Disney World by Dave Barry


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Jan 31, 2000
I'm sure this has been posted before but I had to post it. It's so funny and true! And yes it's a long post but it's worth it. :)

The Walt "You Will Have Fun" Disney World Themed Shopping Complex And Resort Compound
By: Dave Berry

I'm an expert on visiting Disney World, because we live only four hours away, and according to my records we spend about three-fifths of our after-tax income there.

Not that I'm complaining. You can't have a bad time at Disney World. It's not allowed. They have hidden elecronic surveillance cameras everywhere, and if they catch you failing to laugh with childlike wonder, they lock you inside a costume representing a beloved Disney character such as Goofy and make you walk around in the Florida heat getting grabbed and leaped upon by violently excited children until you have learned your lesson.

Yes, Disney World is a "dream vacation," and here are some tips to help make it "come true" for you!

When to go: The best time to go, if you want to avoid huge crowds, is 1962.

How to get there: It's possible to fly, but if you want the total Disney
World experience, you should drive there with a minimum of four hostile
children via the longest possible route. If you live in Georgia, for example, you should plan a route that includes Oklahoma.

Once you get to Florida, you can't miss Disney World, because the Disney
corporation owns the entire center of the state. Just get on any major
highway, and eventually it will dead-end in a Disney parking area large
enough to have its own climate, populated by large nomadic families who have been trying to find their cars since the Carter administration. Be sure to note carefully where you leave your car, because later on you may want to sell it so you can pay for your admission tickets.

But never mind the price: the point is that now you're finally there, in the ultimate vacation fantasy paradise, ready to have fun! Well, okay, you're not exactly there yet. First you have to wait for the parking-lot tram, driven by cheerful uniformed Disney employees, to come around and pick you up and give you a helpful lecture about basic tram-safety rules such as never fall out of the tram without coming to a complete stop.

But now the tram ride is over and it's time for fun! right? Don't be an
idiot. It's time to wait in line to buy admission tickets. Most experts
recommend that you go with the 47-day pass, which will give you a chance, if you never eat or sleep, to visit all of the Disney themed attractions, including the City of the Future, The Land of Yesterday, The Dull Suburban Residential Community of Sometime Next Month, Wet Adventure, Farms on Mars, The World of Furniture, Sponge Encounter, the Nuclear Flute Orchestra, Appliance Island, and the Great Underwater Robot Hairdresser Adventure, to name just a few.

Okay, You've taken out a second mortgage and purchased your tickets! Now,
finally, it's time to... wait in line again! This time, it's for the
monorail, a modern, futuristic transportation system that whisks you to the Magic Kingdom at nearly half the speed of a lawn tractor. Along the way cheerful uniformed Disney World employees will offer you some helpful
monorail-safety tips such as never set fire to the monorail without first
removing your personal belongings.

And now, at last, you're at the entrance to the Magic Kingdom itself! No more waiting in line for transportation! It's time to wait in line to get in. Wow!

Look at all the other people waiting to get in! There are tour groups here with names like "Entire Population of Indiana." There sure must be some great attractions inside these gates!

And now you've inched your way to the front of the line, and the cheerful
uniformed Disney employee is stamping your hand with a special invisible
chemical that penetrates your nervous system and causes you to temporarily acquire the personality of a cow. "Moo!" you shout as you surge forward with the rest of the herd.

And now, unbelievably, you're actually inside the Magic Kingdom! At last!
Mecca! You crane your head to see over the crowd around you, and with
innocent childlike wonder you behold: a much larger crowd. Ha ha! You are
having some kind of fun now!

And now you are pushing your way forward, thrusting other vacationers aside, knocking over their strollers if necessary, because little Jason wants to ride on Space Mountain. Little Jason has been talking about Space Mountain ever since Oklahoma, and by God you're going to take him on it, no matter how long the . . . My God! Can this be the line for Space Mountain? This line is so long that there are Cro-Magnon families at the front! Perhaps if you explain to little Jason that he could be a seceased old man by the time he gets on the actual ride, he'll agree to skip it and. . . NO! Don't scream, little Jason! We'll just purchase some official Mickey Mouse sleeping bags, and we'll stay in line as long as it takes! The heck with third grade! We'll just stand here and chew our cuds! Mooooo!

Speaking of education, you should be sure to visit Epcot Center, which
features exhibits sponsored by large corporations showing you how various
challenges facing the human race are being met and overcome thanks to the
selfless efforts of large corporations. Epcot Center also features pavilions built by various nations, where you can experience an extremely realistic simulation of what life in these nations would be like if they consisted almost entirely of restaurants and souvenir stores.

One memorable Epcot night my family and I ate at the German restaurant, where I had several large beers and a traditional German delicacy called
"Bloatwurst," which is a sausage that can either be eaten or used as a
tackling dummy. When we got out I felt like one of those snakes that eat a cow whole and then just lie around and digest it for a couple of months. But my son was determined to go on a new educational Epcot ride called "The Body," wherein you sit in a compartment that simulates what it would be like if you got inside a spaceship-like vehicle and got shrunk down to the size of a gnat and got injected inside a person's body.

I'll tell you what it's like: awful. You're looking at a screen showing an extremely vivid animated simulation of the human interior, which is not the most appealing way to look at a human unless you're attracted to white blood cells the size of motor homes. Meanwhile the entire compartment is bouncing you around violently, especially when you go through the aorta. "Never go through the aorta after eating German food," that is my new travel motto.

What gets me is, I waited in line for an hour to do this. I could have
experienced essentially the same level of enjoyment merely by sticking my
finger down my throat.
That was great!!! I just about died laughing at this :teeth: :teeth: :teeth:
I've never read that before, either! LOL! Thanks so much for posting! :D :D
ROTFL!!!! Just love Dave Barry, thanks for posting this. :p :p :p
Thanks for posting. I needed that!
Dave Barry has obviously never heard of the DIS. LOL, he's almost as funny as Charlie, NJ and WillyJ.
Too funny! Thanks for posting, Kyle. :)
However, this must have been BEFORE Fast Pass and probably during High Season like June, and I guess he couldn't afford an ON SITE hotel!:rolleyes: ;) WE know better, don't we gang?!;)
I love Dave Barry! I had forgotten about this one, Kyle - Thanx for posting it.....
LOL! I had never read it before either! However, I have been there and felt like I was being herded like cattle! Liked the part about MM sleeping bags and skipping 3rd grade! :)

I would love to read WillyJ and CharlieNJ's take on WDW. They both crack me up!:teeth:
I agree - never go through the aorta after eating German food. LOL! :D
Who knows, maybe Dave Barry IS WillyJ... :jester:


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