Disney Very Merriest After Hours Party just announced!

So would you be ok eith them never brining back parades for regular guests?

I'm assuming by regular guests you mean anyone who goes to the park during normal daily park operating hours. Sorry- sometimes it's hard to tell what people really mean when we all don't really know each other in real life and we have to talk through the keyboard. :)

I absolutely hope they bring back parades for all guests as soon as they think it's safe to do so. They're still bringing performers back and working with negotiating with their union. If I was making a bet I would say there's a small chance we could see parades return unexpectedly around Christmas or sometime in January. Actually, now that I think about it, I wouldn't be shocked to see them take certain parts of the Christmas parade and make them cavalcades during the day for guests to enjoy around the holidays. If I was Disney that's what I'd do if I wasn't ready to commit to a full daytime parade due to crowd control attempts.

We really do love some of the parades, our favorite being Spectromagic (RIP) and the Christmas parade. Even though the majority of the other ones aren't always our cup of tea many people do enjoy them...I enjoy them because the ride and attraction lines are shorter. :)
I'm assuming by regular guests you mean anyone who goes to the park during normal daily park operating hours. Sorry- sometimes it's hard to tell what people really mean when we all don't really know each other in real life and we have to talk through the keyboard. :)

I absolutely hope they bring back parades for all guests as soon as they think it's safe to do so. They're still bringing performers back and working with negotiating with their union. If I was making a bet I would say there's a small chance we could see parades return unexpectedly around Christmas or sometime in January. Actually, now that I think about it, I wouldn't be shocked to see them take certain parts of the Christmas parade and make them cavalcades during the day for guests to enjoy around the holidays. If I was Disney that's what I'd do if I wasn't ready to commit to a full daytime parade due to crowd control attempts.

We really do love some of the parades, our favorite being Spectromagic (RIP) and the Christmas parade. Even though the majority of the other ones aren't always our cup of tea many people do enjoy them...I enjoy them because the ride and attraction lines are shorter. :)

There are/were no safety issues for the past few months preventing them from bringing back parades. They didnt want to spend $.

They are spending $ for the Christmas party due to the upcharge for the tickets.

If people justify the ticket prices for something like this, Disney will not bring back regular parades, but they will also not drop prices.
That’s the thing, isn’t it? The more you think about it, the harder it gets to drop $209 + tax for this thing without getting a better idea of what crowd levels will actually be.

I’m a huge fan of after hours — went to four of them in 2019. As much as I want to go to this one, and am willing to pay that stupid price for a great experience, I’m going to wait to buy a ticket until a week or two after the MVMAHs start. If both my dates sell out, fine. It will probably be busier than I wanted so no great loss. At least by then there will be some real reviews to base a decision on.

That’s a lot of money that I can take elsewhere and still enjoy myself tremendously for four hours. Two signature meals, extra stops at Nomad or Spice Road, a Nautilus mug from Trader Sam’s, and maybe even a few fastpasses :scared: all come to mind. I’ll have a great time regardless.
I'm in agreement with you. I've shelled put for both Morning Magic Hours and Evening Magic Hours. I've also been privileged to enjoy a couple DVC Moonlight Magic events (which were complimentary). They've all been enjoyable and I don't regret spending the money on the paid events.

The Christmas after-hours event will fall on several nights during our stay. There's a part of me that would love to experience the holiday parade again without the overwhelming crowd I dealt with on my last MVMCP. And I miss fireworks a lot. The price tag is scary but if I had assurances that spending $$$ for this event would provide me with elbow room on Main Street, I would consider it money well-spent.

But until I read reports that the event tickets are truly is very limited in quantity, I'm keeping the money in my pocket. And if I miss out, well then that's money saved for Christmas shopping when I get home.
I think you are mistaken that there are people clamoring to spend even more money in the parks once they have passed through the gates.

I think you may have misunderstood. I never said people were clamoring to spend more money after they already paid to get into the park.

What I said is that for some families the MK after hours event may completely take the place of MK park day, or will take the place of them going to MK for multiple days in order to be able to ride/do everything they want to. I'm doing exactly this in December when I'm there with my mom- we're only going to go to MK for after hours. Everyone has to decide what works for them based on what they want to get out of their visit.
I think you may have misunderstood. I never said people were clamoring to spend more money after they already paid to get into the park.

What I said is that for some families the MK after hours event may completely take the place of MK park day, or will take the place of them going to MK for multiple days in order to be able to ride/do everything they want to. I'm doing exactly this in December when I'm there with my mom- we're only going to go to MK for after hours. Everyone has to decide what works for them based on what they want to get out of their visit.
Yes. I do believe I misunderstood your point. I took it as if you were looking at it from the perspective of someone who would not otherwise be going to the parks at all. I still believe that the cost is pretty hefty considering that another park day added to a multi-day ticket is much less expensive and provides more hours in the park. But if the crowds are truly limited and the offerings are exclusive to the party, I can see some singles or couples doing it. Families with kids, not so much. Too much money for a family and the event starts too late for most kids to enjoy the full 4 hours.
Yes. I do believe I misunderstood your point. I took it as if you were looking at it from the perspective of someone who would not otherwise be going to the parks at all. I still believe that the cost is pretty hefty considering that another park day added to a multi-day ticket is much less expensive and provides more hours in the park. But if the crowds are truly limited and the offerings are exclusive to the party, I can see some singles or couples doing it. Families with kids, not so much. Too much money for a family and the event starts too late for most kids to enjoy the full 4 hours.

From my perspective I can just take the day I planned for MK and add another day at DHS and maybe more opportunity to ride ROTR or even SDD. It's more on the idea of switching days not adding them. I don't need extra days on my ticket as I have enough for the time I'm there so doing this will open up the opportunity to do MK, hopefully with less people, and also including the added extras of fireworks and a parade and also have an extra day for another park be it DHS or even AK. Of course, this is only for a solo ticket and not a family.
Crazy prices for the tickets. We were debating splashing out and doing it, based on the old version of $105ish. But I thought even that was overpriced. I can't believe they've increased the price by so much on top of that.

I shouldn't complain though, it always bothered me that I was being kicked out of the park at 6pm if I didn't pay for access twice. So the reduced party hours at least mean I'm not being short changed as I previously was as a day guest.
What time on Aug 17 do tickets go on sale and can I purchase them through MDE? That isn’t clear to me by reading through the page.
If you have a hotel or DVC reservation, you can purchase 8/17. We still don't know if it's online or phone. Early Boo Bash tickets were phone only.
Personally, yeah. Not trying to be contrary, but I actually LOVE cavalcades more. They feel spontaneous. I see kids getting great views. They happen so much more often, which allows for more people to actually get close. A younger child's attention span (heck and many adults) doesn't always do well with a full parade, but great with a part of a parade. Overall, I find them to be a way better experience. I understand parades are a huge thing to many people, and very nostalgic. Cavalcades are my personal preference. Love them!
The reason I will buy tickets for this on our December trip (7 of us) is actually because of the parade. We won't go to it, but rather be riding rides while the other people are waiting for the parade. Last time we were at an after hours event, we rode Splash 6 times without getting out of our log. Fireworks were awesome from there!
They’re not catering to the rich. They’re catering mostly to the once in a lifetime or once a year visitors who will say screw it it’s worth spending X amount of dollars to have the trip we want. And let’s face it they know they have people by the you know whats. Majority of this board is addicted to Disney. They will find a way to go regardless of price. Many people here have anxieties or are not well traveled or only feel comfortable at DisneyWorld. Those people aren’t going to stop going because of some price hikes. They may skip extras like this but again having been around the boards long enough people have major FOMO issues so probably not.

I’ve seen more than a couple people on this board in the past 16 months claim they’re never going to Disney again or are tired of Disney being greedy or the safety measures going too far and are taking their money elsewhere who have since bought DVC.

I wish people would get out and see the world and how far their dollar can go elsewhere and how other things are just as fun as Disney but let’s be honest, they’d rather be at Disney.
Who says you can't do both? I take probably 8-10 trips a year, maybe 1-2 are Disney (every now and then I get an extra one, but most of my WDW trips are rD trips anyway). I've been to 48/50 states, many countries in Europe, several Caribbean cruises, had a trip planned to Africa last year (was fully willing to go, but let it go after my third rebooked flight got cancelled). I love my Disney trips (WDW and DL, so far at least), but I love all my other trips just as much. I love Disney, I can't get Disney at other places, so I will continue to go as long as I see the value, which is 150% still there for me right now.
It says online but I haven’t seen a time of day.
Someone called and was told that the early may not be online. They said the online reference was for 8/20, regular sales. So, you have to try both, and possibly the DVC member services line, if it's a DVC reservation. Someone in the Boo Bash thread said that online came up at midnight, but that was for the regular sales, not early resort guest sales.

EDIT: Boo Bash had issues with DVC rentals by the way. I changed my comment to reservation. If you are not the DVC owner, be prepared for some possible confusion and delays.
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Someone called and was told that the early may not be online. They said the online reference was for 8/20, regular sales. So, you have to try both, and possibly the DVC member services line, if it's a DVC reservation. Someone in the Boo Bash thread said that online came up at midnight, but that was for the regular sales, not early resort guest sales.

EDIT: Boo Bash had issues with DVC rentals by the way. I changed my comment to reservation. If you are not the DVC owner, be prepared for some possible confusion and delays.

Thanks! We’re DVC owners and will be staying at Riviera. Hoping we can book online, but looks like we might be dealing with super long waits on the phone …
Thanks! We’re DVC owners and will be staying at Riviera. Hoping we can book online, but looks like we might be dealing with super long waits on the phone …
I plan to try online, the regular number, and DVC member services. Ugh! We are owners at BWV.
If people justify the ticket prices for something like this, Disney will not bring back regular parades, but they will also not drop prices.

While I agree with you, I am holding out some hope that they may bring back some parades during the regular hours in the coming months. There is the possibility that they're going to bring back parades for the general parkgoers after Oct 1st, but let the parade info slip a bit early to entice the X-mas Bash buyers.

Again, no guarantee, but I don't think Disney has stated that the parades are an after hours exclusive yet
That's all well and good, but just not practical right now. Traveling to foreign countries is pretty difficult and much riskier virus-wise. For instance, I know Americans can get into some countries in Africa for travel. South America and Mexico are pretty risky virus-wise. Some of South America is closed too. Afghanistan is open. Some of the Caribbean countries are open, but their numbers are spiking too. Europe is more open now, and so is Canada. However, you must be vaccinated and/or quarantine for many of these. Much of Asia is closed. Camping and national parks are booked up more than a year in advance. There are local amusement parks, but that definitely doesn't compare to Disney.
Plus my 3 year old can’t see Buzz anywhere else & right now that’s more fun to him than anything else. He has been on other vacations to other places, but Disney world is the old place he talks about almost daily.
Who says you can't do both? I take probably 8-10 trips a year, maybe 1-2 are Disney (every now and then I get an extra one, but most of my WDW trips are rD trips anyway). I've been to 48/50 states, many countries in Europe, several Caribbean cruises, had a trip planned to Africa last year (was fully willing to go, but let it go after my third rebooked flight got cancelled). I love my Disney trips (WDW and DL, so far at least), but I love all my other trips just as much. I love Disney, I can't get Disney at other places, so I will continue to go as long as I see the value, which is 150% still there for me right now.
150%, cool. How do you quantify that exactly?

And I didn’t say everyone I said majority. Plenty of people don’t travel much but do travel to wdw quite a bit.
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Plus my 3 year old can’t see Buzz anywhere else & right now that’s more fun to him than anything else. He has been on other vacations to other places, but Disney world is the old place he talks about almost daily.
Where else has he been? Honestly.

As I remember it you asked for other ideas about a year ago and since then you’ve been to wdw every 3-4 months, and complain about the experience, yet keep going back.


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