted when I get home. Both days I ate a good breakfast at home, returned to home for lunch & ate a pretty good dinner. I managed to stay away from eating any food from there including the candy machines. Also, someone brought in cake but I didn't have any. I did have one small slice of plain cake with no icing or anything.

Dh & I went out for dinner last night. I had lobster bisque and we split the dinner of salmon with dill sauce, baked potato and tossed salad. We still ended up bringing part of the salmon home. I also had 2 screwdrivers. Bad move for being on a diet.

Today I ate well all day.
breakfast: lowfat cheese & turkey with 1 C watermelon, OJ

snack: fudgesicle

lunch: LC chix dinner, Arizona iced green tea, one fudgesicle

snack: 1/2c orange sherbet

dinner: LC turkey dinner, 2 slices of bread with lowfat cheese,2 fudgesicles

I need to get in more greens & less fudgesicles!

Workout 35 minutes of circuit training using 5, 8, & 10lb weights, exercise ball & cardio glider.


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