Fall Direct Incentives

I'm out. I'll wait until the new reflection. My reasoning is that I can buy resale and use it at any of the first 10 resorts.
Am I looking at a different sheet than you?
200 VDH is $27 off base price of $239, so $212 per point before Welcome Home.
Welcome home was $25pp on top of a $17 pp incentive last round. So $239 - $27 -$25 WH - $20 MB would have been $167 this round.

As I said above, I don’t think there will be a WH and it looks like the last round was better than this round.
Wow, I guess I can take my victory lap for predicting that they were going to be above $200 before MB, but I’m actually still shocked to see that they will be $225 all the way up until 150 points, at which point they become $215. 😬 Even I thought they’d try to get them down closer to $200/pt by the time you reached 200 points. Even more surprising is that the incentives are still basically garbage all the way up to and beyond 1000 points. DVC needs some buyers to be getting huge contracts to book the 2 bedrooms and TPV rooms.

I have no idea what they were thinking here but I feel like any consumer behavior/marketing psychologist would have advised them to price higher and offer incentives so people feel they are getting a deal. Or even price at $239 and offer a special limited time $14 credit to all existing members (and later first wave buyers) that jumps to $20 at the 150 point level and $25 at the 200 point level.

As they say on shark tank “I’m out.”
(I was always out and already blew my new tower money on VGC resale this year…but if it had been priced like VGF summer fire sale, I probably would have found a way to talk myself back in…)
If the Poly points have the same base price as RIV, I believe they can be linked together for incentives.

Nice for people who want part MK and part “Pretend it’s an EPCOT resort”.
Called my guide for something else this morning, and he confirmed there’s 0 dollars incentive on each point for BLT as of today. Super glad I was able to save 22500! He joked that I could pay more now if I’d like.
They definitely nerfed the Riviera deals to make the new Poly Tower look better. I got 300 points last cycle when the extra Visa deal and Welcome Home offers were going on. It was 178 per point before MB and 158 after MB. Today it would be 195 per point before MB and 175 after MB
If the Poly points have the same base price as RIV, I believe they can be linked together for incentives.

Nice for people who want part MK and part “Pretend it’s an EPCOT resort”.

The base price and incentives have to be the same to get them combined. Since thst is not the case, no resorts will be eligible.

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