Gotta Perfect That Hula - A July 2010 PTR - UPDATED 8/3 - I STARTED THE TR!!!!

Hoooray for updates! I can totally relate to so many things you wrote about. I have such fond memories of our drives from NJ to FL. My sister and I would fight in the backseat and my dad would yell to knock it off and we'd just giggle and giggle. I would wait until the last possible minute to tell my dad I had to pee because I didn't want him to be mad that we had to stop and just when I thought I couldn't hold it any long, I'd tell him and he'd say, "Can you wait 20 minutes?" :scared1: There were always gatorades and twizzlers and pringles. My sister and I had many landmarks on the way. We knew we were getting close when we passed the WOFL radio station. For some reason, that always made us laugh and say, "Waffle!" So I totally get it...and I'm kind of jealous. I think when I have kids, we'll do the drive again.....good times!

Ugh, those Spectro men are the creeeepiest!! I am excited for the MSEP return though. Those aren't even the worst ones! The ones on the spinning balls are the scariest!

So glad you are out of your funk! :wizard:
A road trip is not a road trip without twizzlers!! :thumbsup2

The Spectro men on the spinning balls are the WORST. Especially when they laugh. It's just so creepy!

:yay: for the funk ending! We love both Toy Story movies and can't wait for #3!

Your plans sound very fun and I love your enthusiasm!
I can't wait for Toy Story 3 either! A bunch of my friends and I are planning to go on opening night. I think I'll probably tear up at the beginning. Happy tears, of course. I cry so easily. :laughing:

yay for you getting out of your funk!

Your excitement is contagious :laughing: I love it!

My BF and I ate at the Tangierine Café for dinner on our first night at Epcot and it was pretty good! Not as flavorful as I would have liked, but still good. And of course Le are going to go crazy over the food! :goodvibes
It's weird. Now that the funk has been broken, I've been bouncing off the walls with excitement. :yay:

Glad to hear the food at the Tangierine Café is pretty good. I wasn't really expecting it to blow me away, so pretty good will do just fine. :rotfl:
Woo hoo, an update! Glad you're back. :) We had on Toy Story last night too. We only caught the end but best line is when they're at the airport and the little girl says "Look, it's a big ugly man doll!" haha :rotfl: Anyways...your plans sound great. I agree, Stacey is awesome. :thumbsup2
Yay I'm happy you finally updated, I was wondering where you have been! :cool1:

I know what you mean about Stacey...I HAVE to watch her, over and over while I'm DH can't stand her, but I just have to watch...I get sucked in. :)

And yeah, the crazy techno music before Illuminations? My DH was doing some ridiculous dance while it was going on, just to be funny, of course! I don't know what is up with that music, or why it's so loud, but whatever! After being annoyed by it for a little while, I end up liking it! :rotfl2:

I also LOVE the dirty looks from people in the standby line when I use an FP! I always say something snotty about why don't people know they can just go get a FP themselves and not wait in a line? :confused3
Woo hoo, an update! Glad you're back. :) We had on Toy Story last night too. We only caught the end but best line is when they're at the airport and the little girl says "Look, it's a big ugly man doll!" haha :rotfl: Anyways...your plans sound great. I agree, Stacey is awesome. :thumbsup2
:laughing: I love that line! My favorite line is when Al says "I can't believe I have to drive all the way to work...on a Saturday" as he backs across the street.

Yay I'm happy you finally updated, I was wondering where you have been! :cool1:

I know what you mean about Stacey...I HAVE to watch her, over and over while I'm DH can't stand her, but I just have to watch...I get sucked in. :)

And yeah, the crazy techno music before Illuminations? My DH was doing some ridiculous dance while it was going on, just to be funny, of course! I don't know what is up with that music, or why it's so loud, but whatever! After being annoyed by it for a little while, I end up liking it! :rotfl2:

I also LOVE the dirty looks from people in the standby line when I use an FP! I always say something snotty about why don't people know they can just go get a FP themselves and not wait in a line? :confused3
:lmao: I'm glad I'm not the only one who just can't help but dance when the pre-Illuminations techno music comes on. It's just so dance-able.

"I have to be honest, Will. I'm having a really difficult time hearing anything you have to say today because your hair looks like a briar patch. I keep expecting racist animated Disney characters to pop up and start singing about living on the bayou."

I thought I'd start this update off with one of my favorite quotes from the Glee season finale. Oh, Sue. You slay me. And I will never be able to ride Splash Mountain again without thinking of Mr. Schuester's hair. So thanks, Glee! :thumbsup2

Okay, picking up where I left off last time....

July 25th: Hooray for Hollywood!!!

On the 25th, we will be heading to MGM. Yeah, I still call it MGM. Sometimes I call it the Studios. But never Disney’s Hollywood Studios or whatever the actual name is. It will always be MGM in my heart. And therefore it will always be MGM in my trip report. Deal with it. ;)

I bet you're asking yourself, just what is MarietheCat excited for at MGM?

Well, there are a lot of things. And since I'm a bit of an OCD list-making person, I've prepared a list.

1. The sky ALWAYS seems brighter over MGM.

Have you ever noticed this? I don't know why exactly, but the sky takes on a whole new shade of blue over MGM.


I mean, the sky is as blue as the wallpaper in Andy's bedroom! It's ridiculous.

And look at this picture! Just ignore all of the random people.

It's crazy. I have titled this pic "So Freakin' Blue" because, well, the sky IS so freakin' blue. And I promise I haven't doctored the picture in any way. I am far too computer illiterate to do something like that. Just getting the pictures uploaded to photobucket takes some work. :laughing:

2. The early morning Toy Story Mania mania

Yep, you read that right. I ENJOY the mad dash to TSM at rope drop. I find it hilarious. There is something inherently funny about a massive group of people all hauling tail to a ride at a theme park. It’s just silly.

There are some times when a massive human stampede is necessary. Like if a building catches on fire and everyone needs to empty out. Or if you’re running with the bulls in Spain. But stampeding towards a theme park ride at 9:00 in the morning? ABSOLUTELY not necessary. And for that reason, I tend to laugh hysterically as we power walk to TSM.

Here are some pics from the stampede.

As you can see in this photo, the boy in front of me is gripping the strap on his backpack for dear life. And I can't say I blame him. It can get downright crazy.

In this picture, we've rounded the bend and are headed down the home stretch. As you can see, everyone's arms are in what I've dubbed "Mania motion". You've gotta get the full power walk on. I mean, not using your arms could cut precious seconds off of your time. Who wants to get to TSM at 9:02 when you could have gotten there at 9:01? :rolleyes:

3. The American Idol Experience

I’ve already told you just how much I love Idol. It’s like an addiction. I just can’t break it, no matter how hard I try. So it makes sense that I would love this show. What can I say, I like singing. I like watching other people sing. I like singing silently under my breath while they’re singing. I like belting out Kelly Clarkson’s Breakaway while we’re exiting the show because a girl sang it, and I thought I could totally have done better. (Which I totally couldn't have ;)) would be so cool to try out and get picked. If only my karaoke staple, Can’t Fight This Feeling, was on the list… I love that song. And I burst out singing it all the time. It’s the perfect song for belting out randomly. Just try to resist it.

And even as I wander, I’m keeping you in sight.
You’re a candle in the window on a cold, dark winter’s night.
And I’m getting cloooooser than I ever thought I miiiiiiiiight.

And I can’t fight this feeling anymore.
I’ve forgotten what I started fighting for.
It’s time to bring this ship into the shore
And throw away the oars forever.

‘Cause I can’t fight this feeling anymore
I’ve forgotten what I started fighting for
Even if I have to crawl upon your floor
Come crashing through your door
Baby, I can’t fight this feeling anymoooooooore.

I mean, really, why is that not on the list? Why aren't there more classic rock songs? I'm a classic rock kinda girl, if you can't tell. Or at least give me some cheesy 80s ballads. I do a mean Total Eclipse of the Heart. How many times do I have to listen to somebody sing This Is Me from that horrific Camp Rock movie?

Okay, I'll stop ranting before I drive everybody insane. Plus, my point is pretty much moot because I wouldn't have the guts to audition, anyway.

4. The Architecture (Which I am now realizing I have very few pictures of)

I absolutely adore all of the buildings on Hollywood and Sunset Boulevards. They are all so interesting. I have a massive fascination with Old Hollywood, so I could spend hours just admiring all of the detail. If I ever get to design and build my dream house, I think it’s going to wind up striped like the building in this picture. Pretty rad, right?

Or maybe it will be covered in blue tile, like this building…

Either way, I will have the coolest house ever. And I need to remember to take more pictures of the architecture for "planning" purposes. ;)

July 26th: A Day of Ups and Downs
On the 26th, we will be heading to the Animal Kingdom. Animal Kingdom and I
have a bit of a love/hate relationship. Okay, it’s actually probably closer to a hate (with the occasional burst of love) relationship. There is just something about that park and I that does not gel. AT ALL.

It all starts when you get off the bus and have to walk 80 BAJILLION MILES to the park entrance. Then once you’re in, you have to walk another 50 BAZILLION MILES to the Tree of Life. So much walking for so early in the morning.

And then, the Animal Kingdom always seems to be 500 degrees warmer than the rest of the World. I think all of the foliage must trap the heat or something. I mean, Florida summers are warm enough. I don’t need to be trapped in a giant heat bubble with no breeze. It’s just miserable.

But like I said, despite its shortcomings, there are still some aspects of the Animal Kingdom that I do enjoy.

1. Dinosaur

I’ve ridden this thing numerous times, but I have yet to actually see the big scary Carnotaurus. I keep my eyes closed every time. My sister and I just sit there clutching each other for dear life. And it couldn’t be more fun.

Here’s a picture I took of one of our ride photos. As you can see, my sister and I are huddled together in the front row. And everyone else in our car is just sitting there, not reacting to the GIANT MENACING DINOSAUR LEAPING ABOUT TO EAT US ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2. Festival of the Lion King

I LOVE this show. LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE. I love EVERYTHING about it. I love the music. I love the Tumble Monkeys in all their neon glory.

I love when they ask a little kid to make a giraffe noise, but none of the kids ever know what a giraffe sounds like. I love Timon.

I love the little medley of all of the songs they do during the Finale. It always makes me so happy! And then I wind up singing The Lion Sleeps Tonight for the rest of the day.

I also love this costume.

Seriously. I want this girl’s part. The Dance department offers an African dance class at my college. If I take that class, can I be in FotLK? Please? Pretty please with Mickey sprinkles on top? I have YEARS of dance experience. And I can rock lime green...

So after we leave the Animal Kingdom, I really want to take a Sea Raycer out on the Seven Seas Lagoon. My mom and sister rented one from the Wilderness Lodge a few years ago and had a blast. I was going to come with them, but I had a killer headache, so I used the time to take a nap. But I am determined to make up for that missed opportunity. And since we don’t usually spend too much time at the AK, I’ll have plenty of time that afternoon/evening to take a boat out.

I’m also planning on using this time to get in some serious hammock time. I LOVE hammocks. And lying in a hammock on the Polynesian beach is probably the most relaxing thing a person can do. Shoot, I probably shouldn't say that. I don't like having to fight for a hammock.

So um...the hammocks at the Polynesian are itchy, and not at all relaxing. You'll throw your back out if you lay in one too long. And you'll get eaten alive by sand fleas. DON'T DO IT. :rolleyes1

The 26th also just happens to be the day we’re having dinner at ‘Ohana. And our ADR is for 8:50, so we’ll get to see the fireworks from the restaurant. I’m really excited! We’ve watched the fireworks from the Polynesian beach many times...

...But never from inside ‘Ohana. It should be a cool experience. I mean, what’s better than chomping down on DELICIOUS food while watching a Disney fireworks show? The answer is nothing. NOTHING is better than that.

That's all for this update. I'm off to catch up on everybody else's PTRs and TRs. But there are still 2 more Disney days for me to outline, so stay tuned!

:hippie: Thanks for reading!
Great plans! Amusing as always. I love AK - you didn't mention EE or KS or Kali. :confused3 Do you not enjoy them??

We are eating at Ohana on night two--a total favorite of mine! Then, we are going to head to MK to see Summer Nightastic. I couldn't time the dinner to watch from the restaurant, but I want to watch in the park. (I've only seen Wishes from the Poly, or the monorail or the TTC.)
Are you excited about John Stamos joining the cast of Glee? :yay: I love him!

Awesomeee- I am going to be calling it MGM in your TR as well then. I hate writing DHS around the DIS. I always have to stop and make sure I'm not writing MGM, haha.
Yesssssss...Glee! I am so mad I missed the season finale. I have to watch it on youtube or something to see everything I missed. :upsidedow Sue cracks me up. I used to not like her, but now she just makes me laugh.

Wow, the sky was REALLY blue that day! I agree, the rope drop herds can get crazy!
Great plans! Amusing as always. I love AK - you didn't mention EE or KS or Kali. :confused3 Do you not enjoy them??

We are eating at Ohana on night two--a total favorite of mine! Then, we are going to head to MK to see Summer Nightastic. I couldn't time the dinner to watch from the restaurant, but I want to watch in the park. (I've only seen Wishes from the Poly, or the monorail or the TTC.)
I do really like the safari...I'm not sure why I didn't mention it. I do have some good safari stories too. Maybe I'll have to make a separate post about them.

I've never actually been on Everest. I'm too much of a chicken. I want to try it, but I chicken out every time.

And yay for your 'Ohana reservation! You'll love seeing the fireworks from the park. It's a whole different experience. We usually plan at least one night with in-park fireworks and one from the beach.

Are you excited about John Stamos joining the cast of Glee? :yay: I love him!

Awesomeee- I am going to be calling it MGM in your TR as well then. I hate writing DHS around the DIS. I always have to stop and make sure I'm not writing MGM, haha.
I am ridiculously excited that UNCLE JESSE is joining the cast of Glee. :rotfl: I just hope he brings the rest of the Rippers along with him!

And this TR is an MGM zone. Use it all you want. :thumbsup2

Yesssssss...Glee! I am so mad I missed the season finale. I have to watch it on youtube or something to see everything I missed. :upsidedow Sue cracks me up. I used to not like her, but now she just makes me laugh.

Wow, the sky was REALLY blue that day! I agree, the rope drop herds can get crazy!
You definitely have to watch the season finale. It was SO GOOD!! I laughed a lot. I cried a lot. It was amazing.

Rope drop herds are INSANE. Some people just get so determined to be the first ones to a ride. It's a little scary sometimes.
I just got done watching the Glee finale and had to come tell you my thoughts. :laughing:

I danced. I cried. I laughed. I smiled. It was a great episode! I thought of you the moment Sue said the "briar patch" comment. And I knew Sue had a heart somewhere in there when the other judges started slamming New Directions. I'm just so sad they didn't even place! The looks on their faces, especially Rachel's was just so hard to watch. The baby was absolutely adorable. How crazy that Rachel's mom adopted her! And how cute of Finn to tell Rachel he loved her right before they sang. The look Rachel was giving him back was so cute. What do you think about Puck kissing Emma? I can't wait to see Uncle Jesse on the new season. And Will's performance of 'Somewhere Over the Rainbow' with Puck was so good! What a great way to end the show!
First off...the Glee finale was awesome! I am a sap and cried several times that episode! :goodvibes Can't wait for next fall's new eisodes!

Your plans sound great! I understand your feelings toward AK. It didn't used to appeal to me much but I've found the more I visit the more I grow to love it. It really is the best park for photographing with all the little details it has to offer and I love the Lion King and Nemo shows :thumbsup2
I just got done watching the Glee finale and had to come tell you my thoughts. :laughing:

I danced. I cried. I laughed. I smiled. It was a great episode! I thought of you the moment Sue said the "briar patch" comment. And I knew Sue had a heart somewhere in there when the other judges started slamming New Directions. I'm just so sad they didn't even place! The looks on their faces, especially Rachel's was just so hard to watch. The baby was absolutely adorable. How crazy that Rachel's mom adopted her! And how cute of Finn to tell Rachel he loved her right before they sang. The look Rachel was giving him back was so cute. What do you think about Puck kissing Emma? I can't wait to see Uncle Jesse on the new season. And Will's performance of 'Somewhere Over the Rainbow' with Puck was so good! What a great way to end the show!
I LOVE that instead of making Sue a completely evil villain, the writers have given her a heart. She might not use it often, but it's there. :laughing:

Finn and Rachel are adorable. They were both so smiley and it was so cute!!

I loved Somewhere Over the Rainbow. It made me cry happy tears. I mean, I was crying for, like, the entire second half of the episode, but atleast it ended with happy crying.

First off...the Glee finale was awesome! I am a sap and cried several times that episode! :goodvibes Can't wait for next fall's new eisodes!

Your plans sound great! I understand your feelings toward AK. It didn't used to appeal to me much but I've found the more I visit the more I grow to love it. It really is the best park for photographing with all the little details it has to offer and I love the Lion King and Nemo shows :thumbsup2
I think I'd like AK more if I went sometime other than the summer. It's just too hot for me to enjoy the little things, like stopping to see the animals or taking time to notice the detail. In the summer, I'm basically just running from ride to ride trying to avoid turning into a hot puddle of goo. :laughing:
Finally caught up on this and I have a lot of comments but I must run so right now I just need to say OMG HOW MUCH DID YOU DIE WHEN SUE REFERENCED SPLASH MOUNTAIN. I WAS LIKE ARE YOU FREAKING SERIOUS RIGHT NOW LIFE IS AMAAZINNNNNNG
I guess I'm going to have to start watching Glee if they made a Disney reference like that! :rotfl:

Your plans look great! I've actually never noticed the sky looking more blue at DHS, but I'll have to check that out next time I go!

I still say MGM too...when I'm on the DIS I refer to it as DHS but trust takes a lot for me to type those letters. In real life it's still MGM to me, or sometimes the Studios, but that's it!

I love the architecture too, and I love old Hollywood! :)

And I know exactly how you feel about AK...I mean, I dislike it so much that we were going to skip it on our Disneymoon and it was a last minute decision to go there on our last day! I don't even like Dinosaur. I like Everest, the Safari and that Bird show. Oh and now I like Camp Minnie Mickey. I have yet to see Festival of the Lion King, maybe next time. :confused3
Finally caught up on this and I have a lot of comments but I must run so right now I just need to say OMG HOW MUCH DID YOU DIE WHEN SUE REFERENCED SPLASH MOUNTAIN. I WAS LIKE ARE YOU FREAKING SERIOUS RIGHT NOW LIFE IS AMAAZINNNNNNG
It was incredible. And it just made me wish even harder that Sue Sylvester was a real person. I want to know her. And is it too much to wish for someone to actually write her memoir, "I'm a Winner and You're Fat"? I want to read it and die laughing. And then base my life off of hers.

Can I go to LA and be an extra on Glee so that she can shove me into a locker or something when she storms off down the hall? I mean, I think my Ohio-ness would help bring some realism to the show, even if only in the background. ;)

I guess I'm going to have to start watching Glee if they made a Disney reference like that! :rotfl:

Your plans look great! I've actually never noticed the sky looking more blue at DHS, but I'll have to check that out next time I go!

I still say MGM too...when I'm on the DIS I refer to it as DHS but trust takes a lot for me to type those letters. In real life it's still MGM to me, or sometimes the Studios, but that's it!

I love the architecture too, and I love old Hollywood! :)

And I know exactly how you feel about AK...I mean, I dislike it so much that we were going to skip it on our Disneymoon and it was a last minute decision to go there on our last day! I don't even like Dinosaur. I like Everest, the Safari and that Bird show. Oh and now I like Camp Minnie Mickey. I have yet to see Festival of the Lion King, maybe next time. :confused3
You absolutely have to start watching Glee. If there is one thing I hope people get out of this jumbled mess of a PTR, it's that Glee is worth watching. Repeatedly. And it's also worth downloading all of the songs. And listening to them repeatedly. You will not be disappointed. :thumbsup2

Yay for still calling it MGM! MGM-ERS UNITE!!!

You should definitely go see Festival of the Lion King sometime. It's a really good show. Very high energy and festival-like. :laughing:
So this probably doesn't merit it's own update, but it's my TR and I can do what I want. A t-shirt that I had ordered from Delia's came today! And it's adorable. And I just had to share.


I look forward to wearing it in a little over a month!!! :woohoo:

I guess I could wear it before then, but I kind of want to save it to be my special FIRST DAY AT WDW shirt. The first time I put it on will be the morning we head to the MK. Is that weird? Probably. But I'm a weirdo, so it's cool. :crazy: I double up on mouse ears and wear my Minnie Mouse ear headband with a t-shirt that has a Minnie Mouse ear headband printed on it? Or is that too many ears? ::MinnieMo
I love Delia's! I just about got that shirt...I still might have to..if you don't mind. :flower3:

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