Eat at Home 3!

This week's plans...
Sunday - Korean BBQ short ribs, Corn on the Cob, Strawberries, Garlic Bread
Monday (birthday) - 3 folks are going to Korean BBQ - the rest are having Frozen Pizza with an Iceberg Wedge Salad
Tuesday - BLTAs, Baked Fries, Blueberries and Cherries
Wednesday - Honey Mustard Chicken, Asian Slaw, Zucchini Apple Muffins, Nectarines
Thursday - Chicken Tacos, Refried Beans, Strawberries and Bananas
Friday - Thai Curry Chicken, White Rice, Roasted Zucchini, Fruit Smoothies
Saturday - OUT

So, I only had enough chicken for 2 meals (and somehow, the honey mustard chicken lost out again), and when I hit the store Friday, they had an AMAZING deal on Giant Fresh Sea Scallops ($6.50/lb vs $23/lb). My spouse LOVES them, but I hadn't bought them in years b/c of the price, so I had to buy what they had and use it that day. I got 15 scallops (3/person, since my youngest wouldn't touch it) and made a Pan-seared scallop in butter and lemon zest (with s&p)...once cooked, I added the juice of a whole lemon (the one I zested) and about 1 cup of pasta water and served the scallops over spaghetti in this nice light scallopy, lemon butter sauce (no parm - just perfect as is). I made roasted zucchini and served baked bread to accompany and this was the best meal in a long time:). They also had NY Strip Steaks for $4.49/lb, so that's tonight's plan...and I hit Aldi's today and am swimming in fruit (love their fruit produce sale weeks), so here's the rest of the plan...

Sunday - NY Strip Steak with Carmelized Onions and Oven Roasted Button Mushrooms, Mashed Potatoes, Kiwi and Strawberries
Monday - Cheeseburgers (it's been awhile), Roasted Zucchini, Watermelon Slices
Tuesday - Garlic and Herb Pork Roast, CousCous, Blueberries and Strawberries
Wednesday - All Beef Hot Dogs with Mustard and Relish, Baked Fries, Clementines and Grapes, Watermelon Strawberry Smoothies
Thursday - Honey Mustard Chicken, Spinach Salad with Mushrooms, Red Onion and Berries, Blueberry Muffins
Friday - Open (My anniversary is this week, but I don't know what day we'll celebrate b/c our bathroom remodel is in its last stretch and it's Restaurant one day, I will make the kids Frozen Pizza, smoothies, and fruit and we'll do out - and I'll move meals to fit)
Saturday - Out (Baseball game - not sure if we can bring in or not...also, not sure if my sis and her spouse are buying since they invited and bought everyone tickets as their annual family host event (it's the 1st we could make)...but I'm planning on hot dogs, nachos, chicken tenders, and ice cream, and $75 OOP one way or the other - gonna give the fam $12.50 each and tell them to make it work:)...
Sunday: Dinner at in-laws (love free meal that I don't have to cook)
Monday: Spaghetti squash "lasagna", salad, garlic bread - first time growing spaghetti squash and it did pretty well
Tuesday: Hamburgers/veggie burgers, fries, fruit
Wednesday: buffalo chicken dip, sweet potato wedges
Thursday: Chilli Dogs, mac and cheese for kids (leftovers for adults or salad)
Friday: frozen pizza
Sunday - veggie burgers, broccoli salad, grilled peppers, maple baked beans
Monday- Pad Thai
Tuesday- homemade pizzas , salad
Wednesday - Tofu Parmesan , broccoli
Thursday -Fried Rice , roasted cauliflower
Friday - pan fried basa fillets with lemon and pepper , roast potatoes and carrots , garden salad
finally back at home after lots of travelling and enjoying our short summer. Hoping back on the meal planning for the most part. I hit our local Farmers Market and picked up lots of fresh veggies. Even though our market seems to be expensive, I'm willing to support them in the summers and just enjoy the fresh produce vs the trucked in old sometimes pitiful selection we get in the winter.

Sunday - Left overs
Monday - Grilled chicken thighs, fresh garden potatoes, beets and tossed salad
Tuesday - breakfast for supper ( I'm working second job ) so hubby is cooking
Wednesday - asian turkey lettuce wraps and also parmesan crusted zucchini wedges
Thursday - grilled burgers - ( working second job ) hubby is cooking
Friday - grilled chicken and ribs and pasta salad veggies and dip
Saturday - eating out for a celebration meal for our 25 anniversary :love:
Just got back from a week away. I did a quick shop at Trader Joe's for some staples, but we have a bunch of proteins in the freezer to use up (kids are still away, so a good time to cook with odds and ends and work down the freezer stash). We are light on veggies because we missed our CSA pickup, but we will go tomorrow and integrate whatever we get into my planned meals. We are away next weekend, too, so hoping to eat on the cheap for the next couple of weeks (because I'm sure we will spend plenty of $$$ on meals out on this coming trip).

Sunday- Pasta with grilled chicken, tomatoes, basil, balsamic and feta (grilled chicken from the freezer)
Monday- Flank Steak Salad with pecans, arugula, beets and bleu cheese (steak from the freezer - hopefully rain will let up so DH can grill!)
Tuesday- Stir Fry or salad or something with CSA veggies and leftover grilled steak
Wednesday - Pasta and veggies from CSA, maybe with meatballs
Thursday- Meatball sandwiches with whatever veggies need eating
Weekend - Out of Town
A bit behind in posting this week, but here it is!

Saturday: Instant Pot Ribs, corn on the cob, and potato salad
Sunday: Fair day! So I ate all the things there.
Monday: L/O
Tuesday: L/O
Wednesday: Honey mustard salmon, roasted brussel sprouts
Thursday: Stir fried Ramen with beef and veggies
Friday: L/O
This is my plan...
Chef salad (lettuce, cabbage, bacon, peppers, ham, egg, cheddar, tomato)
I am going to do the chicken thing again.
Bacon mesquite chicken quarters, fried squash, sliced tomatoes
Chicken salad, salad (chicken salad, lettuce, cabbage, cucumbers, peppers, cheddar, tomato)
Cajun chicken (chicken, cheese tortellini, peppers, onions, tomato, squash, okra)
Chicken and dumplings and whatever vegetables are left
Soup beans, tomato sandwiches
Chili Mac for them, fish for me. Whatever veggie we have in the house.
Hi, I am new here, but we have planned a 10 day trip to London next September, so DH decided we need to save money from our eating out budget. Please note, he is the one who always wants to "get away" since we live next door to his work, but hey, whatever works.

DH - eats everything but fish. He does like shellfish. He isn't much of a vegetable eater, LOVES carbs.
Me - eats everything (loves fish). I eat a ton of vegetables, but don't do carbs. When you see me eating bread or pasta it is because I have purchased specific low-carb items.
DD - eats most things (loves fish). Eats a few specific vegetables, LOVES carbs. Is heading back to college on 8/25.

I love to see what everyone else is cooking and I am hoping to get some ideas to vary our menus.

Monday - Grilled steaks, baked potatoes, roasted asparagus, sauteed mushrooms
Tuesday - Seared scallops, mashed potatoes, left over vegetables
Wednesday - DH has a BOD meeting and DD works, so I will probably have cottage cheese and fresh tomatoes
Thursday - Tacos. DD will eat as nachos, I will eat with LC tortilla, and I am not sure how DH will eat his.
Friday - both DH and DD will be working, so it may be another night with fresh tomatoes for me. I am thinking grilled cheese and tomato sandwiches.
Saturday - DD and I will have pasta with grilled chicken and alfredo sauce for lunch, then both DH and DD will be working through dinner, so I am on my own yet again.
Sunday - family dinner out with my DN, her husband and 2 GNs.

I do have a bunch of stuff in the freezer that needs to be eaten, so I think it is time for a good inventory/clean-out.
Hi, I am new here, but we have planned a 10 day trip to London next September, so DH decided we need to save money from our eating out budget. Please note, he is the one who always wants to "get away" since we live next door to his work, but hey, whatever works.


Feel free to ask for recipes or details of anything you see in menus. It may take a bit for someone to get back to you (*looks around innocently*) but sooner or later they usually do!
Stuck to the plan except I subbed chicken enchiladas for the pineapple steak since I had some green chile sauce I needed to use up and bbq pork pizzas for the bbq pork and coleslaw. Just need minimal gorceri this week since I grilled extra meat. Here's the plan:

Sun (off): beef enchiladas with Mexican street corn
Mon (8-5): Bahnmi wraps with chips
Tue (1-10): fettuccine alfredo
Wed (off): tenderloin steaks and potatoes au gratin
Thu (8-5): bbq pork with homemade coleslaw
Fri (1-10): pineapple steak with mozerella and tomato salad
Well, we only mostly stuck with the plan. We didn't make the jambalaya since it turned out the bag of long grain rice I thought I had was basmati rice. I was too tired one night to make the Chinese chicken (it's a huge deep frying, then stir frying project), but we did make it last night. We had the enchiladas 2 nights, because we had extra. My eggplant was starting to go bad when I cut into it, so no eggplant (we had leftover salad instead, which was mostly veggies, but filling since we had a very rich homemade dressing.)

This week, the plan is:

Saturday: lunch--boboli margherita pizza, dinner--roasted chicken, baked potato, leftover salad w/ranch
Sunday: nada (fasting is becoming almost a lazy treat for me, as it's a day of rest from cooking)
Monday: Cindy Pawlcyn's Chinese chicken salad
Tuesday: Tostadas and guacamole
Wednesday: Zucchini noodle lasagna
Thursday: Linguini with pesto, potatoes, and green beans, salad
Friday: BBQ Mongolian pork chops, mashed potatoes, red cabbage
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Last weeks menu changed some nights but we ate at home every night and that’s the goal.

Saturday - just Dh and I at home , just snacked mostly
Sunday - Spending the afternoon at inlaws cottage -veggie burgers , roast potatoes, tomatoe/feta/orzo salad, corn, garden salad
Monday - Pad Thai
Tuesday - Lemon pepper and dill basa fillets, couscous with steamed veggies
Wednesday - homemade pizzas
Thursday- Tofu parm
Friday - not sure yet but might be dinner at the Drive In -if nothing good is playing , we will have pineapple fried rice and spring rolls at home.
Weekly meal time! This week is super simple because my fatigue levels have been bad since Gen Con. I need rest! Plus, I failed HARD last week. Ate out way too much and skipped meals left and right. So spent money eating out and wasted food I had bought.

Saturday: Stir fried ramen with veggies and beef
Sunday: Chicken spinach and cheese casserole, spaghetti mixed with zucchini noodles, and roasted red pepper sauce
Monday: L/O
Tuesday: L/O
Wednesday: Meeting a friend for Mexican
Thursday: Pulled pork sandwiches with corn on the cob
Friday: L/O
I never seem to exactly do my meal plan and have extras from the week before.

I have twenty pounds of cherry tomatoes to use so there will be a lot in the meal plan this week.

Tonight we have to do the Le Cellier cheese soup or my chicken stock will go bad. Plus tomato sandwiches before my beefsteak tomatoes go yuck.
Monday bacon cheeseburgers without the bun, tomato salad, garlic green beans
Tuesday beef chili, fried okra
Wednesday beef stew, tomato salad
Thursday chef salad
Friday taco Mac for them (they love it, I hate it), tomato salad, and I’ll make fish for me
Saturday veggie day...cornbread, squash, okra, green beans, tomatoes, cucumbers, bell peppers
Kids start school this week and we have 3 volleyball games so meal planning is a must!

Saturday: We ate a late lunch out with friends so no dinner
Sunday: Spicy Chicken Roll ups, cauliflower mashed potatoes
Monday: Hamburgers/chicken sausages, broccoli "fries", cinnamon apples
Tuesday: Buffalo chicken dip, fruit
Wednesday: Ground Turkey, sweet potato casserole, green beans
Thursday: Salsa chicken, corn, rice
Friday: Homemade pizza
Disney vacation is over and now back to real life :(

Menu Plan
Sunday - grilled steak, parm red potatoes, asparagus
Monday - burgers, fries, salad
Tuesday - Italian spaghetti with Sunday gravy, squash
Wednesday- leftovers
Thursday - Asian chicken over rice
Friday - out to eat
We didn't do a lot of pre-planning this week, but did pretty well eating at home so far.

Monday: Global Entry interviews out of town, so it was Potbelly Sandwich shop for dinner.
Tuesday: DH's creation - Basil Chicken over pasta with roasted asparagus.
Wednesday: Hamburgers with cottage cheese/tomatoes for me & chips for DH.
Thursday: DD and I ate shrimp scampi and brussel sprouts for lunch. I had planned crab cakes for dinner, but I was still working on a sewing project for DD to take to college on Saturday, so DH made ham and eggs with toast.
Friday: DD and DH are both working, so I grabbed a quick chef salad from McAlister's on the way home.
Saturday: Move DD to college, so it will be lunch and probably dinner out.
Sunday: Lunch at home for me, DH is working. Family dinner out.
No plan for this week. I found out Thursday that my dad has passed away so I am having to travel tomorrow until Wednesday to start dealing with that. So I will be eating out those days. Then Thursday and Friday I know I will want nothing to do with cooking so I have some frozen meals I bought already. Thursday will be either cheese tortellini with pesto or a chicken pot pie and Friday will be Palak Paneer with rice.

Hopefully Saturday I can start getting back to normal.
No plan for this week. I found out Thursday that my dad has passed away so I am having to travel tomorrow until Wednesday to start dealing with that. So I will be eating out those days. Then Thursday and Friday I know I will want nothing to do with cooking so I have some frozen meals I bought already. Thursday will be either cheese tortellini with pesto or a chicken pot pie and Friday will be Palak Paneer with rice.

Hopefully Saturday I can start getting back to normal.
I’m so sorry.


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