Gatordad's photos from MDGG

The A/C in the tent doesn't hurt!!

Pete what did you do with your wife before she became Gatormom lol? She's a bit chatty.

I'm glad to hear ol Rog is having a good time. I know he was stressin. I talked to him on the phone before he left and he is a really nice guy. Too bad we won't see him for the 4th.
Pete doesn't like me posting here, this is his "turf"...but oh well. I always read this forum. He's at school this weekend anyway....:rotfl:
It was good to meet all of you guys Monica and I hade a good time. Sure glad we could be a talk of the party with us up and out the door before most of you had your Goofy :goofy: coffee. And back in before the armadillos got smashed and I don't mean by the drinks Steve, Pete and family were having at the GG.

Dean and Monica
It was good to meet all of you guys Monica and I hade a good time. Sure glad we could be a talk of the party with us up and out the door before most of you had your Goofy :goofy: coffee. And back in before the armadillos got smashed and I don't mean by the drinks Steve, Pete and family were having at the GG.

Dean and Monica

Are you guys home already???
No, dang it!!! Nobody thought about it til almost everyone was gone. Probably because it was raining on and off and you know,,,, all us girls have to look picture perfect, like me....

we did drove out in 3 1/2 days but we stopped at family for a few nights and then did the same thing on the way home stopped to see family. So round trip was 7 days. :yay:
Heeeeey....YA'LL!!!!!!! just got home a bit sooo much catching up to do I may have to skip some of it!!!! I have some pics I'll be posting had a GREAT TIME!!!!!! Best vacation I EVER HAD!!!!! I'll post a decent comment by tomorrow...Im gonna do some catch up and get some sleep....Those of you who were at the guys are ALL FANTASTIC people!!!!! Those who were there in spirit....cant wait till we meet up, the gathering was memorable..even though I only remember small bits and pieces of it!!!!
Welcome home man, glad you made it home safe. Can't wait to hear about the trip.:cool1:
Thanks John........I aint I may as well get to postin.......
In no particular order:

Some sweaty dude searching for free beer:

Des1954 with her chain link pointed bra, fashionably worn on the exterior!!!

Gatordad....wanted dead or alive in several states of his own mind!!!

From left to right, head, my beard, my belly, my knee:confused3

MrLisa8200(aka MIKE), FORCING me to do another shot of Rumple!!!
This is Mr AuburnJen(Chris) explaining to BigKahuna(Steve & DW Renee) the proper procedure for injesting rocket fuel (This was a gathering of intellect, people...not just another reason to get drunk as many have assumed!!)

These are 2 of my kids....coloring...for real!!!! COLORING IN COLORING BOOKS!!!!! Surrounded by, tipsy adults with the pefect opportunity to get away with MURDER...and they chose to sit quietly....and freakin COLOR!!!!! I LOVE THESE KIDS...I dont know who I stole them from, but they are GREAT!!!!

This was obviously not exactly a "sit-down" type of party...especially when BigKahuna (who is in the center of this pic, though just out of camera range behind me) started removing items of clothing while riverdance clogging to "Highway to Hell"!!! No, really....I mean it:smokin:
Mrs BDR(Gina)...and Im not sure about this, but it looks to me like she may be squinting so as not to see double.....this is the same woman who insisted I was too drunk to drive a 12mph golfcart back to a site mere loops away!!! I think I may have been bamboozled!!
Now, I know many of you thought I was lying, and that my kids were probably sitting at that table rolling my special cigars or something.....but heres a better shot....COLORS!!!!!!! And not the kind you take special trips out to the desert to see!

Pete, Me, and Chris...just kicking around ideas of things we can do to help improve the quality of life for those currently suffering in the streets of Burma. We unanimously decided that beer would make things more tolerable for those guys!!!
Pete, me, Mike, and Chris...."Not Ready For Prime Time Politicians", but probably up to no good anyway!!

Pete and Chris seem to be thinking "Is he really lighting that....right PUBLIC??? This ISNT a DESIGNATED Disney smoking area!!!" Mikes behind me snickering "Bust it up, buddy!"

And more of pretty much the same....we stayed close to NTSAMMY and PPix for most of the night apparently, and would occassionally spill beer on the photos just to keep them in the loop!!! The rumple was good, beer was better, people were unbelievable!!!!!! This was the most fun I had doing basicly nothing in a very, VERY long time. You guys were great company, and we all come from extremely different backgrounds and walks of life......we all seemed to click pretty nicely.....






Me with the "sorul82" crue

L to R:
Tiggerinbama's DD&DH, Monica, me, & Dean

I didnt get a photo with "weluvjasmine" or "wildernesswookies", though I did meet them for a quick hello, but I DID get a picture of their truck with their Green Mickeys:

As I was pulling out of our loop for the dreaded trip home, I spotted this:

SINCLAIR's truck...he wasnt at the site, so I didnt get to say HI, but it was nice to know he was in the neighborhood. Sorry I missed ya Sinclair!!

Unfortunately, I somehow DID NOT get pics with MrsGus06(w/Addie), OR the US3 gang......and I actually spent a considerable amount of time with them....Sonya & time we gotta remember the pics!! I guess we got so involved in the chatting we didnt even think about pictures!!

I have lots more pics to post, but thats all the pics of the Dis gang I have.
Rog.... pics of MrsGus06 were posted while you were gone, we all know what she looks like now.

Somehow ... something is missing from all those pics...... ME :confused3
Glad you made it back safe!!! Great pictures!!!


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